Gameplay 1006 Schedule V2.Xls 9/14/2006 - 10:13 AM ------> Mon Oct

Gameplay 1006 Schedule V2.Xls 9/14/2006 - 10:13 AM ------> Mon Oct

-------> Mon Oct. 2, 2006 enter 1st Monday-> GAMEPLAY MONTHLY SCHEDULE week Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday wk 1 wk 1 Mon Oct. 2, 2006 Tue Oct. 3, 2006 Wed Oct. 4, 2006 Thu Oct. 5, 2006 Fri Oct. 6, 2006 Sat Oct. 7, 2006 Sun Oct. 8, 2006 wk 1 6:00 AM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 TransAtlantic 670124 TransAtlantic 670125 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 6:30 AM Champinship Ep 3 Showdown 2006: Showdown2006: Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 7:00 AM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 7:30 AM of War pt 1 God of War pt 2 Prince of Persia Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 8:00 AM Art of Play: Action 670017 GameSpotting 16 670054 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 8:30 AM Stars 103 GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 wk 1 9:00 AM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 TransAtlantic 670124 TransAtlantic 670125 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 9:30 AM Champinship Ep 3 Showdown 2006: Showdown2006: Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 10:00 AM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 10:30 AM of War pt 1 God of War pt 2 Prince of Persia Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 11:00 AM Art of Play: Action 670017 GameSpotting 16 670054 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 11:30 AM Stars 103 GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 wk 1 12:00 PM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 TransAtlantic 670124 TransAtlantic 670125 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 12:30 PM Champinship Ep 3 Showdown 2006: Showdown2006: Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 1:00 PM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 1:30 PM of War pt 1 God of War pt 2 Prince of Persia Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 2:00 PM Art of Play: Action 670017 GameSpotting 16 670054 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 2:30 PM Stars 103 GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 wk 1 3:00 PM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 TransAtlantic 670124 TransAtlantic 670125 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 3:30 PM Champinship Ep 3 Showdown 2006: Showdown2006: Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 4:00 PM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 4:30 PM of War pt 1 God of War pt 2 Prince of Persia Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 5:00 PM Art of Play: Action 670017 GameSpotting 16 670054 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 5:30 PM Stars 103 GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 wk 1 6:00 PM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 TransAtlantic 670124 TransAtlantic 670125 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 6:30 PM Champinship Ep 3 Showdown 2006: Showdown2006: Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 7:00 PM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 7:30 PM of War pt 1 God of War pt 2 Prince of Persia Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 8:00 PM GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 16 670054 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 8:30 PM GameSpotting 16 670054 GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 wk 1 9:00 PM Art of Play: Action 670017 TransAtlantic 670124 TransAtlantic 670125 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 9:30 PM Stars 103 Showdown 2006: Showdown2006: Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 10:00 PM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 WSVG 670189 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 10:30 PM Champinship Ep 3 God of War pt 2 Kentucky/LanWar 2 Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 11:00 PM GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 16 670054 11: 670096 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 11:30 PM GameSpotting 16 670054 GameSpotting 17 670055 Prince of Persia wk 1 12:00 AM Art