THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN ENHANCING CHRISTIAN RELIGION IN KAMPALA; A CASE STUDY OF WATOTO CHURCH BY NAM UTEBI RUTH BMC/44105/143/DU A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES ANI) SOCIAL SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF A BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN MASS COMMUNICATION OF KAMPALA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY JULY, 2017 Role ofmedia in enhancing Christian Religion DECLARATION I Namutebi Ruth declare that this report is my original work and has not been published or submitted for any other award of degree to any university or institutions before. S1GNATURE:...~~V~ DATE:..1~..P~ 2~c~•~- NAMUTEB1 RUTH REG. NO. BMC/44105/143/DU Page / 0f46 Role ofmedia in enhancing Christian Religion APPROVAL I approve that this research report titled the role of the media in enhancing Christian religion in Kampala; a case study of Watoto church submitted to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of Kampala International University has been under my supervision and it is ready for submission. SIGNATURE...~Z~&)~ DATE...k~Z~?.9 ~ NANYONDO JAN (SUPERVISOR) Page ii Of 46 Role ofmedia in enhancing Christian-religion ABSTRACT Media and Christianity like many organizations has experienced a rapid growth in spread of the gospel in masses and this has called upon for the reshaping of the structure of the church and application of the modern equipments to help enhance the objective of the Church according to St. Mathew 28:18-19 which says: “... Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ... in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” Media has been designed to ensure reliability of communication within the society in order to shape the character and produce Good and God fearing citizens who will participate in Developmental Politics, economy and social activities. The research work was to evaluate the role of media in enhancing Christianity as religion and to find the strength of media and impact within the society of which journalists play a big role on collection of information to be presented to the masses both print and electronic media. The study was contacted within Kampala - Capital City of Uganda of which different church leaders and media houses played a great deal in setting agendas through their activities which motivated the researcher to carry research successfully. iv TABLE_OF_CONTENTS _________ CHAPTER ONE 4 TNTRODUCTION .1. Background of the Study 4 1 .2. Statement of the Problem 1.3 Objective of the Study 6 1.4 Research Questions 6 1 .5 Hypothesis 1.6 Scope of the Study 1 .7 Significance $ 1.8 Justification of the Study 8 CHAPTER TWO ~ 10 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 The Churches Response in a Media Saturated World 1 0 2.3 The Role of Media and Freedom of Worship 11 2.4 The Church as Advocate for Responsible Media 12 2,5 The Future of the Church in Uganda 14 2.6 Effects of Media Selectivity in Describing Disability 15 2.7 Discrimination on Media 15 2.8 Training Methodology 16 2.9 Importance of Journalistic Training 1 6 .&e.p~~~qpon -. - CHAPTER THREE.........................................._...........,........_..... 17 •. 1 7 3.1 Introductions 17 3.2 1~.esearch Design . •. j ‘j 3.3 Study Area ~ 17 3.4 Saniple Size 18 3.5 Sampling Tecluiiqizes ••..• 18 3.6 Questionnaires 18 3.7 Interaction ivith the Respondemits 18 3.8 Data Processing and Aiialysis 18 CHAPTER FOUR.................................................,~...,, 20 ~ OF FI1’113l1JOS ••••••••• 20 4.1 Iiitcoduction .. 20 4.2 l~.o1e ofl’rofhssionals in Is4edia • 20 4.3 The Role ofMedia in Enhancing Religion—Christianity. 21 4.4 Peoples Opinion on the Magnitude in Which Media Acts in Our Society 23 4.5 Islegative E~c1s ofI~4edia .......... • 27 4.6 [lie Future of the Church in tJgaiicla ••.......... 28 4.7 1~4et1iod Iteligious Ivieclia Is tising 30 4.8 Methods in ~~hich I~4ost Christians Iviedia use .. 33 CHAPTER 37 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RBCOMMENDA~ONS 37 5.1 Sulillilar)’ •. •••••••• ••_~• 37 5.2 Conclusion • . 37 5.3 R.ecomniendation ~ 38 - - .-.-——.— Page2oT~ -——.--.—.--.... .--— Role ofmedia in enhancing Chuisiian~ religion BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES 42 A Questionnaire 42 B: Proposal Budget 44 C: Work Plan Sheet 4c -~--~---~~ Role ofmedia in enhancing Christian— religion CHAPTER ONE ___ ...~ ~ ...