PAGE THIRTY-TWO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1972 L. lEv^tting li^ralb Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock V:A Mummified Remains of Woman Court Cases Blood, Supplies Dwindle Lottery Number The Weather Diseovered in Tomb in China Cloudy, chance of showers- The present Inventory of whole blood continuing need will be met. Emergency exquisite technique." Ca»ClHT COURT 1? ville, pleaded guilty to three Bv JOHN RODERICK of the time, they predict. thunderstorms tonight through supplies In the Connecticut Red Cross Blood drawings do not solve problems; The most valuable w m a o d ­ f u m i n g Rockville Session “"‘idiarges of possession of control- Hslnhua's account says: n Friday a.m. Tonight’s low near It Is one 'that must be met by each com­ TOKYO (AP) — The body of or painting on silk, 77 Inches 2 64 4 4 Two accused were ordered Three counts of sale Blood Center In Hartford are low. an arlstccratlc woman who died "Half Immersed In reddish 65 — high tomorrow about 80. were nollcd. munity where blood drawings are held. fluid, the fairly w ell preserved long, 39 Inches wide at the top, Saturday . cloudy, cooler. bound over to Tolland County The current Inventory Is 26 per cent 2,100 years ago has been found Allxirt F. Wrubeiskl, 32, of Many people defer giving blood dur­ corpse 1s wrapped In 20 silk and 18 Inches at the bottom, in Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Superior Court yesterday. below the necessary number of pints In China amid more than a 27 Lucerne Dr., Stafford Springs ing summer months. August is the least clothes of various types. The fi­ a T-ehape with flying ribbons at A hearing was held to deter- j . ^ to meet the day-to-day needs of the thousand burial accessories of „ „ , w, j pleaded innocent to a charge of productive month due to vacations and bers of the: subcutaneous loose the comers. The painting la State's 46 hospitals, 460 pints dally. untold historical value. VOL. XCI, NO. 259 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS many other outside activities. Patients connective tissue remain dis­ elagorate, and represents over ora chtgeTr^-l^^^^ ‘- -" y ^rd degree and e^ted According to Red Cross officials, Au­ in hospitals however continue to need She apparently was the tinct and elastic. The femoral scones "of the nether world," gust collections are traditionally not up blood — and the blood must be there Marchioness LI Tsang, and she artery Is similar In color to earth and heaven. This Is the land. September. to par and It Is therefore essential that died In middle ago leaving no A rearrest under JiSOO bond waiting for the patient — not the pa­ that of a fresh corpse. An In­ only such painting dating 2,100 The alleged offense, charged each Bloodmobile operation In the State, special mark on her times. was ordered for Edward F. tient waiting for a pint of blood. jection of preservatives made years discovered so far In ns having taken place about the ' every day, make quota. The Blood Cen­ The next Bloodmobile will be held Around the mummified re­ the- soft tissues swell Imme­ China, Hsinhua reports. end of March, 1971 was not t ter Is dependent on alt operations to Thursday, Aug. 17 from 12:45 to 6:30 mains, described as In a fair diately and then the swelling Also ^unique was the deco­ W ar Fund termed forcible but rather a co- failed to appear meet or exceed quota In order that this p.m. at the KofC Hall on Main St. rated silk on the wooden coffin. Bremer Diary state of preservation, were ac­ spread out. It is estimated that operative affair with a girl un- cessories Including silk fabrics, The funerary pieces Included der 16, a charge under the ‘ O'- vehicle while intoxicated. the woman died at about the lacquerware, bamboo and age of 60." 120 wooden figurines, either rtatute for rape in effect at the A. Fournier, 25, of 99 ---------------------- weeden utensils, pottery, grain, dressed In colored - silk cos­ Cut Voted Grand Ave., Rockville, was fln- The tomb was 66 feet deep, food, and specially made fu­ tumes or painted in dlferent with six coffins placed one Smith's attorney, Robert D. T o l U i n d nerary objects. colors. Including 26 of a musi­ King, commented to the court while Intoxicated. Counts of within another. Heaped around Tells of Plot The discovery was made In a cal and dance troupe. Other that they wouldn't be there had reckless driving and unsafe the walls and on top of the out­ tomb on the outskirts of Chan- pieces were small lacquered ta­ By Senate ermost coffin was a loot or so the new penal code been in ef- were nolled. ghsa, the capital of Hunan bles, screens, walking sticks. feet at the time of the alleged Bichard G. Marotto of Hart- of charcoal weighing about five WASHINGTON (AP) -T h e Province. Incense bags, dressing case, offense. It became effective six was fined 350 after being School Board Denied Funds tons and sealed by white clay Senate has voted a second time Hsinhua, the Chinese news and long table piled with food. months later in Oct, 1971. Smith foi**!