Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.26.291.17 on 1 January 1950. Downloaded from I? WYXOD T MEDLAt4cI BASE FIG. i.-An idea of distances. L Europe and Australia super- y~R imposed, on the same scale. by copyright. THE FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE OF AUSTRALIA By L. C. LUM, M.R.C.P., M.R.A.C.P. Australia was the first country to organize far from the story. Most of our eight million medical service for sparsely settled areas by means people are concentrated in the coastal belt par- of wireless communication and aerial transport. ticularly to the east ; the capital cities Brisbane, Although it was in I917 that the Board of the Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide being 500 to http://pmj.bmj.com/ Australian Inland Mission commenced advocating 6oo miles apart, while Perth, on the south- the need of wireless facilities and flying doctors, western corner is I,400 miles from Adelaide, and it was not until May I7, I928, that the numerous the trans-continental railway, in running across the technical difficulties were overcome and the in- Nullarbor Plain, enjoys the dubious distinction of augural flight was made. The service was having the longest straight stretch of line in the operated on an experimental basis from Cloncunry, world, 300 miles without a bend or curve. Inland in Queensland, and after a trial period of a year it lies ' the bush,' vast, arid, though rarely desert. was decided to continue and expand it. By 1939 Here if your nearest neighbour is within 30 miles on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected it had grown to its present size, despite financial you count yourself lucky. Often the nearest is difficulties in the depression years. It should be ioo miles or more away, and individual cattle noted at the start that this service was conceived, holdings reach fantastic sizes. Victoria River developed and financed entirely by private Downs Station, for example, covers an area of individuals. 15,000 square miles-one of the largest cattle Nowadays, despite the fact that romantic runs in the world. This is part of the country propaganda has made the Flying Doctor Service of covered by the Flying Doctor Service. It is Australia well known by name, its working is served by the ' pedal wireless '-the remarkable largely unknown, even to Australians, for they are system of pedal operated radio transmitters de- for the most part unacquainted with life in the veloped specifically for this work. vast outback of their sub-continent ; and the There are now seven flying doctor bases (see popular imagination, having visualized a do?tor map) each being equipped with a powerful trans- standing by with a plane ready to fly anywhere at mitting station and having available a doctor and the drop of a hat, stops short at this point. This is aerial transport to provide medical service to the Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.26.291.17 on 1 January 1950. Downloaded from POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL Yanuary I1950 remotest corners of the continent. Each base Alice Springs centre, for example, is run by the serves the area within a radius of approximately South Australian Section. It supplies the planes 500 miles. This article deals with the Alice and wireless facilities which allow medical atten- Springs area, the one with which I have tion to be brought to outlying places. The Ser- been associated, and which can be taken in a vice is entirely free to all who have need of it, and general way as typical of the type of work done. no charges are levied. Station owners are free to Here, however, the population is so sparse that make contributions which they usually do gener- the flying service forms but part of the routine ously. The principle of operation is that a plane is duties of the two resident doctors at ' The Alice.' always sent if the patient asks for it ; the doctor In other centres there is a full-time flying medical at base, of course, usually makes the decision, but officer and plane constantly on call. if the patient demands it the plane goes, even In order to present an accurate picture of the though the doctor may privately consider it Service a short digression on the general features unnecessary. of the Central Australian scene will be necessary. The base radio station employs a power trans- In the centre lies the township of Alice Springs, mitter in charge of a highly-skilled operator, while in a picturesque valley in the Macdonnell Ranges. most of the larger cattle stations now have a Those who have seen the film ' The Overlanders,' transceiver (transmitter-receiver) permitting two- will have some idea of this country for much of way communication with the mother station. Each the filming (except tropical river scenes) was done station has its own call sign. At set hours the base on the tablelands north of the Range, and the goes on the air ; the roll is called and the stations imposing rock faces and gorges over which so answer in turn. Then comes the request for any many unfortunate beasts appeared to tumble lie urgent medical calls, followed by ordinary business just south of the town. The electoral roll in 1946 such as the sending and receiving of telegrams. showed some i,2oo persons for this whole area, There are, of course, no private wavelengths, so whose size can be judged from the schematic that any messages are listened to with rapt atten- superposition of a map of England. It is linked tion by all the other stations, and intimate details by railway with Adelaide, i,ooo miles to the south, of so-and-so's trouble with his waterworks areby copyright. with virtually no townships of significant size for instantly spread over an area as big as Western 8oo miles. A single bitumen road leads to Darwin, Europe. Individual stations may afterwards 1,000 miles to the north. The nearest township is arrange a private schedule with each other for a Tennant Creek, a flourishing goldmining centre little gossip. The doctor does not attend these 300 miles north. This is, in the main, cattle sessions unless especially asked for or unless he country, dry and desolate, the cattle watering at wants to question the patient himself. The bores for there is a plentiful supply of sub-artesian answer to many minor queries can be relayed by water. To the south-east of ' The Alice ' lies the phone through the radio operator. The usual Simpson Desert, 30,000 square miles of shifting problems of general practice crop up ; the or-http://pmj.bmj.com/ sand dunes, and one of the last unexplored places dinary minor complaints, accidents, fractures from of the earth. It was crossed for the first time in horseback spills, and the 'occasional case of I938. Elsewhere are a few tiny mining settle- surgical or medical emergency. The 'abdominal ments, mostly mica and wolfram, while 300 miles pains ' provide problems that can readily be to the north-west over a waterless plain, are The imagined ; obviously, if the service is to function Granites, a massive outcrop of black rock, scene of efficiently the decision to send out a plane on a an abortive gold rush in the I930s. long and costly flight cannot be taken lightly. The medical service throughout the Northern More often than not there is no necessity for on September 23, 2021 by guest. Protected Territory is part of the Commonwealth Depart- the doctor himself to fly out, and in such a sparsely ment of Health. All medical and dental service populated area as this it is obvious that under is entirely free, and doctors, dentists and nurses normal conditions.he need not undertake a great are salaried officers of the Department. Alice number of trips. The position is different in other Springs is the Central Australian base with a well- areas where the full-time flying doctors habitually equipped hospital taking up to 40 beds, two fly thousands of miles per month, but here it often medical officers, a dental officer and nursing and suffices to send the plane out to fetch the patient, ancillary staff. The Flying Doctor Service is a or even to advise the latter to come in on the next separate entity which, however, works in the mail run. However, the knowledge that one may closest co-operation with the Department. It is a at any time be required to do a flight of up to 500 private organization financed entirely by voluntary miles over an arid and inhospitable land adds a contributions throughout Australia, with a Section certain zest to every routine session on the air. in each capital city which is responsible for the One does not always fly on these occasions ; there upkeep of the centres under its control. The may be no airstrip handy to one's destination, Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.26.291.17 on 1 January 1950. Downloaded from January I950 LUM: The Flying Doctor Service of Australia 'a S-* vw I~~~~~Mi SCA INDIA OCEAN O 1A I''. -.5A Ve.*sojg,,.f m . Ow'~(u .*. .i~ moid s *~.Ih w ~TASMAN4 SFEA ftww aw00c -L - ru------^ s z l S 5' 'oenKAL '.~'.dCw. by copyright. FIG. 2.-Radii of action of the Flying Doctor Services. when it will be more convenient to go by utility and large stones have been cleared sufficient to car. Such trips are far more exciting, though more serve a light plane.
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