SYLLABUS version:13may14a The USA & the Global Oil System The formation and impact of American energy policy John F.Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität. Berlin, Germany Summer 2014 (14 April – 19 July). Monday 14:00-16:00 Instructor: Dr. Thomas W, O’Donnell* Course Description: This post-graduate course is a multi-disciplinary examination of the USA as the historical initiator and predominant actor of today’s global, market-centered petroleum system. This role is seen as a pillar of the USA’s continuing superpower status, of its legitimacy amongst its OECD allies (EU, Japan, etc.) and as shaping its relations with China, Russia and OPEC producers. Attention is paid to how the USA’s energy policy and geo-strategy are debated, developed and decided in Washington. The course shows how constantly evolving energy resources and technology in a global market-centered system shape American energy policy and geo- strategy. *Contact: - Students must complete all assigned readings - E-mail: [email protected] OR [email protected] - Students are assigned to summarize/comment on readings - URL: http://TomOD.com & http://GlobalBarrel.com - Class begins with instructor presentation - Handy: +49 (0)17 69 21 18 92 8 - The professor leads a Socratic discussion - There will be a research paper developed in stages. Office Hours: After class or by appointment Links: Required texts - Class homepage: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil_s2014 - Yergin, Daniel, “The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & - Freie U. academic calendar: http://www.fu- Power,” The Free Press, New York 1991 Kindle Amazon berlin.de/studium/studienorganisation/termine/index.html - The Frackers: The Outrageous Inside Story of the New - Readings: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/articlea Billionaire Wildcatters, Gregory Zuckerman, 2013.Kindle - E-mail archive: http://www.umich.edu/~twod/oil_s2014/ Amazon Grading Previous student research-group blogs: - Preparation, class participation: 40% o China Oil Affairs http://chinaoilaffairs.blogspot.com/ - Presentation(s): 25% o Rentismo & Dutch Disease http://rentismo.blogspot.com/ - Research project/paper: 35% o Venezuelan Oil http://venezuelanoil.blogspot.com/ o Middle East and North African Oil Attendance: http://menapetroleum.blogspot.com/ - Maximum two absences Class Pattern: Classes Class 1 2 No 3 4 5 6 7 Holiday 8 9 10 11 12 Papers Number class Stu- Part Part 1.1- Part Part Part Part Part Module - dent 1.1 1.3,1.5 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.5 Talks 14 5 12 19 26 2 16 23 30 7 14 Date 21 Apr 28 Apr 9 Jun 21 Jul Apr May May May May Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Contents PART 1: ENERGY RESOURCES, TECHNOLOGY & DEMAND ............................................................. 3 1.1 The world’s available energy resources .............................................................................................. 3 Online energy data & analysis ........................................................................................................ 3 1.2 USA energy institutes & analysts ....................................................................................................... 3 2 1.3 Oil demand: automobiles & congestion .............................................................................................. 3 1.4 US Geological Survey v. “Peak Oil” school ....................................................................................... 4 1.5 Fracking: USA oil & gas revolution ................................................................................................... 4 1.6 Alternatives: Scientific, environmental & economic .......................................................................... 4 2: POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ENERGY.................................................................................................. 6 2.1 OPEC Revolution: From neo-colonialism to global barrel ................................................................. 6 2.2 High Oil Prices 2003-08: Fundamentals or speculation? ..................................................................... 6 2.2.1 Supply & demand ........................................................................................................................ 6 2.2.2 Futures market & speculation ...................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Oil Rents, Rentier States, Dutch Disease & Resource Curse ............................................................... 7 PART 3: HISTORY: GEOPOLITICS OF ENEGY ...................................................................................... 8 3.1 Japan in WWII. Iran’s Mossadegh & US-British Coup ...................................................................... 