t_D Beecham's CARMEN and Karaian's AIDA reviewed this month iiigh1 el FEBRUARY THE MAGAZINE FOR MUSIC LISTENERS 60 CENTS Dr Refiner's Orchestra by MARTIN MAYER Big Bass from Small Boxes by NORMAN H. CROWHURST Photograph of Dr. Reiner Courtesy RCA Records www.americanradiohistory.com 3 SECONDS ... It's the Glaser- Steers GS -77. You 6 SECONDS ... the turntable has stopped -the next can tell by its modern trim styling -a hint of the precise record drops gently into play position. Suddenly you are mechanism that's 'under-the-hood'. A record has just com- aware that you have just seen something different- differ- pleted its play. The tone arm has lifted from the groove ent from any changer you've ever known. You have seen and returns to rest. So far, so good -it might be any how turntable pause eliminates the harsh grinding action changer. But, here's where the similarity ends. Watch caused by dropping one record on another or onto the what happens next. turntable while in motion. 9 SECONDS... the tone arm leaves its rest, moves The GLASER - STEERS GS-77 is worthy toward the record, and then -gently, sets itself down into of the finest stereo or monophonic system. It is designed the lead -in groove of the record. Then -and only then and engineered to protect your records and add hours of does the turntable resume its motion. In these 9 seconds listening pleasure to your treasured recordings. Enhance you have seen a record handled automatically with the performance of your high fidelity system, today. Add greater care and gentleness than you could possibly give the Glaser-Steers GS -77. $59.50 less cartridge and base it manually. Don't you agree that - . - at your high fidelity dealer. PAUSE FOR 9 SECONDS ...SEE HOW THE GLASER-STEERS GS-77 ADDS HOURS OF LISTENING PLEASURE TO YOUR RECORDS Read the Audiolab Test report in the August issue of High Fidelity magazine, you'll realize immediately why audiophiles everywhere are switching to the modern high fidelity record chaneer, the Glaser- Steers GS -77. For a copy of the full report write: DEPT. HF -2. GLASER- STEERS CORPORATION 155 Oraton Street, Newark 4, New Jersey www.americanradiohistory.com TR -10 TRI- ETTES119.50 TR -10U Unfinished S139.50 For the best in STEREO and MONO listening... o -..fl 117001CDED HIGH FIDELITY 'BOOKSHELF" LOUDSPEAKERS TR -10 TRI -ETTE* 3 -Way Speaker System DF -1 DUETTE 2 -Way Speaker System Compare the Jensen TRI -ETTE with any bookshelf Here's a new high point in speaker value made pos- speaker and let your own cars tell you the reason for its sible by another Jensen first ... an entirely new and rocketing popularity...it sounds better! It's what you'd different high -compliance 8" FLEXAIR* woofer... expect from advanced Jensen engineering that begins with low distortion bass response down to 36 cycles. where others leave off. Efficient needs only a 10 -watt Finest cabinetry, finished on four sides for horizontal amplifier. Handsome, too, in graceful contemporary or vertical placement. An excellent solution for high design with fine woods. And there's an economical quality stereo sound at minimum cost. New unfinished unfinished model for custom finishing or build -in use. utility model to wood finish or paint as you choose. O MANUFACTURING COMPANY 6601 S. Laramie Avenue Chicago 38, Illinois Wrilc for Brochure KP L6LJ UNJGU lJ In Canada; Renfrew Electric Co., Ltd.. Toronto T.M. - Drooro. of Tn. M "r., c.. In Mexico; Radios Y Television, S.A., Mexico D.F. of -tU Unfinished 556.95 DF -1 DUETTE $79.50 FEBRUARY 1960 www.americanradiohistory.com P»+1 SyRem W,q Ca.e:X drriped by rd,A UdrHdt, Here is more for the best of everything in quality record reproduction -the more that makes the difference! more output!...more channel separation!...more response...more record life! In short -more to enjoy because there's more quality for more listening pleasure. Without question, Pickering's Collectors' Series 380 is the finest -with more features and more flexibility than any other stereo pickup in the world. For example, the 380 is fully encapsulated in radiation -proof precious mu-metal for absolutely hum-free performance in any record player regardless of type- make -model. The only true way to judge a high fidelity component is to compare it with another... measure its performance with the most vital instrument of all.., the ear. For -those who can hear the difference choose PICKERING *, COLLECTORS' SERIES 380. Totally new and unique to high PRO -STANDARD SERIES 371. Now, the new and fidelity is the "Collectors' Ensemble "... a complete quality "pick- revolutionary PACt technique developed by up-package" for reproduction of all records- stereo, micro PICKERING has effected economies in groove, 78's. manufacture which permit a reduction in the price of the Pro -Standard Series...an industry OUTPUT: 15 mv per channel. CHANNEL SEPARATON: 30-35 db. standard and the universal choice of professionals. