Books by Title 13 Lectures on Fermat's last theorem A survey of numerical methods for the solution of Ribenboim, Paulo Fredholm integral equations of the second kind QA244.R5 Atkinson, Kendall E. QA431.A84 (330) A book of abstract algebra # Charles C. Pinter. Pinter, Charles C. A theory of sets # Anthony P. Morse. QA162.P56 Morse, Anthony P. QA003.P8 no. 18 A bridge to advanced mathematics Sentilles, Dennis A treatise on the theory of Bessel functions # by QA9.S44 G.N. Watson. Watson, G. N. A collection of modern mathematical classics; QA408.W2 analysis. Abelian groups. Bellman, Richard Ernest /ed. Fuchs, Laszlo QA003.B43 QA171.F8 A course in homological algebra Abelian varieties. Hilton, P.J. Lang, Serge A course in universal algebra QA171.L28 Burris, Stanley Abelsche und exakte kategorien QA251.B87 Brinkmann, H.B., Puppe, D. A first course in abstract algebra # John B. Fraleigh. Abstract algebra Fraleigh, John B. Deskins, W.E. QA266.F7 Abstract algebra. A first course in linear algebra Sah, Chih-han Zelinsky, Daniel QA266.S15 A first course in rational continuum mechanics # C. Abstract harmonic analysis # Edwin Hewitt and Truesdell. Kenneth A. Ross. Truesdell, C. Hewitt, Edwin QA808.2.P8 QA403.H4 A first course in topology Acta Numerica Conover, Robert A. Bank, Randolph E. QA611.C683 Adaptive control, filtering and signal processing A first look at numerical functional analysis Astrom, KJ/ed. Sawyer, W.W. Addition theorems; the addition theorems of group QA297 theory and number theory # Henry B. Mann. A first look at numerical functional analysis # W. Mann, Henry B. W. Sawyer. QA241.M28 Sawyer, W. W. Advanced mathematics for scientists and engineers QA320.S25 Spiegel, Murray R. A first undergraduate course in abstract algebra # Advanced matrix theory for scientists and engineers Abraham P. Hillman, Gerald L. Alexanderson. Deif, A.S. Hillman, Abraham P. Advanced vector analysis with application to QA162.H54 mathematical physics A mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics # A. Weatherburn, C.E. J. Chorin and J. E. Marsden. QA261.W35 Chorin, Alexandre Joel Afternotes on numerical analysis QA901.C53 Stewart, G.W. A primer for modern mathematics QA297.S785 Banks, Bernard W. Algebra A radical approach to algebra Bourbaki, N. Gray, Mary Algebra A shorter model theory # Wilfrid Hodges. Godement, Roger Hodges, Wilfrid Algebra QA009.7.H65 Steinberger, Mark QA.152.2.S7 A survey of modern algebra # Garrett Birkhoff [and] Saunders MacLane. Algebra # Saunders MacLane [and] Garrett Birkhoff. Birkhoff, Garrett Mac Lane, Saunders QA251.B5 QA266.M254 1 Books by Title Algebra Locale Algebraic theory of numbers Serre, Jean-Pierre Samuel, Pierre Algebraic topology Algebraic K-theory Spanier, Edwin H. Swan, R.G. Algebre de fonctions et espaves de hardy Algebraic K-theory and its geometric applications Lumer, G. Heidelberg, Dold A/ed. Zurich, Eckmann B/ed. Algebre second cycle Borel, Emile Algebraic K-theory. Ample subvarieties of algebraic varieties Bass, Hyman Hartshorne, Robin QA169.B35 An analysis of the finite element method # Gilbert Algebraic curves and cryptography Strang [and] George J. Fix. Murty, V. Kumar/ed. Strang, William Gilbert TA335.S77 QA565.A44 An elementary treatise on conic sections by the Algebraic curves, an introduction to algebraic methods of coordinate geometry geometry; notes written with the collaboration of Smith, Charles Richard Weiss. Fulton, William An essay toward a unified theory of special functions based upon the functional equation [beta] QA565.F97 Truesdell, C. Algebraic extensions of fields # Paul J. McCarthy. QA431.T75 McCarthy, Paul J. An informal introduction to theoretical fluid QA247.M18 mechanics # James Lighthill. Lighthill, M. J., Sir Algebraic geometry; introduction to schemes # I. G. QA911.L46 Macdonald. An initroduction to projective geometry Macdonald, I. G. Filon, L.N.G. QA564.M3 QA471.F48 Algebraic logic. An introduction to abstract algebra Halmos, Paul R. Ames, Dennis B. QA266.H3 An introduction to abstract harmonic analysis. Loomis, Lynn H. Algebraic number theory. QA403.L64 Weiss, Edwin An introduction to algebraic topology QA241.W35 Wallace, Andrew H. Algebraic recursion theory An introduction to analysis # Wilson M. Zaring. Ivanov, L.L. Zaring, Wilson M. QA9.615 QA303.Z3 An introduction to complex analysis in several Algebraic spaces variables. Knutson, Donald Hormander, Lars QA331.H64 Algebraic structures. Lang, Serge An introduction to finite planes # A. Adrian Albert [and] Reuben Sandler. QA266.L3 Albert, A. Adrian Algebraic surfaces # members of the seminar of I.R. QA471.A4 Safarevi^c.