*! guilty of disorderly con- two to four feet thick. to halt U.S. combat operations agency, describe the finds with There were more than 180 was just under 19 at the time duct. In Indochina, but the battle to To Kill Nixon uncharacteristic enthusiasm: "It is probably due to these pieces of lacquerware smd bat­ of the aUeged offense, and under Robert Richardson, 39, of air-tight layers and some other make It stick Is far from over. From Addition to State Grant "These are among the most Im- ches of pottery. Including tri­ The amendment by Sen. Ed­ UPPER MARLBORO, Md. (A P )—The defense rested the new code wouldn't be charg- Brog Hollow Rd., Ellington, was pertant and extremely rare rel­ treatment that the corpse, cof­ pods, caskets, jugs and square ed at all. lined $50 after being found guil- ward Brooks, R-Mass., was The Board of Finance last ple matter, not affecting ' the land, stating their interest in ics recently found. They are of fins and many burial acces­ vases. Some contained Identi­ its case in the trial of Arthur H. Bremer today after However, though the code was *y breach of peace, passed Wednesday night In a night refused a request to trans­ mill rate. the position and their qualifica­ great value to studying the his­ sories are free from decay," fiable rice cakes, pickled vege­ reading to a hushed jury a step-by-step account of how not in effect. Judge William Charges which were nolled In- series of eight Intricate, hard- fer unanticipated state grants for "The legislature passed the tions. tory, culture, handicrafts, agri­ said Hsinhua. tables, peaches, pears, arbutos, Bremer planned and failed to assassinate President Bieluch said he anticipated the eluded: education to the school budgiet, increased school grant recog­ Road Oiling Program fought votes. The tally on the Nixon in Ottawa, (Canada. culture and medicine and pre­ The burial pieces,were found melons, eggs and rice. key test was 49 to 47. changes in law would be con- Thomas M. Brody, 16, of 121 as requested by James Cornish, nizing the increasing costs of The road oiling program wiU Bremer did not testify in his left off as the trial on state servatives of the period." largely between the outermost The body is believed to be Attached to a $20-5-bllllon Robert R, Teveris, 32, of Terrace Dr., Vernon, possession chairman of the Board of Edu­ local education, basing the begin Aug. 10, according to defense, but his father, William charges entered Its fourth day Japanese experts commenting and Innermost coffins. The silk that of the wife of the first Pentagon procurement bill, the Robedt R. Teveris, 32, of of controlled drugs. cation. grant funds on the school enroll­ Road Superintendent William Bremer, appeared briefly In on the report go further and fabrics , varieties already Marquis Tal, Li Chu-tsang, also amendment provides for U.S. today. North Villa Apts,, Vernon was Gay E. Kelly, 28, of 201 Re­ The town has received a total ment," Cornish emphasized. Sevclk. Prince Georges (Jounty Circuit Bremer has pleaded Innocent call this the discovery of the known to come from the Han known as L4 Tsang, who lived withdrawal from Indochina, ex­ bound over after waiving a gan Rd., Vernon, breach of of $33,800 from the state, rep­ "The money would clearly have Roads due for oiling this year Court, He discussed how he be­ by reason of Insanity to 17 century. The corpse and its ac­ dynasty. Included plain silk, about 190 years before .Christ. cept Thailand, within four hearing on charges of sexual peace. resenting an Increase in the been a help to our schools." are Cedar Swamp Rd., Moun­ came blind In one eye at age 9 charges stemming from the cessories will give an unparal­ gauze, brocade, embroideries A petty noble who ruled over months if Hanoi releases Amer­ contact 2nd degree and three Walter H. Smith, 46, of 16 Jan ADM (average daily member­ The school board will meet tain Spring Rd-; Peter Green but was not asked anything shooting of Wallace and three leled glimpse into the science, and damask, "gay and varl- 700 households, he apparently ican prisoners and accounts for counts of risk of injury to a Dr,, Vemocs being found intoxl- ship) grant from $206 to $216 per Aug.
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