Odds and Ends LEDGER Q ENTRIES Here and There Briof paragraphn of News and BcinR a Collection of Various Information on a Variety Topicn of Local and FORTY-FIFTH YEAR LOWELL. MICHIGAN. APRIL 14, 1938 No. 48 of Topics General Interest ~ The national debt has doubled RURAL FIRE PROTECTION under the New Deal; 38 billion Tennis Team Hopes Along Main St. Otto To Speak dollais now. T'WICE during the past two Bean Growers The Lowell Ledger Invites Local weeks the Lowell fire depart- Most Lowell ."tores will be closed At B. of T. Dinner Sam Sleet of Boyne celebrated ment has been called out to fight For Another Trophy I on Good Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 hio 102nd birthday by holding open fires on farms in this vicinity but i p. m. house a short time ago. in both cases was unable to save Form Association Women to See "Star In My Kitchen" the homes from destruction as the The prospects for Lowell's tennis Brightening thnigs up: The A log cabin. 147 years old. found fires had gained too much head- team winning another pennant this to have been built by Daniel way before the alarms were turned year are very high, although Low- Price-Rite Hardware with a new To Boost Crop Cooking School in Motion Picture Form blue front: Fahrnl's barbershop Boone, has been located in Ken- in. These experiences have also ell will be playing class B teams tucky. It barely cHcaped razing. taught that if farm homes and this year Instead of class C and D. redecorated: Burt Charles' barber- Will Provide Instruction and Entertainment shop with new floor covering. buildinga are to be saved from des- Coach Gumser hopes to bring his A New Mexico sheep-rancher. In- truction when fire breaks out that charges into top shape in an ef- The Lowell Ledger has scored cause "seeing is believing", the au- quisitive about a hole In a moun- an adequate supply of water Is ab- Make Consumers fort to secure another trophy. again! dience will soon learn that pies James Porter, of the Extension tainside. investigated. He discover- solutely necessary. Would it not be The schedule for home games Isj This newspaper has just been and cakes and salads can make department cf Michigan Stale col- ed what is claimed to be the wise protection for every farm to Bean-Minded, Aim as follows: | successful In securing the new Mo- them "stars In their kitchens." lege. tested soil in Lowell Wednes- world's greatest cavern. maintain one or more large cis- April 25—Rockford. tion Picture Cooking School. "Star Experienced housekeepers will day for 15 farmers, making 41 tests terns filled with water to be used May 9—Lee. In My Kitchen", which will be pre- thrill to the adventures of the of soil samples and four marl tests. Three Watervllet seniors, Ray- solely for flre-flghtlng purposes? At a producers' meeting of the May 11—Grandvllle. sented at the Strand Theater on young Dedee Abot, who suddenly mond Hansen. Eugene Smith and Such cisterns could be built for a Michigan Bean Growers' Associ- May 18—Godwin. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- finds herself with a large home to Reported that George Goul will Marvin Harper, have been blood nominal cost. Fifty or 100 barrels ation In the City hall at Lowell May 21—Regional. day. May 10. 11 and 12. manage and several mouths to soon open a grocery store in the donors for Vera Berg, also a of water kept in reserve in cisterns Monday afternoon. It was urged May 23—East. Mark the days on your calendar feed—as well as a handsome young first floor of the Hosley building, senior, desperately ill at Mercy might mean prevention of the loa? that an advertising assessment of May 27—State. because every woman—and man— movie actor to Impress. West Main-st. C. A. Hall will move hospital. of hundreds or even thousands of two cents a bag be levied on the May 28—State. In the community Is hereby ex- What happens when she tries to his stock of poultry equipment to dollars worth of property. 1938 crop, the fund to be used for Those returning for action who tended a cordial invitation to see. make a fluffy lemon meringue pie the second floor. Not enough successful applicants saw service on the first team last have appeared to fill the needed advertising to make consumers year and who hope to keep their absolutely free, this fascinating or a marshmallow chocolate cake? THE UNIVERSAL HOPE more bean-minded. William Helm announced this quota of attendant nurses to "man" L-uinnpositions. tMthis. yeav«nr are.r. : Vin.iFlnels.. picture which weaves helpful. In- What happens when the "man of QN APRIL 17 the Christian world C. 