SPORTS FEATURE OPINION A rating man's skill at Dragon Kail / IY- plans lor "American Candidate" will turn the election into polit- l» l|M-d him p'l .1 ilri'uin juli. Page 5 ical "American Idol." Page 3 Showdown Team looks to defeat Houston in confer- ence play after week off. " Page 14 TCU DAILY SKIFF «L ^^^ ^^X 100 years of service to Texas Christian University Vol. 100 • Issue 22 • Fort Worth, Texas www.skiff.tcu.edu Friday, October I. 2002 Groups look to raise university's minority enrollment Curriculum committee Groups formed to increase minority group will look at the incoming stu- admissions, financial aid and hous- pare data from last year to this year Munson. associate vice chancellor enrollment and improve marketing dents and evaluate strategies to tar- ing departments. The group will to meet students' needs more ef- for academic support: Thomai strategies. get future students. Ferrari said. monitor the de- fectively.' Oliver, director of freshman ad- on track to "This year there was an increase mographics of "Mirwrity enrollment fat Koehler said mission and Roger Fisher, direc- of applications from Hispanic stu- BY ANTOINETTE VEGA incoming stu- incoming students is at the the group task tor of residential services meet its dents, yet the enrollment did not in- dents, applica- Staff Reporter lowest it lias been in five years force includes Brown said the group is ac- crease," Ferrari said. "The groups tion flow and Patrick Miller. tively pursuing minority stu- Two groups of administration of- nt mi estimate of 14 percent." deadline ficials were formed this semester by will evaluate why this happened financial aid director of en- dents to improve the value of a — Ray Brown Chancellor Michael Ferrari to focus and establish better ways to in- distribution. rollment man- student's education. The committee is drafting a pro- on attracting more minority stu- crease all enrollment." Koehler said. Dean of Admissions agement: Raj "Minority enrollment foi in posal that incorporates three cur- dents to the university. William Koehler, vice chancellor "The group Brown, dean of coming students is the lowest it riculums. Summary minutes of the A marketing task force will for academic affairs, said he estab- is a manage- admissions; has been in five years at an esti- meetings will soon be available on lished a working group that in- mate of 14 percent." he said "It brainstorm ideas on various ways to ment tool to improve recruitment Michael Scott, director of schol- the Faculty Senate Web page. portray the university while another cludes officials in the academic. efforts," Koehler said. "It will com- arships and financial aid; Leo (Morton MARKETING,page2) K\ UQ |OII\»o\ StafI Re In In a presentation to the Faculty Senate Thursday. NowefJ Dooo Hurricane downgraded to tropical storm van said the core curriculum com mittee is on track to complete the core revision by No\ 20 although Hurricane UN's high winds and no definite draft has been made storms caused damages in many Donovan, a geology professor, areas of Louisiana yesterday. said committee members have met Hurricane Lili was decreased to twice and will continue to meet tropical storm status after hitting every Monday to discuss drafting land. a proposal that incorporates three curriculums based on the univer- sity's mission, vision and value BY ALLEN G. BREED \--ni i,iletl IVes- statements; human endeavor! and experiences; and skills MONTEGUT, La. — Hurricane "If we see that insufficient Lili gave Louisiana's coast a 1(H) progress is being made, we ma;. mph battering Thursday that add more meetings to the tched swamped streets, knocked out ule." said Shannon Shipp. an as power and snapped trees. But Lili sociate protessui of marketing dwindled to tropical storm strength The mission, vision and values as it moved inland, leaving residents curriculum incorporates anas thankful it was not the monster they such as ethics, religion and lead were expecting. erhip into the core. Donovan said "It looks like we were lucky," The guiding principle of the hu- Gov. Mike Foster said. man endeavors and experiences More than a million people in curriculum is to provide ■ bal Texas and Louisiana had been told ■need framework of knowledge to clear out as the hurricane closed and ideas for the development of in with terrifying intensity. But in an educated individuals, he said. The overnight transformation even fore- skills curriculum is concerned casters could not fully explain, Lili with the skills required foi sue weakened from a 145-mph, Cate- cesstul conclusion of university gory 4 hurricane to a Category 2. education, he laid And after its center crossed land The committee is soliciting in- at Marsh Island, the storm's winds put from a variety