MINISTERUL EDUCAŢIEI, CERCETĂRII ŞI INOVĂRII ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE TOM XXI 2011 ANALELE UNIVERSITĂŢII DIN ORADEA SERIA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE COMITETUL ŞTIINŢIFIC COLEGIUL DE REDACŢIE: Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae BOCŞAN Director Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe BUZATU Prof. univ. dr. Barbu ŞTEFĂNESCU Prof. univ. dr. Vasile DOBRESCU Redactor-şef Prof. univ. dr. Roman HOLEC (Bratislava) Prof. univ. dr. Antonio FAUR Prof. univ. dr. Toader NICOARĂ Redactor-şef adjunct Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru Florin PLATON Prof. univ. dr. Sorin ŞIPOŞ Prof. univ. dr. Nicolae PETRENCU (Chişinău) Secretar de redacţie Prof. univ. dr. GYULAI Eva (Miskolc) Conf. univ. dr. Gabriel MOISA Prof. univ. dr. Frank ROZMAN (Maribor) Membrii Prof. univ. dr. Ioan SCURTU Prof. univ. dr. Sever DUMITRAŞCU Prof. univ. dr. Viorel FAUR Prof. univ. dr. Ioan HORGA Manuscrisele, cărţile, revistele pentru schimb, Prof. univ. dr. Mihai DRECIN precum şi orice corespondenţă se vor trimite pe Prof. univ. dr. Ion ZAINEA adresa colectivului de redacţie al revistei „Analele Lector. univ. dr. Florin SFRENGEU Universităţii din Oradea”, seria Istorie – Arheologie. Lector. univ. dr. Radu ROMÎNAŞU Lector. univ. dr. Mihaela GOMAN The exchange manuscripts, books and reviews as Lector. univ. dr. BODO Edith well as any correspondance will be sent to the Asist. univ. dr. Laura ARDELEAN address of the Editorial Staff. Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés pour échange, ainsi que toute corespondance, seront adresses à la redaction. Responsabilitatea asupra textului şi conţinutului articolelor revine în exclusivitate autorilor. ADRESA REDACŢIEI: UNIVERSITATEA DIN ORADEA Departamentul de Istorie Str. Universităţii nr. 1 410087 - Oradea, jud. Bihor, România Tel.: (040) 259 408 167 Fax: (040) 259 408 443 FASCICOLA ISTORIE – ARHEOLOGIE ISSN 1453-3766 Tipar: METROPOLIS SRL Oradea, str. Nicolae Jiga nr.31 Tel.: 0729 845 160, 0788 845 160 Tel./ Fax: 0259 472 640 e-mail: [email protected] CUPRINS CONTENT SOMMAIRE INHALT STUDII STUDIES Florin SFRENGEU Prehistoric Archaeological Discoveries of the Bistra Valley (Bihor County) ◄► Descoperiri arheologice preistorice din valea Bistrei (jud. Bihor) ……………………………………………….…………………….7 Mihaela CIOCA Early Christianity in the Roman Empire’s Borders. Discoveries with Funeral Character at Sopianae (Pécs, Hungary) and Tomis (Consţanta, Romania) ◄► Creştinismul timpuriu la graniţele Imperiului Roman. Descoperiri cu caracter funerar la Sopianae (Pécs, Ungaria) şi Tomis (Consţanta, România)………………………………………………………………..13 Ionel CHIRA Policy of the Comnens at the Lower Danube (11th -12th Centuries). Danubian Limes Reconquest in the Second Half of the 13th Century and the Beginning of the 14th ◄► Politica Comnenilor la Dunărea de Jos (secolele XI-XII). Recucerirea limesului danubian în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea şi începutul secolului al XIV-lea …………………..………24 Marian TRANDAFIR Cumans and Iazyges in Hungary ◄► Cumani şi alani în Ungaria ……………………………………………….…………………….. 38 Mihai GEORGIŢĂ Reformation and the orthodox Church from the Principality of Transylvania in the 17th century ◄► Reforma şi Biserica ortodoxă din Principatul Transilvaniei în secolul al XVII-lea ………………… 47 Ioan GOMAN Directions of Economic Development Promoted by the Court of Vienna in Transylvania (the end of the 17th century - the first half of the 19th century) ◄► Direcţii de dezvoltare economică promovate de Curtea de la Viena în Transilvania (sfârşitul secolului al XVII-lea - prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea) ………………………………….…………………………….. 60 BODO Edith Official Propaganda at Noble and Peasant Level during the Napoleonic Wars ◄► Propagandă oficială la nivel nobiliar şi ţărănesc în timpul războaielor napoleoniene ………………………………………………….. 74 Adrian DUME Tradition and modernism in grape wine culture in the 18th - 19th Centuries Crişana ◄► Tradiţie şi modernitate în cultura viţei de vie în Crişana secolelor XVIII-XIX ………………………………………………………. 79 HORVÁTH Zita Did Peasantry Equal Poverty? An Outline of the History of Peasantry in Hungary until 1848 ◄► Era ţărănimea echivalentul sărăciei? Scurtă incursiune în istoria ţărănimii din Ungaria până la 1848……..……… 94 Diana IANCU Aspects of Ioan Ciordaş’s Cultural Activity ◄► Aspecte din activitatea culturală a lui Ioan Ciordaş …………………...……………………. 111 Monica POP George Moroianu and His Connections to the British Press in the Interwar Period ◄► George Moroianu şi legăturile sale cu presa britanică în perioada interbelică ………………………………………………… 118 Adrian DUMITRIU Professor Ion Nestor – correspondence ◄► Profesorul Ion Nestor – corespondenţe ………………………………………… 125 Mihai D. DRECIN Dr. Petru Groza and the University Man Victor Jinga in the Autumn of 1944. A Failed Attempt of Political Recruitment ◄► Dr. Petru Groza şi universitarul Victor Jinga în toamna anului 1944 . O încercare eşuată de racolare politică ………………………………………………..