VOLUME 1«, NUMBER 4 FOOTHILL C0LLE3E, 123^5 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills 94022 Fri., Oct. 17, 1975 t U i/i, BIG HOT DOG DEBATE - The Law Forum w ill sponsor an all-campus debate and discussion on "that big hot dog" Thurs­ day at I p.m. in C —31. Foothill people are invited to bring opinions and present them. THE NINTH ANNUAL Career Ex­ ploration by Bus, conducted by the Foothill Office of Continuing Educa­ tion for Women, w ill give women a first­ hand look at the mid-management job market on Oct. 22 - 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . * * * IF YOU PLAN to transfer to another college or university in California next fall and w ill need financial aid, you w ill be requested to apply for the Cal­ ifornia State Scholarship, the College Opportunity Grant, or the Occupation­ al Education and Training Grant. Applications are in the Financial Aids Office in the Administration Build­ ing. The final day to register without Foothill student Sam Stern enjoys a quiet moment. Photo by Jeff Baris P ^y^9 a late fee is O c t. 31. — mm§> Yugoslav dignitary tours campus By KERRY SWANSON (president) to the University of Zagreb, the ^ Juoaru *dHtr Dr. Predrag V ra n icki, president of oldest university in Yugoslavia. Represent­ the Association of Yugoslav Universities, Although student government news may ing the major universities of his country, toured the Foothill campus last Tuesday as not inspire our readers, the fact remains that he hopes to better understand the organiza­ part of a State Department sponsored visit ASFC activities affect every member of the tion of American education during his stay to American Colleges and Universities. student body, directly and in d ire ctly. in the United States. After meeting briefly with Foothill ASFC Council (student government) "Our system is very similar in structure, " President Dr. James Fitzgerald to discuss plays the central role in organizing student he explained, "but there are some differences. 1 the structure and role of the Community activities on campus, as well as being the According to Vranicki, Yugoslav univer­ College, Vranicki was given a guided tour official student representative to the ad­ sities operate under a "self government" of Foothill by philosophy instructor William ministration. The activities of the Council, (continued on page 2 ) in this lig h t, become crucial to our campus Tinsley. life. Finding the Theatre, Library and Divi­ After a slow beginning, ASFC is ac­ sion Offices all "very nice," Vranicki also I JHwJIIjE* I tively adding people to its ranks, to pre­ found time during his two-hour visit to pare for the coming year. New officers, comment on Foothill's Hot Dog sculpture Pesticides p. 2 sworn in at the Wednesday (O ct. 15) and chat w ith reporters about education in Guest Editorial p . 4 Council meeting in C—31, are Rich Robin­ Yugoslavia. son, Vice President of Activities; Kevin "It is very realistic," said Vranicki about On the Spot p. 6 Norris, Finance Director; Lance Carter "Tubesteak C ity ," adding that he had never Garcia at Flint p« 7 and Bob Eicholz, Senators; Peter Larrieu, seen anything like it before. Publicity Director; and Mike Dutton, Vranicki, having an extensive back­ Sports p. 8 Traffic Committee. ground in Philosophy, is also the Rector (continued on page *0 Page 2, FOOTHILL SENTINEL, O ct. 17, 1975 Yugoslav dignitary (from page 1 ) system which is very similar to American colleges, with a few exceptions. Key administrative offices, such as Dean and Rector, are elected rather than appointed and, Vranicki adds, each division or "faculty" is "very in­ dependent . " Students also play an important role in the administration of Yugoslav uni­ versities, filling one-third of the seats on the college's governing body called the "Assembly" or university council. "Students can have a great influence on the university," Vranicki continued, Foothill President James Fitzgerald describes the structure of the Foothill College Dis­ adding that "students in Yugoslavia are trict to Yugoslavian official Predrag Vranicki. Photo by Lisa Layne very interested in political problems." Foothill “reacts” to pesticide issue BY ROB WHEELESS The Foothill College District "tries use the ones with the lowest amount. We son of the year. There is a spray man to react to sensitive issues" regarding try to use chemicals only when necessary." who comes in at 5:00 a.m . to spray on the use of pesticides says W illiam Hab- As an example, he said if a tree is campus and covers some outlying areas good, Grounds Supervisor for the dis­ infested with aphids, he w ill send a man during the day, depending on the wind tric