of Play: Action 670017 TransAtlantic 670124 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 12:30 AM Stars 103 Showdown 2006: GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 1:00 AM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 WSVG 670189 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 1:30 AM Champinship Ep 3 God of War pt 2 Kentucky/LanWar 2 Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 2:00 AM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 GameSpotting 16 670054 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 2:30 AM of War pt 1 GameSpotting 17 670055 Prince of Persia wk 1 3:00 AM Art of Play: Action 670017 TransAtlantic 670124 WSVG 670189 SlamDance 670097 OneLap 670185 PGR3 670181 wk 1 3:30 AM Stars 103 Showdown 2006: GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 Kentucky/LanWar 2 Championship: Asia wk 1 4:00 AM 1st Guild Wars World 670107 CinemAddicts 10: 670042 CinemAddicts 11: 670096 CinemAddicts 12: 670134 CinemAddicts 13: 670133 Sesssions: GGL: 670007 Sesssions GGL: UT 670009 wk 1 4:30 AM Champinship Ep 3 God of War pt 2 Prince of Persia Bros. In Arms Amped 3 Sesssions: GGL: CS 670008 Sesssions GGL: WC 670010 wk 1 5:00 AM CinemAddicts 9: God 670041 GameSpotting 16 670054 Art of Play: 105 670019 Art of Play: 106 670020 Art of Play: 107 670021 Art of Play: 108 670022 wk 1 5:30 AM of War pt 1 GameSpotting 17 670055 GameSpotting 1: Best 670032 Gameplay_1006_Schedule v2.xls 9/14/2006 - 10:13 AM -------> Mon Oct. 2, 2006 enter 1st Monday-> GAMEPLAY MONTHLY SCHEDULE week Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday wk 2 wk 2 Mon Oct. 9, 2006 Tue Oct. 10, 2006 Wed Oct. 11, 2006 Thu Oct. 12, 2006 Fri Oct. 13, 2006 Sat Oct. 14, 2006 Sun Oct. 15, 2006 wk 2 6:00 AM PGR3 Championship: 670182 PGR3 Championship: 670183 PGR3 Championship: 670184 WSVG 670190 WSVG 670188 WSVG 670189 WSVG 670190 wk 2 6:30 AM Euro Final N.A. Final World Final Kentucky/LanWar 3 Kentucky/LanWar Kentucky/LanWar 2 Kentucky/LanWar 3 wk 2 7:00 AM Sesssions GGL: CS 2 670104 InPlay: Ghost Recon 670114 CinemAddicts 2: PDZ 670029 CinemAddicts 3: 670031 CinemAddicts 4: 670034 CinemAddicts 5: 670035 wk 2 7:30 AM InPlay: Prince of 670115 CinemAddicts 1: King 670030 Condemned Kameo Resident Evil wk 2 8:00 AM Art of Play: 109 670023GameSpotting 17 670055 Art of Play: 111 670025 Art of Play: 112 670026 Art of Play: 113 670027 GameSpotting 2: 670033 wk 2 8:30 AM GameSpotting 18 670056 GameSpotting 4: 670038 GameSpotting 3: Best 670037 wk 2 9:00 AM PGR3 Championship: 670182 PGR3 Championship: 670183 PGR3 Championship: 670184 WSVG 670190 WSVG 670188 WSVG 670189 WSVG 670190 wk 2 9:30 AM Euro Final N.A. Final World Final Kentucky/LanWar 3 Kentucky/LanWar Kentucky/LanWar 2 Kentucky/LanWar 3 wk 2 10:00 AM Sesssions GGL: CS 2 670104 InPlay: Ghost Recon 670114 CinemAddicts 2: PDZ 670029 CinemAddicts 3: 670031 CinemAddicts 4: 670034 CinemAddicts 5: 670035 wk 2 10:30 AM InPlay: Prince of 670115 CinemAddicts 1: King 670030 Condemned Kameo Resident Evil wk 2 11:00 AM Art of Play: 109 670023 GameSpotting 17 670055 Art of Play: 111 670025 Art of Play: 112 670026 Art of Play: 113 670027 GameSpotting 2: 670033 wk 2 11:30 AM GameSpotting 18 670056 GameSpotting 4: 670038 GameSpotting 3: Best 670037 wk 2 12:00 PM PGR3 Championship: 670182 PGR3 Championship: 670183 PGR3 Championship: 670184 WSVG 670190 WSVG 670188 WSVG 670189 WSVG 670190 wk 2 12:30 PM Euro Final N.A. Final World Final Kentucky/LanWar 3 Kentucky/LanWar Kentucky/LanWar 2 Kentucky/LanWar 3 wk 2 1:00 PM Sesssions GGL: CS 2 670104 InPlay: Ghost Recon 670114 CinemAddicts 2: PDZ 670029 CinemAddicts 3: 670031 CinemAddicts 4: 670034 CinemAddicts 5: 670035 wk 2 1:30 PM InPlay: Prince of 670115 CinemAddicts 1: King 670030 Condemned Kameo Resident Evil wk 2 2:00 PM Art of Play: 109 670023 GameSpotting 17 670055 Art of Play: 111 670025 Art of Play: 112 670026 Art of Play: 113 670027 GameSpotting 2: 670033 wk 2 2:30 PM GameSpotting 18 670056 GameSpotting 4: 670038 GameSpotting 3: Best 670037 wk 2 3:00 PM PGR3 Championship: 670182 PGR3 Championship: 670183 PGR3 Championship: 670184 WSVG 670190 WSVG 670188 WSVG 670189 WSVG 670190 wk 2 3:30 PM Euro Final N.A.

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