Supreme Court upholds gross revenue tax - Page 6 The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA ^ Volune 6 Kolonia, Pohnpei, November 30, 1985 Member 22 Samoa seeks Tuna quota In Compact HDIDNIA, Pohnpei - The U.S. House Interior Ccnndttee is con- sidering a change in the resolut- ion to enact the Compact of Free Association to set duty free quo- tas for future processed tuna im- ports from the FSM and Marshall Islands, according to Status Com- mission legal Counsel Greg Swartz. "We are still hopeful that the U.S. Congress will complete its SPEC FUNDS HOSPITAL ENESGY PBDJECT - South Pacific Bureau for Booao- approval of the Compact by mLc Cooperation Bnergy Officer Penni Drodrolagi, right, is preeenL- Christmas," President Tosiwo Nak- ing Nov. 22 a $4,607.50 check to FSM External Affairs Acting Secret- ayama said. ary Asterio Tfefcesy as the first half of $9,215 to be provided by The U.S. Senate approved Nov. SPEC for installation of "occupant sensors" by ENE0CH, inc., of Guara 14 the Compact by unanimous con- in the Pohnpei State Hospital to autcnatically turn on and off elec- sent with a $60 million package trical appliances. The sensors are expected to reduce hospital ener- to compensate for the loss of tax gy use by one-half and cost by $18,000 a year. Rccm left are Alik L. incentives for U.S. citizens wor- Alik of the FSM External Affairs Department, Takesy, Pohnpei Hospit- king and investing in the FSM, al Administrator George Fleener and Drcdrolagi. according to a Nov. 19 dispatch from FSM Washington Representat- ive Epel Ilcn. Pohnpei Census shows undercount In order to avoid sending the Compact to a House-Senate confer- roiONIA, Pohnpei - There were changes and is, therefore, likely ence committee to iron out diff- 28,902 people, including 27,618 an indication of a significant erences in the two versions, ef- Bohnpeians and 1,284 non-Pohnpei- undercount during the 1980 cen- forts were being made to have the ans present in Pohnpei on Sept. sus." House take up the Senate version 15, Census Might, according to a The 1980 undercount is estimat- and adopt additional amendments, preliminary count released Nov. ed to be as much as 10 per cent, then send the resolution back to 18 by State Planning, Program- Neth said. the Senate for final approval, ming, Budgetting and Statistics For the Pohnpeians, the sex Acting Administrator Dicn Neth, ratio was 105 males to every 100 (Continued on Page 3) the office of Gov. Resio Moses females and non-Pohnpeians, 177 reported. males to every 100 females. Kolonia, with 6,313 people pre- Inside Compared with the I960 Trust sent, had the largest de factor Territory Census count for Pohn- or actual location population on pei which was 22,081, the 1985 Census Night, followed by Sokehs, Business Fair planned Pohnpei State Census preliminary MadolenihnK, Nett, Kitti and U. (See story on Page"2) count shows the population inc- The count shows that U, Madol- reased at the rate of 6 per cent enihmw, Sokehs and Pingelap were a year, which Neth said "is too the areas most affected by the Municipal elections held large to be accounted for by nat- suspected undercount in the 1980 ural increase or net-migration census. {(See story on Page 3) M/M4 computer sftowi vessels, fees Bank plans JOIONIA, Pohnpei - The FSM col- nunter v/hen inspected by approp- Business Fair lected mare than $500,000 from riate BSM officials," McCtoy said. Japanese fishing vessels from the The computer program, Which was HDIONIA, Pohnpei - The FSM Dev- beginning Aug. 9 of the current installed in July by Hnerson, elopment Bank is planning to hold fishing agreement through Oct. shows that 1% Japanese fishing a one-week "Business Ffeir" in 31, according to the Micrcnesian vessels are registered to fish in each of the four states next year Maritime Authority computer re- the EBM 200-^tnile ecoocmic zone to commemorate the fifth year of port for October. and 79 permits have been issued its operations, according to FSM- Ofoe fees are paid into an ac- to them for individual trips as DB President Manny Mori. count in Japanese yen, according of Nov. 7. Ohe government development to M®. Executive Director Mike T5>sre *sere 237 foreign fishing bank, which officially began McGoy who cited the average ex- vessels registered since the beg- functioning on Oct. 15, 1981, change rate of 215 yen per dollar. inning of 1985 to fish in FSM wa- with a president and secretary, With the Japanese fishing ag- ters, including others fron Tai- expanded its staff to 15 persons, reement providing for payment of wan, South Korea, the United including seven in the central fees based on the pervailing States and the Solomon Islands. office here and eight in the price of fish in Japan at the end Information en vessels regist- state