The -Established 1904- rinity ripod T T Volume CXIV “Scribere Aude!” Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Number VI Curriculum Churchill Club SGA Men’s Hockey Wins Changes Proposal Draws Ire NESCAC Title AMANDA HAUSMANN ’21 well as various student KIP LYNCH ’22 NEWS EDITOR and faculty speakers. The STAFF WRITER Sustainability Committee A working group The Student Govern- is also finalizing its plans has been formed page ment Association met on for implementing compost- to tackle expan- Sunday, Mar. 3, in order ing on Crescent Street. The sive changes to to discuss class initiatives, SGA also discussed the fu- Trinity’s curricu- the sponsorship of Enter- ture of the bus pass with lum. ing the Workforce During the Connecticut Depart- 3 #MeToo and International ment of Transportation, Women’s Day 2019: Around mandating that Trinity the World, and the future either join its UPass pro- Doctors With- of the Bantam Bus Pass. gram, which would result The Student Government in an increase in the stu- also heard committee up- dent activities fee, or can- out Borders dates and The Churchill cel its bus pass program. The Student Govern- SUZANNE CARPE ’22 Club’s request for approval. TRINITY COLLEGE ATHLETICS With the exception of the ment Association also STAFF WRITER lead, shutting down both graduating Class of 2019 heard a presentation by CAT MACLENNAN ’20 of the attempted shots. council, each class coun- The Churchill Club. Seek- STAFF WRITER page The Tripod high- Early in the second peri- cil has created an initia- ing the recognition and ap- lights Doctors Trinity men’s hockey od, the Continentals were tive aimed at meeting the proval of SGA, The Chur- Without Borders, played two fiercely com- able to capitalize on a needs of the student body, chill Club highlighted its a new organiza- petitive games this week- man up situation after a such as laundry, textbook focus on studying Western tion at Trinity. end to win the NESCAC penalty against the Ban- expenses, and free snacks civilization and philoso- championship and to ad- tams and tied the game. on weekend nights. The phers. Hosting speakers 8 It was now 1-1, but the vance to the NCAA tour- Budget Committee high- and reading groups with nament next weekend. The Trinity fans and players lighted their recent email the aim of receiving aca- Koeppel center was packed didn’t let up, they de- Minimum informing the student body demic credit, the club in- with eclectic fans cheering fended their home turf. on meeting dates and dead- tends to meet weekly. The on the Bantams. On Sat- Both teams scram- lines for those requesting club faces controversy, with urday, the Bantams fought bled to put another one Wage alternative spring break a large number of people hard against the Hamil- in the net but the regu- HUNTER SAVERY ’20 trips, staple event status, planning to ask questions ton College Continentals. lation game ended in a OPINION EDITOR and funds. The Student of the club’s leadership. The Bantams set the pace tie. Both teams had many Life Committee described Questions were raised 14 seconds into the first attempts at the game Raising the mini- their progress on revis- about the overlap of the period with senior Mark winning goal in overtime page mum wage is all it’s ing the Integrity Contract, rhetoric used by the Chur- Knowlton firing a wrist and after many attempts, cracked up to be, which will be voted on by chill Institute and far-right shot into the back of the senior Ryan Pfeffer took writes Democrats the faculty in the coming groups. The club also faced net. The crowd grew rowdy it into his hands to bring president Hunter months. The Academic Af- controversy for its focus on through the game as the home the win, sending Savery ’20. fairs Committee approved Western civilization, and Bantams worked to con- the puck past the goal the extended withdrawal its conservative leanings, 5 trol the rest of the game. line. The crowd erupted period and the add/drop despite the club’s leader- Hamilton had two oppor- in excitement as the team period. The Sustainabili- ship emphasizing the or- tunities to tie the game in celebrated on the ice. The Chapel ty Committee highlighted ganizations non-partisan the first period, but junior glass rumbled with fans its progress in organizing status and its goal of dis- goaltender Tedy Loughbor- GreenFEST, noting their cussing as well as criticiz- ough held his ground and Singers booking of four bands as ing Western civilization. kept the Bantams in the see HOCKEY on page 11 BEN GAMBUZZA ’20 CONTRIBUTING WRITER Chinese Student Association in the Works Former Tripod page universities across the derstand us,” he said. “We classes. The organization editor Ben Gam- GILLIAN REINHARD ’20 world. The purpose of the hope this club will help has a growing number of buzza ’20 reviews EDITOR-IN-CHIEF club would be to spread us better integrate into members and plans to for- the Chapel Sing- Students have been Chinese culture and serve American college life.” malize their plans to be ers’ album from working towards form- as a bridge for Chinese in- A recent article from approved by the Student Scotland. 