OS-A 95 Automobiles 05 Automobiles 05 AntoinoltileN 05 ... TftUCKS. TRAILERS. AntoinoblloM 05 95 Airionioblleft 05 BTC. TRUCKS, TRAILERS, ETC. TRUCKS, ETC. TRUCKS, TRAILERS, ETC. NOTHING BUT THE BESTI , HADENFELDT GOODYEAR "Where Friend Meeti friend" BATTERIES DOES IT See Linch--The Leader G. K. "SMITTV SMITH Aulhorlnd Ihtn OMlir 101 Highway at W«lt«rn AGAIN! Paul's Chevrolet Is Harbor City, California Before You Buy YOU CAN GET THE "ZIP" Phone Lomlla «10 SELLING AUTOMOBILES DOWN No Because PAYMENT FROM YOUR -' ' 1947 DODGE PANEL .............................. $120 Finance PAUL'S CHEVROLET Full pi ice $.1185 1934 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR ..........................$ VACATION TRIP! Complete Charges Sells Better Cars mil pric« s«9 ...... 1 1936 OLDSMOBILE COUPE ..........................I 15 Motor FOR 5 DAYS ONLY For Less Money! 1944 BUICK 4-DOOR ..........;.. ... ................ .$137 Buy Your Next Car June 7th to 12Hi Full pries $1365 ' Rebuilding ON NO DOWN PAYMENT 1946 BUICK 4-DOOR .............................. .$135 from - - - Ford ........ _ ......$89 Ouf entire itock of pre-war To Qualified Buyers Full piles $1345 Chevrolet ......... $99 cars will be sold at the current 1948 OLDSMOBILE'CLUB below market LOOK AT THESE SEDAN ....................$i60 Dodge and price, and you 3-DAY SPECIALS! Full pries $'59i pay no finance charges. Plymouth 1940 BUICK 4-DOOR ..............................$ 35 ED .... $109 JAMES No String! Full prlcB..$lM ' ' , No Trlcki t No Hidden ,,$1695,,<?IWT«S $1295tpl&rv '1937 DODGE 4-DOOR .............................$ 17 Full pr«t $1«7 .. World's Champion. Studebaker You Buy the Car Full price for a 1949 Chevrolet' Buys a 1948 Chevrolet 5-passen- Dealer R & B We Pay the Finance Charges deluxe 5-passenger club coupe, ger club coupe. Has had the 1939 PONTIAC 4-DOOR ........1...................$ 35 Automotive Service Push button radio, heater, U.S.|best of care. This car carries Full price $345 ' ' > ' 841 West Anaheim "LOOK..'. <v Royal Master white sidewall tire*, our famous Chevrolet Warranty. 1939 CHEVROLET COUPE ...........................$ 15 Lowt mileage. Looks and drives i Like new from top to IjottonI Full prlc« $147 - ........ FOR INSTANCE! like a brand new Chevy. , Hurry! 1934 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR ..........................$ 3 In Wilmington FULL PRICE Full prlc< W« $895 $595 '41 Buick 4-door . (938 CHRYSLER COUPE ............................$' I.O Factory ....... $495 Full price for a 1948 Willys Jeep Buys a 1946 Ford model 85 cab Full pries J98 . ($35 Month) pick-up truck. Will give thou- and chassis ' j-ton truck. One Your sands., of «niles of care-free . serv- 1935 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR .......... !.............. .$ 9 Choice of More Than '42 Plymouth Special owner, 6-pty 'tires. Has had'the Full iirlu W Motor ice. Excellent condition" through- Deluxe. 4-door .-. .....$495 !)^st of care. Not a scratcji on out. HI ' 1939 CHEVROLET fDOOR ....................$35 200 Cars and-Trucks ; Rebuild ($35 Month) Full prltt »345 FORD "V-8" .........$ 89.50 '37 Pontiac Club Coupe.. $245 $595 ' $425 I929 BUICK CQUPf .........................,....................$ I Full Low - Money-Saving PLY., DODSE, CHEV,. .$109.50 ($20 Month) Buys a 1942 Chevrolet 4-door se- Full price. 1940 Chevrolet 4-door P -lei »U . dan. Radio. Excellent tires, Installation .........