mtgs.qxp 10/30/01 1:55 PM Page 1415 Meetings & Conferences of the AMS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING MEETINGS PROGRAMS: AMS Sectional Meeting programs do not appear in the print version of the Notices. However, comprehensive and continually updated meeting and program information with links to the abstract for each talk can be found on the AMS website. See http://www.ams.org/meetings/. Programs and abstracts will continue to be displayed on the AMS website in the Meetings and Conferences section until about three weeks after the meeting is over. Final programs for Sectional Meetings will be archived on the AMS website in an electronic issue of the Notices as noted below for each meeting. Groups and Covering Spaces in Algebraic Geometry, Michael Irvine, California Fried, University of California Irvine, and Helmut Voelklein, University of California Irvine University of Florida. Harmonic Analyses and Partial Differential Equations, November 10–11, 2001 Gustavo Ponce, University of California Santa Barbara, and Gigliola Staffilani, Brown University and Stanford Meeting #972 University. Western Section Harmonic Analysis and Complex Analysis, Xiaojun Huang, Associate secretary: Bernard Russo Rutgers University, and Song-Ying Li, University of Cali- Announcement issue of Notices: September 2001 fornia Irvine. Program first available on AMS website: September 27, Operator Spaces, Operator Algebras, and Applications, 2001 Marius Junge, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Program issue of electronic Notices: December 2001 and Timur Oikhberg, University of Texas and University Issue of Abstracts: Volume 22, Issue 4 of California Irvine. Deadlines Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Edriss S. Titi, For organizers: Expired University of California Irvine. For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- Quantum Topology, Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois sions: Expired at Chicago, Jozef Przytycki, George Washington Univer- For abstracts: Expired sity, and Fernando Souza, University of Waterloo. Random and Deterministic Schrödinger Operators, Invited Addresses Svetlana Jitomirskaya and Abel Klein, University of William Duke, University of California Los Angeles, Recent California Irvine. directions in automorphic forms and analytic number Symplectic Geometry, Jonathan Weitsman, University of Cal- theory. ifornia Santa Cruz. Grigory Mikhalkin, University of Utah, Amoebas of Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Eriko Hironaka, Florida algebraic varieties. State University, and Grigory Mikhalkin, University of Gigliola Staffilani, Brown University and Stanford Univer- Utah. sity, Dispersive equations and almost conservation laws. Jonathan Weitsman, University of California Santa Cruz, The topology of Hamiltonian loop group spaces. San Diego, California Special Sessions San Diego Convention Center Dynamical Systems of Billiard Type, Marek Rychlik, January 6–9, 2002 University of Arizona, and Andrew Torok, University of Houston. Meeting #973 Extremal Metrics and Moduli Spaces, Steven Bradlow, Uni- Joint Mathematics Meetings, including the 108th Annual versity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Claude LeBrun, State Meeting of the AMS, 85th Meeting of the Mathematical University of New York, Stony Brook, and Yat Sun Poon, Association of America (MAA), with minisymposia and University of California Riverside. other special events contributed by the Society for Industrial DECEMBER 2001 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1415 mtgs.qxp 10/30/01 1:55 PM Page 1416 Meetings & Conferences and Applied Mathematics (SIAM); the annual meetings of and various commonly used software packages, such as the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and word processors and spreadsheets via the Web. Control of the National Association of Mathematicians (NAM); and the a software package opened on one machine can be passed winter meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL). to a person at another machine in another room or even Associate secretary: John L. Bryant another geographic location. This campus supports audio Announcement issue of Notices: October 2001 connectivity in a cooperative learning environment. Sessions Program first available on AMS website: November 1, 2001 can be recorded for review of the session by students or Program issue of electronic Notices: January 2002 for study by students who missed the session. We will de- Issue of Abstracts: Volume 23, Issue 1 scribe the Global Classroom project and demonstrate the interconnectivity and collaboration over the Internet. In ad- Deadlines dition, participants will learn how to develop their own on- For organizers: Expired line teaching material. For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- How to Successfully Publish a Textbook, Wednesday, sions: Expired 1:00 pm–2:30 p.m. organized by Michael R. Lennie, San For abstracts: Expired Diego, CA. Michael Lennie