Covemment of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Land PIann ing and Development Section-4 Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka www. min land. oY Memo No: 3 I.00.0000. Date: 30 April 2019 To : Chief Accounts Officer Ministry of Land 7 l, Purana Paltan, Dhaka, Bangladesh Subj cct: Sanction of the Hish Level Study Tour Program to Turkev. I am directed to convey the sanctiorl of the governnrent order regarding the participation of the l3 (hirteen) members' delegation headed by Mr. Md. Muksodur Rahman Patwary, Secretary ln Charge, Ministry of Land, Governmerrt of the People's Republic of Bangladesh for a high level study tour to Turkey from 22-27 May 2019 (excluding the travel time) or any other suitable nearest date. The following are the members of the delegation: l- Mr. Md Muksodur Rahman Patwary. Secretary In Charge, Ministry of Land, Govemment ofthe People's Republic of Bangladesh (Head of the Delegation). 2. Mr. Md Siraj Uddin Ahmed. Additional Secretary. Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka. 3. Mr. Md Abdul Haque, Additional Secretary. Ministry of Land. Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 4. Mr. Anis Mahmud, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 5. Mr. A K M Wali Ullah, Additional Project Director (Deputy Secretary), Guchchhogram-2nd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. 6. Mr. S M Abu Horayra. Regional Project Director (Deputy Secretary), Rangpur, Guchchhogram-2'd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. 7. Mr. A K M Nurul Amin Sarker, Deputy Project Director. Guchchhogram-2nd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land 8. Mr. Mohammad Nasim Ahmed. Deputy Secretary, Agriculture, Water resources and Rural lnstitutions Division. Planning Commission, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. Dhaka. 9. Mr. Md Nashim Ahamed, Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Kaharol, Dinajpur. 10. Mr. Mohammed Ashick Nur, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry ofLand, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. I l. Mst. Maryam Khatun. Assistant Chief, Programming Division, Planning Commission. Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. 12. Mr. Md Moazzem Hossain Bhuiyan, Project Engineer. Guchchhogram-2nd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. 13. Mr. Md Shamsur Rahman, Accounts Officer, Cuchchhogram-2"d Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. 2. During the study tour in Turkey Mrs. Razia Sultana will be accompanied by Mr. Md. Muksodur Rahman Patwary, Secretary In Charge, Ministry of Land and Mr. Montak Tahmidul Haque & Ms Monita Ashna Yeasha will be accompanied by Mr. Md Abdul Haque, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land. 3. The approval is subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) All expenses in this regard will be borne by the Guchchhogram-2nd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project (Economic code 323 l30l ) under the allocation of fiscal year 20 | 8- 19. (b) All expenses related to Mrs. Razia Sultana will be borne by Mr. Md. Muksodur Rahman Patwary, Secretary ln Charge, Ministry of Land. (c) All expenses related to Mr. Montak Tahnridul Haque & Ms Monita Ashna Yeasha will be bome by Mr. Md Abdul Haque. Additional Secretary. Ministry ol'Land. (d) The period of visiting abroad including travel time will be treated as on duty. (e) They will not stay in Turkey (excluding travel time) beyond the approved period. (t) They will travel on the aforesaid date or nearest date to and from Dhaka. (g) The delegation will submit a comprehensive report to the government ofBangladesh 14t (Md. Ash ick Nur) Senior Assistant Chief Phone: +88-02-9540563 l Memo No: 3 I .00.0000.050.11.1 36.16.278 Date: 30 April 2019 Coov for kind information & ncc sarv action (where aDDlicable) to: l. Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Division, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 2. Principal Secretary, Prime Minister's Office, Tejgaon. Dhaka 3. Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 4. Secretary, Ministry of Horne Affairs. Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 5. Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka 6. Secretary, Planning Division, Ministry ofPlanning, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka 7. Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Shegunbagicha, Dhaka (with request to issue Note Verbal in favor of the panicipants) 8. Mr. Md Muksodur Rahman Patwary, Secretary In Charge, Ministry of Land. Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 9. Mrs. Razia Sultana. Spouse of Mr. Md Muksodur Rahman Patwary, Secretary In Charge, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. l0 H.E. the Ambassador, Embassy of Bangladesh in Turkey, Birlik Mah. 391 . Cad. No: l6 Qankaya Ankara, Turkey. H.E the Ambassador. Embassy ofTurkey in Bangladesh. House No: 7, Road No: 2. Baridhara, Dhaka. Bangladesh. l2 Chairman, Civil Aviation Authority, Kurmitola, Dhaka. l3 Mr. Md Siraj Uddin Ahmed. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. l4 Mr. Md Abdul Haque, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. l5 Mr. Anis Mahmud, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. l6 Director Ceneral, Directorate of Immigration and Passport, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, (You are requested to issue passport in favor of participants (ifany). t'7 Director Ceneral (Asia). Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Shegunbagicha, Dhaka. l8 Director General (Consular), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Shegunbagicha, Dhaka. l9 Mr. A K M Wali Ullah. Additional Project Director (Deputy Secretary), Cuchchhogram-2nd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. 20 Mr. S M Abu Horayra, Regional Project Director (Deputy Secretary). Rangpur. Guchchhogram-2"d Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. ll Mr. A K M Nurul Anrin Sarker. Deputy Project Director, Guchchhogram-2"d Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land 22 Mr. Mohammad Nasim Ahmed, Deputy Secretary. Agriculture, Water resources and Rural lnstitutions Division, Planning Comnrission. Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. 23 Director (Airport). Hazrat Shahjalal lntemational Airport. Dhaka 24 Deputy Secretary, Administration- l, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 25 Mr. Md Nashim Ahamed. Upazila Nirbahi Officar. Kaharol, Dinajpur. 26 Mr. Mohammed Ashick Nur, Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry ofLand, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 27 Mst. Maryam Khatun, Assistant Chief, Programming Division, Planning Commission, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. Mr. Md Moazzem Hossain Bhui)an. Project Engineer, Guchchhogram-2nd Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, Ministry of Land. 2g Mr. Md Shamsur Rahnran. Accounts Officer, Cuchchhogram-2''d Phase (Climate Victims Rehabilitation) Project, M inistrl of Land. 30 PS to Honorable M inister. M inistry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 3l PS to Secretary ln Charge, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. i2 Protocol OtIcer. Ministry of Land. Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka Accounts Officer, Ministry of Land. Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka 34 Immigration Officer. Hazrat Shahjalal lnternational Airport, Dhaka Programmer, Ministry of Land. Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka (You are requested to publish this GO in the Ministry's rvebsite). Md Abdul Haque' Additional Secretary' Ministry of Land' 36 Vr. fr'"""t Tahmidul Haque, Son of Mr' Bansladesh Secretariat. Dhaka. Mr Md Abdul Haque. Additional Secretary' Ministr\' of Land. 3T Ms i4onita Ashna Yeasha. Daughter of Bangladesh Secretariat. Dhaka' /r)c.D\.\1 (Md. As lc N rur) Senior Assistant Chief Phone: +88-02-95'10561.
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