………………. 132 Gabriel MOISA Of the Union of Patriots History - Bihor County (1945-1946) ◄► Din istoria Uniunii Patrioţilor - Bihor (1945-1946) …………..……….. 141 Andrea PANACCIONE Géographie de Georges Haupt. Des stalinismes nationaux au socialisme international ◄►Geografia lui Georges Haupt. De la stalinismul naţional la socialismul internaţional ………………….……………149 Ion ZAINEA Purge of the Romanian Workers’ Party in the Years 1951-1952. Case of the Oradea Town Committee ◄► Epurări din Partidul Muncitoresc Român în anii 1951-1952. Cazul Comitetului Orăşenesc Oradea ……………… 158 Mihaela GOMAN Aspects of Constantin Daicoviciu’s correspondence with leading figures of the Romanian History and Archeology ◄► Din corespondenţa lui Constantin Daicoviciu cu personalităţi marcante ale istoriei şi arheologiei româneşti ………………………………………….……………….. 168 Doina OLARIU Radu Vulpe - le disciple de Vasile Pârvan ◄► Radu Vulpe – discipolul lui Vasile Pârvan ……………………….…………………… 182 Antonio FAUR The issue of saving from death the Jews from Hungary and northern Transylvania (year 1944) in 1980-1985 ◄► Problematica salvării de la moarte a evreilor (în anul 1944) din Ungaria şi Transilvania de Nord în perioada 1980-1985 ………………………………………………………………. 187 Laura ARDELEAN Syntezis Opera of the Archaeologist István Ferenczi ◄► Opera de sinteză a arheologului István Ferenczi …………….…………. 198 Radu ROMÎNAŞU Post-Revolutionary Historiography Considerations Regarding the Romanian Interwar Cultural Asocionalism in Bihor County ◄►Consideraţii despre istoriografia post-decembristă referitoare la asociaţionismul cultural interbelic românesc din Bihor …….……………….. 204 The Chronic of the History Department Scientific Activity in the Academic year 2010◄► Cronica activităţii ştiinţifice a Departamentului de Istorie pe anul 2010 (Radu Romînaşu) …………………………….……………………….. 211 PREHISTORIC ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES OF THE BISTRA VALLEY (BIHOR COUNTY) Florin SFRENGEU* Abstract: The oldest archaeological finds of the Bistra Valley, made in the vill Vărzari, village Popeşti belong to the cultural group Ciumeşti - Pişcolt from the Neolithic cultural complex of Cluj - Cheile Turzii – Lumea Nouă – Iclod. In the Neolithic, this area was part of the area of spreading the Tiszapolgár culture, in which the stylistic change of the ceramics from the previous one has been linked to the early copper metallurgy. At Tăuteu were found several Neolithic tools (bronze pickaxes) on the surrounding hills, which are kept at the Ţării Crişurilor Museum in Oradea. From the early Iron Age are known a series of bronze deposits, of which, for the Bistra Valley, we remember the series of Moigrad-Tăuteni (Tăuteu) of Hallstatt B1. At Voivozi they have reported Hallstatt pottery fragments at the place called Cilogoş, which was partly polled an archaeological resort with three discontinuous levels of housing belonging to the early Iron Age (Hallstatt), to the free Dacians from the Roman period and during the centuries VII -IX A.D. Keywords: prehistory, Bistra Valley, archaeological finds, bronze objects, pottery In the Western half of Romania an important role in triggering the process of Neolitizing were for the communities of the group of Gura Baciului – Cârcea. This group heralds the evolution itself of the Starčevo-Criş culture. The cultural group of Ciumeşti-Pişcolt represents the expression of the summary with the Epipaleolitic communities in the Central Europe of the Starčevo-Criş groups in the North-Western Romania1. Analyzing the origin and evolution of this group, redefined as Pişcolt group, based on numerous and on the most representative archaeological materials from Pişcolt, Zoia Maxim said that this group has its origin in the old fund Starčevo-Criş influenced by elements of Vinča culture came on plain and the contribution of such events of Szolnok - Szanda type and others. The resorts of this cultural group, with three *University of Oradea. 1 N. Ursulescu, M. Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, D. Monah, Neo-eneoliticul, in Istoria românilor, vol. I, Bucharest, 2001, p. 125-134, map from p.126-127 where aat position 120 also appears the locality Vărzari enclosed to the cultural group Ciumeşti-Pişcolt. 7 Florin SFRENGEU phases of evolution were clearly defined as between the Turul Valley and Crişul Repede River, an area that includes the Bistra Valley, too2. This group is part of the cultural complex Cluj – Cheile Turzii – Lumea Nouă – Iclod, being defined as a civilization belonging to the developed Neolithic, consisting of cultural issues and groups related to three stages of evolution3. In the village Popeşti, vill Vărzari, in the autumn of 1980 were discovered artifacts belonging
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