L Wisconsin State j .· Unl'lerslty SteHns Point a THE POINTER SERIES VIII, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1970 10 PAGES NO. 15 LSD Goes To Vietnam Retention, Tenure Topic Dr ~ ShrrmPn Drc,yfus. en, 1tudents and faculty mem• t~ Vlelnlmf'lc llm1ua11e. l fe 1,r,•sldcnt Qf the unlvcrahy, left bf!rt. wH 111ked at I pees, confer­ J ..n ll for South Vlctriom to Be-cauu L-ducallon revllallr.a- ence how well he will 00 able •· f,i;h t the othh' WAt" In ti~ l k'lo 11 (ltl rl of the total Vie t. lo converse, In the lanJUa&e, Un} Soulhnat As ian nll\1011. namlu.tk>r, P?"OCt'fll, tw hopff "Only l'flOUll:h lo 11et me In o II,• will be an «tucallon con- to Kl\'C the pooJlle with ""'hon\ ll1tlelroubleat1 cocktlll par. ,ununt for the lh·c- unlvenltles h(• mN!bl 10me ldcu on natlon- ty," he 111ld jokln&ly. !hl'H' In II rontlnulng ln\"Olve-- • 111 purl)Qllc 11nd unity In N!la- Of President's paper m~ nl 1tarl~I by Sh!Vl'N Pnlnt 1\oluhlp lo learnln¥ lnslltutlont. SI /II,• anti lht U.S. A11ency for Dreyfus \s the fourth perlOfl Prl'$klent Dreyfus, In II posl· rcJlrNtnt acceptable 11cademlc amount ol lnlhJcnce over the cl.'St, One Ill the crlterkwl ol lnt,•rnatlonal C>.!ve1<>s11nent In from St('veia Point State 10 Winter Carnival tlori i»per lo department ehalt· und administrative pructlce." retonllon nnd tenure mutten l"l'Spo111 iblllty, which Dreylua \967. make1ucha trl11. Former l'TN;. men and the ac1demlc dcan1, lie continue. !hat It i, not within a department. IO)'I, lies Jn his ofllce, and the ·· rm prc11~ to go bee&~<' Iden! Jnme. Al beruon dJC'd In ,aid "1tudenu should not be the rlt:ht of the dean, vice pre ... As to hb re11100• why l tu· other b the crlt! rlon otrffpon. "'' 1,1•1\1 be 111lklna abou1 the II phane crHh whll(' lt11dlni: a Cl part of the decllloo-m11 klna; ident fOr 11cademlc affair, or. dents thould not be Invol ved 1lblllty fOr 1hole who mu.st live 1 1 1 1 Dedicated To JlrOCHI" In re1ard1 lo lftt re­ the prelldent to 11 1ipoln1 a fll· formally In department.al reten­ with 1he conaequenees of their ~~ i~~n~t11:1n°f1n ~.,:: ::~tr: ~~:ci:io:,n ~ ·8 ~ubs~:;:r~ tenllon and tenure oonsldera• culty m emOCT " 'ho haa been tion mattl'n, Dreyfus .taled deci1lon. 1ii.- 11rol:llenu of the Deferue Eng\ll\ 11nd ill'elldentlal usll• lloril oJ fo.cully member,. not rclolned by lhe respectl,•c !hilt faculty Jeif:Ction ml&ht be· Why 1tudcnl1 caMOt be: In­ 1)1:parlment 11re obviously lo- tnnl Wlllham Vlckentaff wen1 Bertha Glennon TilC stotemenl came In a pa­ dl'1iartmenl. come a popularlly contett or volved In this proceas Is be­ ,tn)', bot somebody hu irot 10 to finish lhe Job, per oulllnln11 his position OI\ r~ As 10 student lnvolveJ,icnl In "c1u1e celebre." lie cited an cause !hey, H he slutH, a ~ b,.• "Wklng on lhe long range Dr. Wln1hrop O. OIUord, dean nie 1970 edition of Winter let'lll<Hl ond l<> nurc 1>n>c:edurn. departml'ntal decl1lons, he Hid exampleofthlsoccurre~at bydeflnlliontrsntlen1. Jlct1ld 1,rolJl.> tn. a nd OOC" of the bla of the w;r11du11te collet1:e, wu Cnmlval " 'HI he dedicated In The pa.pe r came In r<'lponae ooc ol the other campw1c, with· they do not ha\'t to live with a,1M.'i:U of !hat will be the de- sdwduled to !ravel w\1h 0:'ll!Y· honor of Miu Bertha Glennoo, 10a numberofqul."llionsralled :!~;"1!~~ 'nc:1~~y1 ri~"!uc! In lhe Syl!Cffl. i.ny error, ol facully selection. ,elopment ol higher eduullon lw, but hll Itinera ry wu held wt.:> tnuaht Englbh on campus recently ln mottl'r11 Involving mattl'rs. He IDid that allhoul(h He stales " !here a re only two He told tenured mcmher, ol k:idershlp. That's tht' purpose up temporarily, · to 6.000 atudenll helwecn 1940 JlOtiular fucully membcr1 lwll thelrrole ha.snotbet'nlorm.a• erlterla"forde<:ldlngwhothoukl the department must live with or m)' mh1slon." he t'lllplalned. 111(' president announcl'd that and her retl~m,nt l.ut 1prlng. 1emest<> r. Jized they h:1ve a tremendous be part ol the aelectlon pro- their decision. II""'• wlll thb unl\·er,lly bene- his school JJJ'Hently Ls m-gotlat• · Her "orllcl11\" role wlll be lll1 b 11s lc 1m.