![1863-11-20, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1 s anti se terili/, do ordain a,:d estabhsh this Constitu­ inrnm^jgiacnit* J-U îâTfiîIjj IFftion. pears rather long and only prospective; GENERAL ORDERN, NO. 59. tion for the United States of America. ÄTThe communication signed “ Estclla, never do for all the Union men of Dcmwuru _ whereas, a short form, such us the follow- The following order was issued by the Quiet Retreat,” has been received. Will the to leave tlieir homes and juiu the army, al­ This Constitution of the United States, ing would have answeid every purpose for THE DELAWARE ELECTION. though we believe they would all of them like GEOROETOWS, UKI,. Genoral commanding the department, to be author please send name and residence, thus adopted in September 1787, in a | which it was intended—» I do solemnly to be hero with us—and wo believe what used at our election (Thursday). The order! rill DAY, miMBEB »0, 1863. Peterson's Magazine.—Wo are in receipt of Union men are left home, will keep Copper­ Convention elected by the people—was j swear that I will not, directly or indircct- contaius the çath of allegiance which the ' head igiu trampled beneath their feet. We submitted for ratification—not to the state*, ly, do anything hostile to the United States this popular Lady’s Magazine, for December. also wish to explain to the satisfaction of To CorrMpend.nl* aud «them. copperhoads so much detest. It is a splendid number. “ Peterson ” will be hut to the people of the United States— Government, not; hare I aided or abetted those at home, the political feeling of the solJ Vf. soli.it eontributluns and oorrrspondenc. from Headquarters, Middle Department, greatly improved hi 1864. It will contain diers that belong to this Regiment. Though »H quarters, »ad when worthy wUl be appropriately who in conventions assembled in their j or countenanced those in arms against it, 8th Army Corps, Baltimore, Md. ; we are here in front of tho greatest opposing pabliahed. Our friend t must writ, brie tie, l.giblv, Novembor 13th, 1863. nearly 1000 pages of double column rend ng •ad on on. side of th< paper only. Th. "real name several states, adopted it; and this was and this I do in good faith and without matter ; 14 steel plates ; 12 colored steel fash­ enemy, in numbers, that ever fought a buttle, It is known that there are many evil dis­ and ns every one knows the sutforings und •I tue author must aceompanj taeh coiauiunitatiou the work of the people of the United States any mental reservation or evasion whatso- ion plates ; 12 eolorod patterns in Berlin work, M a guaraulj of good faith. posed persons, now at largo in the State of hardships we have to enduro ; withal, when just as fully and fairly, as if the people ever, Only traitors and traitorous sym­ Delaware, who Bave beeu engaged in rebel­ embroidery or crochet, and 900 wood engra­ called upon to forwards march, we at * ready of all the states had assembled in one great vings—proportionately ?nore than any other and willing. Now as 1 have but a kw re-* Agent«. pathizers çouid object to and relqse to Juke lion against the lawful government, or have periodical gives. Its stories and novelets arc marks to make upon the subject, I will say, Tb. following person, ha.a bc.a anthorilti) t0 campus, or field, and voted directly for it—and such in our opinion, should not given aid or comfort or encouragement to should we not get home to support Mr. Smiths VICTORY! by the best writers. In 1804, Four Original ►* wie«titln, ud tubicrlptio. a,cut. fo. uT*i: the adoption of that glorious Charter of only be restrained in the exercise of the others so engaged, or who do not recogh ze ers, ne is expected by a 1, we will only fight I •non,” »11 m.ioe/ .oll.ot.d bj tb.m will b. dulr Copyright Novelets will bo given. Its Fash­ tho harder in the coming battles, and every •r«-flf*a On tb. book.. ' 7 our liberties. elective franchise at this election, but be their allegiance to the United States,-and who THOMAS TITUS, .... Wil-rtHMon n.t may avail themselves of the indulgence of ions ARE ALWAYS TIIE LATEST AND PRETTIEST. shot will cotuit for Smithers. It makes aw These are the distinguishing differences prohibited and diprived of the right of ,1AM OUI. M. DOW ELL, . Dei Every neighborhood ought to make up a club. proud to know that those who would not be Cl. JOHN j\ CLARK. J«„ . ß.Ttj Del Union Party Triumphant. the authority whic^ tolerates their presence, between the Union Party, and the Demo­ suffrage in all future time. For protection Its price is but Two Dollars entitled to a vote at tho b^Uot-box