Oeateiiiil-Hone C#Bii| Lewell, MIoMfMi n Lowell. Wlchlpan Aifiit«, 7, i 1IS1 Hitist I, 7,1.19S1 ALTO SOLO VOLUME XXXIX LOWILL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. JULY, 30 1MI NO. 10 LURAVINING jCedger EYE-WITNESS POET TELLS CERTERIIML PAGEANT PLANS Cn tries Mrs. Frances Morgan has been RECALLS DAYS TO TRANSFER HOW LOWELL appointed general chairman of FOR CENTENNH the antiques display for the Low- Bming • C*IUctt*fi W Var- ell Centennial. Those having ntiques or relics of early days OFSTEAMBOAT ious Topics of Local and OF INDIANS GOT STARTEDar; e kindly asked to call Q-nten- MOVE STEADILY nial headquarters, phone 192. and leave word to that effect. ^ CAME TO LOWELL 71 YEARS 1400 MEN. WOMEN AND CHIL- THERE MAt BE MORE TRUTH Relics should be brought in nol ALL PARTS ASSIGNED—CHAI^ Householders should keep all ,>,tT ,han AGO AND ATTENDED THE DREN MOVED IN CANOES THAN POETRY IN THE FOL next Tuesday night— door« locked and homes guarded sooner if possible. If unable to ACTERS AND CHAIRMEN "LITTLE RED 8CHOOL- during the Centennial. In such FROM LOWELL VICINITY TO LOWING—WE LEAVE IT TO bring in they will be called for LEAVING NO STONES UN- a crowd as will assemble here OCEANA COUNTY — LIFE THE READER TO JUDGE AF- b.v c«^, Peckham. HOl'SE" — LOWELL ONCE there are sure to he some of the TURNEO FOR SUCCESS OF BOASTED A "STREET RAIL- light-fingered gentry. Another SKETCH OF COB-MOOSA ER PERI SING THE FOLLOW- Mrs. Flora Hughes and two UNDERTAKING — PRESENT. hint—don't try to heat the other granddaughters, age 18, direct WAY." TOLD. ING BY "ELLEN." ED EVENINGS OF AUG. 0-7. fellow's game. descendants of Danbl Marsac,, who came to Lowell in 1831, have I Mrs. Lura Avereery Vininvi g wis Richard E. Southwick of Harl, Ta CeMia'. Bill? promised to attend the Lowell After a felev necessary chaises Squirting gobs of tobacco Juice Michigan, is the author of the born in Alleghengbenvy Co., Ne? w York, on the sidewalk is a poor way of Dere Bill, Old Sport, Ontennial. Their home is at the Pageant is goinp ahead. 83 years ago. Hnd came to Loweveil l following interesting article con- Hudsonville. They will be en- chairmen of the different episodes expressing appreciation of the cerning Cob-moo-sa and the In- You listenin? Here's news you'll in 1858, at the age of ten. She new seats which have been placed like to hear: This town is gonta tertained at the home of Mrs. An- "re in charge of their properties attended school at the "little red dians of the Grand River valley. gie Hooker while in Lowell. I to relieve Mrs. Fineis. along Main street. A person Mr. Southwick is recognized as dog right up and do its stuff this school bouse." where the Meth- thoughtless enough to do such a year. The fireworks is gonta Mrs. Ethel White Roth is act- odist church now stands. A Mist an authority on the subjed on Horses are wanted for the par- ing as chairman of decorations in trick ought to be obliged to clean which he writes. He befriended fly. Let's help 'em out. Bill, Campbell, Mr. Lotta and Nanny up his own mess once or twice, you an' I. They say the limit is ade to haul floats. If you can place of Mrs. Jefferies and Mrs. Kn«n> were teachers there dur- the Indians on their arrival in What sav'we helo em 8Pare « team, polish up the old Ernest Roth is taking charge of which would be a sure cure for Oceana county and in other ways the sky. ing loose years. such a dirty offense against the harness, doll up old Bess and Tom Episode VI instead of Mts. Nile*, gave them assistance. cheer? and no : When the Averys came to Low- laws of common decency. Paint up your flivver. fill the Ufy Centennial headquar- A shortened form of the pro- ell they came by stage from Kala- Mr. Southwick is now nearing tank. an' bring along with you ^ phone 9J or call Frank {tram to be presorted at Becrea- maioo to Grand Rapids, and by 90 years of age. He has in his the wife an' kids, a lotta grub, an' Kigali or Paul Kellogg. Uon park at 8.JO p. m.. on the train to Lowell over the new D. We ask the question, "who is session the peace pipe smoked Aug 6 7 ,vn think of things to do. The time Ir . ^ " " * A M. railroad. All of the freight the real friend of the rural tax- the Indians on the night pre- we're gonta celebrate is August. ,r J,,u. have rooms to rent dur- below. and passengeri were brought to payers of Kent