7 n y HOUSTONV DAILY POST FRIDAY MORNING JUNK 3 1898 HIRD EDITION 6oo am BDBSTING OF A SHELL dozen Is tho preponderating fighting figure illE in tho designs Judt practically completed by v the Chief Constructor Hlchborn for the Army Mat Not Be M four coast defense vessels authorized by the last naval appropriation bill Tho vcss3ls- f Santl8gM fcil ts Effects lcscrlbd by Surgeon of aro to bo tho most formidable ever con- ¬ structed for their peculiar purposes and New York will ¬ the include many novelties Jn modern na- THE INVASION 0F viWCft val architecture Under tho provisions ot > P0RT0 the bill their cost Including truiamnt- Is limited to Jl250000 each They will NE SAILOR KILLED BY A FRAGMENT leave twelve knots speed twelve feet B draught twclvsHnch barbettes twelveInch- Vill Undertaken If This Proves Hlchborn Inclined turrets twclvclut guns tjic Cnse lesplriillon tciencel lit twelveInch armor and each of their Oner lint the two scrows will be driven hv 1200 horso licnrt Ceiiitiniioil to lleitt o- power engines rIhc Minutes Their displacements will be Just 1200 AN ENGAGBMBNT tons IS EXIBCTBD Tho guns will bo mounted In pairs In tur- ¬ rets placed n little forward o tho midship New York Juno 2 The following article section and will have an arc of fire of In Seiietlerrn Cnlia nie It Ir Belleseel- Assistant Surgeon Raymond Spear on 300 degrees which Is unequalled In any he Veaftrl flitter Snmpsoa ard the flagship Now York showing thu easel of tho navy The turrets will be tbo first constructed with Can IHrpomc of Ccrvcra ffect of the explosion a Inclined surfaces of HC M which arc calculated to deflect any shot hell appeared today In the Medical News striking them The hulls will have threo During the bombardment of San Juan do reet freeboard covered with armor and New York 2 A special the engines Juno Trlbuno orto Itlco on May 12 the New York was will be more thoroughly pro ¬ tected than those of any battleship afloat from Washington says The contingency truck once by c 11c M shell a dls The it chief objection to exiting moul clcnily foreseen and provided tor in ance of 5500 yards The shell came over tois tho lack of berthing cnpacltv for the bo stern of tho ship men will be obviated on tho orders sent to Major General Shafter- and struck an Iron superstructure these vessels by a tanchlon which was broken short off at on deck extending from tho Inst Sunday which might render super turret to within ft fPW he point of contact feet of the stern The shell went on for In which tho men will live In time of peace lluou i tho beginning ot extended army distance of about fifteen feet nud cxplod In nctlon no particular harm will oo done provisions In the vicinity of Santiago has d In wooden boat which was covered If this Is shot away by tho enemy a crew bs the tlth canvas The boat was demolished iho tnel officers at that time will n0 below now reached Iiu ortnnt ptoportlons lu view deck working tho ship It Is expected Ightcr planking being badly splintered and that of Iho extremely formidable con- ¬ theso vessels will bo begun In a few weeks naval liven against an Iron stcamwiuch The and completed In twelve months centration reported oil the southern coast ars la tno boat werebroken and one pieco iias driven forwardalong the spar deck IirrAITttltKII VI ViS- of Cuba and there has been a consequent lUt did no damage Improvement In the prospects of au Imme- ¬ Tho canvas covering tho boat was torn Confcilu Tank Ttiiin Awiij from the nd rent into threads by tho force of tho- > iv Ynrkern diate Invasion of Porto Hlco with tho- splosion and by splinters passing through New York June 2 In tho house of and then caught lire showing llkililitod ot the occupation of San Juan that can representatives Mr Alexander of New York as under such conditions will not stop Itself during the middle of June pUntcrs asked and obtained unanimous consent for Army Tho shell Itself burst In many pieces tho consideration of n hill for the restora- ¬ oftkers In Washington believe that nryltig fiom the size of a large plecu tion to tho authorities ot that State of tho tho reported ot iclghlng nnlvnl Admiral Sampson fho pounds The direction these flag ot tho Ono Hundred and Fourth New ragments took was forward downward oft Santiago and thoprosence thcro of tho York ¬ pward and to both sides many of volunteer Infantry says the Washing- ihem peerless Oregon srsnnllre tho confidence ot- oing over tho ships sides others passing ton correspondent of tho Tribune Tho hill tiiough the copper vcntilnlors and hinoKu was parsed by unanimous vote The ling ONE OF THE BIG GUNS ON THE BATTLESHIP IOWA tho naval commanders thnt Corveraa- itpes doing and but little dimsisr The ¬ has been In tho eustodx of the war depart- Mliiadroe may bu destroyed de- ¬ ragments that went downward and for without