International News © CopyrightAmerican Association o fBovine Practitioners; open access distribution. Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Christian Bendixen, Copenhagen, Prof. Dr. Josef Andres, Zurich the first president of the World Association for Buiatrics. On the ninth of May 1977 the Emeritus Ordinary Professor of On the first of December 1976, in the 80th year of his life, and Buiatrics and Obstetrics and former director of the Ambulatory after a short hospital stay, the honored professor of special Veterinary Clinic of the Zurich (Swiss) University died in his 78th pathology and therapy, esteemed director of the Medical Clinic of year. Josef Andres was a personality well known beyond the the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College in Copenhagen, borders of his country by his achievements in veterinary science died. Hans Christian Bendixen was not only one of the most and practice. The news of his death will therefore be learnt among remarkable personalities of his college and of the veterinarians of his colleagues and numerous friends in many countries of the world Denmark, but because of his distinguished scientific and with much mourning. After graduation, the deceased was very ac­ professionally organized efforts beyond the country’s boundaries, tive until 1931 in the Institute for Veterinary Anatomy in Zurich as he was also internationally renowned and highly esteemed. an assistant and then as professor. Already at the age of 27 years he After several apprentice and hard working years of veterinary was named lector. From 1931 to 1933 he worked as adjunct to the practice in the country and in a packing plant, he went to the cantonal veterinary officer in Zurich. University in Copenhagen, where, after a lengthy assistantship, in In 1933 he was named successor to Prof. Hofmann (who at that 1935 he became professor of bacteriology, meat and milk control as time was called to join the Bern veterinary faculty) as extraor­ well as of veterinary parasitology. In 1937 he became professor of dinary professor for Buiatrics and Obstetrics and as director of the pathology and therapy; at the same time he took over the direction Veterinary Ambulatoric Clinic in Zurich. In 1943 he was named of the medical clinic, which he retained until his retirement in ^ Ordinarius, keeping the same tasks. During 37 years, Andres 1967. Numerous outstanding publications on brucellosis, ^ represented his special field according to best Swiss buiatric tradi­ pyogenous and other mastitises, calf mycoses, deficiency diseases, tion until he retired in 1970. particularly ruminant cobalt deficiency, malformations and Prof. Dr. Andres was engaged in many actual problems of his vitamin A deficiency in swine, atrophic rhinitis, Aujeszky’s disease time and contributed a lot to their solution. Besides elaboration of and many others sprang from his fertile brain, his investigative diagnostic techniques for the eradication of chronic infectious dis­ talents and extraordinary industry. eases of cattle, he found special interest in digestive disturbances, Study and lecture journeys to Germany with long sojourns at the obstetrics and the combatting of bovine sterility. The results of his National Health Office in Berlin, Switzerland, Holland, England, studies were published in a considerable number of outstanding ar­ Norway, Sweden and the U .S.A . served as scholarly experience ticles. He developed a special instrument for rumenotomies. and idea exchange. In Denmark, H .C. Bendixen was active in a Besides his immediate tasks as university teacher and research series of directing positions in veterinary associations and national worker, Dr. Andres was charged by a number of honorary functions commissions. He represented his country in numerous inter­ within the academic and professional life. He was dean of the national congresses. Among other things he was, in 1936, a member veterinary faculty during two periods of office and rector of Zurich of the study group for milk hygiene problems of the League of University from 1958 to 1960. For many years he was the secretary Nations; from 1951 to 1952 he was the director of the Veterinary of the Association of Swiss Veterinarians and a member of the Division of FAO in Rome. From 1964 to 1968 he acted as the first editorial board of the Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde. president of the World Association for Buiatrics. He was a founding member of the World Association for Many Danish and foreign scientific organizations appointed Buiatrics and served for 14 years as a member of the board and him to honorary membership. As a singular honor he received as a contact person to the members of his country. The 4th the Viborg as well as the Jensen gold medals. Four veterinary Congress on Disease of Cattle (Zurich 1966) was perfectly schools conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of organized and led by him and therefore is still well known to all Veterinary Medicine (Hannover 1963, Helsinki 1965, participants. When Dr. Andres handed over his membership of Copenhagen 1973 and Stockholm 1975). A special