-.$ 20.00 '38 Hudson Coupe ..'.'...$126 seat sedan. Nice condition. An excel- I937 DODGE COUPE ...............................$ 15 covers. A model Full pel J147 ($15 Month) everybody is lent family car. This car will go VOLUME PRICES All Other Mikes Low Priced j looking for. Hurryl quickly at this price. 1936 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR ..............'.... .$ 5 '40 Packard 4-door ..,...$495 Full p.lct *1J . No Money Down ($35 Month) Easy Credit Ypu Said It " 1948 STUDEBAKER CLUB COUPE .................... $160 Small .Monthly Payment! '41 Pontiac Sedan Coupe $595 Full p:ite »15C5 ' . RIBORES OVERHAULS Come and Get It , TRANSMISSIONS ($40 Month) 1930 FORDCbUPE .......'..I......................:* ' '40 Hudson 4-door $345 C&G ' ; ($25 Month) 1931 FORD COUPE $ I GRINDING CO. Full P-IC. »50 . '39 Pohtiac Coupe $395 1937 CHEVROLET Full Price. 1937 Ford Model 65 $69 4-DOOR .........................$ 27 *; Some Shining Examples ($25 Month) Full price 5265 * pick-upick-up truck. Excellent condition Full price. 1935 Ford V-8 2- -i. 1937 PONTIAC '37 Ford 2-door .... $175 tor:or this model. Ready to go to: door. Motor runs like new. A COUPE .'................ j...... .... $ 27 1949 CHEVROLET CLUB ........................... .$1495 SERVICE ON ($15 Month) work for you. good transportation car. .Full price »Z07 . * 1948- NASH COUPE ............................... $'20 ALL MAKES OF CARS '39 Studebaker Coupe $345 1949 MERCURV 4-DOOR ..........,............,..$1896 , OFFICIAL LAMP AND BRAKE $95 $50 Full P..CS S1'.95 . " ADJUSTMENT STATION NUMBER ($25 Month) Full price (or this 30od 1935 Full price. 1930 Model A Ford I949 FORD 4-DOOR $'65 1949 FORD "8" CONVERTIBLE ..................i..$1545 r '40 Olds Club Coupe. $495 Oldsmobile 4-door sedan., Runs coupe. 16" wheels. Mechanic- Full p. ice S1645 Radio, htatar, loadid with oxtras .;; wheel balancing, rnvohanlcal and ($35 Month) good. A good family car. dirt ally good. The kind that's hard body rapiilrs. I949 BUICK 2-DOOR $210 1949 FORD "8" 4-DOOR ...........................$I4« ALL WORK GUARANTEED it g6es quick. ' to find. Full p. Ice 52095 ': ;' DANK TERMS NO CASH DOWr, '40 Ford Club Coupe. $495 SEE "BOB" GIFFORO OR 1940 BUICK 4-DOOR ....,..,....... ......,..,....$ "BOB" MERCER ($35 Month) 55 1948 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DOOR Full P le» S525 ' ................ ,$IW5 "LES" BACON Studebaker '41 Chevrolet 2-door . $445 PAUL'S CHEVROLET 1947 DODGE CLUB COUPE ..............'............ $13° '1943 YOUR ONLY AUTHORIZED 4$30 Month) Full price »,^j PLYMOUTH CLlJB COUPE ....................$1195 ":"' SOUTH BAV DEALER "Your Local Chevrolet Dealer" 1200-Pacific Coast Hwy. These are all reconditioned cars, ' 1 947 NASH CLUB COUPE ................'..........$ °0 HEHM08A FR. 4-8991 1640 CABRILLO AVE. , 1947 DODGE CLUB .......'.............. .'....... $1195 OPEN EVENINQS AND SUNDAY! and many are really clean, sharp, FUII p.iio sasi ' one-owner, new car trade-ins. Torrance 617 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE .....;................$ Open 70 1947 CHAMPION 2-DOOR REGAL ............ONLY $1195 MOTOR OVERHAUL Evenings Until 8:30 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR ...... .,...*............ .$1195 All MaKil R.d,..h.«.r ' ( All Work Ouarantaid Hadenf-eldt RAIN OR SUNSHINE 1948 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4-DOOR ......... .