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: + 2 db 20- 20,000 cycles. SIGNAL TO Features four coil push -pull hum rejection circuit. NOISE RATIO: -65 db below reference. TRACKING FORCE: "A" type stylus -2.5 grams; "C" type stylus -3 -7 grams. OUTPUT: 10 mv per channel. CHANNEL SEPARATION: 20 -25 db. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: 20. 15,000 cycles. TRACKING FORCE: Model 380E Collectors' Ensemble includes the Stanton Stereo "A" type stylus -2.5 grams; "C" type stylus -4 -7 grams. FLUXVALVE with 3 "V- GUARD" styli for stereo, microgroove and 78 rpm records. $60.00 Model 371A Mk II Stanton Stereo FLUXVALVE Pickup now $26.40 Model 380A includes Stanton Stereo FLUXVALVE with D3807A Model 371C Mk II Stanton Stereo FLUXVALVE Pickup now $24.00 "V- GUARD" stylus for transcription arms. $34.50 Model 196 Mk II UNIPOISE Arm with integrated Stanton Stereo Model 380C includes Stanton Stereo FLUXVALVE with D3807C FLUXVALVE Pickup now $49.50 "V-GUARD" stylus for auto- changer arms. $29.85 Only the Stanton Stereo FLUXVALVE FOR THOSE WHO CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE i features the safe, comfortable, easily replaceable stylus assembly. °PICKERING -for more than a decade -the world's most experi- enced manufacturer of high fidelity pickups...supplier to the recording industry. tPICNERING AUTOMATED CRAFTSMANSHIP rickoring FLUXVALVE, 'V.CUARD" "T- GUARD" UNIPOISE PAC (TM) PICKERING & CO., INC.. PLAINVIEW, NEW YORK 2 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com hjqh fki.1t1 FEBRUARY 1960 volume 10 number 2 including AUDIOCRAFT and HI -FI MUSIC AT HOME Roland Gelatt Editor Joan Griffiths ARTiCIF Executive Editor Ralph frees Audio Editor Dr. Reiner's Orchestra 38 Martin Moyer Miriam D. Manning If no liar's lost between the Managing Editor Chicago Symphony and its conductor, mutieully Irances A. Newbury Associate Editor speaking they get along fine. Roy Lindstrom Art Director H. C. Robbins Landon Music in the Midwest 42 Robert C. Marsh European Editor Alain Street has changed - considerably. Editorial Board Big Bass from Small Boxes 45 Norman H. Crowhursl Jahn M. Conly u; loudspeakers go, goori things Chairman ils far can conic in enclosures. E. Power Biggs little Nathan Rodor R. D. Darrell They Opened Her Mouth with a Corkscrew 49 Herbert Kupferberg Alfred Frankenstein Mezzo Gus licita .Simiomuo is intervira,cri, Howard Hanson and explains this and other things. Julian Hirsch Robert C. Marsh Frantic Robinson Joseph Stigeti REPORTS Warren B. Syer General Manager Claire N. Eddiegs Notes From Abroad 20 Advertising Soles Manager F. Walter Grueninger Books in Review 28 R. D. Circulation Director Darrell Music Makers 51 Roland Gelott Publication Policy Records in Review 53 Charles Fowler Lawrence Gatto Tape Deck 89 W. D. Littleford Warren B. Syer allnlprt?Ar A D V E R T I S I N G Main Office From the High -Fidelity Newsfronts 95 Claire N. Eddings, The Publishing Howe Great Barrington, Ma... Telephone 1300 Audio News 96 New York 1566 Broadway, New York 36 HF Equipment Reports 98 Telephone: Plato 7 -2800 Bert Covit, Sy Resnick EICO AF -4 Stereo Amplifier Chicago Shure Stereo Studio Dynelic Arm and Cartridge 188 W. Randolph St., Chicogo I Heath SD -1 Stereo Phonograph Telephone, Cenuol 6 -9818 Andy Spanbergcr Bell 6060 Stereo Amplifier Los Angeles Grommes 260A 60 -watt Amplifier 1520 North Gower, Hollywood 28 Grommes 209 Stereo Preamplifier Telephone: Hollywood 9 -6239 George Kelley EICO HFT94 AM Tuner Sonotone 8TA4 Stereo Cartridge AUTHORitotively Speaking 4 Letters 13 As the Editors See It 37 Trader's Marketplace 110 Advertising Index 116 Published monthly as Greet Barrington, Mass. by The Billboard Publishing Co. Copyright n 1960 by The Billboard Publishing Co. The design and contents of High Fidelity Magazine are fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in any manner. Second class postage paid at Groot Barrington and 01 additional mailing offices. Onoyear subscription in U. S., Peuessions, and Canada 56.00. Elsewhere $7.00. www.americanradiohistory.com HEW! tyPite 50-WATT AUTHORitatively Speaking Martin Mayer's 3fadison Avenue, EJ. S. A., was a best seller for many, many Complete Stereo Phono System months -and not simply as a compendium of startling facts and figures about the ad- . COMPONENTS vertising business. In that book the jour- LAFAYETTE LA -250 S0 -WATT AMPLIFIER .. _.. 89.50 nalist's camera eye was abetted by the NEW GE VR -22 (.7 MIL) DIAMOND STEREO CARTRIDGE 24.45 artist's insight. ( Note: Mr. Mayer is also GARRARD RC 121/11 STEREO CHANGER _. 41.6S a novelist; see his recent A Voice That LAFAYETTE WOOD CHANGER BASE 3.9S Fills the House, Simon 6c Schuster.) The 2- LAFAYETTE SK -58 FAMOUS FREE EDGE same is true, we think, of of 12" COAXIAL SPEAKERS @ 29.50 59.00 the portrait the Chicago Symphony and its conductor REGULAR PRICE X18755 CATALOG (p.
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