I > ........ :.. r--. ■ ■/' . ^ .■s. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER >7, 1964 , f iKanrlirjBt^r lEttrttfns. HrraUt Christmas Season 'ning—Stores Remain Open Until 9 Tomorrow Night : talnly chn't be branded aa dawd­ A ven g e Daily Net Prcaa Rob lers on the hl|^way. Atmy Enlistees Far the Week Raded About Town George' J. Toth, a New York Betrothed N ev. 27, 1954 The WcRflpN H ^rd Along Main Street University reaearcher spent a i>8hw AuxHiary wUl nerve-fraying aummer in the com Begin Training ker d ; r . s n o Oh koM a UtohM Bbifo Monday at 8 And on Some of Manche$t^*$ Side Streets, Too pany o f a radar spaed timer, p.. n.n . at the homo of tha prosident, cbeckteg apfeeders In New Ehig- Three -Mancheater youths, GOOD 11,560 Member ef the AaRt k n . Ogkxa White, <S Pine St. land and, after one teat made in Richard E. 'M(>ricont, Roger A Maaibtra and M endi who attend Dry Boa Solntfen <r.>there of his boyhood days nearly one o f the .states, came up with Bateau eC CtreaUttoa Taeeday fair, Preston and St*pll.*n M. ' Weiss, are roquMted to feting kitchen. A recent article in a national 70 years ago, when the store was the pbaervatipn that 58 per cent USED CARS Manchester— A City of Village Charm \ gaSgota for prlaoa. magaaine bringa up a problem managed by a grocer named Gris­ of all speeiders warned were who recently Joine^x|he U. S. \ with which Mancheater has had wold, and later by Hart Dexter, women. Army, have arrived at Y!prt Dlx VOL. LXXIV, NO. 50 Mr. and Mia.. Archie Kilpatrick, aome experience, namely, false brother of Miss Alica Dexter, one Commented a dismayed Mr. N. J., and have been aaslgrted to (SIXTEEN PAGES) . who have beep vlaiting the fami- of the most prominent women of ' • nA- AT LOW OVERHEAD \ MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1954 fire alarma. Toth: "They (the women driven) the 89th Infantry Divialon foy^ (CtaoMftad Adrorttehit oa Pago U) PRICE FIY R Vae o f their adn in Bolton and thla In It the writer makes the point the village, both of whom are long surprisisd and disappointed me PRICESI town, left today for their home in that the old style alarm box baa since dead. with their speeding throughout sight weeks basic training. Penacook, K. H. certain inadequacies in that it While the store was a popular the entire three months of my Moriconl, the son o f Mr. and cannot report anything except an meeting place ^or the people who tour.” Mra. Joseph Moriconi of Man­ OPEN n ie Friendahip Club o f Bt. chester Road, graduated from Fermi Dies, aU-6ut alarm. lived |Uong the attractive main But Mr. Toth’a dlsilldalonment John’a Church on Golway Street Mancheater High School in the e v e n i n g s t i l 9. And it is very simple to pull a street, and over the bridge, he says wasn’t limited to the eye-opening West Boycotts class o f 1963 and was formerly w ill oonduct a aocial in the pahah false alarm becauae the mechanics it couldn’t compete with the SATURDAY TIL 5. hall tomorrow at 8 p. m. and re* fact that women drivers often employed by the State Highway o f operation o f the alarm box are church which was the center of burn up the highways in greater Architect of (taefamenta wUl be aerved. social activity. There were no Dmt. ao aimple a child can, and often numbers than men. He found,' In neston, the son of Mrs. Harold does,, open the box and send Are automobiles in those days. TV or his 15,000-mile tour, that few mo­ Dr. Beerett 8. Phillipa, paator radio sets to divert the Attention L. Preston' of 21 Lllley St, o f the nsiiege' Church o f the apparatus on a wild goose chase. torists, if any, are willing to let graduated from Manchester High 1952 BU int Another Important point stress of young and old; neither were go to waste all the horsepower Moscow Talks Atomic A ge Maaarene, Bethany, (%la., will School in 1950 and received his ed concerns this fact; When an there trolleys or buses running that motor car manufacturers are apeak at the aereieoa tomorrow at through from Hartford to Rock­ BA degree from American Inter­ Two-door SpeciaL the local Church o f the Naaarene alarm ia pulled from a box, the continuing to put more And more national college at, Springfield, dyaaSow, radio, heater, Chicago, Noy. 29 (/p)_Fel­ ville and return. Tfaina ran more N.I Washington, Nov. 29 (/P)— ^meeting, and the Govieta* Nov. 18 at 10:45 a. m, and 7:30 p, m. Spe­ whole Are department usually goes of into automobile engines these Maas., in June. new eet white wall tirea. frequently