SGA presidential election coverage, The Breeze page 6 James Madison University's Student Newspaper 84, Issue 4S Miiriifiiu, 2. 200 Opinion, page 7 A&E,pagell Sports, page 16 Sirney discusses additional student Dancing in CIRCLES around Madison softhall claims a 2-1 fees to help JMU go green. the competition. victory over Panthers. ■^ 3 ** Smoking ban VDOT a possibility deals with safety issues New bill goes further than earlier proposals 1-81 facing capacity and »> AMD HOPKINS ilttor safety issues Students mav never walk Into another smokv restaurant again. Gov. Timothy M. Kaine amended a bill m ASfM.fl ElSENMAN la^t Monday that, it passed, would ban contributing writer smoking (rum all Virginia restaurants. I his ban, which will be considered this The increased mixing ot Wednesday, le wtdei than Mwmaki large commercial trucks and intended, as the onginal bill would have al- small vehicles on Interstate HI low fd smoking in any restaurant provided has become a major concern that the) post ,1 sign f"''11 ih'1 entrance in- for the Virginia Department of dicating that smoking was allowed in the Transportation and those who facility live in the l-HI .orndor. 'The bill that came through would have The amount of truck traf- taken fic on this two-lane road has tripled over the past 20 years, according to VDOT, and now Virginia's longest highway is MINIM WF.STHOFT senior phvt>wapher facing both capacity and safety issues The International Student Alliance hosted a night in Wilson Hall Auditorium tilled with music and Junior Erica Bennetch dancing from cultures around the globe. knows just how unsafe the in- terstate CM1 get as she was al- most involved in an accident when an 18-wheeler merged into her lane. "I was so scared and my heart was racing, but later I be- Haute culture came angry and annoyed that he didn't see me," Bennett h said "What it there were more "It was great to see so many performed an Indian dance to a can around? He could have Annual culture people there,'* said ISA secretary medlev ol Indian songs. She said hurt a lot Of people junior Reetika Sethi. "We worked she w anted to perform in the show In order to lombat these show held so hard on this show, I'm really to represent culture within the |MU problems VIX)| plans to ex- glad so many people came out to community. pand 1-81 and implement sate through as passed, smoking wc Saturday night see it." "JMU's obviously not so di- ty measures aimed at trucks. been permitted anywhere with a sign, he Admission was one dollar, and verse," she said. "So when we ian 1-81 is one of the top eight truck s.»ld ISA sold international cookbooks show it, we like |0 bring it out " routes in the I nited States and Health groups supported the broader one of the top 10 scenic routes ■Y KAIEICH \1MIIH fbr$6 and 507*> rattle tnkets for The evening included dancing ban on smoking. In Virginia, the Amencan in the countrv, according to riru»s editor $1. Cookbook and admission sales from around the world, including tamer Society, the American Heart Asso- went to the ISA. a i hinese ribbon dame; lurkish VDOT. Because of this dual role, the tubfad ol I-Sl expan- ciation Mid the Amencan l.ung AaSOt iatiOfl The Wilson Hall auditorium ISA President Heeral Bhalala belly dancing; a Latino number sion has become i contentious conducted a letter-writing campaign asking stage sparkled, glittered and was impressed with the turnout. featuring bellv dancing, menngue, Kaine to prohibit smoking in all restaurants, battle between those who want jingled Saturday night as the "Everything just went really and reggaeton; a flamenco, three to preserve the environmental aiiording to the Washington Post. International Student Association smoothly." Bhalala said. Indian performances, Greek danc- and histoncal integrity along According to director of community re- took students and visitors on a tnp Bhalala and Seethi welcomed ing and i piece entitled "Tuaton/ the highway and the depart- lations rerry Hargrove, the American Lung around the world during its annual the audience and intnxluced the H huh combined salsa, belly danc- ment ol trans portahon. culture show. SnOW with a multicultural slide- ing, Indian dance and hip-hop. s« BAN, pap 4 Based off of the two \ear A crowd began to gather out- show with pictures fn>m around The flamenco was really side the auditonum doors around the world. Masters ol ceremony goo,) freshman Anna Stark said. 1-81 Corndor Impnwement Study bv the department, the &30 tor the show, "Mosaic of Col- Vinod Narayan and Nishal Patel governor-appointed ( 001* or--, which began