the; BOOK OF EXODUS BY THE RIGHT REV. 3- A. CHADWICK, D.D., Bishop of Derry AUTHOR OF "THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK," ETC NEW YORK C. ARMSTRONG AND SON 3 and 5 West Eighteenth Street London: Hodder and Stoughton 1903 PREFACE. MUCH is now denied or doubted, within the Church itself, concerning the Book of Exodus, which was formerly accepted with confidence by all Christians. But one thing can neither be doubted nor denied. Jesus Christ did certainly treat this book, taking it as He found it, as possessed of spiritual authority, a sacred scripture. He taught His disciples to regard it thus, and they did so. Therefore, however widely His followers may differ about its date and origin, they must admit the right of a Christian teacher to treat this book, taking it as he finds it, as a sacred scripture and invested with spiritual authority. It is the legitimate subject of exposition in the Church. Such work this volume strives, howler imper- fectly, to perform. Its object is to edify in the first place, and also, but in the second place, to inform. Nor has the author consciously shrunk from saying what seemed to him proper to be said because the utterance would be unwelcome, either to the latest critical theory, or to the last sensational gospel of an hour. But sines controversv has not been sought, b PREFACE. although exposition has not been suppressed when it carried weapons, by far the greater part of the volume appeals to all who accept their Bible as, in any true sense, a gift from God. No task is more difficult than to exhibit the Old Testament in the light of the New, discovering the permanent in the evanescent, and the spiritual in the form and type which it inhabited and illuminated. This book is at least the result of a firm belief that such a connection between the two Testaments does exist, and of a patient endeavour to receive the edification offered by each Scripture, rather than to force into it, and then extort from it, what the expositor desires to find. Nor has it been supposed that by allowing the imagination to assume, in sacred things, that rank as a guide which reason holds in all other practical affairs, any honour would be done to Him Who is called the Spirit of know- ledge and wisdom, but not of fancy and quaint conceits. If such an attempt does, in any degree, prove successful and bear fruit, this fact will be of the nature of a scientific demonstration. If this ancient Book of Exodus yields solid results to a sober devotional exposition in the nineteenth Christian century, if it is not an idle fancy that its teaching harmonises with the principles and theology of the New Testament, and even demands the New Testament as the true commentary upon the Old, what follows ? How comes it that the oak is potentially in the acorn, and the living creature in the egg ? No germ is a manufactured article : it is a part of the system of the universe. — — ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER L The Prologue, i I 6. Books linked by conjunction "And :" Scripture history a con- " nected whole, I.—So is secular history organic : Philosophy of history." The Pentateuch being a still closer unity, Exodus rehearses the descent into Egypt, 2.—Heredity : the family of Jacob, 3.—Death of Joseph. Influence of Egypt on the shep- herd race, 4. —A healthy stock: good breeding. Goethe's aphorism, 5.—Ourselves and our descendants, 6. God in History, i. 7. In Exodus, national history replaces biography, 6.—Contrasted narratives of Jacob and Moses. Spiritual progress from Genesis to Exodus, 7- —St. Paul's view: Law prepares for Gospel, 8. especially by our failures, —This explains other phenomena : failures in various circumstances, of innocence in Eden ; of an elect family ; now of a race, a nation, 9.—Israel, failing with all advantages, needs a Messiah. Faith justifies, in Old Testa, ment as in New, 10. —Scripture history reveals God in this life, in all things, 11.—True spirituality owns God in the secular : this is a gospel for our days, 13-13. The Oppression, i. 7—22. Early prosperity: its dangers: political supports vain, 13. Joseph forgotten. National responsibilities : despotism, 14. Nations and their chiefs. Our subject races, 15. —The Church and her King : imputation, Pharaoh precipitates what he fears, 16.—Egypt and her aliens: modern parallels, 17. Tyranny is tyrannous even when cultured, 18.—Our undue estrangement from the fallen : Jesus a brother. Toil crushes the spirit, 19. —Israel idolatrous. Religious dependence, 20. —Direct interposition required. Bitter oppression, 21. — — — viil ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. Pharaoh drops the mask. Defeated by the human heart The midwives, 22.—Their falsehood. Morality is progressive, 23. Culture and humanity, 24.