can have to attempt to take part in or embarrass th# a year, or a from forty to sixty at the front« and every cratic Party. We believe, that no right and allegiance being oorrelative terms, approaching special election in that State, It dollar loss than Magazines of its class. It is PROCLAMATION. vote is polled for the Union. We c.an and minded man can fail to see upon a full no man ought to claim the one without is therefore ordered : tho Magazine for the times 1 To clubs, it is will support Mr. Smithers if we have to do it 1» Aoknuwiettg*m«ut of as wo did at Gettysburg, on the 3d of July, dependence the view of this subject ; and of the Constitu­ render*ug the other; and this Government NO COMPROMISE WITH !•—That all Provost Marshals and other cheaper still, viz :—three copies for $5, five htder 0! thl Universe, in gratitude for the abKndant for $7,50, or eight for $10. 18G3, and at Bristow Station, on the 14th of tion of the United States—that the United is no more bound to protect, even in the TRAITORS. Military Officers do prevent all disturbance To every person uiaauestaLione of Hie for or, aud in conformity with getting up a club, (at these rates,) the Pub­ October, 1803. I the proclamation of the President of the Unitod States is a Sovereign Nation—and hua a and violence at or about the Polls, whether The following are tho changes that hnro privilege of voting, those refusing or with­ lisher will send an extra copy gratis. Speci­ Btale*, I, W ILLIAM CANNON, Governor of the right to suppress the rebellion, aud punish offered by sueli persons as above described, or occurred in the First Delaware Regiment, holding their allegiance hrre than those mens sent (if written for) to those wishing to fcsUte of Delaware, do hereby appoint the traitors. by any other person or persons whomsoever. during the past week: in arms against her in the field. And any DELAWARE SUSTAINS TIIE AD- Major Daniel Woodall, appointed Lieuten­ Thursday the 26th day of Nov. instant, 11.—That all Provost Marshals and other get up clubs. Address post-paid, conscientious rebel or sympathizer, hqhi_ mSUbTRATIOX. CHARLES J. PET Eft SON, ant Colonel of the Regiment, vice Lieutenant A* a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the Military Officors commanding in Delaware, Colonel Edward P. Harris, resigned. Capt. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE. ing allegiance to tho United States of 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. many mercies extended to during the past year, shall support the Judges of Election on the William F. Smith, Co. C, promoted to Major, be especially grateful to Him that He has Already onr friends of the Democratic America, (if any the^ be, which we very 19th of November, 18G3, in- requiring an oath Destructive Fit -Mullen’s Hotel, in this vice Major Daniel Woodall, appointed Lieut­ flavored us with exemption from calamites ; spared (?) faith are lamenting over the results of much doubt.) oould «possibly lose nothing PEACE TO BE SECURED BY THE enant Colonel. 1st Lieutonant Geo. T. Price, of allegiance to the United States as the test town, was discovered to be on tiro on last Co. A. promoted to Capt. of Co. 0, vice Capt. lis the affliction of devastating armies and, in the yesterday’s election; and are endeavoring *>y Ml*« oath, since, as an honest man, BALLOT AND BULLET. of citizenship of any one whose vote may be Tuesday morning about half-post ten o’clock, William F. Smith, promoted to Major. 1st midst of oivil war, permitted to enjoy the bless- challenged on the ground that ho is not loyal and in the course of the day, was entirely Lieutenant Mathew W. Mueklcm,* Co. B, ingt of comparative peace. to persuade themselves of the truth of their even in the absence of an oath, he would or does not admit his allegianco to the United consumed. The tire is supposed either to bo promoted to Captain of Co. F, vico Captain Let us render thanks to Him that He has inspired assertion respecting the defeat of their un­ refrain from exercising a right or privi­ Will am Y. Swiggett, transferred to the In­ States which oath shall be in the following the work of an inceudiary or to have caught our rulers with wisdom and our people with fixed­ worthy candidate. lege which alone belongs to citizens of the SMITIIERS1 MAJORITY valid Corps. Quarter-Mustor-Sorgeant Wash­ ness of resolution, to preserve the existence of the form and terms i fiom the pipe of the kitchen stove. When ington F. Williamson, promoted to 1st Lieu­ They could have withstood the return Unitod States.
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