ol faculty, sin dropped again, falling by midday to denti and outside constituents to 75 mph, barely a hurricane. By ensure inclusiveness, Shipp said evening, Lili was a tropical storm 'Hopefully this process will en- with winds of 50 mph, and instead i More on 1 \> I II i. pogi 2 of a potentially catastrophic 25-foot storm surge, more manageable surges of 6 to 10 feet blew in. Thousands fled north from the Louisiana coastline along 1-49 near Opelousas. La., this week. No deaths were reported along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Injuries in- News cluded three people hurt in storm in shelters. Inn. Spencer Rhodes, fire chief in the He said his house had never Louisiana — two in a roof collapse "Better to make a blank trip than It tore roofs from homes and town of 4,(XX). where water cas- flooded and he had never had rea- Monday last da\ to caded through at least three breaks son to evacuate. But this time he had and a deputy whose cruiser was hit get caught in a hurricane and have buildings, snapped trees and register for Nov. 5 flection by a falling tree. Earlier this week, a massive loss of life," said Harvey knocked out power to an estimated in a hurricane protection levee. water in his carport up to his kneel Lili killed eight people in the Hart of Port Arthur, Texas, who 448.000 customers statewide. About Rescue crews in big National It was even worse in Grand Isle, The deadline lor Texas residents to register to vote in the Not 5 Caribbean. spent the night with his family in a 1.300 homes and businesses in Guard trucks evacuated 5(X) to MX) the vulnerable barrier island com- general election is Monda] All Foster requested and received a high school cafeteria shelter. Lafayette and New Orleans lost Montegut residents who had failed munity south of New Orleans that Tarrant Count] residents must disaster declaration from President Despite its dropoff. Lili was a phone service. to heed calls for evacuation. was swamped by Tropical Storm have their votci registration appli Bush. The president did not specify powerful storm, with gusts as high It also flooded much of Mon- "The water just kept piling up and Isidore last week. "Most of the is- cations postmarked m delivered to which areas of the state would be el- as 92 mph in New Iberia hurling tegut. about 40 miles southwest of piling up," said Sam LeBoucf, as he land is under water." Police Chief the Election Administrators office New Orleans. dragged an aluminum boat down the Edward Bradberry said. igible for federal aid. pieces of metal through the air, by this date. "I'd say right now at least 75 per- middle of a Hooded street. "I just All in all. though. Lili was not as Residents of the region, mean- telling tree limbs and blowing down The office's nuilme address is I'D had to go" bad as forecasters feared. while, waited out the weakened a 50-foot-high sign at the Holiday cent of the town got water in it," said Box 96101 l.IonViorm. Texas "nib I Texas voter registration cards are available for students at a Student involvement in school activities decreases annually table near the Information Desk in the Student (enter Apphca Low senior attendance in campus reers. By trying to increase program ics ranging from on- and off-campus in- Involvement has to be a personal ncular involvement tends to decrease lions ,ue also available at public decision in which students say. "Yes. dunng the second year in college libraries, post offices, cnv halls programs has prompted university awareness and heightening market- volvement to marital status, she said. The survey was intended to help the I want to make myself as marketable "We tend to lose a lot of people dur- and sub-courthouses officials to find ways to increase cam- ing efforts, staff members say they committee determine whether students as possible." she said. ing :heir sophomore year because the Texasearh voting begins Oct. -I and pus involvement for all classifications. hope to increase student involvement in available programs and make the are getting loo many or too few pro- New student orientation. Frog newness has ahead}) worn oft and they ends Nov. 1. Polls will he open from 7 am. to 7 p in. beginning (Xt. 28. college experience more seamless. grams offered in different areas of stu- Camp and the Connections program can't yet see the light at the end of the are the three main resources the uni- According to the Election Ad- BY J0I HARRIS This fall, Don Mills, vice chan- dent life and to find ways to structure tunnel." Zimmerman said versity offers to all new students. Zim- ministrators office. Tarrant Count] Staff Reporter cellor for student affairs, gave six services around their needs, she said.
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