offices, and its loan port- of each trip and permits being ered to fish in FSM waters is folio to $3,049,301 through Sept. issued for each trip, the MMA sent by TEifX. to the state gov~ 30, according to Mori. staff is maintaining up-to-date erraesots and FSM surveillance "We expect the staff to grow to information in a "Foreign Fishing beats to assist in surveillance 21 and the loan portfolio to $5 Vessels Licensing System" eorput- for illegal fishing, according to million during (fiscal) 1986," er program developed by Esmae Bn- JWB. Deputy Director Peter Sitan. Mori said. erson of Auckland, New Zealand. WMR is producing monthly rep- He said the bank has been able Miss Bnerson also provided Bor- orts on fees collected, based on to expand its services in the eign Fishing Registration lioanse infcarnation entered into the com- states due to the support which forms to MMA specifications which puter by its two statisticians, it has received from the state were printed in New Zealand to be Shra Alik and Evans Raymond, resources and development depart- filled out as each new vessel re- During the 12 norths beginning ments which are working closely gistration is entered into the in August, 1984, there were more with the bank to utilize its loan WANS PC computer. than 300 Japanese vessels regist- funds for "the economic develop- Hie license form provides space ered to fish in the FSM, accord- ment objectives of our nation." for the vessel name, type, coun- ing to McOoy who said that these The states will determine the try, registration number, call vessels are allowed to fish only exact dates of the business sign and date of first trip, plus outside of 12 miles from any is- fairs, Mori said, stating that blanks to be filled in for land in the FSM. the bank proposed holding them in subsequent trips by the ship The 300 vessels reported taking May. captains who will rec^ eive the mare than 900 trips during the "She bank proposed establishing registration forms by mail. period and revenue from license an executive committee in each of *Vessels must either have this fees for vessels of all national- the states to organize and con- form on board or demonstrate ities licensed here in 1984-85 duct the business fairs, he said. knowledge of the registraticn exceeded $3,8 million, he said. Each executive committee will include the FSMDB board member Fishing talks factor in settlement from that state, the state R&D director and three other msnbersf HQKJNIA, Pohnpei - Olie negotia- about 30 miles southeast of Kap- including the state FSMDB branch tions for a regional fishing ag- ingamarangi Atoll, Pohnpei state? manager or loan officer. reement between the United States according to an affidavit by an The bank is planning to provide and South Pacific Ffesrum Fisheries national" governiresit surveillance cash prizes for the first three Agency nations were a factor in officer. places in each category of the reaching a settlement negotiated ftie agreement was negotiated by fair and certificates for the top between the FSM and Ralston Puri- Bertoncini on behalf of the FSM; 10 places, Mori said, adding that na Go. in the court case involv- Honolulu attorney Dana W. Smith donations may be solicited from ing the Lady Marion, a U.S. purse representing the firm, and sever- the private sector to add to the seiner caught fishing May 8 in al high-level Palston Purina of- cash awards. FSM waters without a license, ac- ficials. The categories for competition cording to Assistant Attorney Ge- in the fair will be agriculture, neral Lawrence Bertcncini. Ttie desire by both sides to av- including vegetable, fruit, root In a settlement agreement sign- oid jeopardizing the regional and cofisnercial crops; fisheries; ed Nov. 15 in Honolulu, the FSM fishing treaty negotiations was aninal husbandry; handicrafts and agreed to drop all criminal and one factor in reaching the set- cottage crafts? small manufactur- civil charges against the Lady tlement, Bertoncird said, noting ing industries, and cultural ev- Marion in exchange for paving a that the FSM is participating in ents, iiicluding arts and talent $35,000 fine and acknowledging the negotiations as a member of contests. its fishing without a license the Ftarum Fisheries Agency. The executive conmittee in each within the 200-mLle economic state will work out the methods zone, according to Bertoncini. Bertoncini said that the lady and criteria for judging the ex- One half of the fine, $17,500, Marion had been licensed to fish hibits and will set the deadlines was paid to Pohnpei state in ac- in the FSM in 1983 and 1984, and for registering participants, cordance with FSM .law, Bertoncini that the Ralston Purina officials according to Mori who said that said.
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