County, George ceding their leave-taking of the Bill 6 7 8 Just ring a circle ,nK Centennial be sure to notify Author—Mrs. Hahn. town over the upper or east W. Welsh and his Grand Rapids vicinity of Lowell. round the date an' poke your Uoons. secretary of the Eirtranee of Ceateaaial QU^B. bridge because the lower bridge Chronicle in demanding that 40% The Story pencil throuah. housing committee. | Dance of the \\ ater Nymphs. had not as yet been constructed. of the cost of widening a thor- For two hundred years between COB-MOO-SA. NOTED INDIAN OF GRAND RIVER VALLEY You ask mi' what's the noise I H's,wr"»n reriewi histon de- Two big busses with doors at oughfare in the city of Grand l(i3U and 18311 there was no change r nd W 0 1 0 1 11 1,1 Rapids be paid by the county, or about? WeB iT'sUkettds. Yo" I J> ;» f.l - ^rH - j ^ the back and side seats were in the conditions of the Ottawa know, a white man with a red >etroit w ||. residents of i Music. the rural supervisors and others e known drjwn by sleek horses and met Indians of the Grand River Val- Big Steer Here man's heart a hundred year, ago y r*n,^L Episode 1—Indians at Home. who are fighting for 25% as the 0 art,ci am1 in every train. The drivers vied ley and all other valleys north to QIEEN VOTE hit out from nowhere with hii , P P ' thi Methodist Music. with each other to attract trade. limit thai should be paid by the the Straits. It was owned and For the Barbecue pack, his gun an' blankets on his "mie-coming August 9. especially Episode II—Marsac Trading county?" Mrs. Vining remembers riding occupied by seventeen bands, back, some grub stuffed in a gun- 1J? evening program. Mrs. Post. on a steamboat on the Grand We hardly think thai rural tax- each governed by a chief or head Thunday Noon Royalty is having its day in nvsack, an" yodeled ' Westward, '• » *** pl« f««rm reader Song—"Ben Bolt." payers will knowingly support river from Lowell to Grand Rap- man and a head chief over all, Lowell and honors for Centennial Ho." He traveled fill his frnb Episode III—Pioneer Home. ids up to Ionia and back to Low- any project, or person who would who did not always inherit his queenship may land upon the gave out an' it was gettm' night. flighted to grort her again. Historian gives history of Epis- ell. (Some people still insisted add to their already huge tax Frank A. Madigan, of the Mel- brow of any one of the thirteen odes IV. V. and VI. sition but sometimes gained it ody Farms Dairy, has obtained then flung his blankets on the on calling Lowell Dansville.) The burden. contestants. Whether it is to be v< r ,,r< 5 dt Episode IV—First school. Cy? valor or merit. In religion from the Harwood Hereford ground an' faded out a sight. He v H? A ' ' 'n| boats would often get stuck on they were called pagans by the "a queen with swarthy cheeks snored like he was petered out, j;- . B"rger»on ot the Lowell Interval. sand bars, so it did not pay the Farms, near lonis, a magnificent and bold black eyes, brow bound Episode V—Baird-Page wed- Writing this item in "Stuffy early missionaries. In language steer. The animal in question an' Indians crept up all about. Board of Trade. G. D. Cook and passengers to be in too much of Corner," with the thermometer they were of the Algonquin stock. with burning gold" of the Cleo- then woke him with a war- " & *m' f"1' the ding. a hurry to reach their destina- plavs quite a part in the Centen- patra type, or perchance a state- ,d n around 100, we are reminded of They were nol warlike, after nial as you may well imagine. whoop shout. An'Bill he could- 'V" i * Chamber '.f Commerce Mus.r tions. Draw bridges would have the irony of things as well as they exterminated the Scodash or ly blond with azure eyes and n't flcht The scene was like a Monday evening at a 0:30 dinner. Episode M—First Board meet- It will be remembered that Mr. flaxen hair—only the flnal vote been too expensive, so arched contrasts as we listen to the rat- Fire Indians" about 1000. They Madigan sometime ago generously carnS but 1^1^ settled ^^n of Ed. Engemann. in* bridges were built and when the can tell. The standings up to tle of 10 tons of coal going down were hunters, trappers and semi- offered to contribute a steer for down an' then a council of em ^ HHdmg Banner-News.
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