I 1:. DOCUMENT RESUME f, ED 1486i7 SO 010 532 . TITLE Multilat'eral Dilirmament andhe Special Sessibn: Twelfth Conference on the ed Nations of the lext Decade. -.INSTItUTION Stanley Foundation, Musc tine, Iowa.. PUB' DATE '77 . NOTE 56p.; Report of the Conference on the Onited Nations of the Next Decade (12th, San Juan del Rio,MexiCo, June 19-25, 1977); For a related document, see SO 010. 531 . EDRS PRICE Mi-$0.63 k-$3.50 Plu's Postage. DESCRIPTORS , CdnferenceReports; *Conflict ResoIution; *Disarmament; Foreign Countries; Foreign ,Policy; *Futures (of Society); *Global Approach; Government Role; International Law; *Internatonal Organizations; InternatiOnal Relations; Nuclear Warfare; Peace; Problem Solving; *Productive Thinking; Treaties; War;' World Affairs; Worn Prbblems IDENTIFIERS United Nations ABSTRACT - The report discusses issues -relating to multilateral disarmament in the context of the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly to be convened in 1978. Intended as a forum for the exchange of ideas of govWiMent leaders from the United- States and other'nations about 'the international peace-keeping role of the United Nations, the Conference ordered discussion topics so , that they would parallels the agendi,'proposed for the United Nations Special Session, The four-'part agenda is as follows:" CO review of 'the international arms race and examination of. the relationship between disarmament, international peace, and economic development; '(2). ddoption of a declaration of 'disarmament which would entail a firm commitment to action by national governments;(3) adoption ofi program of action on dis-armament;.and '(4)review of the role of Vie United Nations in disarmament. Presented in outline,format, the, . report is designed to reflect the essence of group discussions on , disarmament topics, including arm's limitation treatiei,..new weapons, escalating proliferation, the SALT talks, principle's of,disarmamente# -Peaceful'pgclear explosions, pass destfucttonc military budgets, .world Se rity, and international compliance with disarmament agreemen : ",A directoO of conferenceparticipants and comments by . the colt evence 'Chairman, Mexican governme t officials, and the United c., f3 Wations Secretary General are presented. eauthor /DB) 4 4,-,. pocuments acquired by ERIC include mtny infoTmal unpublished materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort toobtainthe best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal reProdUcibility are often encountered and this' affects the quality .Qf the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available via the ERIC Documknt Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS7ks nctrresps.niple for the quality of the original document. Reprodu9tions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the oriOmal. 7._ 4 Multilateral . Disikamament and the Special-Session' e "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATION L WELFARE NA TIONALANSTITUTE OF EDUCATION Spa THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM oti(ie/di THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF vIEW;Dit OPINIONS TO THE EDLIATI AL RESOURCES "STATED DO NOTNECESSARILv REPRE- INFORMATION CtIklR lERICI AND SENT OFFICLAIAorTIONAL INSTITUTE OF USERS OF THE ERIC SXISTEM EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY =7--Newor Twelfth Conference on the United NationS.. of the Next 'Decade San Juan del Rio, Mexico June 19. 25,1977 a "0 4 N. Sponsored by THE STANLEY FOUNDATION Muscatine, Jowa,52761, U.S.A. '2 1 a. The II:yetiConference7 on e United Natiops of tpe Next Decade, assemb d internationaltatesmen, diplorhats, 'and scholars at San J an del Rio,.Mexi under the auspices of The Stanley Fotin- dati n. Their deliberions on the topic "Multilateral Disarmament, and the' Special Session" approached the vital issue of disarma- ment in the 'context of the Special Session of the U.N. Gtneral 7 Assembly to pa convened id 1978. The topics discussed at this /conference parallel thetfour-part agenda proposed bY the Prep- ' aratory Committee for the Special Session. Review and Appraisal; Declaration on Disarmament:Program of Actionon Disarma- ment; and U N. Role and International Machinery for Negototion. ,A Variety of topics concerning the increased effectiveness of he United Nations were considered at eleven earlier conferences: 4 n F ncisco, California, U.S.A ,1965, Burgenstock, Switzerland, 1967; Du i, Yugoslavia, 1968, Quebec, Canada, 1969, Fre- densborg, Denqrark, 1970; Simla, Romania. 