at 9 p.m. introduced each act. Patel also see CULTURE, page 4 n ion weal th Transportation Board announced the approval JMU's NOW of both long- and short-term highway impnivements last October. Immediate needs lor 1-81 include the construction conducts of truck-ilimbmg lanes and the extension of on- and off- ramps at interchanges. In addition, the study identified the need tor survey one extra lane in each direction tor 17 percent ot 1-81 and two extra lanes in each direction tor M. DoMINK DFSMONU the n*s| of the highw a\ pemor writer For VDOT public affairs manager, I aura Smthard, Senior Alexandra Robbms, president of |MU's chapter of the National Orgam/ati.m M*VD01 pages Oi Women, *""d feminists face a certain aod rial Stigma the\ Ml alwayi bitching and moaning." "VW re trying to be a positive torn-' Robbine said. lo do this, NOW set up information tables around campua throughout March Fish Kill Task Force looking for answers to address issues of women's equality. One endeavof NOW undertook was survey Ing paassrstn ot the various tables at Zanc Samples collected from Shenandoah River as part of ongoing investigation Showkei Hall, ISAI and Festival, (hough the survey WM not scientific and may not contain mu*h vahditv, Robbms said the re- in DOMINK DfaSMNO Sn hope to find I reason the river Some of the fish the task force none along the rivet but this year's sults were "pretty positive Kflfcf u'ntiT has been plagued by iish kills ova collected had bumps, son-sand even collection is a little different In general, (the surwv sought] to find the past few wars parasites on the gills, which Don 11 his is| | lot more compn'hen- out how much people know," she said, "and Members of the Shenandoah Jeff Kelble, a mem- kain, co-chairman ol the task tone, sive study planned this war," Kain to get them lo know it was women's histon Kivei I ish Kill Task Force ma\ have ber of the task force said was not unusual kain also laid month " the upper hand in an ongoing battle and the Shenan- said it was t(H) early to give s To add to the thoroughness, the Question! On the survey ranged from over the environmental health of the diag- noses of the col task torce placed II passive water gauging people's perception! •>! feminists to river lei ted tish samplers in three sections of the riv- whether or not people agreed with birth -on I hay have a new weapon in er Ihese water samplers will tml being a form oi lontraceptive. their arsenal - dead fish, and a ait like tish thai "ill sit in One question centered on whether one quite a lew of them the nver absorbing water tor would vote lor a temale I S president For three days last week, about lour to eight weeks, Among 57 male respondents. B9 pen cut said members from the 1 s Geological Kain said thet would VOM tor a temale president. That Survey, the Va. Department oi I m i lie also said reacarcnen number rose shghtlv among females, resting roncnental Quality, the va Depart can benefit horn the stmi- (list sb0Vt93 [vrcent merit ot Came and Inland fisheries permeable slCCVCS that colled People general I > know a little history and Virginia lechiollevted h-h along the low concentrated toxins and are willing to vote tor I woman presi- portions of the North and South that sccumulate over time. dent/ Hobbins said forks, as well as the mam stem of the "You can measure com- On the national scale, one ArK7Wfi«fi- Shenandoah River Fmm March 2b the next Were pounds that you otherwise might not have been able to detect, fnrfen Po$t poO reported that of 1,082 adult DO 2K the task lone OOUsttsd more kill happens not in the midst ot a tish kill at this respondents, only n perosnl would be ten than 40 tish. including smallmouth "|l am| a little on edge, because tune, kain said "So that's good Kain said. bass and redbreast sun fish, I rum all the Rah don't have a lompletelv news " see KILLS, page 5 see NOW, stiff I three ->ii»'s With these fish, rase an h clean billot health.' kelble said I Sfl fall the task tone did. ollct BBJ Bditoi taiessa KikUl Ediloi Alicia Stetza Mondiiy.April2.2007l2 Page II.thebreczi.org Underage consumption of alcohol, non-compli- The Breeze is published Mon- POLICE LOG ance with request day and Thursday mornings and distributed throughout James The Breeze w\ JRNHM KuMu/MMfcr writer Madison University and the local Mary Franc*. Cunty JMU students were cfiaraed with undente consumption of Hamsonburg community Com- l».n Dffton Larceny alcohol and non-compliance with request on Greek Row ments and complaints should '"." AUil-y Hopk.n.
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