Rank Order List: Year 2006 Final Awards Rating Sponsor App. No. Project Name Award Intent: Yr.2 Intent: Yr.3 211 Nebraska Republican River Management 06-106 Republican River Basin Pocket Irrigation $35,578 $0 $0 Districts Association 202 Upper Elkhorn Natural Resources District 06-150 East Branch Verdigris Creek Watershed $14,430 $14,430 $43,290 Management Project 198 Loup Basin Resource Conservation and 06-107 Cedar River Corridor Project Phase II $74,500 $74,500 $0 Development Council 198 Nebraska Forest Service 06-126 Restoring the Pine Ridge Forest Ecosystem $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 196 Nebraska Tallgrass Prairie Partnership 06-157 Tallgrass Prairie Conservation on Private $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 Lands II 195 University of Nebraska - Cooperative 06-162 Livestock Producer Environmental $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Extension Assistance Project 189 Rainwater Basin Joint Venture 06-120 Wetland Habitat Restoration, Protection, $500,000 $300,000 $300,000 Enhancement 182 Nebraska Statewide Arboretum 06-154 Nebraska Community Forest Recovery $332,717 $0 $0 Campaign 179 Red Willow County 06-156 Equipment for Household Hazardous Waste $40,000 $0 $0 Program 165 Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources 06-112 Missouri River Wetlands Reserve $440,000 $0 $0 District Enhancement Program - Years Two and Three 165 Edgar, City of 06-139 An Integrated, Community-Based Approach $65,667 $5,175 $26,267 to Reducing Nitrate Containment in the Wellhead Management Area for the City of 163 Pheasants Forever - South Central 06-125R No-Till Grass Drill $15,000 $0 $0 Nebraska Chapter 162 Nebraska Center for Sustainable 06-145 DeConstruction Nebraska $139,580 $0 $0 Construction (NCSC) 159 University of Nebraska - Lincoln 06-166 Odor Footprint Tool Demonstration: $75,500 $48,100 $35,100 Assisting Rural Communities in Maintaining 158 Public Health Solutions 06-130 Down the Storm Drain $13,213 $10,825 $0 158 Lower Platte South Natural Resources 06-161 Cumulative Impact Study (CIS) for the $115,000 $0 $0 District Lower Platte River Corridor 157 Southwest Nebraska Public Health 06-146 Contaminate Testing for Private Wells $26,250 $0 $0 154 Pheasants Forever - Long Branch, Chapter 579 06-124R No-Till Grass Drill $15,000 $0 $0 154 Pheasants Forever - Kearney County 06-128R No-Till Grass Drill $15,000 $0 $0 Chapter 154 Pheasants Forever - Washington County 06-136R No-Till Grass Drill $15,000 $0 $0 Chapter 154 Pheasants Forever - Sherman County 06-149R No-Till Grass Drill $15,000 $0 $0 Chapter Monday, April 17, 2006 Page 1 of 5 Rating Sponsor App. No. Project Name Award Intent: Yr.2 Intent: Yr.3 153 Omaha, City of - Department of Parks, 06-105 Glenn Cunningham Lake Restoration Project $250,000 $250,000 $0 Recreation and Public Property 152 NET Foundation for Television, Inc. 06-122 The Price of Water $146,000 $0 $0 152 Pheasants Forever - Ponca Creek 06-127R No-Till Grass Drill $0 $0 $0 Ringnecks Chapter 151 North Platte Natural Resources District 06-108 Habitat Restoration of Nine Mile Creek II $260,000 $0 $0 151 Upper Niobrara - White Natural Resources 06-113 Nebraska Rainfall Assessment and $23,955 $0 $0 District Information Network (NeRain) Expansion 150 Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District 06-116 Irrigation Water Management Improvement $350,000 $250,000 $300,000 Project 150 The Conservation Fund 06-140 Heald Tract - Dixon County (Addition to $550,000 $0 $0 Ponca State Park - Elk Point Bend) 150 University of Nebraska - Cooperative 06-168 Fertilizer Recommendation Tool for $39,000 $0 $0 Extension Nebraska's Crop Producers 147 University of Nebraska - Cooperative 06-152 Remedial Activities Associated With a $0 $0 $0 Extension Removal Action at the Agricultural Research and Development Center (ARDC), Mead, NE 146 Lincoln, City of - Parks and Recreation 06-110 Prairie Building Addition $398,000 $0 $0 Department 146 Nebraska Corn Growers Association 06-163 Enhanced Central Basins CREP Project $150,000 $150,000 $0 146 Austin, James L. 06-169 Nebraska Paper Mill $0 $0 $0 145 Beatrice High School 06-111 W.O.R.M.S.I.T.E (Working on Recycling $54,634 $0 $0 Materials for Scientific Investigation of the Environment) 145 Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center 06-175 Protecting a Prairie Investment $218,900 $0 $0 144 Nebraska Department of Environmental 06-104 State Cost Share for Cleanup Activities at $0 $0 $0 Quality Superfund National Priorities List (NPL) Sites in Nebraska 144 Platte River Whooping Crane Maintenance 06-138 Dippel Wetlands Restoration $165,000 $0 $0 Trust, Inc. 144 Nebraska Partnership for All-Bird 06-160R Nebraska Birding Trails Project $12,000 $0 $0 Conservation 142 Great Plains District, Longs Peak Council, 06-101R Fort Robinson Tree Replant $15,000 $0 $0 Boy Scouts of America 142 South Platte Natural Resources District 06-114 Evaluation of Source Water Near Sidney $51,760 $13,500 $0 142 Friends of Homestead National Monument 06-137 