r* 1(i 110 i: IJ ![1[iiTei II tSI•* I fINTY1 Member of COPS California Organization of Police & Sheriffs. Official Publication of the San Francisco Police Officers' Association To Promote the Efficiency and Good Name of the San Francisco Police Department and its Members VOLUME 21 SAN FRANCISCO, MAY, 1989 204 NUMBER 5 Determination of Fitness or Invasion of Privacy? Bone-Marrow Transplant Postponed As if to underscore Ken's need for goad sion on a Friday afternoon of a long holi- Psychological Testing blood, the bone-marrow transplant set to day weekend. We fear that he contracted begin May 1st was postposed on Friday hepatitis during those first few days when by David P. Clisham, SFPOA Attorney the POA will be requesting answers to when pre-operation blood tests confirmed he required so much blood and it was im- many questions regarding the nature of the that Ken had contracted hepatitis from a possible for us to organize our efforts. Now Should you as an experienced police of- evaluation program. contaminated blood transfusion. we must live with the risk of having used ficer be ordered by the Police Department Here are some of our concerns: Doctors must now wait at least 30 days blood supplied via the general public and to reveal intimate details of your personal, for Ken's blood counts to return to normal redouble our efforts to assure Ken a goad • Which psychological tests will be in order for the bone-marrow transplant to clean supply of blood and platelets. private life? administered? Should experienced police officers be be scheduled - all the while we are hop- You cannot get any kind of disease by • What character traits or stress in- ing that the leukemia does not recur pen- giving blood - but you can give Ken a forced to take the Minnesota Multiphasic dicators does each test evaluate? Personality Inventory, The California Per- ding this unfortunate delay, when it would chance to live on. sonal Inventory, the Thematic Appercep- • Who has chosen these tests? be even harder to fight and destroy. We must postpose our blood drive for tion Test or the Rorschach, based either We were able to supply Ken with Ken until Ken gets over his infection and • Why was each test chosen? "directed-donar" blood and blood platelets the bone-marrow transplant is reschedul- on the whim of a supervisor or to be deem- • Will the Minnesota Mulitphasic Per- ed "qualified" or "fit" for a specialized unit? during most of his prior month of ed. For our part, we hope to have a blood sonality Inventory be used in its initial form As strange as the above may sound, it hospitalization, that is, except for his first donor list available to supply Ken's need is exactly what City officials plan for the or will it include any of the three hundred few days of chemotherapy after he was ad- in June. Can we count on you? Tactical Division. Not since Henry Ford new scales which have been developed mitted to UCSF on an "emergency" admis- Thank you hired psychologists to tell the workers they since the MMPI was originally constructed? r------------------------------ shouldn't feel "upset" with low wages and • What validity and reliability studies I want to help Ken Mondfrans beat leukemia; please count me in. inadequate benefits have industrial have shown these tests to be a predictor I will donate blood or blood platelets for Ken when he needs them again. psychologists been given so much credibili- of performance as a police officer or a ty in predicting future behavior and using "TAC Unit" officer? Name________________________________ Work # their subjective techniques to weed out the • What studies have shown that TAC iBlood type: (If Known) Home # "unfit". Unit officers are more susceptible to stress Proposed Evaluation Procedure than other members of the Patrol Division? * Even different types of blood can be used for blood platelets for Ken. I A Police Commission resolution - • How was Dr. Roberts chosen? Please clip and return to Gary Mondfrans, do SFPD Communications, Room 455 i recently adopted under pressure from at the Hall of Justice or to P.O. Box 892, San Bruno CA 94066. special interest groups - requires the en- • Will the proposed contract with Dr. tire TAC unit to be involuntarily subjected Rogers be put out to bid? I Your gift of blood will mean a gift of life for Ken. Thanks again. I to a battery of tests and clinical interviews. L------------------------------ Here is the current proposal submitted to • What will be the cost for each the POA for the Tactical Division Stress evaluation? Evaluation Program. • What is Dr. Roberts' hourly rate for his Candlestick Debacle "In order to maintain the continued high services? calibre of officers assigned to the tactical by Paul Chignell, Vice-President tion and forcing the Administration of the division, the department will initiate a pro- • Are there funds in the budget for this? San Francisco Police Department to come cess whereby all officers assigned to, or • How is it that the Police Department The San Francisco Police Officers' into the 20th century with their personnel seeking assignment to, the Tactical Divi- cannot afford to purchase replacement Association is filing a number of grievances practices. sion will be evaluated as to their potential uniforms for officers, but can somehow af- as a result of the change in policy for Any members who have been excluded fitness for duty. This Stress Evaluation will ford an expensive, possibly unnecessary, assigning police officers to the Candlestick from work at Candlestick should contact also serve to assist officers to cope with psychological test for each of the members detail. their POA representatives immediately. the rigors of their duties and thereby remain of the Tactical Division? The Administration unfairly removed effective members of their units. Person- • Who will conduct these tests? Captain Diarmuid Philpott, long time ad- nel actions - transfers, discipline, etc. - ministrator of the Candlestick detail and The Notebook. will not be solely based on the results of • Who will evaluate the results of these then summarily removed a number of these evaluations. tests? patrol officers who have been working at Needs You We need your articles to make "Tactical Division officers will be ad- • What about confidentiality? the ball park without any complaints for a ministered a Psychological Evaluation Pro- number of years. this the best possible newspaper • Will supervisory staff connected to the Articles should be sent to: cess (Stress Evaluation) by Dr. Michael Tactical Division - sergeants, the Lieute- No criteria was promulgated for the Roberts of Law Enforcement Psychological change of policy, contradictory answers Tom Flippin, Editor nant, the Captain - also "participate" in SFPOA Notebook Services, San Jose, California. The evalua- the program? If not, why not? were given to officers who questioned the tion will include the administration of a bat- change in policy and a new element of 510 7th Street tery of psychological tests, questionnaires • Who will conduct the clinical cronyism has emerged in the assignment San Francisco, CA 94103 (biographical information, law enforcement interviews? of personnel. Deadline for June issue: experiences) and clinical interviews. The • What private, personal information will The Association is committed to bring- May 30, 1989 evaluation process will be similar to the officers be ordered to reveal about ing these grievances all the way to arbitra- screening process for entrance applicants." themselves? Meet and Confer IN THIS ISSUE As this represents a fundamental change • Who will have access to information obtained in the clinical interviews? in working conditions - and a dramatic Widows and Orphans Page 2 Retired Members Page 6 digression from the current Transfer Police • Will officers be entitled to a represen- tative during their clinical interview, espe- (P-i) - department representatives must Veterans' POA Page 2 Board Minutes Page 8 meet and confer with PAO representatives cially since the interview may result in pun- prior to the implementation of any evalua- itive action (i.e., a transfer out of the Tac- Around the Department Treasurer's Report Page 9 tion program, pursuant to Gov. Code Sec- tical Division), pursuant to Gov. Code Sec- Page 3 I tions 3500 et seq., the Meyers-Milias- tion 3303(h) (the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act)? Page 11 Brown Act (MMBA). The first meeting be- Cops for Christ Page 3 From Your President tween the department and the POA on this • If confidentiality is breached by a su- subject is scheduled for May 11, 1989. pervisor, what is the penalty? May an of- W.O.N. News Page 4 PAL Pages 18 & 19 The MMBA requires the parties to "ex- ficer sue for damages for breach of change information" and "endeavor to confidentiality? Pages 20-23 reach agreement". As no information has It's In Your Court Page 5 Sports been forwarded from the department yet, (See TESTING, Back Page) '.. ... ..- . .. ,.. ...... ................ .. .......................... ... ..,.,. Page 2 Notebook May, 1989 Get well soon. DEATHS: George Asdrubale, John Burke, William Leahy, John Crotty and Widows and Orphans Aid Association Jim Woods. Rest in Peace. NEW MEMBERS: Arthur MacCrystle. Welcome. The regular meeting of The Widows and then a full Inspector in 1955, working the Municipal Bonds. She desires her estate to CORRESPONDENCE: Several thank Orphans Aid Association was called to Auto Detail until his retirement from ser- go to this Association. Bro. Hardeman & yous for memoriums. order by V. Pres. Robert Kurpinsky at 2:05 vice in 1973 at age 55. John received the Trustee Burton to contact Mrs. Shine and BILLS: Treasurer Ed Cosgrove read the P.M., Wednesday, April 19, 1989 in the following awards - 1946, 2nd Grade for advise as to her responsibility and possi- bills for March.
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