Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1974 Proselyting Techniques of Mormon Missionaries Jay E. Jensen Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Jensen, Jay E., "Proselyting Techniques of Mormon Missionaries" (1974). Theses and Dissertations. 4824. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/4824 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. zr4 71 t PROUT-proselytingL techniquesQ ur 0OFF MOPHOMMORMON missionaries A chesithesithesiss presented to thetine dapartentDapdapaartentartmelwt ofN f church history aadeadandceieidmid doctrinedoc t rl ne brighamprighamyeulyeungyoungg university in partial fulfillment ol01oro r the requirementsrcquaqu4lrempns for the degree master of arts by jay edvinededwinln jenjensensen august 1974 1 this thesis by jay edwineclwili densenjenserjenseni isi accepted in Us present N forrtorrformtorm by the Departdepartmentidant of church liscordI1 storylistoryliscoryli scory and doctrinedo rinecinettrineyine in the college of religious instructioninstrucinstructIn struc llonclon of brigham young university asa satisfyingsalisasabisagiLI isfiff yi yne isiiyl the thesistlhtah sis requirementsrne quiqut rementsantsforfofoyd thetho degree of mestermastermastensterstprsopr of arts V S ffmctmc richarricharo 0 coviancov an committee chairmachairmanchairmailCh irmadarmadairmail r dohnJjohnh n P fuga j collicorlicornrihcornsihcordim i ttte memberM eia b r v lu JL ALJALJLfaf7 D e L laciarlahiarr C berrettaberreffcr e t iedeprtmenfcpa Y tme n t coriairmdrttttaTrjhodd typed by sharon dorledortejorledodesdorlesjodesjonesjorlesjortess 11 JA JJAacicnowledgmntA KNO idleIWLE DGMENT the writer would liketiketo acknowledge with gratitude the sug- 1 I gestionsgest ions pertaining to researchrebearrsearr h techniques and theth 1 helpfulhelp luilulILI assisassistancetaiicebalicebelicetanice in the preparation of this manuscript given by drjr richrichardardayd 0 conancowan 11 1 1 Z I the committee chdirmanchairman and theflienulennieminormirloiminovmirlon committeeC emoiemol1ltenealtene membersiiiem bers Llamarlimiaimia r garrard and john PD fugal Tthanksh a n K s area re aalsoaisoI1 s 0 extendede X te n d e d to ttheh e personnelpc4 r S c n n e I1 ofI1 thehe church historicalhist orical departiedepartmedepartmentDepartme nt and the brigham youngYC ung urflversituniversityy libraryL i bra ry being an acactiveieveijve rtemberremberdembermember of the church of jesus christ of lattlaftlatterlattenn n day saints andana a returned funtimefunfull ttinetimeime missionary for the churchchurchy theth I1 writer acknowledgesI1 the fact that it is difficult to researchk and write from an unbiased position but with constant lndersreirelreinindersrein ifinders and suggestions from the committeecomcitteemittee chairman and others this work was completed appropriatelya p alroplro p Y i a tel y therhefheauthor expresses love and appreciation to his wife and children who have sacrificed much time and companionship during the many hours spent away from home in the completing of this thesis inM fableTABLEAB L E OF CCONTENTS0 N TE N 1sas pagePa g LIST OF FIGURES vinvi ii Cchapterh ci 1 te r T introduction I11 A missionaryMISSMNARY CHURCH I11 the beginnings of monnonismMonnon ismSM 2 early MissiomissionarynarV effortsef forts 4 the first official missionary 4 1thehe lamanitelainlarhLarnanite mimissionslobsion 6 PURPOSEPWRPOSEporpose OF THE THESISTWESTS 7 IL11 PERSONAL rontactimcontacting 9 TRACTINGTRACTINIG 9 9 purpose of actingtractingtrackingTr v T tractyacractingracbactingtinging guidelineguidelines5.5 10 teletetoTelotelephonephone TractingtractinqtractingTracttrackinginqing 16 door approaches 16 visualvisuzils s in tratactingtractingtrackingTr ting 19 f literatureLITERATUPUE USED IN t1taTRACTINGr ACTJLNG 20 tracts and pamphlets 21 book of0 r mormon as actingtractingtrackingTr literature 22 other0 ufler publications in actingtractingtrackingTr 23 01her01OTHERHER MEANS AND challenges OF PERSONAL contactingCONInacractingbactingrAC TING 25 street contacting a a a 0 25 iv chaplechapter pagha g p- rereligiousI1 i g I1 0 u s Ccensusc n 31 s 27 ea 1 foreignF0 r e1 I g n customscu s t0 m s iinn