Learn about the chemical Filibusters necessary to Bhangra takes Pittsburgh process behind cooking • A4 combat partisanship • A7 by storm • B8 SCITECH FORUM PILLBOX thetartan.org @thetartan November 25, 2013 Volume 108, Issue 13 Carnegie Mellon’s student newspaper since 1906 CMU Simon campus David Tepper donates $67 million BRIAN TRIMBOLI press release, the four-and-a-half-acre Some students are concerned that Initiative News Co-Editor Tepper Quadrangle “will be designed the new business school building coming to to facilitate high levels of cross-campus planned for the Tepper Quadrangle is David A. Tepper’s charitable foun- collaboration and bring together inter- superfluous. “I don’t know why Tep- targets Brooklyn dation recently gave Carnegie Mellon disciplinary initiatives, including entre- per needs a new building,” said Rachel $67 million, the university’s largest- preneurship and technology-enhanced Fowler, another sophomore business research NOËL UM ever donation from a Carnegie Mel- learning.” administration major. “Although it will News Co-Editor lon graduate and the largest gift for a The university’s initial investment be nice to get a new building.” AlviN MATHEW building project. for the Tepper Quadrangle currently Either way, the establishment of the Staffwriter Carnegie Mellon is going The university will use Tepper’s most stands at $201 million. The first build- new building is far in the future. Dean to the Big Apple. By August recent donation to build the new Tep- ing on the Tepper Quadrangle will of the Tepper School of Business Robert Carnegie Mellon Uni- 2015, the university will not per Quadrangle, which will be located house the Tepper School of Business. M. Dammon said that the construction versity recently announced only have campuses in Pitts- on the north side of campus, where the Students in the school of business are will not break ground until the summer the inception of the Simon burgh, Silicon Valley, and Morewood Parking lot currently exists. excited by the prospect of the new or fall of 2015, and will not be complet- Initiative, a campus-wide Qatar, but also in New York. Tepper’s previous donation of $55 mil- space. ed until “optimistically the fall of 2017, push for interdisciplinary The school contracted lion in 2003 changed the name of the “I think that it’s a great way for more likely 2018.” research collaboration and with New York City, as well Graduate School of Industrial Admin- Tepper to expand, and keep up its The university is currently search- technology-aided learning as Brooklyn-based produc- istration to the Tepper School of Busi- reputation as a highly ranked busi- ing for an architectural firm to design initiatives. tion factory Steiner Studios, ness. ness school,” said Elissa Maercklein, the building; they have contacted over The Simon Initiative is to create a new graduate According to the official university a sophomore business administration named after the late profes- school campus that melds student. “The new space will be good See TEPPER, A3 sor Herbert Simon, known technology with the arts. for Tepper.” for his work in cognitive Carnegie Mellon’s Brooklyn psychology and computer campus will give students science, and related appli- the opportunity to obtain cations in education. master’s degrees in subjects The Simon Initiative is such as game design, com- complemented by a new putational data science, and seed-funding program at emerging media, according the university that will to the New York Daily News. open up opportunities for The program, entitled expansion of education ini- the Integrative Media Pro- tiatives. According to an of- gram, will cater to gradu- ficial email from President ate students interested in Subra Suresh, “The Simon pioneering the converging Initiative will also coordi- fields of arts, design, sci- nate campus-wide activities ence, and the humanities. with the Eberly Center for The Integrative Media Pro- Teaching Excellence and gram is one of a kind; as Educational Innovation, “the first Applied Sciences the Science of Learning project to integrate rigor- Center jointly administered ous academics seamlessly with the University of Pitts- into a specialized commer- burgh and funded by the cial working environment,” National Science Founda- according to a university Michelle Wan/Staff Photographer tion, the Carnegie Mellon press release, the program Open Learning Initiative seeks to contribute to the activities, and other orga- future of technology in ur- nizations on campus to con- ban environments. Prescott kicks off Tepper lecture series nect research on learning with CMU courses and the “We believe New York in economics from Carn- member Ed Prescott on behalf on-campus experiences of City will be the perfect set- egie Mellon in 1967 and later of the university. They con- students and faculty.” ting for CMU to provide served as a faculty member tinue a long tradition of path- The program looks and education in these technol- from 1971 to 1980. breaking research in econom- hopes to combine research, ogy-based modes of expres- Throughout his career, ics