, re ully Accredited! SEVENTY-THIRD YEAR-No. 259 TAMPA, FLORIDA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1965 PRICE FIVE CENTS President, Veep Runoff Tomorrow In one of the closest races candidates for office have dis- tlon Rules committee, Chair- the court certify him alt a and in the largest voter turn- regarded fraternity affiliation man Louise Brink, Patty La- valid candidate 'n the runoff, out in USF history, Ed Goris in their campaigns. Brot, and Bill Dreyer, listened and thereby may cause lnvaUda· and John Harper fought each Gladue, with considerable vot- in the SA office Friday after- tion of the runoff. other into a runoff for presi- ing weight behind him, has been noon to arguments presented ·If Gladue draws enough votes dent of the Student Association walking a tightrope between en- by Gladue. to prevertt Ed Cor is or John in the SA elections held last dorsement of Ed Goris, whom Gladue was conten~ina- that Harper gaining a clear major­ Tuesday. Coris drew 752 votes, he calls "somewhat less irreput- the 200 or fiO write-m bdlots ity with Gladue's votes being lilllilWO""""'"'.,.._MIIIII Harper, 744. ~ble"than Harp.er •. and cond~ct- he expects to Tuesday's runoff considered valld, the situation "Radical" Pete Gladue kept mg h1s own wnte-m campaign. elect.lon should be coupted as might force the Ccmmittee to . Shortly after Gladue issued a valid votes. the race close, polling 62~ votes. statement endorsing Coris, said The Committee decided that declare the winner as whoever Gladue won the voting . on he had been approached by the votes would be null and is able to garner a plurall(y. Bay Campus, but ran mto "about 50 people" asking him void, and that they wauld not The Committee has so far stuck troubles on the ~am.pa campus to run. They had agreed elec- be counted. to Its decision t~ declare a ma· as _the .result. of his biZar.re cam- tion eve that one would sup- Gladue announced his Iuten- jority winner. pa1gn m which he received en- port the other in the runoff, tion to take the matter to the None of the candidates, how­ dorsements from Raphael Ig- depending on who survived the Student Court of Review when ever, feels Gladue's 11th hour natz (an invented character), "primary." and if the ballots are not count- race will have much effect in Santa Claus, and the G r e a t Three members of the Elee- ed. He will attempt to have (Continued on Page Zl) Pumpkin. The vice-presidential race also was forced into a runoff as * John Hogue pulled in 941 votes ****** ** to 720 for Rick Rumrell. Blair Weir pulled up third in this SA Finalists Give Views year's VP balloting with 337. No presidential or vice-presi· Coris Harper RumreU dential candidate received the The credit for my success in 1 pledge my whole-hearted 1 would like to thank all of required 1,140 vote majority of this "primary" election should support to the betterment of the the students who voted for me, the 2, 278 vo t es cast • a new rec- fa II mainly on all of you who position of the student in this ord. The old mark of 1,541 was have worked in my behalf. university, whether he is a com- and for those students, I ask set two years ago m the Bob I am very pleased that so muter or a resident, a senior or that you vote for me again, Ashford-Charles MoneY cam- many students did vote - this a freshman Tuesday, Dec. 7. palgn which Ashford won. was an increase of some 9 per I want t~ unify the student For those who cast their hal- The runoff, to be held tomor- cent ?v.er. l~st .year's vote. I body and with the power to such lots for a different vice presi· row, sets the . ~tage for. a bat- ~k It 1s md.tcative o~ the grow- a unified student body, do my dentlal candidate, I ask you to tie o.f fratern~ties. Presi?entlal mg s~ud~nt mterest ':' Student best to make the voice of the con$ider the following: ) Many Sides To The SA Executive Election candidate Com, Arete, IS run- AssocJattwn work which, I be- students felt by the administra- ning al',ainst Enotas' John Har- Iieve began to fully manifest it- tion THROUGHOUT the campai~n. I Upper left, Campus Edition photographer Tony Zappone takes his own vote projection by peeking over per. In the vice-presidential self under Bob Ashford's admin- A. 'fed tud t bod 'th 1 I have emphasized positive pro­ ~ the S. A.'s privacy screen. Upper right, presidential candidates Ed Coris, Pete Gladue and John Harper demon- race, John Hogue, Arete, is run- istration. ~ru s 7n Y WI 111 arams that suggest progress strate support for each other prior to the anm:mncement of election results. Lower left, a poster behind the ning against independent Rick I only hope that you will fur- beffectJve letadfership.can ahnid ~ .