trottingtroctingtirTroCa c ttingi il1 9 277 the challengeChri png of Tractingtractingfrdctingtracking 28 liiillIII1111 H GROUP contacting 31 travelingTRAVELINGTRAVELTNG UT61ttfidutbojtmojt PURSE OR SCRIP 31 HALL mfmeringMETTNGelinetanet1n r 33 arranging places to neetmeetmeeb 33 giving out aipointmentsappointmentspointments 35 1 I A 11 p typical kathatkalhall meeting V W 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 40 batesbetesdbatesdebatesD 41 OPENAIROPLNAIRopinOPENOPLNAIR MEETING OR STREET NEEmeeMECTINGSI1 NGS 43 procedures for conducting street memeetingselinnetinns 44441 visualvisuals s in street meetings 48 ap OTHER METHODS OF graipgroipgroi1GROI 11p compactingCONTIIXTING 48 socials 49 athletics 50 musicmu 5 i C 5551 radio indend television 52 business contacting 5522 exhiblexhibitsits 53 you 1 boutiyouti1 i Popograinsprografflsgrains 55 1IVV crvEVERYERY MEMBER A missionary 56 L bring at leastbeastdastbast one convert intoin 0 o the church every year 56 THE REFERRAL progra1PROGRAM14 59 TractingtractinqtractingTracttrackinginqing and referrals 63 v f csioptur pagepagoP group teaclteachingteace 544 1 thT h goldenG 0 I d a n questionsQ u 0 S ti 0 ri S 666 F other0otheet hee 1 membermerimehimehliberaberlber approaches 68 correlation OF missionary11s1sio310310naryraryNARY WORK 71 RESULTS 72 V proselytingproselytinig LSSONUESSON PLANS 74 EARLY PLANS 74 the mlmessageasagessage of mormomsnimormaormormmor liso 76 helps for missionaries 11 ab4b 7766 FOUR MAJOR missionary LESSON IANSPLANSD tansI ANS 77 the systematic plan 81 A anifunifuniformoraloraisystem for teaching investigators 83 the uniform system for teaching families 86 v1VIva conclusion 90 SUMMARY 90 bibliographyT 94 appendixes 100 A asilathe messageILallaibaof mormonism discussion topics 100 jsila 31 B JSHIPhel us forfurr ilitplll03ii ssionarissionari lasens discussion topics 10103 r JJAthefhe anderson Jplan discussion topics 105 idl Daj1j idi 0 ijllilT h e Systemak fmanpanL discussionlon topics it 107 E ajjnjfcrrnA uniform system for teachindeachinteaching I1 nvestivestiqatorsqtws discussionD i S c u S s i 0 n topicsto p i t s 109 F lljilij0ithe11he uniform syisy1sya 90 tslilj011for teachiliq familiesUJ discussion topics 77 til111 G Ecerexcerptpt from the message of mormonism 113 vnJii i appendixesAPPENDBES argeprge H excellexcerlexcerptt ffronfrom lanjzlthe andersonhnderson dlanplan 115 I1 excerptexcerr t fromf romyom the ysjbnaycsystematic planpan 118 in U 1 1 A n r1ra S .1 em h I n v t s J exceaxceexcerptrt ffronfromroirolyoi uifojfii f0 rilriiSYSSYyjjem1 foforr teachjmcja c i u irivestprivest qjajqs 121 K excerpt ffronfromromyom filefhleflieejniformeniuni fornformfoyn system jorjdorff0 teachireachieachijifraqnq farmicarmiuntiesunyies1 i es 124 LIST OF FIGURES eguremgureg u re page 1 handbilli 11ll announcing a religious meeting ioto be conducted by samuel brannan new york city 1845 36 2 handbill announcingaenoiannoillincingllinqwin cing A course of lectures by lifmr robert campbellCamp bettbelt 37 3 handbill announcing a religious meeting e 0 38 4 the tripartiteTripartate missionmissionaryary progrprogaprogramam 58 5 theT e referral card 61 n 6 the I1 cartcare21.21 card 5969 7 convert baptisms in ststakesakes andabdmissions 1957197195719731957 1971973J 73 viiivillvi n chapterq e d a 1 introoucteonI1 IN I1 i 0 in I1f 11 1 1 i I1 jl qI1 A vA missionarys s I1 v CHURCHil1 d 0 H L L fromA I1 U 1cheU a timeiiilii111 0c t adainaddinVP V 11 to1 0 the prebit the JfotioversfolifollfoTi0O overs ofJ christ havewahhaq sought to0 dreach20d0preachq thegl hordword or0.0 godPO to01 those whooldi havebah not received A 111 1 I1 1cac q theq a saving upuipoordinancesV s jof the goshetgospetlu mcludinyU n p i u 5 bdptcmr d w by immersion for0 A I A L L U J UQ-P lulful p q J A q thebhe1 remissionS 0 0of sinsS S andendviehe lading onUO of40 iuuidss tor0 the gift5 of0 the holy11 0 L ahotghotq 0 s naduring61 theu mnislry of40 jesus christ hereq aj upon lthe1 OL xeoweewaeearthq L 11 V C ED 1 A 1 1 f pu 1110ll PC thell twelvejM A apostles1 0 S S heieherewere ordained0 P 2 3 endandconnfpddlOllloalloddlllplaepla to go ye0 unto to10 I 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