8 3.2 Suez Crisis. OPEC founding. Post-war oil age .................................................................................... 8 3.3 Countries vs. companies. 1973 Arab-OPEC embargo ......................................................................... 8 3.4 1979 Iranian revolution. Carter Doctrine. Second oil crisis ................................................................. 8 3.5 Overview OPEC: OPEC & OECD: From confrontation to collusion .................................................. 8 4 USA: GEOPOLITICAL CRISES OF “THE GLOBAL BARREL” ........................................................... 9 4.1 The Iraq War ...................................................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Iran-USA “nuclear” crisis & the global barrel..................................................................................... 9 4.3 China v. USA: “Go abroad” mercantilism & the global barrel ........................................................... 9 4.4 The USA & EU v. Russia: energy geopolitics..................................................................................... 9 4.5 The “new” resource nationalism: Hugo Chavez & Latin America ...................................................... 9 4.6 Arctic oil & geopolitics ...................................................................................................................... 9 2 | JFK Institute | The USA & the Global Oil System 2 0 1 4 | T.O’ D o n n e l l PART 1: ENERGY RESOURCES, TECHNOLOGY & DEMAND - The geo-distribution of the world’s available oil, gas, coal and other primary-energy resources; alternative-fuel potential; energy- production technologies, and projections by region of demand for oil and gas (O&G) as transport fuels. - Introduction to the main institutes in the USA and OECD for energy analysis, and to the main USA energy think tanks and analysts. - The North American “energy revolution”: O&G from hydraulic fracking in the USA and tar sands in Canada as a convergence of “highly developed” technology, R&D, infrastructure, finance and political factors; its impact on the global oil market and other producers. - Critique of “Peak Oil” 1.1 The world’s available energy resources o Instructor materials o Lecture (previous sample): “The world’s available energy resources, and their use 2006-2030" o O’Donnell, T.W., “Global Oil to 2030: A Quantitative Assessment in the Context of International Affairs”; International Relations and Security Network (ISN), Zurich, Switzerland; 2 May 2007. From ISN or local [Note: a pre-fracking assessment] Online energy data & analysis o Energy Information Agency (EIA) of the USA Department of Energy (DOE) . Country Analysis Briefs . Annual Energy Outlook Retrospective Review, Release Date: April 7, 2014. o International Energy Agency (IEA) of the OECD . 2013 World Energy Outlook (WEO): FU direct link, or IEA site. Press Release; Presentation to Press; Factsheets; Sample: WEO-2013 Chapter 6 - Renewable Energy Outlook o CIA Country Briefs and select a country to view o BP Statistical Review of World Energy to 2035 plus Historical Data Series since 1965. o Oil and Gas Journal The premier technical and economic O&G journal o Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) of the International Energy Forum Secretariat (IEFS) . Links to other databases are at JODI: UNSD, OPEC, IEF, IEA, EUROSTAT, OLADE o International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) and the US Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) . This professional society publishes the “Energy Journal” o UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2014 AR5 Three Volumes o Natural Gas Europe journal o Unconventional oil & gas . U.S. Shale Gas & Shale Oil Plays. Review of Emerging Resources, US EIA, July 2011. Technically Recoverable Shale Oil and Shale Gas Resources: An Assessment of 137 Shale Formations in 41 Countries outside the United States, US EIA, June 10, 2013. Overview Full Report (EIA/ARI) . US Geological Service, “World Petroleum Assessment 2000 1.2 USA energy institutes & analysts Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS): Energy and National Security Program o Unconventional Resources o Outlooks and Forecasts: A resource to find and analyze energy forecasts and to provide access to enlightening discussions with the people behind their creation o 18th Annual NCAC-USAEE Energy Policy Conference: . Disruptive Technologies Shock All Energy Sectors We didn't see them coming. We don't know what's next. How will they shape the future? (Note: Links to most talks/ppt files & videos) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) & Foreign Affairs magazine o What to Read on Oil, By Edward L. Morse, Foreign Affairs, December 4, 2009. Brookings Institution: Energy Program o Paper: Fueling a New Order? The New
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