satya or I 48n Essence absolute divine mover I 56, 624, 629 degrees of monadic I 176 dhyan chohanic II 108 life-, of solar system I 541 radiant, spreads thru space I 67 spiritual, of matter I 35 svabhavat & cosmic I 3-4, 61 Essenes, believed in reincarnation II 111 &n Estufas. See Artufas Esur, God in India II 114 Eswara. See Isvara Eternal, the One, drops its reflection I 231 Eternity (ies) amrita & I 348 egg symbol of I 65 ideas, ideal forms in I 282 Kalahansa swan in II 465 living consciously in I 459n meaning of, in Puranas I 336n nirvana limited in I 266 no word in Hebrew for I 336 &n, 354n past, future & I 37 poem (last stanza) re, [John Gay] I 26 serpent symbol of I 65; II 214, 505 seven I 35-6, 53, 144 &n, 206 seventh, paradox of I 62-3 third eye embraces II 299n time &, as Kala I 427 of universe I 16; II 490n "White radiance of," [Shelley] I 238 Ether (element) I 527 &nn. See also Aether, Astral Light aether & I 330-2, 460, 508 agent of transmission II 105 ahamkara surrounds II 616 air is differentiated I 534 akasa & I 61, 76n, 255, 296n, 326, 331, 515, 526n; II 511n akasa spirit soul of I 18 all things come fr I 462 anthropomorphized & deity I 332 astral light & I 74n, 197, 326, 331n, 343, 524n Bain on I 325-6 binds particles of matter I 526 breath of Universal Soul I 102 "caloric" agency of Metcalfe I 524 &n, 525, 526 Church made, abode of Satan I 331 continuous material medium I 487 cosmic substance I 111n, 326, 339 denizens of I 297, 331n earth, water, fire, air & II 616 evolution of concept I 491-2 Father-, or Archaeus I 51 fifth race element II 135 fifth round & I 12, 140, 257-8 Fohat son of, or akasa II 400n gross body of akasa I 13n, 257 interstellar I 626; II 135 in Kalevala II 122 Levi's astral light lowest I 254-5 light transmitted by I 486, 595 lining of akasa I 97 Lodge on I 488-9 materialists rebel against I 587 &n Moschus on I 461 Narayana present in I 231 Newton on I 13, 490-5 no resistance to bodies in, (Stallo) I 486 not fully manifested yet I 460 passive female principle I 57 physically unknown to us I 669 plenum, vacuum & I 495 prototypes in, (Anaxagoras) I 332 reflection of chaos I 338 resisting I 501 Richardson's nervous I 531-2, 537; II 298n science & I 102, 296n, 297, 339, 485, 487; II 511n seven rays bases of I 515n seven subdivisions of I 330-2 soul of matter I 57 sound, hearing & I 255, 296n, 536, 587; II 107 spirit directs elements in I 343 Stallo on I 482, 486-7 svabhavat noumenon of I 671 synthesis of four elements I 97, 342, 447 vibratory, of Keely I 555-6 we will transmit, to 6th race I 342 Ethereal, Ethereality bodies of early man II 55, 86, 149, 150, 157, 732 fluid of Leibniz I 623 nature of first dhyani-chohans I 82 races evolve fr, to materiality I 188; II 68n, 298-9 &nn; 697 Ethics Aryan codes of II 253 Buddha taught II 423 karma & universal I 637-9 national II 469 religious, of first races II 272-3 Ethiopians. See also Aethiopians Eastern II 417, 429 Ethiopic MS, in Bodleian Library Book of Enoch translated fr II 482 Ethiops River, Indus River &, explained II 417-18 Ethnology (ical) I xxxiii, 318; II 334, 443, 535 esoteric II 166, 710, 789-93 rebels against Bible chronology II 195 requires several Adams I 323-4 science confirms esoteric II 166 significance of Dattoli II 232n silent re Australians II 196 of Vishnu Purana II 320 "yellow hued" descendants II 425 Etruria, trilithic stones in II 346n Etruscan(s) Florence built on, cities II 221 Tuscan sages & eight ages (Sulla) I 650 word lares fr II 361 Etudes egyptologiques. See Pierret, P. Etudes sur le rituel . See Rouge, de Etym. M. II 519. See also Photius Etz (Heb, Otz in text) Holy of Holies I 114n nine & seven numbers of I 114; II 217 Tree in Garden of Eden I 114 Euclid II 522 Eudaimonia (Gk) II 371 Eudoxus of Cnidus, made Egyptian year one month I 650 Eue (Eve) or Eua (Eva), Chaldaic verb "to be" II 129 Eugenius Philalethes. See Vaughan, Thomas Eugibinus, on composite Adam II 134 &n Euhemerization II 148, 271, 543, 658 Euler, L., gravity due to spirit I 491 Euphrates River, Gan-Eden watered by II 202, 203 Euripides, ----- Hercules furens immorality of poets II 764 ----- Hippolytus Kalliste I 395 ----- Orestes Castor & Pollux II 123 &n ----- Troades (Trojan Women) three-eyed Zeus II 294n Europe Africa appeared before II 368 Africans crossed into II 740-1 America older than II 407n Australia &, one continent (Seeman) II 333 cyclopean towns in I 209n Egypt older than present II 746 elevation of, & Asia II 694-5 on eve of cataclysm I 644-6 fifth continent II 8, 606n geometric pyramids not in II 352 ice-age immigration into II 738n Incas & Pelasgians of II 745-6 last Atlantis island preceded II 405 Mergiana & new continent of II 398 Miocene plants of, & America II 727, 781, 