~ .. INTRODUCTION We live in a climate of many religions and denominations. Violence in them and rivalism is common everywhere: in city and suburb, in main streets and quiet lanes, in private conversations and public media. Our society have come to know God, abuse and rape. rising crime rates and diminished trust through media. We acknowledge that the climate of: the psychological words, as well as physical issues, breeds fear and rapidly escalating concerns for personal security. This in turn leads to more hatred and contributes to society’s tightening cycle of violence of which religious media are trying to address. This dissertation covers the role of media in enhancing Christianity-religion, and how it has shaped people morally within the society. In this chapter we have majored on the background of the study, statement to the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance, justification of the study, and the scope of the study. ii. Background of the Study Every rcligion has a target audience and there is a magnitude in which media has affected them either negative or positive. Hence their was a necessity that research should be carried in order to understand and improve and help the Christianity-religion and journalist who look for information which can shape the morals of people in the society and reinforce some cultures in relation to its target audience. In this dissertation we have given definition of Christianity, religion and culture as follows: christianity is one ofthe world’s major religions, one which developed out ofJudaism in the first ceniwy CE (‘Common Era ofJudaism and Christianity, the basisjbr the modern Western calendar,). According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1990) it defines religion as “Human recognition ofsuperhuman controlling power and especially oja personal God entitled to obedience” While Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM) Defines Page4of46 Role ofmedia in enhancing Christian— religion Religion as “an organized system ofbeliefthat generally seeks to understand purpose. meaning, goals, and methods ofspiritual things. These sj~iritual things can be God people in relation to God~ salvation, after ljf~, purpose ofljf~, order ofthe cosmos, etc.” Gliristian religion is a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior Although there is no standard definition of culture, most alternatives incorporate the Boasian Postulates as the working version by referring Culture as “The system ofshared helieji. values, customs, behaviors, and art~facts that the members ofsociety use to cope wjth their world and with one another, and that are transmittedfrom generation to generation through learning” (p7). In this research we have looked at the news passed through communication, also we have seen what news the journalist talk about and the news Christians proclaim, both the Iwo points us to questions journalist ask themselves; “what makes news, news?” Both news are aimed at informing the society. On this research have looked on ways media has done and also how it has failed and looks for ways in which it can better its activities in the media. Journalist says that News is anything unusual while the Christian—religion refers News as ihe word of God which brings transformation of the soul, spirit and the mind. According to this research, not every news makes news. When Christians listens or reads things which are against God in the media, they feel bad and feel something should be done in the society. But most media houses feel that if they don’t report negative issues then their business will not boom. 1.2. Statement of the Prob~em Problems most often associated with the media both print and electronic, such as gratuitous sex and violence, insufficient or inappropriate programming for children, a flood of sameness in entertainment programming, superficial news coverage of politics. inadequate attention to religion and its influence in society, and the trivialization of news Role ofmedia in enhancing christian— religion and inibrmation require media—literate persons committed to making their religious perspective relevant to these complex issues. Also the issue of massage delivery in media has real develop a great challenge due to the poor performance in secular media who do not realize their mission and their objectives in terms of service provision. The campaign in media programs has poor managerial and unqualified personnel who cannot do public relationship properly between the media and their target audience. This researched has helped us look on how media has handled issues in Christian—religion. 1 ~3 Object~ve of the Study General objective ~ To find out the role of media in e~ancing Clwistian-religion in Kampala Uganda’s capital city. Specific objective ‘~ To find out the magnitude in which media has performed in our society C) To find out what media portrays in relation to the ethics of the church C) To establish various methods in which media has succeeded in broadcasting (dissemination of infonnation) its programs to its audience/publics. 1.4 Research Questions In this research the following were questions the researcher was using: 0 What is the role of media in promoting religion? C) What are the methods religious media is implementing in order to achieve its roles in the society when morals are decaying? C) Do we have changes in religion since technology is advancing in media and what are the impacts to the society? Page6of46 Role ofmedia in enhancing christian— religion t3 Hypothe&s Christianity is no longer the Christ like religion unless it takes a Godly perspective this is specifically seen by the way media covers different Church leaders participating in corruption.
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