at Carnegie Mellon.” technology, and entrepre- sion and production — so- Prescott also taught at the Their papers discussed eco- neurship within the univer- cial media, games, special University of Pennsylvania, nomic problems surrounding sity, and hopes to unite the effects, responsive envi- the University of Minnesota, time-inconsistent policies — university’s technological ronments, product design the University of Chicago, which cause attempts to stim- and educational worlds to and manufacturing — just and Northwestern University, ulate the economy to damage help better understand hu- to name a few of the areas among other schools. it instead — and the effects man learning. The initiative where we will be working Prescott is currently the of supply-side factors such as will also ensure that high together,” said Provost and W.P. Carey Chair in the depart- technological progress and quantities of research data Executive Vice President ment of economics at Arizona resource shocks on business will be stored so that differ- Mark Kamlet in the univer- State University as well as a cycles. Prescott also hosted a ent institutions can utilize sity press release. senior monetary adviser at the roundtable discussion, which them. “CMU is recognized Federal Reserve Bank of Min- was attended by undergradu- The university plans to worldwide for its computer neapolis. Prescott received the ate economics students and create the Global Learning science and engineering Nobel Memorial Prize in Eco- focused on Prescott’s experi- Council (GLC), comprised programs, but I don’t know nomics in 2004 with Finn E. ences in economic research. of industrial and academic if many people are aware Kyland for their contributions He also touched on different leaders, which will share of how strong its fine arts to dynamic macroeconomics: theories surrounding current data among various institu- program is as well,” said se- the time consistency of eco- macroeconomic events. tions and groups to help cre- nior design major Joe Oak. nomic policy and the driving In August 2012 Prescott Courtesy of Forum PA ate a better environment. “As the cultural hub, New forces behind business cycles. was ranked as the 19th most The official website for the York will be a great place to BRENT HEARD The new Tepper Lecture Kyland and Prescott onducted influential economist in the strengthen the university’s Simon Initiative states that Senior Staffwriter series features distinguished most of this pioneering re- world by the Research Papers “a data bank consortia will involvement in the arts as Ph.D. alumni of the Graduate search while they were affili- in Economics project, based collect and store thousands well as increase awareness School of Industrial Adminis- ated with Carnegie Mellon. on his academic contribu- CHRIS GALVIN of high-quality data sets, ac- among the creative com- tration (GSIA) — what is now Upon the announcement tions. Staffwriter cumulate the best analytic munity.” known as the Tepper School of of the Nobel Prize, former According to a University methods available, and cre- New York Mayor Mi- Nobel-prize-winning econ- Business — who were invited University President Jared of Pennsylvania press release, ate a large research com- chael Bloomberg made omist and Carnegie Mellon back to Carnegie Mellon to ad- Cohon said in a university Prescott said, “I love creating munity enabled to improve the announcement at alumnus Edward C. Prescott dress the community on their press release, “I am delighted models and coming up with education through empiri- gave the inaugural Tepper area of expertise. to congratulate Finn and our cal research.” See BROOKLYN, A3 Lecture this past Friday. Prescott earned his Ph.D. alumnus and former faculty See PRESCOTT, A3 “This council and the Simon Initiative arrive at a critical time for educators,” President Suresh said in CMU alumni create EnFind to help online consumers the official university press release. “The world is ex- LILAH BUCHANAN place.” provider and consumer. Raed periencing an educational Junior Staffwriter EnFind, Raed explains, explained, “A content provider revolution, but there has “provides readers with an op- wants their reader to be en- not been sufficient effort to The Language Technolo- portunity to learn, view re- gaged in an article — but ulti- date to address the funda- gies Institute has recently lated articles, and make pur- mately monetizes the engage- mental question: Are stu- produced several alumni who chases — all from one article ment through recirculation dents using these technolo- have implemented natural ... and all completely free.” and should look to optimize gy platforms really learning language processing and ma- While perusing the In- this.” successfully? Carnegie Mel- chine learning applications ternet, many consumers are Defined by its founders as lon has been studying how that benefit both online con- easily sidetracked by curiosi- a “search engine with no web Courtesy of Richard Wang people learn with technol- tent providers and consumers.
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