1971; South Egre-' mont, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 1972; Amalfi, Italy, 1973, Vail, Colo- rado, U.S.A., 1974; Baden bei Wien, Austria, 1975, and Charlottes- ville, Virginia, U.S A., 1976 Participants have offered suggestions to encourage nation-states to maximize their participation and Support ofthe United Nations. The time focus of these conferences hbeen the next decade; in order to avoid undue concentrati on today's crises and unwarranted attention to utopian o lectives. Conference participants have been knowledgeable about the United Nations and persazally convinced that it needs to playa , more viable role in world affairs. They have participated as individuals rather than as representatives of government. ' The format of this conference has been an informal off-the- record exchange of ideas and opinions. No time has be,e. spentin the presentation and debate of prepared papers or positions. No 0 effort has been exerted to achieve consensus where difference of opinion has been noted. The Conference Report has been prepared by the rapporteurs to reflect the essence of discussions. The report is distributed in the hoptetat it will simulate study, tesearch and education with respect the United Nations and its ital role in achieving international peade and security and a better world..Additional copies of this report are available free of charge from The Stanley Foundation. Contents I Foreword Inside Front Covet Conference Participants V 1 ConferenCe Report Multilateral Disarmament andIthe SpectakSess o 3 airmar4 Statement Opening Remarks 36 Pbtervations 42 :Mexican Government Recognition - A Audience withlhe'President , 47 . Foreign Ministry Reception 48 . .. 4 Message from SeCretary3Gederal KurtWaldheim. 49 - . References.. 53. The Stanley dundation ? Inside Back Cover 4 I w. s . 1r- 7 Conference % Participants 1 CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN: C. MAXInLL STANLEY President. The Stanley Foundation , . \-- . IOBAL MUNI) Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations .. vliAAI) ALFARARSI Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Egypt to the United Nation; . CARLOS ALZAMORA . PermanentRepresentative of Peru to theUnited Nations I 2. UVIU ROTA \ ' Political Affairs Officer, U.N. Centre for Disarmament . _. WILLIAM BUFFUM . it Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs,Vnited Nations ION OATCU - P Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations - . - WIRY BRINE * . - Deputy Permanegt Representative of.the U.S.S.R. to the United Nations .. , .., %ALFONSO SARCk ROBLES Permanent Representative of Mexico to the Conferbnce of the Committee on Disarmament and former Foreig f *nister of Mexico .RALPH HARRY . Permanent Representativo.of Australia 4) theUnited Nations . 1 DAVIDSON HEPBURN '\ Deputy Permanent Representative of the Bahama?. the United Nations. RIKHI JAIPAL , ) Permanent Representative of India to trig united Nations.,one . .. WHIRYK JAROSZEK , Permanent Representative of the Polish People's Republic to United Nations 1 finSAN KOMAI1Nk .0---' , Assistant FederalSecretary of Foreign Affairs. Yugoslavia / . ,MIRE HOOVES Head of Department of United Nations, International Organizations tnd Disartaament Affairs, Hungary t 5 . 1 a ; JAMES LEONARDi Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations ' JACQUES LEPRETTE I Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations .CHARLIS G. MAN. / Permanent Representative of KenyaMilleUnited Nations WIWAM MAYNES a .Assistant Secretary of State for,Internaticinal Organization Affairs, U S Department of State - GRIGORLY I. MOROZOV . °Chief of International Organizations Division. Instituteof World Economy and Interna- tional Relations; U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences a JAMES MURRAY - ., Deputy Permanent Representative of the United,Kingiomto the United Natrona , ., mtiToo. osiso ( Representative of Japan to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament ILKKA PASTINEN Permanent Repretntativeof Finland to the United Nations HELLMUTH ROTH . For er Federal Government Commissionerior Arms Contrcrand Disarmament, Fe eral Republicf Germany PIERO 111 CI Permanent Representative of Itily to the United Wations LAWRENCE WEILER-, Adjunct Professor, Political Science, Associate Director.. Arms Control and Disarma- ment Prograin, Stanford University , ALDIANDER ARKIN^ Permanent Representative.of Bulgiaria to the united Nations MUT ZHUNKIN. Deputy Director, institute of U.S.A. and Canada Studies; U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences 0.,4 .7. CONFERENcE TAFF : RAPPORTEURS: DAVID M. ST NLEY Senior P rtner, Stanley, Lande, Coulter and Pearce JOHN R. REDICK Research Director, The Stanley Foundation CONFERENCE DIRECTOR: JACK M. SMITH Executi4e Director. The StanleyFoundation 2 ' ° CONFERENCE REPORT* Multii.ateral Disarmament -7 . and the . s7ecial Session OPPORTUNITIES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION ON DISARMAMENT' The participants in this conference welcome the Special Session of the General Assembly 'devotedto disarmament, to be held in 1978. TheSpecial Session is an opportunity to take a flesh approach to this
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