than they do now, but proposal for a general East-hVeat low scientists today mourned cial maelcal nambers w ill alao be because no one knows how aerious days. Weiss, the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Driven only 28,860. nitea. The western Big Three for­ it was a long walk for the vil­ t Photo. _ Fallot Photo. conference on creating a colleetlva the death of Enrico Fermi, coattributeid by raembera. o f the the Are may be. Two tests showed that 99 per Marie Ison Ana Reglnn Campb^ Theodora A. Weiss of 79 Brook­ It’s really SHARP, S4M . mally rejected Russia’s pro- lagers from the main street to the security system for Europe. BhiUlpa family, who are viaiUng The author advocates using a cent of all drivers disdainfully ig­ field St., attended Mancheater this one tonight. self-exiled Italian physicist railroad depot, and as Manchester posal for a European peace Both theae propoaals, the U. S. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Phillipa of new type of telephone box, hooked nored speed limits o f 15 and 26 High School and was formerly reply saidi were aimed at delaying who became the architect o f was much nearer than Rockville, Mr. and Mra. Charles W. Carl-^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Camp- conference today, but laid Hamlin Street, pmanta of Paator directly to Are dept, headquarters, milea an hour potted In towns and employed by Town Motors, Inc. or prevenUng ratification of the many of the young people walked son, 104 Spruce St., announce the bell, 77 Bdnton S t, announce the the atomic age. PhUipo. which can be mounted outdoors villages. .^Ouly $39S down five steps they said agreementa reached by the west­ and which does not require a nick the distance. On the open road, he clocked engagement of their daughter. engagement o f their daughter, Fermi died of cancer yesterday t DeWa could lead to such a meeting. ern nations at meetings in London at the age of 53. I f he had' been el to operate i t , H ie late Thomas Ferguson, speeds up to 92 miles an hour. Tower Men Ride to Their Deaths Miaa Marlon 1. Starkweather, Miss Joan Marie Carlson, to Pvt. Ann Regina Chunpbell, to Collin In one-two poeltiqpa among these and Paris this fall. 'The next of apared a few, more years. Chair­ This system is already tn oper­ longtime publisher of The Herald, On rural highways, he said, Ave IBS Woodbrtdge 8L, and Paul W. Maurice E. Caouette, son of Mr. Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A n­ STEAMED CLAMS were agreement on an Aus­ the U. S. reply waa made public man Lewis L. Strauss of the Aoarl. Jr., o f 182 Oak St, win be ation; in Miami, u d the writer rode a high bicycle, when he came per cent of all drivers were doing and Mrs. Alfred (Jaouettc o f Wil* drew Campbell of Hazardville. trian aUte treaty and modification made by the State Dept. over to see the girl he married, better than 70. Atomic Energy (Commission said, married thia afternoon at 2 p. m. quotes atatistica to show how Umantlc. Miss Campbell'Is a graduate of 1947 KAISER 4-DOOR o f Ruaaia’a position on holding American officials omphasled "he might have beeh saved by Bars Apology Mias Liasie Hall, and used the 50 tn the Second Congregational effective it has been in cutting That the devil-may-care motor­ Miss Carlson graduated from the University of Connecticut, c free electlona to reunify Germany, that cloae examination had faUed same wheel to and from his work ists clearly showed neither fear nor medical techniques ■ derived from Church with a reception following coats for false alarm runs and in Mancheater High School in June, where she was a member of Alpha SEDAN S1SP The other three points called for to show anything near in the So­ his own discoveries.” In the American Legion Homa cutting the amount of mileage at The Herald where he started as favor In their choice of locales for Delta PI Borority. She is employed No cash denra study, through diplomatic ehan- viet propoaal. "printer’s Devil.” speeding appeared to have been 1954, and la employed by the Ck>n- CHATTERBOX The Nobel Prise winner’s con­ run up by Are trucks knawerlng necUcut Mutual Life Insurance Co. as a commercial instructor with 812 Main St.— TbL >n-9-8002 nela, of all qiiestiona relating tO The London-Paria agreementa trolled release' of nuclear energy an alarm which are not needed Talcottvilla was a typical 'New borne out by the fact that 80 per ___J ...,.
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