Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER 1 GROWINGTOGETHER TOGETHER Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 Growing Together 2 Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER TOGETHER Corporate Profile 5 Our Vision 6 Mission/Objectives 7 Chairman’s Statement 8 Board of Directors 10 From the Desk of CEO 13 Senior Management Team 15 Organizational Structure 16 HBL Profile 17 What We Do 18 International Correspondent Network 22 Local Network 25 Report of the Board of Directors 26 CSR and Other Activities of the Bank 30 HBL Additional Disclosure 33 Contents Financials 39 3 GROWINGTOGETHER TOGETHER Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 4 Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER TOGETHER Corporate Profile We at Himalayan Bank believe that we are much a part of society as any other and we have a proactive role to play for those who are striving to rise above their circumstances on the basis of enterprise and effort to pursue their dreams. With a helping hand to assist along the path of progress, these dreams could be achieved. We believe we have a strong role to play in these achievements. We have helped many people to endeavors for growth by stepping in to help finan- stand on their own feet. We have assisted many cially. Whether it is for business establishment or entrepreneurs to set up their businesses and have business growth, manageable social obligation, supported many people in their time of need. Our children’s education, housing needs, medical ex- products have the flexibility to be tailored as per penses etc., we can step in as a helping hand. requirement of our clientele. With so many banks and financial institutions in Himalayan Bank Ltd (HBL) was established in 1993 the market, what makes us so different? Hima- in joint venture with Habib Bank Limited of Pakistan. layan Bank being one of the most experienced Despite the cut-throat competition in the Nepalese banks in the country was established as one of the banking sector, we have been able to maintain a first four private commercial banks and has a sol- lead in the primary banking activities-loans and de- id portfolio of commendable and unimpeachable posits. 5 GROWINGTOGETHER Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 Our Vision Himalayan Bank has the vision of becoming a leading bank of the country by gaining substantial business growth through premium products and services to customers, thus ensuring attractive and substantial returns to all our stakeholders. 6 Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER Our Mission Himalayan Bank’s mission is to become the preferred provider of quality financial services in the country. There are two components to our mission: ‘preferred provider’ and ‘quality financial services’. We believe that our mission will be accomplished only by satisfying these two important components with Objective the customer at the focal point of all our efforts. To become the Bank of first choice is the main objective of the Bank. 7 GROWINGTOGETHER Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 Chairman’s Statement Dear shareholders, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank the Management and staff for their sincere hard work and dedication during the fiscal year. Despite all external challenges, your dedication has helped the bank deliver strong results and maintain its trajectory. The earthquake on April 25, 2015 was economic state of the country. The The Board’s focus has been to instill one of the worst natural calamities banking industry, similar to other in- and practice good corporate gover- the country has experienced in recent dustries, continues to struggle amidst nance and this remains an ongoing history. Thousands of people lost their continuous political and economic priority. The Board will ensure that lives, property worth billions was lost uncertainty. the policies of the Bank are aligned to or damaged and peoples’ livelihoods, The Bank’s performance during the fis- new business needs, and that internal particularly in the fourteen worst hit cal year was encouraging despite the control mechanism are strengthened districts were severely destroyed. Even challenges facing the Nepalese econ- with updated operating manuals and in Kathmandu, people had to resort to omy. The Bank saw good growth in best practice procedures. living in tents and temporary shelter most business verticals. Credit growth The Board is aware of many challeng- for over a month given the magnitude has been strong, despite excess li- es facing the country and will offer and frequency of the aftershocks. On quidity in the market. Deposits con- every support that Management and behalf of the Bank, I would like to offer tinue to grow and the Bank’s focuses staff need to grow the Bank’s busi- my deepest condolences to families on savings deposits have yielded solid ness. We remain encouraged by the who suffered great loss as result of the results. The Bank’s remittance business display of unity in the aftermath of earthquake. has been robust and we remain excit- the earthquake and are hopeful that The people of Nepal showed great ed about its growth and development the ongoing political protests will end promise, resolve and unity in the after- potential. Strong synergies between soon and that the country and indus- math of the earthquake. The political the Bank’s remittance, treasury and tries will return to trajectory of growth parties were able to unify and expe- trade operations have helped us de- and prosperity. Our management and dite the promulgation of the country’s liver high quality services to our cli- staff give us great confidence that the constitution, which was declared on ents, which have contributed strongly Bank will always find new avenues of September 20, 2015. The unity was to the Bank’s overall bottom-line. En- growth through great customer re- short lived, however, with political un- gagement with American Express to lationships and innovative products rest in the Terai disrupting the supply solicit AMEX card acquisition and issu- and services. of fuel and other essentials from the ance business in Nepal puts the Bank Thank you. southern borders. The disruptions in ahead of its competitors. I am confi- the Terai have continued unabated for dent that Management will continue over three months, and its impact on to look for innovative ways to increase trade and the economy is expected to fee based income through the Bank’s Manoj Bahadur Shrestha severely exacerbate the already fragile card operations business. Chairman, Board of Directors 8 Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER 9 GROWINGTOGETHER Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 Board Of Directors Mr. Manoj Bahadur Shrestha Mr. Salim Amlani Chairman First Vice Chairman Mr. Prachanda Bahadur Shrestha Mr. Upendra Keshari Poudyal Director Professional Director 10 Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER Mr. Sushil Bikram Thapa Mr. Krishna Prasad Acharya Director Director Mr. Surendra Silwal Director Mr. Himalaya S. Rana Chief Advisor to the Board 11 GROWINGTOGETHER Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 12 Himalayan Bank Ltd. | Annual Report 2014/15 GROWINGTOGETHER From the Desk of CEO It gives me pleasure to report another successful year for Himalayan Bank in fiscal year 2014-15. Cohesive effort by the staff members and the management has led to growth in all aspects of the Bank. I would like to offer my sincere thanks downgraded. The overall deposit of efficient delivery of services and for to all the staff members and my fel- the bank grew as well and a large part strong control mechanism. The Bank low colleagues in the Management of this increase came in the form of is continuously working to improve its for their hard work. I would also like to low cost savings deposits, where the controls and checks and balances and offer my gratitude to the Board Mem- Bank has been particularly focusing. these efforts will be ongoing in the fu- bers who provided continuous guid- The remittance business of the Bank ture as well. ance to the Management, particularly continues to grow despite increased on strategic issues of the Bank. The competition. As always, the Bank has The political economy of the country country faced one of the worst natu- been continuously exploring new still remains to be in a flux although ral calamities in history with the earth- destinations and corridors to increase majority of the parliamentarians were quake on April 25, 2015 and the after- its remittance business where the able to promulgate the new consti- shocks that we continue to feel to this Bank continues to lead amongst its tution of the country. The ongoing day. The fourteen districts that were competitors. New engagements with protests in the southern parts of the severely affected are still recovering new partners abroad is key, and the country and border disruptions in the from what they had to go through- Bank continues to look for these new last three months have not helped the loss of lives and properties. Reflecting engagements. On the same, the Bank country at all. And we, as a Bank, antici- on one of its pillars of being a good made its presence felt by opening a pate adverse impacts of these protests corporate citizen, the Bank along with representative office in Malaysia. Sim- and disruptions on our overall busi- its joint venture partner Habib Bank ilarly, the focus has also been in pro- ness volume and loan repayments. I Limited, offered in cash and kind, an moting the business through brand am cautiously optimistic about our assistance in excess of Rs 20 million for visibility. And all these efforts will be business in the upcoming fiscal year relief and rehabilitation of the earth- continued in the future.
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