.2ti6 lVOR'IHALLERTON. NORTH RIDING YORKSHIRE . Burst Isabella. (Mrs.), girls' school, Northallerton (The) Electric Light & Sherwood John, boot mkr. South end Woodville Power Co. Liru. (F. B. Batty, sec) Shuttlewol"th Richd. chimney sweeper Butchin&on & Baigent, physicians & Northallerton Liberal Club (George & town crier surgeons, Market plaoo Bird & Robert Robinson, hon. secs) Simons Jn. Edwd.cnfctnr.Market pl Butchinson James Berbert, chemist Nol'thalLerton Live Stock Mart Co. Smirthwaite Thomas, cycle agen~ .t & druggist, Market place Limited (Robert Prest, sec) repairer, MarkPt pi. & Romanby rd Butchinson Joseph Armstro-ng M.D. & Northallerton Market & Public Im- Smith Edward Hudson, ironmonger, M.S.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng. :;mgeon, provement Co. Limited (Miss S. Market place medical officer of health for Rural Jane Whitehead, sec) Smith Fanny (Mrs.), milliner, South District Council, medical officer & Northallerton Musical Society (The end public vaccinator Northallerton dis- Hon. A. L. Orde-Powlett,cmiductor) Smithson William Richard, printer, trict, & medical officer to the work- N orthallerton Provident Oom Mill stationer & assistant overseer house & Cottage Hospital & certify- Society Ltd. (.ti.obert F. Bell, sec) Snaith John Anthony, newspaper ing factory surgeon & surgeon to Northallerton & Romanby Cemetery reporter, South parade H.M. Prison (Miss Eva Mary Coates, clerk to Stainsby Joseph, corn merchant Hutchison Clement Cuthbert,Durham the joint committee) Stainthorp By. butcher, Market pl Ox P.B. South end Northallerton Steam Laundry Co. Stockdale Matthew, builder & con ... Jackson Saml. boys' school, West ho North end tractor, South end Jameson Robert, whitesmith North Yorkshire SteamRoadRoller Co. Sturgess Wm. Harewood Arms P.H Jefferson W. T. & Son, solicitors Lim. (W. Fowle, sf:'c.), North end Tarpaulin, Brattice Cloth & Linoleum Jefferson John InglBby (firm,Jefferson North Yorkshire Stock Mart Co. (J. Co. Limited (The) • W.T.&Son),solicitor & commissioner Guthrie, sec.; G. Barker & W. Taylors Drug Co.Ltd.grcrs. & chmsts for oaths, registrar & high bailiff of Farrow, auctioneers) Territorial Force Battalion (4th} county court, deputy steward of Oakley Daniel, builder Alexandra, Princt>ss Df Wales's Own mnnor of Northallerton & Kirby Oliver William, collector for the (Yorkshire Regiment) (Lt.-Col. & Sigston Urban District Council Hon. Col. W. H. Mott, command· Johnson Arthur, King's Arms P.H. Oxendale & Barker, outfitters ing; Capt. H. B. Warwick, adjn- Market place Oxendale & Co. linen & woollen drprs tant; Hon. Capt. Alfred Goat, Johnson John. farme-1', Bank close Oxley James, fried fish shop quartermaster; H Co. Capt. G. 1. JO'hnson John B. clothier, South end Parker Arthur & Annie (Mrs.), con- E. Gardner; Color-Sergt. H. Johnson William, farmer, Blackhills fectioners & pastrycooks, Market Colton, instructor), South parade Johnson William, milk seller place & South parade Thirsk & Malton Division Guardian & Kendrew George, farmer, Elm house Pattison .Arth.pork butchr.South end Vale of Mowbray Observer (J. Car- Kettlewell Francis Wm. confectioner Pattison Elizh. (Mrs.), coach builder lill Savill, proprietDr; published Kirby Stephen Thos. frmr.Brick house Peacock James & John, builders, saturday) Lang~horn Miles, farmer, Wiske moor South end Thompson J ames, butcher, South end Langthorn Miles, jnn_ farmei" PeaCDck Abraham, buildel', South end Thubron Mrs. farmer, Ashbourne bo Langton &; Son, ironmongers Peacock Gcorge Christopher (Mrs.), Tolchard James, jobbing gardener Law John, grocer milliner, Market plaC'e Town Hall (.Alfrt>d Simons, keeper) La.?.enby Jane (Mrs.), Oddf.eUows' .Arms; Pearson Emest Ralph, butcher, Mar- Trevor William Charles, clerk of the P .H ke~ place peace for the Riding- Lea Emily (Miss), confr. South end Pearson John, but.cher, Market hall Trewhitt William & Robert, farmers, Lewis & Cooper Limited, groners. Pearson Thomas, butcher, South end Harrogate house chemists &:c. Market place Pickersgill John, cowkeeper Tweddle Richard, fishmonger London City & Midland Bank Limited PlaceT. & Sons,cartwrights & smiths Tw€edy CharlPs M.R.C.S.Eng. & (branch) (Thos. Bruce, manager); Place Margaret (Mrs.), refreshment L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & surgeon, draw on head office, 5 Threadneedle rooms, South end Madord house street E C Porter Joseph Metcalfe, watch maker, Waistell Charles, solicitor & commis.