INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL FCR THE FAR EAST TRANSCRIPT OF PRCCEEDINGS 28 MAY 47 PP• 23,123 - 23,226 DAVID NELSON SUTTON PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ to)·-X...; {, i PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ 28 1IAY 1947 I N D E X Of EXHIBITS Doc. Def. Pros • For In No. .1i2.!. No. Description I dent. Evidence " 1481 2660 }.1ap attached to the TOGO­ Molotov Agreement (prosecution exhibit No. 767 - previously marked for identificatton only) 23149 J 1570 2661 Book entitled "Report of tctivities for 1939, First Section, Bureau of European-Asiatic :~.ffairs" 23141 ~ 1570 2661-.A Excerpt therefrom 11 Joint Communique (The Nomonhan Truce L.greoment) 11 23141 v1524 2662 Confidential Official Message No. 234 dated 22 July 1940 from .t.mbassaClor TOGO, Shigenori in Moscow to Foreign Minister ;ill,ITA, Hachiro 23146 MOHNING RECESS 23146 ~: 1222 2663 General Protocol Between Manchoukuo and the Mongolian People's Republic Concerning the Work of the Mixed Cow..n1ission for De­ limitation on the Spot Where Disputes Took F lace in 1939 23151 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ 22 Iv:AY 1947 I N D E X Of EXHIBITS (cont 1 d) Doc. Def. Pros. For In _No. No. _No. DescriptiQQ Ident. EvidencE 11559-A 2664 Certificate by a Soviet authority concernj_n g the status of Major­ General AKIKUSA, Shun dated 25 January 1947 23154 J 1559-B 2664-A Certificate by a Soviet authority concern~_ng the status of Lt.General MIYAKE, Mitsuharu dated 25 January 1947 23155 ~ 1559-c 2664-B Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the death of Lt. General MIYI..KE, Mitsuharu, dated 25 January 1947 23155 vl559-D 2664-C Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the .status of Lt. General YANAGITA, Genzo, dated· 25 January 1947 23156 -J 1559-E 2664-D Certificate by a Soviet author~ty concerning the status of TA:KEBE, Rokuzo, dated 15 January 1947 23157 " 1559-F 2664-E Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the status of Genera 1 ~UTA, Seiichi, dated 15 January 1947 23158 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ 2f E.:.Y 1947 II~DEX Of EXHIBITS (cont 1 d) Doc. Def. Pros. For In No. ~ No. DescriDtion Ident. Evidence ~ J 1559-G 2664-F Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the status of Lt. General l~URAK.!USI, Keiso, dated 15 January 1947 23159 J 1559-H 2664-G Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning thG status of General USHIROKU, Jun, dated 15 January 1947 23160 v1559-I 2664-H Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the status of Major Kli.TSUURA , Kusuo, dated 27 December 1946 23161 J 1559-J 2664-I Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the status of Major-General OTSUBA, Kazumi, dated 27 December 1946 23162 v 1559-K 2664-J Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning the status of NOHARA, Komakichi, dated 25 January 1947 23162 ,, 1559-L 2664-K Certificate by a Soviet authority concern­ ing the status of Lt. General KUSABA, Tatsumi, dated 27 Decewber 1946 23163 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ 28 HAY 1947 I N D E X Of EXHIBITS (cont' d) Doc. Def. Pros. For In No. No. Descrirti_on Ident.Evidenc _N£.!. ":"!'"• t1559-:M 2664-1 Certificate by a Soviet authority concerning tho status of Lt. Gerwral T OIEINGAG J.'1 , Ko o j i, datod 25 January 1947 23164 NOQN RECESS 23179 .Jl599 2665 Request fror the Suprerr.e Commander for tho Allied P owors to tl:w Soviet ~ember of tho Allied Council for Japan for providing cortoin documents subpoenaed by tho dofonso /1600 2666 Another reauest of the above relating to other docu­ ments 2667 Reply to tho ab0vo by a Soviet Member of the AJlied Council for Japan, datc:d 20 February 1)47 2317: I 1569 2668 Copy of N'nspaper 11 "Izvestia - Officia 1 Organ o~ !ha USSR, . dated lo ,:anuary 1936 23178 2668-A ExcrJrpt therefrom "II Con­ solidation of Strength of Hed :;rrr;y" 2317( 2669 Cartificato of the First Demobilization Board, datod 14 H£·)Y 1947 23184 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ I N D E X Of EXHIBITS (cont 1 c1) Doc. Def. Pros. For In No. -No. No. D.oscription ----·Ident. Evidcnc '1151 i.ffidnvi t of IG~Sl~HAR.i'., Yukio 23190 3029 2671 Report of tho Japanese I·.~ili tary iJ.ttoche K.[;SiJIARA, Yukio to tho Gonoral Staff in Tokyo 23218 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ ~r-..r 28I I•. ~..