790 Mongolian type skulls found in II 744 Negro types found in II 744 no man in, during Tertiary (sci) II 714 north of, still rising II 787n Paleolithic man of II 739-41 rising during Atlantean peak II 722-3 sunken during Lemurian era II 324, 327 Tertiary, Quaternary II 738-40 &n will one day sink II 266 European(s) age of, family [national] race II 435 ancient history of, nations II 439 Blavatsky taught two, in 1880 I xviii Buddhist tracts hidden fr, "pundits" I xxx early, sought refuge in Asia II 743 fifth or, subrace II 445 fossils & proof of man's antiquity II 725 fossils linked w South America II 791 lethal influence of II 411n Neolithic, plants African II 739 no, artifacts before late Eocene II 723 no more, in sixth race II 446 northern stocks of, originate II 743 part of Aryan race II 106, 323-4n punishment of, nations I 644 third Aryan subrace became II 753 two, taught in 1870s I xviii-ix Eurydice (wife of Orpheus), bitten by polar serpent II 785 Eurymedon, children of, & fourth race II 766 Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea disfigured Berosus I xxvi; II 53 disfigured Manetho I xxvi; II 368, 392, 692-3 disfigured Sanchoniathon II 392, 692-3 Smith proves forgeries of I xxvi n Tertullian known only in II 278n ----- Chronicon mutilates Chaldean records I xxxi ----- Praeparatio Evangelica animated stones II 342 on Egyptian zodiac II 357 Elyon II 380 Hermes emblem of the Word II 542 Kabiri sons of Sydic II 392 mundane egg I 360 Phoenician cosmogony I 340 Sun shown in a ship (Egy) I 409 Eusebius (the physician), carried talking stones (de Mirville) II 342 Eustathius, Archbishop, Io signifies the Moon II 416n, 463 Euterpe II 334. See also Herodotus Euthanasia, adepts & esoteric meaning of II 531 Euxine Samothrace overflowed by II 4-5 search for cradle of humanity in II 203 White Island in, (Wilford) II 402n Eva. See Eue Evangel (Christian doctrine), ancients plagiarized by anticipation II 481-2 Evangelists, symbology of four I 127n, 441-2 Evans, Sir John ----- The Ancient Stone Implements . Neolithic, Paleolithic man II 722 no writing in Stone Age II 442 Eve, Eva. See also Adam, Havvah Adam &, Fall of II 62, 95n ansated cross symbolizes II 31n Belita or Damti became II 463 bore Cain because of apple II 166 disobedience of, not evil II 95n dragon that tempted I 73 fr Ha-va (chavah), life II 42n, 194n first natural woman II 388 gave birth to Cain-Jehovah II 469 Genesis 3, third race & II 410 Hebel or II 135 Houah or, (Skinner) II 467 identical w Aditi II 43 identical w Vach II 128 Isis, Io or II 416 Jehovah male portion of II 269n Juno a form of I 129n made fr Adam's rib I 456n; II 193 means "to be" II 129 missionaries confuse, w Ivi II 194 &n Norse Lifthrasir compared w II 100 not begotten but extracted II 661 placental before mammals II 166 seduced by flying camel II 205 Sephirah-, or Aditi-Vach I 355-6 serpent &, like Mayamoha-Daityas I 422 terrestrial, is Earth I 60, 240 Vach compared w, & Adam I 137 warned not to eat forbidden fruit II 267 womb, Sarah or II 472 Zuni Priestess-Mother & II 629 Evening Telegraph, on The Secret Doctrine II 441n Even Numbers, terrestrial, devilish (Pythagoras) II 574-5 Ever- becoming I 250, 268, 570; II 446, 449 &n existing I 278; II 545 Present, abstract motion & I 3 Unknowable I 280 Evestrum, or Ka II 633 Evidence internal, not safe beacon I xxx of past overwhelming II 742 past, required I xlv of sunken continents II 788 "Evidence of Man's Place . ." See Huxley "Evidences of the Ice Age." See Woodward Evil. See also Devil, Good &, Knowledge, Satan, Shadow ancient view of I 343 antagonizing blind force I 413 belief in personal devil & II 377 Christians personify II 390, 478 dominates humanity (Bible) II 515 easy spread of II 212 even numbers II 574-5 fallen angels key to II 274 God cannot be divorced fr I 413 good &, are twins I 412-13; II 96 keys to solution of II 303, 476, 515 Laing on nature of II 510n matter or, evolution of I 73 much of world's, could vanish I 643 necessary in manifestation II 389 neither, nor good per se II 96, 162 no, dragon II 53 no, outside mankind II 389, 512 not an independent power I 73 not eternal to Zoroastrians II 488 One II 70 origin of II 25, 274, 373, 490, 520 polarity of spirit, matter I 416 Prometheus & physical II 420 punishment &, serve the good II 477 Puranas on I 415-16 realm of, & sublunary regions II 74 root of, (Hindu) II 421n Satan personifies abstract II 478 serpent of II 25-6 symbols of II 386 union & harmony palliative to I 644 wars w powers of II 104 Evil Eye(d) Saturn the II 29 of sorcerers II 427 Evil Spirits Christians have dogmatized II 386 originally emblems of chaos II 386 seven, of Chaldea II 97 Evolution.
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