Founded A.D, 1874 by John GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI (1583~1644) Organist-St. Peter's, Rome (1608). Greatest genius of or9an world before Bach. Vol. 61 MAY -1935 A NEW BOOK IN PREPARATION By V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE, 0.5.8. "The SPOTLIGHT on-CHURCH MUSIC" (iOOpgs~.Approx.) (4~ in.x7 in.) 75c Per Copy The author, well known to readers of CAECILIA, has assembled the most commonly asked questions on Catholic Church Music, obtained through his·· column in this magazine. He has gathered them into groups, under appropriate chapter headings, and for the first time Or­ ganists, Choirmasters, Priests, Sisters, and Musicians in general-can ohtain in brief form, authoritative, short answers to their questions­ in one small handbook. There are many awkward questions to bother the average church IIlllsician. Reference to this work, will eliminate the ordinary problems. The proposed book, is a "bible" or "Guide Book" for those whose in­ formation is limited, or whose resources in time and location, prevent their doing much research work in church music. WHAT ·00 YOU KNOW ABOUT CHURCH MUSIC? CAN YOU ANSWER SUCH QUESTIONS· AS THE FOLLOWING:..­ How Can One Tell What Is Liturgical Music? Is It A Sin To Render ·Unliturgical Music? What Is the Chief Duty of Church Music? Is It Permissable To Play DUring The Elevation? Should uAmen" be sung at the end of an uO Salutaris" At Benediction? What music is required at Benediction? You will find these and many other similar questions answered in Fath... er _Gregory's new -book, about to be published. EVERY DIOCESAN CHURCH MUSIC COMMISSION, SHOULD REQUIRE EVERY CHOIRMASTER AND ORGANIST TO HAVE A COPY.· OF THIS BOOK. Place your order now for this new book. Advance orders will be filled at SOc per copy provided cash accompanies your order. McLAUGHLIN 6' REILLY COMPANY 100 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. Entered as second class mat.. ter, October 20, 1931, at the Post Office at Boston. Mass., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Formerly published in St. Francis. Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music monthly, except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay" Vol. 61 May, 1935 No.5 able in advance. Single copies SOc. Honorary Editor OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Managing Editor WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY IN THIS ISSUE Business and Editorial Office 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF SILVER BURDETT Contributors AND COMPANY 238 1EV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.J., Buffalo. N. Y. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE GREGORIAN CHANT DOM ADELARD BOUVILL.. Robert H olz,mer, S.M. 239 IERS, O.S.B., Belmont, N. C. V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE. O.S.B.• Conception, Mo. F. X. WITT - (Biogr'aphy) 242 RT. REV. MSGR. LEO P. MANZETTI, Roland Park. ONLY ONE INSTRUMENT BELONGS TO THE Md. REV. F. T. WALTER. CHURCH Roland Boisvert 243 St. Francis, Wise. REV. JOSEPH VILLANI, S. C., GREGORIAN CHANT DISCOGRAPHY San Francisco. Cal. REV. P. H. SCHAEFERS. Dom Adelard Bouvilliers 246 Cleveland. Ohio. REV. H. GRUENDER. S.J., St. Louis. Mo. NEWS ITEMS 248 SR. M. CHERUBIM. D.S.F. Milwaukee. Wise. RADIO PROGRAMS 248 SR. M. GISELA. S.S.N.D.• Milwaukee. Wise. SR. M. RAFAEL. B.V.M., OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH 252 Chicago. Ill. M. MAURO-COTTONE, LONDON ORATORY LOSES ITS Two ORGANISTS 252 New York. N. Y. RICHARD KEYS BIGGS, Hollywood, Cal. MUSIC ApPRECIATION MARTIN G. DUMLER, M. M., Sr. M. Cherubim, O.S.F. 265 Cincinnati. O. JOSEPH J. McGRATH, Syracuse. N. Y. COMMUNICATIONS 268 ROLAND BOISVERT, Woonsocket. R. I. WOMEN IN CHURCH CHOIRS W. A. HAMMOND. Fort Wayne. Ind. Rev. Carlo Rossini 269 ARTHUR ANGIE. Whitman. Mass. QUESTION AND ANSWER Box FREDERICK T. SHORT. Brooklyn. N. Y. Dom Gregory Bugle, O.S.B. 271 ACHILLE P. BRAGERS, New York, N. Y. Contents of each Issue. Copy.. right 1935. Index of Contents for Entire Year 1934 obtainable on request. 238 THE CAECILIA THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF SILVER, 'BURDETT AND COMPANY On April 21, 1885, Mr. Edgar O. Silver clearly the company·s objective of service to engaged in the publication of textbooks at 50 education in its conception of textbook pub.- Bromfield Street, Boston. Thus 1935 marks lishing as a profession. ' the Fiftieth Anniversary of the company As might be expected, the present cata... founded by Mr. Silver and incorporated un... iogue of the company covers the wide field der the name of Silver, Burdett and Com... of subject matter found in modern school or... pany. A brief review of various activities ganization from kindergarten to college. The in the life of the company discloses both edu.... list of authors representing both past and cational attainments and ideals. present reveals a due proportion of notable During the quarter century in which Mr. names in American education. Since 1918, Silver directed the affairs of the company, it the editorial work of the company has been might he said that the textbook industry crys... under the direction of Robert D. W illiam.