( l.J. 194r,' { I N D E X Of WITNESSES Dcfenso 1 "T1.tnesses Pngc OTA, 0nburo (rcsurred) 23124 Recross by Colonel Smirnov (cont 1 d) 23124 Redirect by hlr. Blakonoy 23131 (Witness excused) 23141 23189 Direct by Er. Blakeney 23189 AFTERNOON RFXEi.:S 23208 Dirc~ct by ] .. :r. Blakeney (cont'd) 23209 Cross by Colonel Ivanov 23212 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ 23,123 ------·------··--------------------- Wednesday, 28 May 1947 I 2 3 INTERN1iT IONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL 4 FOR THE FJ,R EAST I Court House of the Tribunal 5 War Ministry Building Tokyo, Japan I I 7 The Tribunal met, pursuant to adjournrr.ent, 8 at 0930. 9 10 11 Appearances: 12 For the Tribunal, same as before with the 13 exception of! HONORi~BLE ~mSTICE JU -l.O MEI, Member 14 fron~ the Republic Q!f China, now sitting. 15 For the Prosecution Section, same as before. 16 For the Defense Section, same as before. 17 (English to Japanese and Japanese 13 19 to English interpretation was made by the 20 Language Section, IIITFE.) 21 22 23 24. I 25 I --------·-- ·--- ·-·--·----·-----·--' PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ ?3,124 , OTA RECEOSS D Iv~J~RSEi;.L OF THE COUHT; The International u 1 d Military Tribunal for the Far East is now in session. a 2 TH'L PRET IDENT ~ All of the accused are & 3 present. L 4 e At page 23044 of the record, it appears f 5 1 that the ~uestion put b1 Colofiel Smirnov containing e G r ChinesE; names was misapprehended by me and as a 7 ~roperly 8 result an objection taken was disallowed. The answer wns given before the objection. ht any 9 10 event, it would not matter which way the answer was, 11 but the answer will be disregarded. 12 Colonel Smirnov. 13 S k B U R 0 0 T A, called as a witness on behalf 14 of the defer::se, resumed the stand and testi­ 15 fied through Japanese interpreters as follows: 16 RECRCSS-EXAr:INLTION 17 BY CCLOm::;L SI:rNOV (Continued): 1 ~~ ~ Mr. Witness, then the only difference you 19 see between these two maps is that on one of the maps 20 the small branch river is called Khalkhin-Gol and on •. ')'""(..£_ __ the other map it is called the Arshan-Gol River. Is 22 that all? 23 A If we went into details, there would probably 24 be ~ore difference, but at the present time I have in my hands a small map so it would be difficult to point PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ OTA RECII.OSS 1 it out. 2 THL l10NITOR~ l:..t present, I have the smaller 3 map only. 4 Q I do:~ot lik~ losing time speaking about 5 these small differences. I ~ould like to ask you 6 the following: do you see ~ny difference betwe8n 7 the border line, tho new border line corresponding 3 to the agre0mcnt concluded bchvcon Molotov and TOGO 9 as shown on both of those maps? 10 Generally, I think there is no difference. 11 COLOI\LL Sl';UlNOV: I'Tow, may the witness be 12 shown the larger map which was produced by the 13 defense yesterday? 14 (Whc;rE:upon, a map was handud to 15 the witness.) 16 ~ I would like to establish with what was 17 e~hibit 767 compared. Is there on the larger map any inscriptions or initials testifying that this 19 m~-~P vvas attached to the agrecm(mt bctwc·en Molotov 20 and TOGO, on the larger map? I, 22 Jcl. Thoro arc none. 23 ~re there on this larger map nny marks 24 certifying the date of the publishing of this map 25 and the place where it was published? A No, there is not. ··· ------------------- ------ ----------··--·-- -·---·----· -----­ PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/a4b321/ 23,126 OTA RECROSS ~1 Q Then, on what grounds do you state that this i 2 map strictly corresponds to the map attached to the agreement between Molotov and TOGO? 4 By memory. 5 Q Only from memory? G Yes, just from memory. 7 Q Is your memory so sharp that after seven s years you can remember tho details of the border 9 line and you can remember the map? 10 I look at this map and I rememb(::r that it 11 was the map that was attached at that time -- after 12 seeing this map, I noted that th~s LE~ the map, the 13 identical map. Apparently, the maps attached to the Molotov- 15 TCGO agreement were signed by official representatives 16 who signed the agreement itselfZ 17 A As I said yesterday, the original map was signed by TOGO and Molotov by initials. Q The initials were put on both copies, on two copies~ Yes, as far as I remember. 22 Where is now tho Japanese copy of the map 23 21 whfch has the initials of Molotov and TOGO? 25 I do not know.
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