WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER'i2 , 197X _ e PAGE FORTY jMantljpjatfr lEupning Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Vntil 9TO^Clock Members of the Ladies of St. Richard Martin and South There will bo a Tag-Bake Bale James are remlt.ded that dona­ Schools will hold their annual Saturday from 11 n.m. to 3 A bout Tow n tions for fOTO^basketa for the ice cream social and bake sale p.m. at the homo of Mrs. Average Daily Net Presa Run The Weather ■nia Followoraft degree will Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. at Kudolph V. Oorsch, H8 N. Lake- Apple Whist Card Party on Oct. For The Week Bnded GtoUdy YPUh- ohanoe o< brief be conferred when EYlendahip 8 may be left at St? James South School, S. Main St. There wood Circle, to benefit Child and pHbwer tonight; low . about 80. September 18, 1871 Liodge o f Maaona meets at the School. Those wishing donations will be a variety of toppings for Family Services of Connecticut. Remaining cloudy through moat Kaaonlc Temple tomorrow at picked up may contact Mrs. sundaes and many items of bak­ Donations may be ' brought to manrl|pj0tpr of tomorrow with high near TO. 7:S0 p.m. Worshipful Master Thomas Reiley, ,17 Philip Rd. ed goods for sale. In case of Mrs. Qorsch Friday; baked Saturday’* outlook . fair. Harold tieggett will preside. Of­ ruin, it will be hold Oct. 2, goo<ls should be brought Satur­ 15,395 Manche$ter-—4 City o f Village Charm ficer dress la summer formals. Gamma Chapter of Alpha same location and time. day morning. In the event of Delta Kappa will meet tomor­ rain, the sale will bo held the The Golden Age Club Will row ah 7:30 p.m. at the home of Center Congregational Church following Saturday at the same MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1971 (Otoerifled AdvertMag on Fage M) PRICE FIFTEEN CENT! meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the Mrs. Ruth Boraiey, 10 Vernon Youth Choir will rehearse to­ Umo and place. Those wishing J VOL. LXXXX, NO. 301 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Senior Cltisens Center. Mem­ St. Programs will be distribut­ night at 0:18 and the Senlo^ Items picked up may contact / bers are reminded to bring ed, and fund-raising projects Chclr at 7:30 in the sanctuary^ Mrs. Robert Stanton of 88 Br.uce artleles for a kitchen social. will be discussed. of the church. Rd. or Mrs. Leonard Parla of 47 Bruce Rd. Peter J. Qulsh of 03 Ashworth Darwin Motion Denied Hugo Black Listed SI., a juiUor at Providence Judge Henry J. Naruk (R.I.) College, left last week for FBI Captures this afternoon denied the a year of study at the Univers­ ity of Fribourg in Switzerland motion filed^ Sept. 7 by under the college junior-year- Atty. John F. Shea Jr., ‘Very Serious’ In abrond program. counsel for Roy F, Darwin, to withdraw Darwin’s not St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild guilty plea to the 1968 Bethesda Hospital will meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. murder of Hope Fern Roth- Government .at St. Mary’s Parl.sh hall. Mem­ well of Bolton. The ruling bers are reminded to bring WASHINGTON (AP)— Hugo T. Black’s condition Bundwiches. Dessert and bever­ of the weakened today and he was plac^ on the "very seri- NEW YORK (AP)—Shackled hand and foot, Stephen toward ous" list at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. M. McDonough was brought into U.S. District (Jourt ages will be served l^y Mrs. John case. Trotter and Mrs. Winston Turk- An official statement said the ------------------------ here today where the government asked he be held in ington. prognoris for the 88-year-old ___ ________members of„ his famUy $500,000 bail on what it said were “extremely serious’’ former Supreme Court Justice mid nurses and coipsmen. His charges. First Church of Christ, Sci­ was poor. condition suddenly worsened McDonough, 23, showed stgn. they entered his hotel room, toe entist, will have Us regular mid­ Black entered Bethesda Aug. momlng in hi. matted, long black hair f b i spokesman u ld . One Of the week testimony meeting tonight Walkout Hits 28^th w ^ his office de- him' were hi. wife, - ^ * and disheveled appearance of agents grabbed toe gun and a at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main b ribed cn Sept. 16 aa an In- Elizabeth, Ws sons, Hugo Jr. the fight he put up with FBI struggle ensued, St. The meeting Is open to the flammatory condition of the sterling Black, and his agents who arrested him at a McDonough and one of the public. Peim Central blood vesrols.” He retired from jjaighter, Mrs. Mario Pesaresl. midtown hotel during