­ tallized its form as a factor in American son, as Editor.-in.-Chie£, and Charles E. Grit... education. Possibly the younger generation fith, as Music Editor. of educators do not stop to realize the extent of influence in American education exerted O'ffices of the company are now main... by a group of men who, during the period tained at New York, Boston, Newark, Chi... referred to, were recognized for leadership in cago, and San Francisco. Divisional head,.. an industry which in many respects was find .... quarters are also maintained at Little Rock ing its place as a new influence on American and Dallas, Sales Managers in charge at life. No attempt is made to catalogue with these respective centers are: New York, AI... exaction the names comprising this group, bert L. Hart; Boston, Edward S. Abbott; but certainly included in such a group would Newark, Burr L. Chase; Chicago, Frank D. be such men as Edwin Ginn, Dr. GeorgeA. Farr; San Francisco, Fred T. Moore; Little Bacon, Daniel C. Heath, Henry Holt, Rock, James S. Cheek; Dallas, J. B. Stigall. Charles E. Merrill, and Edgar O. Silver. It As a feature of its commemoration of fifty would be interesting to trace the impriht of years of publishing school and college text... such men as these upon the subsequent pol,.. books and with the thought of giving-and in icies of the respective organizations they some measur.ewith the thought of memorial... served. izing-the type of interest and purpose so The first marketing achieved by the Silver, clearly exemplified by the policies of its Burdett company was that of the Normal founder, the company has commissioned the Music Series, and this was the first series of internationally,..known painter, N. C. Wyeth, music books to be definitely organized and to create a symbolic mural painting entitled illustrated for classroom presentation by the HThe Spirit of Education:' The canvas teacher or director of music. In 1898, HThe shows a majestic figure, a goddess of hope Modern Music Series" .introduced the H song and inspiration, leading a phalanx of children method" into current use. With HThe Pro,.. through the educational eras from the first gressive Music Series," published between Colonial schools to the present day. In the 1915 and 1920, contemporary music of both brilliant and appealing style of the artist, the America and the world came to be a defi,.. background reveals the historic transforma,.. nite part of the content of school mu... tion of America from the primeval forest to sic courses. the stacks and skyscrapers of our modern The newer trends in education for the in,.. industrial cities. A reproduction of this mu... tegration of music with other subjects, ac.­ ral in six colors will be prepar,ed and, upon tivities, and interests are represented in HThe request, will be sent to schools and educators Music Hour:' which is now in wide use from who may be interested in this conception, coast to coast. A revie'w of the influence of both as an artistic decoration and as a sub... these respective music courses on music ject of contemplation when present...day con... teaching and the trend of music teaching in fusion and contradictions beset the planning the schools of this country illustrates rather of educators and challenge their action. THE CAECILIA 239 "PEOPLE DON'T LIKE GREGORIAN CHANT"* Robert Holzmert S.M. A title such as the above suggests at first which she prescribes exclusively for some sight an attempt to prove the obvious. We parts of the liturgy, and which the recent may very properly speak of the place of mu... studies have so happily restored to its integ... sic, oratory, painting, architecture and sculp... rity and purity. On these grounds the Gre... ture in the Church, because all of these ha"ve gorian Chant has always been regarded as various functions and uses outside the the supreme model for sacred music, so that Church also. But Gregorian Chant has no it is fully legitimate to lay down the follow ... other "place". It has always been known ing rule: ' The more closely a composition for as a form of music developed by the Church the Church approaches in its movement, in... for her own special use, with its "place," as spiration and savor the Gregorian form, the a matter of course, in the Church and no... more sacred and liturgical it becomes; and where else. the more out of harmony it is with that su... Yet there is no inconsistency in speaking preme model, the less worthy it is of the tem... of the place of Gregorian Chant in the pIe. The ancient traditional Gregorian Church, for Gregorian Chant has been and Chant must, therefore, be largely restored is on the defensive.
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