
IVIA JLIS- E - MUSH AWARAT Dissertation Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF PROFESSOR S. A. H. HAQQI BY ZAFAR ALI KHAN DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh November, 1980 ."., ^ ^i '< i ; 3^5"^ ,; ov DS254 COWTENYS Page Preface I^.Y CHAPTERS I INDLPENUEMCE AND MiTER 1 II IHE COM^iJNAL RIOTS 19 III GENESIS 4NP ROLE OF THE MUSLIM 44 MA JLIS-E-^RJSi Aw A RAT IV .iJSLIM MAJLIS-E-MUSHAWARATI 132 AIMS ANU ORGANIZAIIQN COt^CLUSIDN 146 APPE^I^IX I 157 APPE^XX II 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY 183 After Incl^«ndence» the Muslims were ymry much disheartened aikjl frustrotchji because of the post-partition happenings and the attltw^e of t^e majority communityt even 4f the Government towards them. There was great prejudice* suspicion and even hatred against them. The doors of Xucr<ittlve employment and services were closed for them. Insplte of such social climate* U-ie Mixsllms retained their courage and faith and decided to remain in India* firmly resolved to play a decent role In Indian political as well as social and economic life of the country. But there can be no denying that after lnd«»pendence> they had become politically ineffective due to certain causes and they cd»uld not prtissurlse the Government for solving their various problems* which had emerged after Independence and become very important for them. The most important probleiR* wltic^ had affected the ^ole mislim community* was the persistence of the communal riots almost in the whole country. The terrible communal riots in eastern India in 1964* in v^ilch hundreds of Muslims weite slauc^teced* provided the necessary catalyst for the formation of a new* brcadly based confederation of the muiiim organlaatlotie to articulate the grievances of the Muslims and to establish unity and 11 cooperation among the v^^rlous se^ents of the Mual Ims - a comnon Musllin platform for Muslims. The necessity was strongly felt anci» thusr preparations were made in June-July» 1964* under the leadership of Lr, Syed Mahmud* the veteran Congressmant for a Convention of Muslim leaders belonging to all the leading Muslim orgimnlzatlons In Indl«^* which WAS held In Lucknow on Ai^uet 6 nod 9*1964 In the Darul-Uloom Nadwat-ul-Ulenm* the great and famous seminary of Islamic teaching and lenrnlng. The Convention* whlc^ Included representatives of every segment of Muslim opinion* passed a series of resolutions* which enphaslsed Che Muslim a>ncern for their very existence In India In the wake of the terrible riots of thi»it ye?3r* It was seriously thous^t that without unity and cooperation among the various sections of the Muslims* the problems of the Muslims %iould remain unsolved* For this purpose the Convention agreed to establish a permanent organization* to be called the fftisllm MajlIs-e-Mushawerat (Muslim Consultative Committee). The MMM was founded under resolution No. 10 of the Convention and later it was referred In Its Constitution, 'ihe Majlls-e-Mushawamt' and now It Is coiunonly known as the 'Majlls-e-Mushawar^t*. Dr. Syed Mahmud was then elected its President. The present work Is confined to the eanergence and the role of the MMM. The v^ole thesis has been divided ill Into five diapters. The first chapter*Independence and After''deals with the participation of the Musiime in the ereedom struggle Moveoient and the role they played. The second c^iapten 'The Communal Rlot«'» (!H»alB with the comnunal pass ion t v^lch was aggra^mted by Hindu revivalisia and the mis-interpretation of history* and which led to comnunal violence on a large scale* The communal out^brenksf %<hlch took place durii^) the sixties and* and in which mostly f&isliras were the victims created a sense of humiliation and frustration among the v^ole Muslim community and weakened the secular structure of the country. The third chapter* 'Genesis and Hole of the Muslim MaJlis-e-Mu8hawarat'> deals with the necessity of unity and amity among the v^rioiaa Muslim organisations for the existence of the Muslim community in India* This had encouraged them to foxtn a new organization. Secondly* It dealt with the role the newly formed organization played. The fouriOi chapter* 'Aims and organization** deals with the aims and objectives* as well as orgnnizatioc^l setup of the MMM* The last <^apter* 'Conclusion* summarizes the findings. The organizationt which had come into existence with great hopes and expectations for establishing unity and coopera­ tion among the Muslims as well as in providing them a Iv common plntfoxm* fi^lled In Its objectives and could not fulfil Its promises. Neither could It succeed In bringing about pesce and amity between the two major communities nor could It minimise the ^p between the two* In course