will cover the essential of how For summaries of papers to MAA organizers: To be to write a winning proposal and contract essentials. He will announced cover the tricks of the trade describing how to present your textbook in its best possible light in the proposal. You'll AMS-MAA Program Updates learn techniques for selling your acquisitions editor with Highlights from the 2000 CBMS Survey of the Mathe- a clear description of the text, its features, and ancillaries. matical Sciences, Sunday, 2:15 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. Michael Sullivan, Lemont, Il, will describe how to assure The AMS-MAA Government Speaker on Tuesday, 4:20 a successful review process and discuss the similar yet dis- p.m. to 5:05 p.m. is James R. Schatz, National Security tinct pre-contract review, developmental review, and post- Agency, title to be announced. publication review from the unique position of the math- ematics author. Robert Christophererson, American River AMS Program Updates College, will discuss the discipline of writing a textbook and The title of the Gibbs Lecture to be given by Sir Michael what you must know about the publication process. He will Berry at 8:30 on Sunday night is Making light of mathe- explain why setting up a "writing studio", preparing the out- matics. line, style guides, and tracking logs are critical elements New Directions, Tuesday, 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. This to creation of a successful manuscript. He will discuss re- panel of National Science Foundation (NSF) Institute di- search and writing, production of manuscript and art, and rectors and the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) the publishing process, including developmental editing, director will describe the new NSERC-NSF Conference Cen- book design, and marketing. Each presentation will be fol- ter at Banff, Canada (Banff International Research Station lowed by questions and answers and will include handouts. in the Mathematical Sciences) as well as the new initiatives SIGMAA on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics taken by the NSF Institutes and by the DMS. Sponsored by Education presentation on Tuesday, features a talk by Ed the Committee on Meetings and Conferences. Dubinsky, Cincinnati, OH, on How can mathematical con- The Committee on Education will sponsor a presenta- cepts be learned? Synthesizing APOS Theory and mathe- tion on Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. by Lee V. Stiff, matical formalism to get one possible answer, from 5:00 p.m. President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. to 5:45 p.m. MAA Program Updates Other Organizations Updates JOMA Authors Present, Monday, 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m., or- Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SPWM) Re- ganized by David Smith, Duke University and Lang Moore, union, Monday, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., organized by Murli MAA and Duke University. After an introduction by the ed- M. Gupta and E. Arthur Robinson Jr., George Washington itor of the Journal of Online Mathematics and Its Applica- University. SPWM program participants will be asked to de- tions (JOMA), authors who have published in JOMA will talk scribe their experiences. about their materials and their work in general. Authors include David Smith, Duke University, Tom Leathrum, Social Events Updates Jacksonville State University, and John Kiltinen, Northern Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Michigan University. will host an ecumenical Christian service on Sunday, 7:00 The Global Classroom: Live E-Learning over the Web, a.m. to 7:45 a.m. Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m., organized by Marcelle Bess- Mathematical Sciences Institutes Reception, Sunday, man, Jacksonville University and Douglas A. Quinney, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., CRM, CIMACS, the Fields Institute, Keele University, UK. The Global Classroom is a "class- IMA, IPAM, MSRI, and PIMS invite you to a reception where room without walls" that supports interaction between you can talk to their representatives, and learn about their students and a "visiting" scholar and among students all current and future programs and activities (or reminisce gathered in a "classroom" on a virtual campus that resides about their past ones). The participating institutes are Cen- on a server. It supports synchronous, collaborative use of tre de Recherches Mathématiques (Montréal), the Center for common software packages including Mathematica, Maple Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 1416 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 48, NUMBER 11 mtgs.qxp 10/30/01 1:55 PM Page 1417 Meetings & Conferences (New Jersey), the Fields Institute (Toronto), the Institute for Algebraic Topology (Code: AMS SS F1), Robert Bruner, Mathematics and Its Applications (Minneapolis), the Insti- Wayne State
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