—Religion and the child, 25. CHAPTER IL The Rescue or Moses, iL 1 iq, Importance of the individual, 26.—A man versus "the Time* spirit," 27.—The parents of Moses, 28.—Their family : their goodly child, 29.—Emotion helps faith, 30.—The ark in the bulrushes, 31. —Pharaoh's daughter and Miriam, 32. —Guidance for good emotions : the Church for humanity, 33. The Choice of Moses, iL 11—15. God employs means, 34.—Value of endowment. Moses and hi» family. " The reproach of Christ," 35.—An impulsive act, 36. Impulses not accidents. The hopes of Moses, 37.—Moses and his brethren. His flight, 38. Moses in Midian, ii. 16—22. Energy in disaster, 39.—Disinterested bravery. Parallels with a variation, 40.—The Unseen a refuge. Duty of resisting small wrongs. His wife, 41.—A lonely heart, 42. CHAPTER III. The Burning Bush, iL 23—iii. Death of Raamses. Misery continues, 43.—The cry of the oppressed, 44.—Discipline of Moses, 45.—How a crisis comes, 46.—God hitherto unmentioned. The Angel of the Lord, 47. An unconsuming fire, 48.—Inquiry : reverence. God finds, not man, 49.—"Take off thy shoe." "The God of thy father," 50.—Immortality. "My people," not saints only, 51. The good land. The commission, 52.— God with him. A strange token, 53. A New Name, iiL 14 ; vi 2, 3. Why Moses asked the name of God : idolatry 1 pantheism, 54.— A progressive revelation, 55.—Jehovah. The sound corrupted. Similar superstitions yet, 56.—What it told the Jews. Reality of being, 57.—Jews not saved by ideas. Streams of tendency. The Self-contained. We live in our past, 58.—And in our future, 59.—Yet Jehovah not the impassive Gvd cf Lucretius, — ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. 60.—The Immutable is Love. This is our help, 61.-—Human will is not paralysed, 62.—The teaching of St. Paul. All this is practical, 63.—This gives stability to all other revelations. Our own needs, 64. Tiie Commission, Hi. 10, 16—22. God comes where He sends, 65. —The Providential man. Pru- dence, 66.—Sincerity of demand for a brief respite, 67.—God has already visited them. By trouble He transplants, 68. The " borrowing " © jewels, 69. CHAPTER IV. Hoses HesiTAfEs, iv. I—17. Scripture is impartial : Josephus, Jo.—Hindrance from his own people. The rod, 71.—The serpent : the leprosy, J2.—" I am not eloquent," 73.—God with us. Aaron the Levite, 74.—Re- sponsibility of not working. The errors of Moses, 75.—Power of fellowship. Vague fears, 76.—With his brother, Moses will go. The Church, 77.—This craving met by Christ, 78.—Family affection. Examples, jg. Moses Obeys, iv. 18—31. Fidelity to his employer. Reticence, 80.—Resemblance to story of Jesus. He is the Antitype of all experiences, 81.—Counter- point in history. "Israel is My son," 82. —A neglected duty Zipporah. Was she a helpmeet ? 83.—Domestic unhappiness. History v. myth, 84.—The failures of the good, 85. —Men of destiny are not irresponsible, 86.—His first followers 1 a joyful reception, 87.—Spiritual joy and reaction, 88. CHAPTER V. / Pharaoh Refuses, . I—23. Moses at court again. Formidable, 89.—Power of convictions but also of tyranny and pride. Menephtah : his story, 90. Was the Pharaoh drowned ? The demand of Jehovah, 91. The refusal, 92.—Is religion idleness? Hebrews were task- masters, 93.—Demoralised by slavery. They are beaten, 94. Murmurs against Moses. He returns to God. His remon- strance, 9S«—His disappointment. Not really irreverent, 96.— 17m of this abortive attempt, 97-8. —: ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. The Encouragement of Moses, vl. I —30. The word Jehovah known before : its consolations now, 99. The new truth is often implicit in the old, 100.—Discernment more needed than revelation. " Judgments," 101.—My people your God, 102.—The tie is of God's binding, 103.—Fatherhood and sonship, 104.—Faith becomes knowledge. The body hinders the soul, 105.—We are responsible for bodies. Israel weighs Moses down, 106.—-We may hold back the saints, 107. —The pedigree, 107-8.—Indications of genuine history, 108-0. —"As a god to Pharaoh," no.—We also, in. CHAPTER VII. The Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart, vii. 3—13. The assertion offends many, 112.—Was he a free agent? When hardened. A.V. incorrect, 113.—He resists five plagues spon- taneously. The last five are penal, 1 14.—Not " hardened " in wickedness, in but nerve. A.V. confuses three words : His heart is (a) "hardened," 115.— (6) it is made "strong" (c) "heavy," 116. —Other examples of these words, 1 17.—The warning implied, 1 17-19.—Moses returns with the signs, 119.— The functions of miracle, 12a The Plagues, vii. 14. Their vast range, 121.—Their relation to Pantheism, Idolatry, Philosophy, 122.—And to the gods of Egypt.
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