ment since the close of the civil war It renl struck about the port In the waUst GUN pending on assistance nshoro mid that un whole there were twelve nen was captured by Confederate troops rerap- A NEW MACHINE sti quickly following the rccouunltering ¬ loncd killing ono man and injuring boveral tured by Union troops and deposited In tho skir- thera war mish of the low a tho Massachusetts Tho man department It ls n United States saih to mi cim 11111 or iiiitow- and killed Weldcmnrk was stiuck Hag y a piece of shell about two Iuchc3 square inscribed Wndsworth Guards ISO MIOTN A MlMiTll tho Now Orleans a decisive engagement y lC ono Inch thick It entered the left aide Tho history of Its capture and recapture will bo undertaken f his neck near ihe nngle of the lsw scv Is not found In tho records of the war de- ¬ red tho blood It Would ItrniliM AltllcU l > it Tor- Since tho deiwituro of vessels proceeded upward partment In the collection ot recaptured General Mlle- ltd backward into his brain probably lu lieiln llnill In ln > lilini Nearly rfiom Washington uHng tho Union flags In that department ore the probability that medulla and lodged under the there un I in imnNl lilll i kin Just beneath tho occipital protuber- nine others which belonged to Now York cooperation would he Imperative nl San- ¬ nco Tho man fell forward losing con regiments Tho first Is a rcgluiontol guidon- tiago hits materially clousness immediately respiration dliiilnlsheil particu- ¬ H3 of tho Second Now York Now York Juno 2 The navy depart- ¬ eased as soon as ho was struck but his State militia larly sines lie effectiveness of tho Is Commodore icnrt continued to heat icbly for about second tho State colors of tho ment will make an exhaustive test loda > at- SthleyH conimuiilentloiis ¬ vc minutes when all signs of life dUap Twelfth regiment New York volunteers with the Insur- icarcd tho Indian Head proving grounds of an au- ¬ gents eishoiu inscribed Presented by the City ot New liocnmo fully known and Another fragment of ¬ shell of about the York tomatic onopouudrr riflo said to hi cap- clearly appreciated pmo size struck a man nnijetl Kettman tho third Is the United States flag by tho officials here tho anterior of tho Fiftyfirst regiment vo- ¬ able of filing lio shots a mlmite raja tho now inner burface of tho left New York charged solely with ordering nctint- High about three Inches above the left lunteers Inscribed Shcpard ltlfles Washington correspondent and went through tho of tho Tribune npointltins of Heels and nnnles nip ihe limb taking a fourth Is tho regimental guidon of thu- aekward and downward course The fc Tho tremendous nilvat tago to bo gained by The commodores nir was shattered Into SlMyslxth New York Stato volunteers certainty that he hat numerous frag such weapon may bj apprcclatod when it- lcnts and tho muscles wore torn comld captured by Goneral J R n Stuarts cav- ¬ Contra securely in tho harbor has < iett- rably The effect of the missile In bone alry nt Urnndy Station tho fifth Is thu ls eald that tho best guns now In the nnal rlie to umiticjtlonlng as peculiar in that the bone was not issuninccs on tho splintered flag of the Irish brigade captured In tho service capable o throwing onepound pro ¬ nlj for about Hires Inches ot Part of the highest authorities thtit he can length but it was pulverized hundreds battle of Fredericksburg by Major Gen jectiles are handled by wclldrlllcd crews f safely be trmted to out ¬ minute particles ot bono being imbedded oral Andersons division September 13- cmiy the responsi- tho muscles 1S62 the sixth is tfie regimental lag of tho- nt a speed never oxreedlng flftcn or six- bilities which have been Imposed on him At the point of exit there wero shreds r NInoVyseeond New ¬ teen shots a minute a- tissue protruding from tho wounds York volunteers in- and at that rate for Ills tlnmonatriitloii that tho Santiago bat ¬ nowing scribed that the ragged piece of steel drew Excelsior the seventh Is the ery brlsf period Tho cifc s on tel Ir i wore luscuinr fibers Jcrrtflc Inslgulfleant to n elccrcs that and fascia along with It United States tl g of 1856 of the One Hun- ¬ he leg was operated on and n light armor of such a gun can hardlyb removed them fiom serious consideration portloi of dred and Twentythird Now York volun- ¬ ho femur and tho splinters and crumbs n teers overestimated especially in aotlon ngeiimt as essential elements of dotciuc rjmov ert the fragments ware of the rimmed oft and wired together and through koii torpedo boats which could be i endured al- ¬ harbeir iIIioiir1i hisiretlcal strategists had nd through dralnago established thn limb run piiiiippims lng put In n fenlstratcd plaster together useless In the di > tlmo and per- ¬ lahDrliusly figured nut that
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