Public Disclosure Authorized Rajasthan Road Sector Modernization Project {P130164) Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH- Public Disclosure Authorized 2 (Dausa - Chaksu - Phagi - Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) Public Disclosure Authorized SIA and RAP Report Public Disclosure Authorized Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH-2 (Dausa- Chaksu- Phagi- Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) SIA and RAP Report ABBREVIATIONS B.P.L. Below Poverty Line BP Bank Policy B.S.R. Basic Schedule of Rates RLARRP Rajasthan Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy, C.G.I. Corrugated Galvanized Iron C.O.I Corridor of Impact C.P.R. Common Property Resources CRRO Contract Rehabilitation and Resettlement Officer (Manager in each PIU to implement the respective RAP) CD Cross Drainage Ch. Chainage cw Carriageway DLC District Level Committee EP Entitled Person EA Executing Agency ESMF Environment and Social Management Framework GP Gram Panchayat GoR Government of Rajasthan GDP Gross Domestic Product GRC Grievance Redressal Committee Ha Hectare IEC Information Education Communication Km. Kilometer L.A. A. Land Acquisition Act LHS Left Hand Side M.E.H. Minimum Economic Holding m. Meter Max. Maximum Min. Minimum MDR Major District Roads MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest MoRTH Ministry of Road Transport and Highways PWD Public Works Department N.G.O. Non-Government Organization NRRP National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy, OD Operational Directive ODR Other District Roads OFC Optical Fiber Cables SCHM Suggestion Complain Handling Mechanism Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH-02 (Dausa- Chaksu- Phagi- Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) SIA and RAP Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E.l INTRODUCTION The state of Rajasthan has good potential for growth in agriculture and agro-based industries, mining, minerals processing, tourism, handicrafts and cottage industries. The Govt. of Rajasthan, having realized the worth of development of road infrastructure has decided for development of the roads through Public Works Department. Assistance from the World Bank has been sought for preparing and implementing the Rajasthan Road Sector Modernization Project (RRSMP). The Government has also taken a policy decision of developing State Highway - 2 through World Bank funding E.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND SH-2 connects Dausa to Kuchaman via Lawan, Tunga, Phagi, Dudu, Sambhar, Nawan, Palari, and Kuchaman. Total length ofSH-2 is 210 Km. Dausa to Dudu (SH-2) has been selected as one of such highway to be developed. This Section of SH-2 is traverses through two districts viz., Dausa & Jaipur and 28 villages (Dausa District - 3, & Jaipur District - 25) providing road connectivity to between NH- 11A, NH-11 & NH-8. Its development is essential to ease traffic load in Jaipur and also to improve driving between Agra - Ajmer, Udaipur & Gujarat. PROJECT ROAD The carriageway width is single I intermediate lane. The existing carriage way width is varying from 3.0 to 7.0 m. The existing Right of Way (RoW) varies from 14 to 36m. In some built up area, it also has two lane sections. Minimum 14 m ROW is available all along the alignment. No land acquisition is involved in the Project. Some encroachments will be got cleared. Encroachers I squatters will be compensated as per NRRP 2007. No displacement I Resettlements are required. E.3 SOCIO ECONOMIC PROFILE Dausa is surrounded with 6 districts, namely, Jaipur, Tonk, Sawai Madhopur, Karauli, _ Bharatpur & Alwar. The district 1s divided into five Tehsil, Baswa, Dausa, Lalsot, Mahwa and Sikrai. The Sawa and Ban Ganga rivers run through the district. It has total area of 3404.78 sq. kms. It is situated on National Highway no.11 From Jaipur to Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH-02 (Dausa- Chaksu- Phagi- Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) SIA and RAP Report Agra. It is 55 km to the east of Jaipur. In 2011, Dausa had population of 1,634,409 of, which and female were 857,787 and 776,622 respectively. In 2001 census, Dausa had a population of 1,317,063 ot~ which males were 693 8 and remaining 623 were females. According to the 2011 census Jaipur district has a population of 6, 663, 97 this gives it a ranking of 1Oth in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of 598 inhabitants per square kilometer (1 ,550 /sq mi). Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 26.91%. Jaipur has a sex ratio of 909 females for every 1000 males and a literacy rate of 76.44%. Jaipur is an extremely popular tourist destination in Rajasthan and India E.4 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT PLAN Alternative alignments and proposed improvement plan is drawn to curb the adverse impacts on people and land. It is designed to minimize accidents, speed limits, reduce travel time, bring economic boom etc. The plans have worked out to benefit the most to the users and the affected people due to the project stretch. The improvement works will consist mainly m rmsmg the formation level, upgrading/improvement of road geometries, widening to two-lane/ intermediate-lane from the existing, intermediate-lane or single-lane width and pavement strengthening, improving the cross drainage. Road stretches crossing urban areas may also require upgrading to a two-lane cross section, and/or provision for drains, sidewalks and parking where required. In some cases, new alignments (by-passes) and/or realignments are required. Bypass at Dausa starting at NHll to NH11A of 10 km length is proposed for this project road. Sharp curves, where many accidents are occurring, are being improved. Both Horizontal and vertical road geometry of the alignment is not poor, but condition of pavement is very bad with design speed compliance of only 30 km/hr. Based on the detailed study different options were evolved, out of which a best option as follows is finalized after discussions with PWD officers at Jaipur. Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH-02 (Dausa- Chaksu- Phagi- Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) SIA and RAP Report E.S PUBLIC INFORMATION AND CONSULTATIONS Public information and consultation were carried out to aware affected people about the proposed project and its anticipated benefits, adverse impacts and mitigation measures. For the present project two tier public consultations at local level and district level were conducted in villages and district head quitters. In the first stage information about the project was disseminated to the local people and m the second stage their views/grievances/suggestions were solicited. Stakeholder's suggestions have been incorporated in the design of road alignment and shall be further implemented during construction and post construction phases. E.6 PROJECT IMPACT Census Survey and Socio Economic exercise was carried out within the proposed RoW to identify the affected structures. The task included collection of details of the owner or occupant of the structure, its type and usage corning within Col on either side of the existing center line. To collect this information a well-designed and pre-tested questionnaire was used. The study was carried out with a participatory approach by involving the stakeholders, particularly the project beneficiaries and probable affected persons through a series of consultative process techniques. The population groups that were consulted include beneficiary group of people in the project influence area, particularly the shopkeepers, farmers, transport operators, school teachers, Gram Panchayat Sarpanch /members, village elders, the local youth and the Govt. officials who are involved in rural and women development programs and employment generation schemes. Care was taken to form participatory consultative groups as homogenous as possible. In present proposed project no land acquisition is required. Due to land clearing of existing RoW some structures will be partially affected. It includes agriculture land, residential, commercial, community assets etc. A Resettlement Action Plan has been formulated with adequate implementation strategy to ward off the negative impacts and simultaneously elevating the living standard of the PAPs at par or even better than the pre project standards. The summary of impacts is given in Table E.l. Table E.l Summary oflmpacts Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH-02 (Dausa- Chaksu- Phagi- Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) SIA and RAP Report SNo. Impacts No. 1. Land Acquisition (Ha) not required Nil 2. Total Structures Affected 306 Residential Structure 90 Commercial Structure 126 Residential & Commercial Structure 24 Kiosks 24 Common Property Resources CPRs 42 • Religious Structures 25 • Govt. Buildings 6 • School 3 • Community Structures (Private) 8 4. Total no. of PAPs 1731 Males 980 Females 751 5 Total no. ofPAHs 282 Structures Affected P AHs 282 Source: Socml Survey The total structures are 282, which are getting affected due to the proposed project road. There are 42 CPRs getting affected, below given are structure affected CPRs. In table E.3 the Impact on Structures district wise is given. Table E.3: Impact on Structures N arne of District Titleholders Squatter Kiosks CPRs Total &Encroachers Dausa 0 6 0 5 11 Jaipur 0 212 22 37 271 Total 0 218 22 42 282 Source: Social Survey Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of SH-02 (Dausa- Chaksu- Phagi- Dudu including Dausa bypass- 140km) SIA and RAP Report The typology of the structures is given below in table E.4 Table E.4: Impact on Structures by Typology District Permanent Semi-Permanent Temporary Total Units Area in sq Units Area Units Area in Units Area in m in sq sq m sq m m Dausa 06+5CPR 131.31 0 0 0 0 11 131.31 Jaipur 198+30CPR 2394.44 2+4CPR 43.28 34+3CPR 336.40 271 2774.12 Total 204+35CPR 2525.75 2+4CPR 43.28 34+3CPR 336.4 282 2905.43 Source: Soc1al Survey The Common Property Resources (CPRs) affected are 42 in which 25 structures are religious, 6 are Government buildings affected.
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