'H. Runclman of Lowell, past the hour" drops In for dinner? week that he will open a local our state Institutions, under the Llnsday and Althen. The other telligent lessons on cooking and new state civil service law. Forty will unite in the observance president of the Michigan and Na- home-making Into a humorous and To unravel the mystery In ad- agency for Hudson-Terraplane cars tional Bean Shippers associations, boys who came out this year In an sometime this month. Mr. Helm dollars a month and your keep. of Easter, thus expressing anew its effort to fill the vacancy left by a romantic plot. vance would be to rob this clever belief that death is not the end of declared that consumers need to tale of Its novel approach. How- will have Cecil Bibbler as an asso- graduate of the first team. George The Motion Picture Cooking ciate In the business. Perhaps one of the smallest all things, that there must be some be educated to the fact that "beans School is a brand new Idea. First ever, the audience Is due to share contain six times more Iron than Gotfredsen, or to seek even higher calves to be born In Sanilac coun- further opportunity in another honors are Lalley, Fonger, Dolan, conceived last year. It has met In a rollicking good story and to ty for many years arrived Tuesday world to right the wrongs of this raisins." He drew attention to the learn much about home-making at Manager Ray Dolan of the Low- fact that raisin growers have cap- Webster. Walker. McDonald, Roth. with acclaim from women through- at the farm of Cyrus Stolicker of world. This almost universal be- Lampkio and Hill. out the country, who like the hap- the same time. ell Manufacturing Company re- Elmer township. The calf tipped lief represents the combined wis- italized upon the iron content of Every listener will find a har- ports receiving last week an order their product to make sales. The boys are all set to go and py combination of eparkllng enter- WILLIAM (BILL) OTTO the scales at only 24 pounds, is dom of the human race and gives we feel quite sure that they will tainment and close-up cooking in- vest of practical ideas among the for 6.000 sprayers from Bombay, healthy and normal In every way. us heart to face the unknown. 'Here we have a commodity with bring more laurels to Lowell. suggestions for more efficient India. The local plant Is oper- All arrangements have been com- six times more Iron than raisins struction. Seats In the back row ating steadily with a good force of Thus Easter day is made one of —Ray Dolan. are as good as those In the front home-making, covering such dally pleted for the April dinner meeting While Installing a hardwood gladness, hope, and confidence and we are keeping it a dark sec- problems as laundry, refrigeration, men at work. of Lowell Board of Trade which ret." Mr. Runciman declared. row—the motion picture permits floor in a Fenton home, a nail was that the world is not a hollow everyone to hear and see every up-to-date entertaining, beauty sec- will be held next Wednesday eve- driven into an electric light cable mockery. At this time, souls are In suggesting the advertising rets, news of modernized home K. K. Vining, county agriculture ning, April 20 In the City Hall. Din- running below the floor. The floor assessment, the growers proposed Four Sisters trick In frosting a cake, making agent, arrived In Lowell Wednes- lifeted above sordidness by the a pie, or cooking bananas. equipment and tips on making ner will be served promptly at became ignited and before it could grand and cheering thoughts that the association should ask these mechanical servants yield the day afternoon with 50,000 pine seven o'clock by the Ladies Aid be extinguished several boards which manifest themselves i n dealers and shippers to match the Win 4-H Honors "Star In My Kitchen" was pro- highest degree of usefulness. trees to be planted in Kent county Society of the Methodist Church. were burn«d. sparkling and emotional music in farmers' contribution, dollar for duced In Hollywood, and the au- It will be a real cooking class. and sold 10,000 here In Lowell be- Music will be furnished during the the churches and eloquent sermons dollar. On the basis of a 4,600,000- dience will recognize many of the Just as though the model kitchens tween three and four o'clock. About dinner hour by the High School The persons who committed a from pulpits banked with gor- bag crop, the advertising proposal It isn't very often that you hear rising young actors and actresses were right on the stage, and all of twenty persons took the trees left Trio.
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