Homestead Land Grant $250,000 $0 $0 of America 142 University of Nebraska - Cooperative 06-142 Monitoring, Mapping, Risk and Management $110,060 $105,642 $109,379 Extension of Invasive Species in Nebraska 141 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 06-158 Statewide Grassland Enhancement Project $400,000 $200,000 $0 141 Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition 06-167 NE Grass Lands Capacity Building Grant $20,000 $0 $0 141 Omaha by Design 06-171 Gene Leahy Mall Natural Plantings $74,000 $0 $0 141 Sargent Irrigation District 06-173 Middle Loup River Restoration Project - $138,720 $0 $0 Stabilization Phase Monday, April 17, 2006 Page 2 of 5 Rating Sponsor App. No. Project Name Award Intent: Yr.2 Intent: Yr.3 139 Running Water Ranching Coalition 06-177 Landscape Community Coalition $26,000 $23,250 $0 Development, Phase One 137 Nebraska Department of Environmental 06-109 Protecting Ground Water Through Well $37,500 $37,500 $0 Quality Closure in Wellhead Protection Areas 137 Niobrara Council 06-170 Niobrara National Scenic River $400,000 $0 $0 Conservation Easement Project 2006 136 Platte River Basin Environments, Inc. 06-123 Cedar Canyon Summit (Enlow Ranch) $600,000 $300,000 $0 136 Central Platte Natural Resources District 06-132 Water Consumption of Central Platte River $95,300 $0 $0 Riparian Vegetation 136 Central Platte Natural Resources District 06-133 Development of a Conjunctive Water $178,770 $0 $0 Management Plan for Parts of the Central Platte Valley 136 South Sioux City, City of 06-185R Used Oil Burning Furnace $5,350 $0 $0 133 Beatrice, City of 06-115 Purchase of Compost Turner $155,729 $0 $0 131 South Platte Natural Resources District 06-129R Southern Panhandle Grass Drill $0 $0 $0 131 Nebraska State Irrigation Association 06-141 Republican River Basin Reclamation Project $43,200 $0 $0 130 Central Platte Natural Resources District 06-131 Magnetic Resonance Sounding for Ground $0 $0 $0 Water Detection in the Central Platte Valley 130 Fontenelle Nature Association 06-143 H2Omaha: Missouri River Science $0 $0 $0 Education Initiative 129 Nebraska Public Power District 06-180 Surface Geophysical Investigation of $0 $0 $0 Sutherland Reservoir Area, West-Central Nebraska 128 Lower Platte North Natural Resources 06-121 Lower Platte North Aquifer Sub-Area $0 $0 $0 District Delineation 124 Nebraska Health and Human Services 06-147 Is Ground-water Contamination From Human $0 $0 $0 System Fecal-Source Pathogens a Public Health Threat in Nebraska? 124 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 06-159 Natural Legacy Project Implementation: $0 $0 $0 Addressing Priority Actions Statewide 123 University of Nebraska - Lincoln 06-165 Private Water Well Initative: Helping $0 $0 $0 Nebraskans Manage Risk 122 Keep Creighton Beautiful 06-174R Enclosed Trailer for Cardboard $0 $0 $0 120 Battelle 06-119 Testing of Toxic Blue-Green Algae for $0 $0 $0 Microcystins in Nebraska Public Recreational Lakes 120 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission 06-135 Oak Creek Tract Acquisition and $0 $0 $0 120 Twin Platte Natural Resources District 06-151 South Platte River Supply Enhancement $0 $0 $0 113 Bostwick Irrigation District in Nebraska 06-103 Water Conservation Project $0 $0 $0 112 Nebraska Wildlife Federation 06-153 Prairie in the Schools Initiative $0 $0 $0 109 Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation 06-118 Overton Sandhill Crane Roost Restoration $0 $0 $0 District Project 107 U. S. Recycling Company 06-184 Making Electronic Waste Recycling $0 $0 $0 Available in Western Nebraska Monday, April 17, 2006 Page 3 of 5 Rating Sponsor App. No. Project Name Award Intent: Yr.2 Intent: Yr.3 106 CP Recovery 06-183 Electronics and Wire & Cable Recycling with $0 $0 $0 High Pressure Waterjetting 100 South Central Nebraska Resource 06-117 PACE Outreach Project $0 $0 $0 Conservation and Development Council 100 Joslyn Castle Institute for Sustainable 06-144 Modeling Conservation Development in the $0 $0 $0 Communities Flatwater Metroplex 98 Bostwick Irrigation District in Nebraska 06-102 District Downsizing $0 $0 $0 98 The Nature Conservancy 06-155 Platte River Community-Based $0 $0 $0 96 Ericson Lake Corporation 06-134 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration $0 $0 $0 96 Ducks Unlimited, Inc. 06-172R Sandhills Mallard Recruitment $0 $0 $0 93 Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources 06-164 Lower Platte River Habitat Restoration $0 $0 $0 District 90 Nebraska Game and Parks Commission - 06-181 Fishing Pond $0 $0 $0 Ak-Sar-Ben Aquarium 90 Pheasants Forever - Chapter 303 (Logans 06-186 Addition to Oak Valley WMA $0 $0 $0 Creek) 89 Running Water Ranching Coalition 06-178R Cooperative Educational Project $0 $0 $0 86 Willow Springs Investment Group, Inc. 06-176 Public Bay Reclamation, Habitat/Breeding $0 $0 $0 Grounds (Aquatic & Wetlands) Restoration 72 Hastings, City of 06-148 Parkview Cemetery Sunken Garden $0 $0 $0 71 Indian Center, Inc.
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