• London Joint Stock Bank Limited Market place sioner for oaths, perpetual commis- (tiranch) (William Sewell Charlton, Pratt Edward Bartley M.R.C.V.S. sioner &; steward of the manor of manager) ; draw on Lloyds Bank veterinary surgeon & chiE>f veteri- Kirkby Ravensworth • Limited, London E C nary inspector under the "Diseasps Waistell Chal'les Rowland, solicitor Mais Richard, tailor of Animals Acts '' fol' the County Walker &; CDwling, cm·riers Mashamshire Standard (J. Carlill Council Walker's Tanneries Ltd. tannert Savill, proprietor; published fri) Prest E. M. (Mrs.), statnr. Market pi & curriers, North Arch tannery Mason Thomas, butcher Prest Robert, printer & bookbinder Walker Crosby, gPocer, North end Maude Charles, jun. auctioneer Priestley haac, Three Tuns P.H. Walker J osPph, bookseller & stationer Mayall William (Mrs.), Oak Tree inn Market place Walton &: CartPr,phy~icians & surgns Metcalfe Edward (Mrs.), shoe maker Race John, grocer & provision mer- Walton John Stamford M.D.Erlang.1 Metcalfe Leonard, horse proprietor chant, ~flalpas hDuse L.S.A. coroner for North division of MeynPll George & John, cabinet mas Railway HotPl Commercial & Postin~ the Riding & the borough of Rich· Moody Sa.rah (Mrs.), cartwright House (Alfred Bourne, proprietor); mo.nd & certifyinQ' factory surgeon Musgrave Edward, baker one minute's walk from railway (firm, Walton & Carter) Naylor A. & Son, ironmongers station; carriages of all descriptions Ware Ellen (Miss), aparts. South par Navlor James, engineer &c supplied at any time Water Works (Urban District Counci~ Neesam Sarah (Mrs.), tobacconist, Render Edmd. billposter, Park view Wat~on William, surveyor & sanitary Market place Richardson Art h. boot repr. South end inspector to the Urban District Nelson Lucy (Miss), ladies' school, Richmond & District ConsE>rvatilB Council South plll'llde Association (Sir Henry M. Beres- Watts Arthur William, land agE-nt, Nelson Miss, artist, South end ford-PeirsP bart. J.P. chairman; Walton house, South parade Nelson Thos.Black Bull P.H.Market pi Thomas. Woodhead, sec.); general Weighell John, agricultural .t me· North Riding Registry of Deeds(Chas. offices-, South parade chanical engineer, North end Edward Leake Ringrose, registrar; Richmond Division Gazette & North Wetherill Lionel Stubbs, assistant Thom8.8 Boddy, chief clerk) Yorkshire Courier (J. Carlill Savill, bailiff to countv court North Biding Rural Nursing .Associa- proprietor; published saturday) Wheldon & Co. drapers tion (Miss Goorgina Atkinson, lady Rider Arthur, tobacconist, South end White James, carpenter, North end supt. ). Cottage Hospital Rider Geo. Hy.cabinet ma.South end Wilkin~on Richard, pamter & dt>corar North Ridin~ (The) & Northallerton Rider Herbt. pork butcher, South end tor, South end News (J. Carlill Savill, proprietor; Ringrose Chas. Edwd. Leake, regis- Willoughby T. & J. builders, contrac- published saturday) trar of deeds for the North Riding tors, stonemasons & bricklayers, Northallerton Consumers' Gas Co. Robson Thomas, draper. Market pi North end Limited (Thomas Harrison, sec) Rogerson Geo. gl:'nl, draper,Marlret pi Willoughby Charles, saddler & harness Northallerton Cottage Hospital (John Rooke Fred, fruiterer, Marke~ place contractor, South end '1 Button, hon. sec.; J. A. Hutchin- Rose Amelia (Mrs.), machine agent Willoughby John, builder & contrae- son M.D. & M.S., C. Tweedy Royal Exchange .Assurance (Mrs. G. tor, Croft house L.B.C.P.Edin_, W- Baigent M.D., J. Robinson, district supt) Wilson Walter Ltd. grocers, Market pl ' J. S. Walton :M.D. k George Yeo- Rll88ell Nathanie.L io Son Ltd. grocers Wilson Eliz11beth (Mrs.), cowkeeper man L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. hon. 11ur- Russell Thomas, manager of Barclay Wilson Joseph, builder & joiner geon&; Miss Geo.rgina Atkinson, &; Company's Bank Wright John, deputy chief constable lady superintendent) Savings Bank (Thomas :&ddy, sec) Wright Sarab (Miss), confectioner-, Northallerton & District C<l-operative S<'urr John Thomas, livery stable Market place • ~torea (John B. Robson. man'llger) keeper, South ~:pw.i~~ .. .
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