9 ing an on-campus orga- ternational students and November released by Government Association nization specifically for the greater student body. the Office of Communi- as a cultural organization. Also in this week’s issue.... Chinese international According to interna- cations, titled “Trinity “Katie Clair (Interna- lP'll!l'kPark lP'faieePlace andmdl BoairdlwalllkBoardwalk to students at Trinity, possi- tional student Xi Wang Expanding its Connec- tional Student Advisor) Close,Cfose, page 3 bly to be associated with ’21, Chinese students tions to China” explained and Noah Weber (Summit the national organiza- have been working to that in 2007, there were Fellow for International MOCA hosts Women'sWomen’s tion, Chinese Students form this organization for only three international Student Support) have AppredatfoltllAppreciation Dinner,Dilrmer, and Scholars Association a long time. “It’s really im- students from China at been fantastic in their pagepmge7 7 (CSSA). CSSA is the offi- portant for other interna- Trinity. Today, that num- support around campus. cial organization for over- tional students and other ber has expanded to 91 We really appreciate their Cllllri.s E.vert villi.ts Triltlli.ty, Chris Evert visits Trinity, seas Chinese students in American students to un- students across the four support,” added Wang. pagepagen 11 Published weekly at Trinity College, Hartford, CT TRINITYTRIPOD.COM 2 MARCH 5, 2019 The Tripod Editorial Trinity Tripod In Response to The Churchill Club Established in 1904 The recent contro- initiated the formation of if they can have their “Scribere Aude!” versy surrounding the a political union commit- opinion heard on campus. Sunday night Student tee, composed of repre- In the days follow- Editor-in-Chief Government Association sentatives from the four ing Sunday’s SGA meet- GILLIAN M. REINHARD ’20 meeting was a clear indi- political organizations on ing, debate has erupted Managing Editor cator of the social climate campus (the Democrats, across campus, and the in the Trinity communi- Republicans, Socialists, Tripod office is no excep- BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 ty. As an observer at the and Libertarians). At the tion. The question arises- meeting, I was struck recent meeting, it was a if SGA ever gets to vote, NEWS EDITORS FEATURES EDITORS by both the impressive step in the right direction will The Churchill Club AMANDA HAUSMANN ’21 BHAVNA MAMNANI ’22 questions asked by stu- to see attendance from be recognized as an offi- KAT NAMON ’22 AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 dents who attended and two of these representa- cial Trinity organization? my own realization I was tives. The political union Even members of the Opinion Editors SPORTS EDITORS watching political dis- committee hopes to en- senate still cannot give ALEX DAHLEM ’20 JOSEPH LADD ’19 course in action, some- sure that there is a way their own clear opinion, HUNTER SAVERY ’20 MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 thing I am not typically for all sides of the polit- and the end of the meet- exposed to on campus. ical spectrum to have a ing saw a promise to or- STAFF WRITERS A&E EDITOR At Trinity, like at most voice on campus and to ganize a forum to discuss SUZANNE CARPE ’22 LIZ FOSTER ’22 college campuses, stu- understand different ide- these issues further. SGA CAMERON CHOTTINER ’20 dents often spend time ologies. Most important- members have to con- ELEANNA DAVOS ’20 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER with other students like ly, the committee will sider the issue further, LIZ FOSTER ’22 MADISON VAUGHN ’21 them- be it similar so- provide feedback to SGA as well as the imapct of ERIN GANNON ’19 cioeconomic backgrounds on political discourse at their decision as voting KIP LYNCH ’22 BUSINESS MANAGER or political beliefs. Be- Trinity and learn how time draws near. How- DAVID MAROTTOLO ’22 EMILIO KARAKEY ’22 sides conversations in to best provide outlets ever, the hard work of CAREY MAUL ’21 the classroom, there is to discuss these issues. activists across the spec- CAT MACLENNAN ’20 not much opportunity to What happened on trum must be commend- DANIEL NESBITT ’22 engage in debate of any Sunday was an example ed, and the community JAY PARK ’22 kind in day-to-day life on of conversation on cam- can only hope that stu- AIDAN TUREK ’20 campus. I am as guilty of pus. As the editor of the dents will continue to feel this as anyone- most of Tripod, I have written safe and respected when my friends share beliefs countless editorials call- discussing their beliefs.
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