[Translated^ from the Russian by Suzan An introduction to fluid dynamics # G.K. Batchelor. Walker. Batchelor, G. K. Shafarevich, I. R. /ed. QA911.B33 QA001.A413 no. 75 An introduction to homotopy theory. Hilton, Peter John Algebraic theory of graphs QA611.H65 Teh, H.H. An introduction to mathematical machine theory. Algebraic theory of measure and integration. [Edited Ginsburg, Seymour by P. Finsler, A. Rosenthal, and R. Steuerwald. QA076.G5 Translation by F.E.J. Linton]. An introduction to modern algebra Caratheodory, Constantin Jones, Burtwon W. QA247.C2813 QA162.J66 2 Books by Title An introduction to nonassociative algebras # Anneaux locaux Henseliens Richard D. Schafer. Raynaud, Michel Schafer, Richard D. Application of Green's functions in science and QA003.P8 no. 22 engineering # Michael D. Greenberg. An introduction to projective geometry. Greenberg, Michael D. Pedoe, Daniel QA371.G68 QA471.P38 Applications of functional analysis in mathematical An introduction to the analytic theory of numbers. physics. [Translated from the Russian by F.E. Ayoub, Raymond George Browder]. QA241.A9 Sobolev, S. L. QA401.S583 An introduction to the history of methematics Eves, Howard Applied Bessel functions # F. E. Relton. Relton, Frederick Ernest An introduction to the theory of algebraic surfaces QA408.R4 Zariski, Oscar Applied combinatorial mathematics # George Polya An introduction to the theory of functions of a [and others] Editor: Edwin F. Beckenbach. complex variable Beckenbach, Edwin F. /ed. Copson, E.T. QA164.B4 An introduction to topology and homotopy Applied descriptive geometry Sieradski, Allan J. Warner, Frank M. QA611.S48 Applied functional analysis : a first course for Analyse harmonique non-commutatice sur certaines students of mechanics and engineering science # J. espaces homogenes Tinsley Oden. Coifman, R.R., Weiss, G. Oden, J. Tinsley Analysis of communication networks QA320.O29 Mcdonald, David R./ed. Applied functional analysis : an introductory TK5101.A585 treatment # R.D. Milne. Analysis of discretization methods for ordinary Milne, R. D. differential equations # Hans J. Stetter. QA320.M54 Stetter, Hans J. Applied linear algebra QA372.S84 Noble, Ben Analytic and algebraic dependence of meromorphic functions Approaches to the theory of optimization # J. Ponstein. Andreotti, Also, Stoll, Wilhelm Ponstein, Jacob Analytic and plurisubharmonic functions QA402.5.P59 Herve, Michel Approximation of elliptic boundary-value problems. Analytic capacity and measure Aubin, Jean Pierre Garnett, John QA374.A92 Analytic capacity and rational approximation Approximation theory; proceedings of a symposium Zalchman, Lawrence held at Lancaster, July 1969, edited by A. Talbot. Talbot, A. /ed. Analytic function theory. QA221.A66 Hille, Einar QA331.H54 Asymptotic expansions # E.T. Copson. Copson, E. T. Analytic functions of several complex variables # QA312.C58 Robert C. Gunning [and] Hugo Rossi. Gunning, R. C. Asymptotic expansions. QA331.G78 Erdelyi, Arthur QA431.E7 Analytic geometry Rider, Paul R. Asymptotic expansions: their derivation and interpretation # R. B. Dingle. Analytic geometry of space Dingle, Robert B. Snyder, Virgil. Sisam, C.H. QA295.D45 Analytic geometry of three dimensions Asymptotic methods in nonlinear wave theory # Salmon, George Alan Jeffrey, Takuji Kawahara. Analytic theory of differential equations Jeffrey, Alan Hseih, P.F./ed. Stoddart, A.W.J./ed. QA927.J39 Anneaux factoriels. Redaction de Artibano Micali. Asymptotic methods in stochastics Samuel, Pierre Horvath, Lajos/ed. QA247.S24 QA247.A1I55 3 Books by Title Aufgaben und Lehrsatze aus der Analysis # G. Bifurcation theory and spatio-temporal pattern Polya und G. Szego. formation Polya, George Nagata, Wayne/ed. QA043.P617 QA380.B566 Automated deduction in equational logic and cubic Boolean algebra and switching circuits curves # W. McCune, R. Padmanabhan. Mendelson, Elliot McCune, W. QA076.9.A96M38 Boolean algebras. Sikorski, Roman Automatic continuity of linear operators # Allan M. QA266.S53 Sinclair. Sinclair, Allan M. Boundary value problems of mathematical physics. QA329.2.S56 Stakgold, Ivar QA371.S828 Automorphic forms of GL(2) Jacquet, H., Langlands, R.P. Brauer type embedding problems Ledet, Arne Automorphic forms on GL(2) QA247 Jacquet, Herve Buchi's monadic second order successor arithmetic Automorphic forms on semisimple Lie groups Siefkes, Dirk Harish, Chandra Calabi-Yau varieties and mirror symmetry Automorphic functions and number theory Yui, Noriko/ed. Shimura, Goro QC20.7.M24C35 Axiomatic analysis; an introduction to logic and the real number system, under the general editorship of Calculus in vector spaces without norm David Vernon Widder. Frolicher, A., Bucher, W. Katz, Robert Cardinal and ordinal numbers. QA248.3.K3 Sierpienski, Waclaw Axiomatic projective geometry. QA248.S44 Heyting, A. Categorical constructions in stable homotopy theory QA554.H48 Tierney, Myles Axiomatic set theory. Categories cofibrees additives et complexe cotangent
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