•. not promises. These have UC information desk displays the results for all who th f ill. · If . h e a grea orce m ac evmg wish to see. Lower right, USF'ers ·show mixed emotions Rumrell. er am ame yourse wtt 1 t· t · 5 t d t included ideas that will indeed as the results are announced in the UC lobby. Hogue, however, said that the the programs of both candidates, so u Ion ° pressJng. u en establish a quorum in the leg• ..::.:..:....:..:...:._~.:..:...:..:......::.:.:..:.....:...:..:..:...:....:..:.. __.:..:.._.:..:.......:...:..:...:..:...:..:..~.:..:..-------------------.....:.--------------=-....::.:--- ------ and that you will vote in the proble_ms - sometbmg unac- islature; ideas that will direct the Student Association to /be students; and ideas cre•tlv in J c1 •1. ( final election •u•.ht'rA. t.•.Ubl• ,1,., - -~u F Gets Fu I Ac re" d I. t~ t' 0 n .~ tom~~~WCORJS r~;~~£~~e~:~~r!£:~~~~A Harper administration will ~"'"* r--·... t1ce~ s Consider a I s o my qua!i£1. H not only support but expend ev- og ue tions as both legislator and rep­ Just as I will be unable to ery available effort to: resentative· at • large; as both thank each of you personally 1. Enlarge academic freedom vice president and president of I have been unable to person- to its fullest. the debate team; as chairman ally acquaint all of you with the 2. Improve faculty perform· of Congressman Gibbons Din­ issues of the campaign. Thus I ance and student information ner; as parliamentarian of Cir· must use a more impersonal with a student evaluation pro­ cle K; as member of 1965 UC By Southern Association Dec. m-adium to express my deepest 1 gram. Leadership Training Conference; appreciation for the confidence as past worker in the state leg­ The Southern Association of of the association, the Univer- * * * * * * * * * you accorded me. 3. Represent the students' in· islature; and finally as a feUow Colleges and Schools officially sity was found to have clearly Tomorrow you are asked to terest and only that interest. recognized the USF as an ac- defined and appropriate objec- student. With these tJrings in A d •t t• Aff t return to the polls to determine 4, Question the "all-university mind, I am sure that you too credited institution during its an- tives with conditions favorable CC re I a IOn ec S the future direction of your stu- principles" in regards to stu- will vote nual meeting last week in Rich· for achieving them," Allen con- dent government. dent feeling on: Rick Rumrell for your vice presi~ent. mond, Va. eluded. I have tried to present a a. Increased inter· colleciate RICK RUMRELJ, The Southern Association's 0 the r accreditation groups G k N t• 1• t• straight-forward presentation of athletics. general session voted Wednes- throughout the coun~ry will now ree a IOna IZa IOn the issues in this election. I b. off campus food catering day, Dec. 1, to give USF full hst USF as accredtted by t~e have not masked the issues with This is a positive progr~m. membership in its organization. ~outhern AssociatiOn. A.ccredtt· humorous or discreditory re- net warmed-over promises from The action also gave accredita- mg bodies are sect10nalm char- By GAIL REEVES cuss further and possibly pass posals wlll ne~d final approval marks. last year. I seek support from tion to USF. acter and recognize the testi- Campus Staff Writer the p;oposed standards for na- by the Executive Council. To me there are three basic everyone, and I am asking that 'bl monial of good standing passed The Student Affairs Commit- tionabzatwn of fratermties and Proposed university standards issues of the campaign conc-ern- the student body unit "jOin the USF b ecame e Jj gi e 1or ac- . · d't f "tb th d f by therr counterparts m other t ee WI'll meet t omorrow t o d'IS· soron'ti es. If passe d , u1e pro- for recognition of national so- ing the Vice President's posi- Harper Rebellion." It can help ~~e t~! ~~:n~~ cla:s g~~ ~P~~~ areas. cia! fraternities have been dis- tion as head of the legislature. you if you help it. 1965 and the Southern Associa- USF students planning to en- N Q t SA cussed in the committee for the They are as follows: Signed, ready to work, tion's action is retroactive to ter graduate school will be ac- 0 uoru m a last two years.
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