A*Saf*I, M. H. M. I., MS Mapinda, Et Al. (٢٠٠٦). Dua Kwa Mujibu Wa Ahlulbayt

A*Saf*I, M. H. M. I., MS Mapinda, Et Al. (٢٠٠٦). Dua Kwa Mujibu Wa Ahlulbayt

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Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٦ . .(٢٠ ,Discourse approaches to politics, society and culture) ,Globalization and language in the Spanish-speaking world : macro and micro perspectives. Ed. by Clare Mar-Molinero and .٢٠٠٦ Miranda M. Stewart . Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan (Language and globalization). .Grammars in contact : a cross-linguistic typology. Ed. by Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and,R. M. W. Dixon. Oxford: Oxford UP .٢٠٠٦ . .(٤ ,Explorations in linguistic typology) :acquisition and creole genesis : dialogues. Ed. by Claire Lefebvre ;, Lydia White ;, Christine Jourdan . Amsterdam L٢ .٢٠٠٦ . .(٤٢ ,Benjamins (Language acquisition & language disorders . Ed. by Louis Goldstein ;,D. H. Whalen ;, Catherine T. Best . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter .٨ Laboratory phonology .٢٠٠٦ . Lexical categories and root classes in Amerindian languages. Ximena Lois ;, Valentina Vapnarsky (eds.). Bern: Lang .٢٠٠٦ Loquentes linguis : studi linguistici e orientali in onore di Fabrizio A. 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Coleraine: The Stationery Office (Studia .٢٠٠٥ June ٢١-١٩ ,university of Ulster, Coleraine . .(١ ,Celto-Slavica Perspectives on grammar writing. Ed. by Thomas E. Payne and, David John Weber . Amsterdam, Amsterdam: Benjamins (Studies .٢٠٠٦ . .(٢/٣٠ ,"in language : international journal sponsored by the foundation "Foundations of Language Portugiesisch kontrastiv gesehen und Anglizismen weltweit. Jürgen Schmidt-Radefeldt (Hrsg.). Frankfurt am Main: Lang .٢٠٠٦ . .(١٠ ,Rostocker romanistische Arbeiten) Pragmatic markers in contrast. Ed. by Karin Aijmer ;, Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen . Amsterdam: Elsevier (Studies in .٢٠٠٦ . .(٢ ,pragmatics Revitalising Gaelic in Scotland : policy, planning and public discourse. Ed. Wilson McLeod . Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press .٢٠٠٦ . :Serial verb constructions : a cross-linguistic typology.

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