joy in his old the board at the 9th Congress in Paris, 1976, for reasons of age, age was the appointment of his oldest son as director of the he was named honorary member in acknowledgment of his veterinary administration of the European Community in merits for his special field and for the World Association for Brussels. Buiatrics. To all who knew him, Hans Christian Bendixen will remain in Everybody who knew Josef Andres personally will honor his memory not only as one of the greatest veterinarians of his time but memory with great esteem. also as a personality with a lifelong outgoing nature and a Gustav Rosenberger, Hannover blameless character. The editor acknowledges with thanks the English translations by Gustav Rosenberger, Hannover Prof. Dr. M. Stober, Hannover, and Mrs. Laverne Jones, Oklahoma State University library. 142 Third National Buiatrics Congress of Mexico Guadalajara, Mexico, June 1-4,1977 © CopyrightAmerican Association o fBovine Practitioners; open access distribution. Opening ceremony (left to right): M. V.Z. Abel Buen Rostro, Director de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la U. de G.; M. V.Z. Jose Luis Mata Bracamontes, Presidente de la AMVZO; M. V.Z. Carlos Arellano, Director del Instituto Nacional de Inuestigaciones Pecuarias; M. V.Z. Jorge Avila Garcia, Presidente de la AMVEB; Lie. Jose Luis Leal Sanabria, Sub-Secretario de Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco; Robert J. Harris, D.V.M., Presidente de la American Association of Bovine Practitioners; Ing. Hilario Valenzuela, Representante de la Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidrau licos en el Estado de Jalisco; M. V.Z. Fernando Hidalgo y Teran, Secretario de la AMVEB; Ing. Hugo Barragan H., Presidente de la Unidn Regional Ganadera; M. V.Z. Marco A. Hidalgo Mendoza, Presidente de la Union Nacional Veterinaria. Guadalajara-“ The City of Roses” or the “ Pearl of Texas, attended as official guests of the Associacion the West,” the home of the mariachis-this beautiful Mexicana de Medicos Veterinarios Especialistas en city founded in 1542 was the venue for the 3rd Bovinos A.C. Over 300 veterinarians, students and National Buiatrics Congress of Mexico on June 1-4, guests attended the Congress which was held at the 1977. Plaza del Sol Hotel. Several members of the Texas Dr. Robert Harris, president of AABP, and Mrs. Veterinary Medical Association presented papers at Harris, Dr. and Mrs. Eric Williams, Stillwater, the Congress. Oklahoma, and Dr. Wallace Larson, San Antonio, M. V.Z. Marco A. Hidalgo Mendoza, president, Mex- Dr. Robert Harris, M.V.Z. Avilia Garcia, M.V.Z. Fernando Hidalgo y Teran, ican Veterinary Medical Association, left, and M.V.Z. secretary, Mexican Buiatrics Association, and Dr. Eric Williams. Jorge Avilia Garcia, president, Mexican Buiatrics Association. Our gracious hostesses. Four of the Mexican Veterinary students who were ushers at the Congress. 143 © CopyrightAmerican Association o fBovine Practitioners; open access distribution. Whenever veterinarians get together, there is nothing more en­ British^ — joyable than an ambulatory call. During the Congress, President Robert Harris could not resist such a temptation as he accompanied Cattle Dr. Jose Roberto Salgado R., Guadalajara, and his father-in-law, Dr. Veterinary Charles Boyd, College Station, Texas, on the Saturday morning round of calls. Association The British Cattle Veterinary Association is a problems, consideration is also given to the wider specialist division of the British Veterinary Associa­ aspects of practice and preventive medicine. For ex­ tion and was founded in 1967. Its aims are “ to ample, the April 1977 meeting had as a general theme promote the discussion and exchange of information “ Preventive Medicine” and included in its subject and the advancement of knowledge pertaining to matter: ovulation control in cattle, mastitis detec­ cattle,” and to encourage collaboration with other tion, anabolic steroids, anthelmintics, housing, nutri­ related organisations. tion, computerised practice accounts and preventive medicine in practice. Two forms of membership are possible, namely Members are informed by newsletter of forthcom­ membership which is only open to members of the ing meetings and of other information which may be BVA and associate membership open to all others of interest to them. Where possible, papers delivered (not necessarily veterinary surgeons) interested in at meetings are circulated. cattle. The present membership totals about 270 Further information is available from the Honorary and the vast majority of members are in veterinary Secretary, A. H. Andrews, BVetMed., MRCVS, practice. Veterinary Dept., Meat and Livestock Commission, Meetings are held approximately four or five times P.O. Box 44, Queensway House, Bletchley, Milton a year in different parts of the country to allow a Keynes MK2 2EF, England. chance for members to have at least one gathering The officers of the British Cattle Veterinary close to their home area. Many of the meetings are Association for 1977/78 are: president, M.
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