t. to spray them off with water rather than factor. He even works on Sundays. "Our policy is to discontinue the use a chemical spray. Because of the controversy over the of a pesticide if it is at all suspect. We're One chemical that is used to prohibit use of chemical sprays, Habgood says "we W e're w ell aware of public opinions and the growth of weeds is called Sinazine. try to react to a specific problem rather trends" said Habgood. It is called a pre-emerge and works by than use preventive maintenance." Foothill banned the use of DDT two preventing young plants from manufac­ As for the care of trees on campus, years before its use was regulated by the turing chlorophyl. According to Hab­ Habgood went on to say "we try to replace federal government. Chlorodain, a pow­ good, pre-emerges are relatively safe to two or three dead trees of a like kind; especially if they are native to the area. erful pesticide, has not been in use for use and are low in toxicity. six to eight months. A suitable replace­ He even went as far as to say "I'd We owe this to nature and to the community." ment has not yet been found. almost rather eat a handful of table salt." "A ll chemicals have a certain amount As to when these sprays are used de­ of toxicity," Habgood said, "we try to pends on clim atic conditions and the sea- Dairy Belle SPECIAL - FREE Order of french fries with the purchase of Therapy myth dispelled a deluxe burger of 1/4 lb jumbo burger We Now Have Deli-Sandwiches Made person," she added, "w ith both mind and BY MARGARET STEELE D aily By US body being affected." "N o one needs therapy unless they're ALSO "Begin by talking with a close friend nuts!" was one myth discussed at a recent Hamburgers - Steak Sandwiches - Hot or fam ily member," suggested Ms. Hopkins. Enrichment Series seminar. Dogs - Corn Dogs - BBQ Beef - Fish She warned that it's really best to find "Sometimes we just need to get to ­ Sandwiches - Fish & Chips - Prawns gether and talk it out!" said Laurie Hop­ someone who "isn't involved in your life ." & Chips - Fries - Onion Rings - Pies - kins, co-instructor for the "M ind and Body "Looking for someone objective to Malts - Shakes - Freezes - Floats - Building" series. talk to ," she said, "is one good reason Sundaes - Banana Splits - Cones - Ms. Hopkins said that when you feel for talking with a counselor." Ms. Hop­ Drinks! a lot of stress in your life and are at a kins said that you should "expect answers We welcone phone orders - Give us a point when you feel like you're going to to your questions, and expect a skilled call and your order w ill be ready when "crack up," that's when you need to talk person, but not a magic person," from a you arrive. Call 948-7294. with someone. She said, "check out your good counselor. No one has the magic feelings" from someone else's prospective. solution who w ill tell you what is wrong Barbara F inw all, specializing in the with someone." LOS ALTOS DAIRY BELLE body aspect of the series, advised students Both instructors encouraged the use 448 So. San Antonio Rd. of the health and psychological services to "Listen to your body and mental signals. 1 (Just o ff Foothill Expressway) "Think of yourself as an integrated available on campus. O ct. 17, 1975, FOOTHILL SENTINEL, Page 3 Foothill students are generous, al­ 'can shakers' collections reaches the people most to a fa u lt. O ver $250 was donated it purports to help. last Christmas season to CARE by Foothill A new state law requires all solicitors Students students and faculty throught the SENTINEL's to identify themselves and the organization fund raising campaign. being collected for. Unfortunately, that is Among the most onerous ripoffs all the I aw requires. There are no statewide are can shakers who pose as representa­ registration laws or regulations which are tives of S.C.A.R.E., a sickle cell anemia left up to the community. ripped off... c h a rity . With Christmas coming soon, students Melody Lee, SCARE program coordi­ are warned to make sure of the charity they nator, says her group does not solicit funds. contribute to. Students give a higher propor­ It is funded through the Bay Area United tion of their incomes to good causes.. .make Crusade and the state. Not one cent of the sure it gets there. The uncompromising ones. O N PRGM FIX SCI ENG SST BST GTO £ - STO RCL 2+ PRGM REG STK ' CHSEEX CLX OEG RAO a no IP PI PIlog US♦R xsy sin cos tan P I Q H n IN T JT yx a HI H RV mX ~ y m♦H.MS nU R T x mPAUSE The Hewlett-Packard The Hewlett-Packard HP-21 Scientific HP-25 Scientific Programmable $125.00* $195.00* The calculations you face require no less.
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