EAST NEUK COMMUNITY FORUM- ZOOM MEETING-15/10/20, CHAIRED BY MARTIN DIBBS, KINGSBARNS COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESENT; VARIOUS COMMUNITY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES, INCLUDING CRAIL, ANSTRUTHER, KINGSBARNS, BOARHILLS AND DUNINO, ELIE AND PITTENWEEM COUNCILLORS HOLT, PORTEOUS AND DOCHERTY COUNCILLOR ROSS VETTRAINO, FIFE COUNCIL, CONVENER- ENVIRONMENT, PROTECTIVE SERVICES AND COMMUNITY SAFETY COMMITTEE GILLIAN DUNCAN, EAST NEUK FIRST RESPONDERS AND ENCEPT (EAST NEUK COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLANNING TEAM) SONJA POTJEWIJD AND CRISPIN HAYES, ENCAP (EAST NEUK COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN) APOLOGIES; POLICE SCOTLAND 1. RECYCLING CENTRES IN EAST NEUK There have been various issues since March 2020, due to lockdown with people accessing recycling centres in our area. Particularly with people who do not access to a computer to be able to book times, the elderly in particular and Fife council’s refusal for pick ups, larger vehicles, vans and trailers to be allowed in to drop off rubbish. Councillor Holt stressed the difference between our area, being largely rural and agricultural compared to cities to Councillor Vettraino. She also stressed that we have one of the largest proportion of over 85’s in our area who have needs to be addressed regarding the above topic and especially need further help during covid. Councillor Vettraino advised that trailers, some pickups are now allowed to use the recycling centres. White goods can now be unloaded, as well wood. Rubble cannot be unloaded. AirBnb rubbish is counted as commercial so they should not be using facility. Question was asked whether the recycling centre at Pittenweem could change its opening times, Councillor Vettraino to check. 2. REWILDING Various comments were made by CC’s that there had been no consultation between fife council and the CC’s regarding rewilding in the east Neuk. Some CC’s have been in contact with fife council but no correspondence received. Some areas have been left to rewild whilst most parks have been mowed during lockdown, though some ccs have been complaining that there has not been enough mowing in parks during the summer. Councillor Holt advised that she had recently attended a presentation at St Andrews University given by Philip Stirling, about rewilding and how it has to be done. correctly, for example cuttings have to lifted otherwise weeds happen. Grass land management is needed, wild flower seeding etc. 3. POLICE SCOTLAND Unfortunately Police Scotland are not allowed to use zoom so the community police officers could not be represented tonight. The Community Police are under extreme pressure as a result of the covid pandemic as there is just not enough police numbers to cope with the extra asked of them due to the pandemic e.g. covid checks etc. They have found themselves taken off their community duties during the lockdown to help police colleagues to carry out duties. For example the community speed watch project has had to take a back seat but they have advised that this will now be progressing. There have been several complaints received from CC’s to the community police in relation to police reports not being sent out to CC’s to keep the community informed. The Community Police will be now sending monthly reports to CC’s. The police are happy that in general covid restrictions are being complied with in our community. They have reported that house break-ins are down this year. However there have been a lot of problems in the East Neuk with drug dealing, with an armed raid in Pittenweem. The Police stress that they desperately need the community’s help and ask for any known or suspected drug taking or drug dealing to be reported to them or local Councillors Holt, Docherty or Porteous if people would rather not report directly to the police. The police need information in order to obtain a search warrant from the Sheriff. Councillor Holt advised that there is a desperate need for more community police and for the community to trust the community police to help them. She said that, along with other local councillors, she is involved in trying to obtain extra funding for more community police to be recruited. At present, there is only one community police officer assigned to the East Neuk area! 4. ENCEPT (EAST NEUK COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLANNING TEAM) Gillian Duncan who is not only part of the East Neuk first responders team but also Encept spoke about what Encept have been doing during the covid pandemic. Firstly she wanted to thank all CC’s for their support of the community during covid. She advised that communication is key during emergencies affecting the community such as the covid pandemic. Encept are going to commence the delivery of emergency kits for all villages in the East Neuk, which will include a holdall with snow shovel and first aid kit. These will remain the property of Encept ( Note; Chair of Boarhills and Dunino CC in touch with them re our area). Gillian also explained that Encept can be contacted to obtain help on telephone number 0800 999 6543 for any community emergency including missing person search, homes affected by flash flooding etc. Regarding flash flooding, they are in contact with Fife Council to obtain information Where flash floods occur in the East Neuk and work to put resources for homes that may be affected. Encept have bought a pump to help any house affected by flooding. Gillian stressed that flooding affecting roads remain a Fife Council responsibility to resolve, NOT Encept. 5. EAST NEUK FIRST RESPONDERS Gillian Duncan also spoke regarding the above. She advised that ambulance control should have all defibrillators situated in the East Neuk on their system so that in the case of an emergency, people phoning 999 can be informed where the nearest defibrillator unit is. Gillian confirmed that during the last 6 months during the covid pandemic, Defibrillators situated in the East Neuk have been used 5 times with 3 lives being saved as a direct result. She further stressed the need for people to be aware of the GOOD SAM RESPONDER APP. This provides the ability for those calling emergency services to instantly share their location and live video from their mobile device, without actually having to download an app, dramatically improving dispatch efficiency for police, fire and ambulance agencies worldwide. PLEASE SEE www.goodsamapp.org Asked about whether insurance was needed for defibrillator units, Gillian confirmed that there was no need for insurance. 6. ENCAP (EAST NEUK COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN) Sonja and Crispin from ENCAP gave an insight as to the organisation’s ethos. Encap "supports communities in the East Neuk and landward area of Fife to prepare community action plans (CAP) and to work together in the preparation of a long tern vision and strategy for the East Neuk". One project is the “Shared Bike Path Project” between Pittenweem and Earlsferry (see www.eastneukcap.co.uk). They are also hoping to include Anstruther in this to link up the villages to Earlsferry with a tarred off road path for walkers, bikes, wheelchairs etc, linking the path off aerial routes including Waid Academy. There would be signage to the route and bike parking. Currently the project is going through a feasibility study including the route being close to the main road, through agricultural land in consultation with local farmers, fife council regarding the council agreeing to take on the maintenance of the path, the design of it, construction and funding. So far, the construction cost of the path will be 70% from SUSSTRANS and 30% funding to be found from other sources including landfill trust, offshore wind farm contribution. They anticipate the feasibility study and route options to be completed by May 2021, with the completion of the build of the path by end of 2024. Sonja and Crispin also highlighted the need to think about linking the East Neuk to Leven in order to link up with the potentially new train station to be commenced at Leven. Another project highlighted by them is the East Neuk 50 Sustainable Tourism Cycle route, which would utilise the disused railway line as much as is feasible between Kirkcaldy railway station to St Andrews (www.eastneuk50.org). Community consultations are to be carried out re this. ENCAP can be contacted by CC’s to discuss the above. 7. FIFE OUTDOOR TOURISM FUND This is a 2 year rolling programme along with the Fife Coast and Countryside Trust which includes a pilot scheme to install a set number of overnight parking bays at Kingsbarns beach car park and Ruby Bay car park at Elie, with a fixed fee of £10 per night per motorhome, in the hope of addressing the problems which occurred this spring/summer 2020 at this areas as a result of the huge increase of motorhomes and tourists and the impact on rural areas. This also includes the social distancing problems, which occurred due to the covid pandemic and tourists visiting the East Neuk. .
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