$1495 B ft E AUTO REPAIR Pontiac R.dio. cllnutizir. loidld . You'll Always Find 1948 1710 Lomlta ' Blvd. at Weitarn ' "THE NEWEST USED CARS Your Licensed and Bonded Dodge, Plymouth, and CHEVROLET 2-DOOR ....................... .$1295..--, . IN TOWN" Trailers GOOD AND CLEAN Dodge Job-Rated Truck Dealer 1948 FORD "8" 4-DOOR ..........................$1195 505 Pacific Coast Hwy. A BtMll , ' Hevmosa Beach USED CARS 316 S. PACIFIC COAST HWY., REDONDO 1946 PONTIAC SEDANETTE .........."...............$1195 Frontier 4,8987 At Phon* FRontier 2-2122 1947'CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE '....................$1195 BALDWIN Radio and Heater, Low Mll«all« SCHULTZ 1946 DODGE CLUB COUPE ........................$1195 ' & PECKHAM'S One Owntr Car Trailer Sales '41 MERCURY CLUB COUPE. ........................ $500 Beat Good Buys Mac '41 CHEVROLET 194% CHEVROLET 2-DOOR ......................:.$ 495 2-DOOR ........;.................'. .'$495 A ateal. ' ' 2201 Pacific Coait Hwy, '41 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE :...,....,............ $395 These At McCollum's '40 FORD 2-DOOR ................................ .$445 Phone Lomlta 1739 ' '46 FX)RD 4-DOOR ............................... .$915 Best Buys '40 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN ..................... $425 Specials! SPECIAL 3 DAYS ONLY! '40 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN ........................ J=INE NEW AND USED $395 'BO MERCURY 49 B.UICK 'SUPER. $?I95 . '40 HUDSON. 4-DOOR SEDAN ....................... $275 CLUB COUPE '42 PONTIAC TRAILERS Driven only a few 1000 SEDAN COUPE ......$695 1949 OLDSMOBILE SIX'"76" 2-DpOR SEDANETTE... .$2095 48 DODGE miles. Like now. Has econo­ Fully equipped, like new '46 CHEVROLET" ,W» 1UY, TRAD«, OR. SELL Sedan .$1695 my winner overdrive. Heat­ 1948 CROSLEY SEDAN DELIVERY .......,............$ 495. er, ' !/2-TON .PICK-UP ....$745 With ""» ca.t Iron block, vary clean, Heal -TERMS ,.iylon seat covers. -See 48 PONTIAC this amazing offer. 6-cyl. Hydra-Matic .. $1695 '49 OLDSMOBIL^ 78 . 1949 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE .. .-. .. ......... .$.1595 ONLY $2295 STATION Open 9 A.M. to 6 'P.M. WAGON .$2395 48 PONTIAC 4-DOOR '49 FORD V-8 CLUB COUPE 1949 CHAMPJON 4-DOOR ..........................$1545 Hydra-Matio ..... $1695 29 MODEL A FORD'COUPE 1420 CABRILLO AVE., TORRANCE Fully «auippcd. Radio, Very nice. 47 BUICK ROADMASTER Torrance 137 heater, nylon seat covers. Runs very good .... .$125 1947 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DOOR .................. .$1295 Convertible .. T. ..... $1695 Many other extras. Must .20 rT. TTUILBR (or, aala, l»0 < 30 CHR-YSLER. tee to appreciate. SEDAN. ...$35 1947 STUDEBAKER 47 CHEVROLET 2-door $1099 CHAMJPjdN 4-DOCJR^...; ....... .$1195 ' ONLY $1595 '36 WILLYS PICK-UP .....T5 47 CHRYSLER JUNE (Bride) 1946 NASH "600" Automobiles 95 SALE! '39 NASH 4-DR. SEDAN $165 4-DOOR^. .......................$ 895 - - -. J.R-"9?JLIP-*'-LJ! "* j.f-T-°- New Yorker $1695 FULL PRICE Pascal Dilday 1940 47 DODGE Custom Sedan $1295 1947 CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. Just like new. ........ .$1095 LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 41 PLYMOUTH PACKARD "120" 4-DOOR ..'................... $495 PURSCHE'S 1941
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