the early agents suffered cuts on the Genuine Spring New Zealand small oven ready Lamb Legs ai-e featured at 9 A A A Black’s retirement came with morning hours. head reQuiring stitches and the 79^ lb. 20 oz. Cornish Hens at 79^ each and Smoked Shoulder Picnic (hams) The yo\ith ministry com­ At Rush Hour ^e new statement mother Justlfce, John M. Har- A burly rix-foot-two riar high second agent received bruises, mittee of Emanuel Lutheran ^ d Black’s y ^ n e d 72, also In a Washington sriiool athlete, McDonough la three were treated at JjeitOK S90 Ib- Lo. Sunday when he steered a fair- ^ ailment. Church will meet tonight at 7:30 NEW YORK (AP) the son of John P . McDonough, hui Hospital and released. We will have more of that very lean Brisket Corned Beef, with the Whole in the church reception room. comoUve engineers of Penn JenT i^l^ly President Nixon is expected Bupeilntendent of sriwols In McDonough had been the ob- EVirmlngton, Oonn. ject of a masrive manhtmt' In Brisket or Heavy Half at 9 ^ lb. We always have Morrell’s EZ Cut ready to ----- ^ntori RaUrc^-B New Haven ‘h e V ^ ^ e d L t o f s U k ^ ^ fS ^ eat Hams and U.S. Choice Fresh Lamb Legs and Chops. A midweek service of prayer DlvlslMi staged a nine-hour seri^ list at la a m to- ® before Arraignment was postponed New England since Sept. 2 and Bible medltaUon will be vrildcat walkout that, disru^^ atatemen\ added.' until this afternoon to aBow his when Massachusetts State held tonight at 7:30 at Calvary this m o t e ’s n i^ period ^ spokesman Bald parents Ume to arrive. Trooper Frarrcla J. Reardon Church. service Into Manhattan, a t^ednesdav that Rlaok suffered considered for the job. The younger McDonough was was ahotgurmed after he spokesman for the line report- Sen. James O. EasUand, D- sought In connection with a stopped a car for apetOittg on TRY THE GOOD FLAVOR OF A Bible Study will be conduct­ ed^ ^ Miss., said today he hopes a murder to Rhode Iriand, two the Maasariniaetts Turrtplke. ed tonight at 7:30 at Trinity Co­ He said members of the Southerner will be appointed Connecticut bank robberies and Reardon, who was crltlcaUy tender PINEHURST CHUCK ROAST venant Church. IBrotherhood of Locomotive En- this will not touch cit the shooting of a Massaxtousetta injured, la now recovering. Po- gineers ware reporting again br'em ^d " state trooper. Uce said witnesses to the shoct- North Manchester Al-Anon for work and that normal serv- ‘ I ___ _ The court was told toat war- inter Identilied McDonough PINEHUBST 8-8 pounds blade chuck roast, ' BONELESS family group will meet tonight Ice resumed with the 9:22 out dnMed and joked (gee Page Twei^) cut about 2 Inches thick rants were expected later today ^s the driver of the car. at 8 , at the Second Con- of Stamford, Oonn. -------------------------------^ _______ Salt and pepper the Pathfinders Club, 102 to allow MidDanough’s removal addlUon to the charges In BLOCK CHUCK Economy During the rush period, the to Connecticut. the three New England atates, Flour house. The Thursday group will line was able to run only eight 2 tabVespoons soft shorten­ meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at As toe ***^^!"* . the FBI said McDonough was ROAST & STEAKS CHUCK ROAST of the usual 20 commuter McDonough admlt^ he had caught on charges of un- ing gregational Church parish In Connecticut medium-size onion, sliced trains, and those by using su­ $10,000 In Ws possession. lawful flight to avoid prose- (bone in) 1 Norman. St. Both groups meet pervisory personnel. The New 2 H cups water weekly and are open to friends FBI agents toWc away a ^^^^d robbery In F Int Onto 1 Upton’s Beef and Vege­ Haven line normally carries loaded .88 caUber revolver at Virginia, and relatives living with a 80,000 commuters daily. Endorsed Aspireints Victors table Dry Soup Mix drinking problem. the early morning arrest in the m^ode Island state poUca Season meat with salt and In returning to their jobs, the Hotel Alvin, Broadway and ^nve been seeking McDonough pepper and sprinkle with Penn Central spokesman said, 62nd St., autooriUes said. cormeotion with the slaying lb Emanuel Lutheran Church the men apparently were obey­ An Democr^ic Primaries flour to coat lightly. Heat Choir will rehearse tonight at McDonough lunged at the two Mb ing a restraining order signed ____ .• arresting agents with the gun as ‘ (See Page Ten) shortening in a large sauce­ 8 in Luther Hall of the church. at 6:40 a.m. by a U.S. District 1®® ASSOOIA’TED FRESB. F. Lane with 881 votes. The pan or Dutch oven over mod- Oourt judge in New Haven.
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