of timet It became a defunct organization. But the re«4<^on8 for Its failure were too complex and even deep-rooted In Indian history of politics* >i^lle the prt^leras were too Intricate and multl-dimensional for loose minority organization to tackle. Insplte of Its Ineffectiveness* lt» however* playea a prominent role In articulating the demands of the Indian Muslims and urging the Government to solve them. It tried to establish unity among various sections of the Muslim community and helped to create couraye and confidence among the Muslims. It> also* tried Its best to create an 8tnK>sphere of peace and h^irraony In the country. Por the completion of this work* I have n debt of gratitude t>o ray Supervisor* Professor S.4.H. Hacrql* Head* Department of Polltlc?«l Science* Allg«<rh Muslim University* Allgazh* without whose guidance* help and ceaseless encouragement this work could not have been completed, insplte of his preoccupations* he allowed ms to frequently encroach upon his valuable time* and encouraged me In ray moments of difficulty. v I am ~lso grateful to Professor Nljat-Ullah Siddiqi, HeBeh OepArtment of Islamic StUdies. Al19Arh Muslim Universlty. for hi. kind help and valuable suggestions. I am indebted to Mr. s. 4minul Hasan Rlzvl. Chlef Edltor. -the RAdlAnce \l1eW8 weekly([!elh1) for rendering rae much help and aS81st.~nce concerning the nateriBl. I am "1m> much grateful to Mr. baqBr. Incharge of the Theses Bnd PeriodicAls section, MBulana Azad LibrRry. A.M.U., for showing the loose newspapers. IaRi grateful to Mr. Jalal-w.-tiaque. Lecturer, lJepartm13nt ot Phl10lJOphy, A.M.U., and l'-Jr. Iqbal Ghani Ktlan, Reaearch Assistp.nt, Lep~rtrnent of liistory t A.M.U •• for their help tn the translation of some Urdu Nt-erial and the Constl tution of the MBjlis respectively, and to the teaching and non-teflching staff and Lrlends of the Dep~rtment. ot polltical Science for their encourAgement and 8sslst~nce. I alone. however, am responsible for the facts And opinions mentioned in this dissertation. I should also extend my thanks to Mr.Abdul Aleem Ans ~rl, Senior Stenographer. Department of Poll tic"l Science, A.M.U.t for correct typing of the manuscrlpt. ~'7 • ;'C'-::ja,,,/t-{(' l~l,--£l... A11g8m November ,1980 «( i~AR ALI )(HAN ) CHAPTER I INDEPE^DENCS ANn ^CTBR With the Joint struggle of the Hindus and the Muslli88» India became free on August 15 f 1947* and a new chapter of history opened as the Indians became the master of their fate. Needless to emphasise here that how much the Muslims participated In the freedom movements» but It Is quite evident that they fought side hy side with their countrymen In achieving freedcm and suffered very much for this common cause. The role of Muslims In the freedom struggle Is very significant as the v^ole Muslim communityi particularly* the ulema* the educationalIstst the elites* the poets and the journalIstSf struggled for freedom and sacrificed their lives. The uleraat from the very beginning* played a guiding role In the freedom struggle and were severely dealt with the Britishers. The efforts of Tlpu sultan* Nawab Slrajud- daullah* Nawab Allwardl Khan* Syed Ahmed shaheed* Maulana Ismail Shaheedf Hajl Imdad Ullah and the Mujahldeen etc. ar«» too* very significant In this direction. The role of the Muslims In the first freedom struggle (1857) Is very remarkable and stirring. After the Greet Revolt of 1857* the Muslims were declared responsible for It ^nd afterwards* 1 they had to bear serious consequences. 1. Tufall Ahmad* Musalmano ka Raushao Mustagbll (Urdu)* (Delhi: Kutub Khana Azlzla* 1945)* p. 110* and Rajendra Prasad* India Olvlded (Bombay» Hind Kltabs* 1946)* p. 86. we Cfio criticise th« Mu»llra League* but a« a asitter of £act» the Le^^gue Joined the freedom mav«aeat and made serious efforts for It. aithou^^. It adopted m different policy in the last days of the freedom struggle and t 2 strongly advocated and demanded the partition of the country. The long and lethal struggle for the freedom temporarily appeared very 8%ieet. Everyone felt s<*ti8f«%ction for a %^ilef but in the next raoraent everyone felt pain and agony. The country was divided into two sovereign states i.e. I Indite and Pakistan, what happ^oed sifter the partition* vrma very pathetic* John connell in his book* Auchinleck t k Critical Biography* writest "The Supreme Commfinder* Lord Auchinleck* was in his plane on August 14 from Lahore to Pel hi. As he looked down on the great plain of Punjab* he saw iMaoke rising fronarmry village to the limits of the vast horizon* end along the dustry roads the endless stre^iAs of refu^p^ies trudging east and west* The greatest exoc^s on either side just started beginning.
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