• mlsc i1 thal " th<! ht rrom tht trip~ Only In the Ing a con1ract to P")\'ldc C'du- llghling a giant JC (U-fed torch faculty of a 1h•en dcpartmenl Jl'nst' lhnt Lt w\11 become a p,ut caTlon consultonlllhlp lo South on the lawn In front ol Oki has both lhe right anti the obU· ol the mulNtream of higher Vietnam durln.-; a hlo'O ye a r 'M ain 8ulldin1 Sunday n Il er• 5:111ion 10 m oke the Initial de­ r.Luc11 tion In tl\l' world. - ll\'tlod. IILJ O\o\'n mlii.slon Is In, noon, Feb. 8 at l p.m. T h e ciilon reac11rtllng the appoint· Dr,•)'1111 wl\l tw gOl'I(' about tended to lay ground work t!X' ceremony "'Ill ,1en111 the begln­ m entor non-a1)fl0l n1ment of 1 ,•ne month. 11nd among the men the 11roject whleh wuuld proba· nhia of acth'ltlet which wi ll ·rnculty memb(or." h,• 1•xpeels to ~'Olller with IJ bly Involve about 1\JI other fa• eon1lnue throuah lhl" followlna Drl'yfus contlnucs by 1lotlng ~ th Vietnam PrHldent Thieu. eulty ml'mben here. Sunday. tho! the role of 1111: d,•partment Othc 1"1 will h(,, go,·ernment lead, Oreyf\1$ hu learned .ame ol A reception for Ml.ls C lennon cholrmon should be, a tter con· ond committeemen wt.:> plan­ sultatlon with 11.'nun'tl members ned the camh·11I " 111 he In the of hi, departmenl, tho! he rec• Wisconsin Room of thl' Unlver, c;mmend to 111, ne.idl.'mlc dcon Haferbecker Named ~lty Centu following the 1orch whM the departm ent hu de­ llghtln&. ltwllibeopento the cided In rt'i;ards to !he l'eten• public. lion of p.11rtlc11!11r faeulty mem· A retldcnt ol her lamlly'.s orl· b<N. glnal home 111 162~ Main St .. she 1111d " I feel \'try much hon· From l,jle academic dean, the Acting President tm,1ter1e~ 1o thevlcl.' 1,trl'S i. ored nl helni;:- choten tor the Dr. Cortlon Haferbcckn w111 Hafl.'r becker has sl'rved al• dedleallon.·· 1tent for academic offnlr, and nmncd 11ctll\( pl'l'lldent for • m:»t II long as 1he •bth prnl· Miu GlenllOl'I h:11 11. double un 10 thl' pre5ide nt of the uni, on..~ month period. dent. E .T. Smllh, 1,1•ho " 'II ap­ tie with the unlver,lty. Besides \'Crilly. He wlll lel'\'e In the absen«­ pointed In the fall o l 1939 and b(ollli 11 n emerl!UI profeuor. TIil' pn.'lldent smld the llnal of Of. Lee Sherman Oreylus dledlnofll«-11yearlater. she alto ll an 11lwnnU1. She Jud(mtn! resu In 111 ofllce. l'ho Smith had been an acllng That oft\« "Is 10 be cerioln " 111 1pend 30 dicy• u 11n re-celved II lhtte•ye11rcenlllcate t'dul.'ltlon consultant for lhe presldNit 1t\·eral montht prior to tl'ach lrom the lnslllutlon, th:it the procedu~ by which g:i,·e rnment ot South Vietnam to l'flCtMlli the job permanent· when It w•s a normal .school. 11 faculty member ~·as Judged 11nd the U.S. Agency for lnlcr• ly. The only other acting ptttl· Later 1he'taught •t hlih 1chools national De,·elopment. Most of dent \lelore that tlme w1110!ar• lnWaup.11ca.W1uke1h11 andSte­ 24 Persons Dreyfus' aulgn01l'nU w\U be in lu W111$0n, a s:eoa:raphy pro, \'eru Polnl on(I eArnrd • btchc­ Sa.1.-:on. leuor, " ·ho filled In 11fte r J ohn lor'.s and mHtl'r'1 de&l'tfl lrom Graduate With The presidl'ney lsn·t new lo F . Sims' death In 1926 . When the Un h·enlly of Wisconsin. Hafl'rbeeker , who durln:: a ~ Smith died, Wauon look O\'er Besides her 1eachlni dutle• Academic Honors ye11 rcareer hH ad,·11 nced lrom the job again for II few months 111 her alma m11ler, 1hr also Th e Un\venlt)' announced te1cher In a onf'.room 1chool unlll Wllllam C. Hansen arrlved advl,eo lhe student newspaper, Friday II gnaduated 24 pertOnl In Lal\illde Coun1y to v I c e In December of t!MO. yearbook, 1 sorority nnd aerved with 1c1demlc dlMlnetlon dur· pre1ldent for academic affair, next Inti the m idyear commencement lnlhe month, Hnterbeck­ 111 laculty 11ecret11ry,treuurer he re. l'r's re.spon1lbllltlet win Include and d!reetor of achool pubUc l1y Sunday, Jan. 18. f'rom January 10 OcL.:>ber ot eonferrlng degrees on the 300 lor tht area nf:'W9 media. Charle, Hlnkt.'. Abbotsford, l!hil, he " 'U acting P"('lldent plu1 ICfllon who will be rradu· rettl>'ed hl1ehe1t honors w It b In the absence of J ame. Al­ ated In the mki-year com• 11 gr11depoln1 SUrpa.llslng 3.i5 Cor bcruon, who l!ke Oreyfua- we nt m entt'mt'nl, represent the 11d· D pl us equlvalentl on a 4 polnl on a 11udy-oblervation· tour ol ministration during winter car­ ,c11le.
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