No. 27 587 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 1985 ~ The Rehabilitation League N.Z. (Incorporated), Wellington Royal Commission on the Electoral System Branch Order 1985 DA YID BEATTIE, Governor-General ORDER IN COUNCIL ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God Queen of New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 17th day Defender of the Faith: of January 1985 Present: To Our Trusty and Well-beloved THE HONOURABLE JOHN HAMILTON WALLA CE, of Auckland, a Judge of the High Court THE HON. G. W. R. PALMER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL of New Zealand, JOHN HADDRICK DARWIN, of Wellington PURSUANT to section 4 of the Disabled Persons Employment former Government Statistician, KENNETH JAMES KEITH, of Promotion Act 1960, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting Wellington, University Professor, RICHARD GRANT MULGAN on the recommendation of the Minister of Labour made after of Dunedin, University Professor, and WHETUMARAMA consultation with the unions, associations, and organisations referred WERET A, of Wellington, Research Officer: to in section 5 of that Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, hereby makes the following order. GREETING: KNOW YE that We, reposing trust and confidence in your integrity, ORDER knowledge, and ability, do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint you, the said THE HONOURABLE JOHN HAMILTON WALLACE, I. Title-This order may be cited as the Rehabilitation League JOHN HADDRICK DARWIN, KENNETH JAMES KEITH, N.Z. (Incorporated), Wellington Branch, Order 1985. RICHARD GRANT MULGAN, and WHETUMARAMA 2. Exemption-The ·wellington Branch of the Rehabilitation WERETA to be a Commission to receive representations upon, League N.Z. (Incorporated), an organisation approved* by the inquire into, investigate, and report upon the following matters: Minister of Labour under section 3 of the Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960, under its former name of Dis­ I. Whether any changes to the Jaw and practice governing the abled Re-established League (Incorporated) is hereby granted conduct of Parliamentary elections are necessary or desirable: exemption in respect of its sheltered workshop at 405 Hutt Road, 2. Whether the existing system of Parliamentary representation Lower Hutt, from- (whereby in respect of each electoral district the candidate with (a) All the provisions of every award and agreement that would the highest number of votes is elected as the Member of otherwise apply to persons employed in that workshop; Parliament for that district) should continue or whether all or and a specified number or proportion of Members of Parliament (b) The Minimum Wage Act 1945, the Holidays Act 1981, and should be elected under an alternative system or alternative sections 10 (2) (b) and 15 of the Factories and Commercial systems, such as proportional representation or preferential Premises Act I 981. voting: P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. 3. Whether the number of Members of Parliament should be *Gazette, I 974, page 1396 increased, and, if so, how many additional Members of 12 Parliament there should be: 588 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 27 4. Whether the existing formulae and procedures for determining Appointments, Promotio,•1s, Extensions, Transfers, Resignations, the number and boundaries of electoral districts should be and Retirements of Officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force changed, and, in particular,- (a) Whether the redistribution of electoral districts should be PURSUANT to section 35 of the Defence Act 1971, His Excellency based on total population or adult population: the Governor-General has approved the following appointments, (b) Whether the allowance of five percent by which the promotions, extensions, transfers, resignations, and retirements of population of an electoral district may vary from the quota officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force. should be changed: (c) Whether the membership and functions of the Representation Commission and the time limits and procedures governing its functions should be changed: REGULAR AIR FORCE (d) The feasibility of some form of appeal from decisions of PROVOST MARSHALL the Representation Commission: Wing Commander (temp. Group Captain) P. J. Hughan is 5. The nature and basis of Maori representation in Parliament: appointed Provost Marshall of the Royal New Zealand Air Force 6. The term of Parliament: with effect from 16 November 1984, vice Group Captain M. E. A. 7. To what extent referenda should be used to determine Dillon. controversial issues, the appropriateness of provisions governing GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH the conduct of referenda, and whether referenda should be Appointments legislatively binding: The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commissions in 8. Whether the present limits on election expenses are appropriate the rank of Flying Officer, with seniority from 12 October I 983, and whether any limits on such expenses should be extended and effect from 13 December 1984: to political parties and to the amount of individual or total donations candidates or parties receive and whether such Robert Shaun Clark, B.SC. (189593). expenses should be defrayed wholly or in part by State grants Gregor IainrMcKenzie, B.SC. (E8991 l). and the conditions, if any, which should apply to such grants: Edward Huybrecht Poot, B.SC. (U89879). 9. Any other question relating to the electoral system which you The following Officer Cadets are appointed to commissions in may see fit to inquire into, investigate, and report upon: the rank of Pilot Officer, with seniority from the date shown, and And We hereby appoint you the said THE HONOURABLE JOHN effect from 13 December 1984: HAMILTON WALLA CE to be the Chairman of the said Mark Pitt, B.SC. (P90932), 10 October 1983. Commission: Paul Francis Hughes (X90986), 29 August 1984. And for the better enabling you to carry these presents into effect Vernon John Clark (C229 I 0), 29 August 1984. you are hereby authorised and empowered to make and conduct Donald Laming (190122), 29 August 1984. any inquiry or investigation under these presents in such manner and at such time and place as you think expedient, with power to Christopher James Hutchison (Q91117), 29 August 1984. adjourn from time to time and place to place as you think fit, and Graeme Edward Perry (X91055), 29 August 1984. so that these presents shall continue in force and any such inquiry Owen Phillip Bieleski (Q90450), 29 August 1984. may at any time and place be resumed although not regularly Ian Andrew McCarroll (S90866), 29 August 1984. adjourned from time to time or from place to place: Promotions And you are hereby strictly charged and directed that you shall not at any time publish or otherwise disclose, save to His Excellency The following Wing Commanders (temp. Group Captains) to be the Governor-General, in pursuance of these presents or by His Group Captain with seniority and effect from the date shown: Excellency's direction, the contents of any report so made or to be P. J. Hughan, 19 January 1985. made by you, or any evidence or information obtained by you in G. J. W. Goldsmith, A.F.C., 20 January 1985. the exercise of the powers hereby conferred on you, except such evidence or information as is received in the course of a sitting Squadron Leader T. W. Medcalf to be' Wing Commander with open to the public: seniority from 22 December 1984, and effect from 7 January 1985. And it is hereby declared that the powers hereby conferred shall Squadron Leader R. I. Booth to be acting Wing Commander with be exercisable notwithstanding the absence at any time of any one effect from 7 January 1985, and Wing Commander with seniority or any two of the members hereby appointed so long as the and effect from 9 January 1985. Chairman or a member deputed by the Chairman to act in his The following Flying Officers to be Flight Lieutenant with seniority stead, and at least two other members, are present and concur in and effect from I August 1984: the exercise ofthe powers: D. J. Davidson. And We do further ordain that you have liberty to report your J. Benson-Cooper, B.SC. proceedings and findings under this Our Commission from time to Pilot Officer B. S. Gault to be Flying Officer with seniority and time if you shall judge it expedient to do so: effect from 11 January 1985. And, using all due diligence, you are required to report to His Extensions of Commission Excellency the Governor-General in writing under your hands, not later than the 31st day of October 1986, your findings and opinions The commissions of the following Squadron Leaders are extended on the matters aforesaid, together with such recommendations as to the date shown: you think fit to make in respect thereof: B. M. Butterfield, 15 March 1992. And, lastly, it is hereby declared that these presents are issued D. A. Bamfield, 16 November 1993. under the authority of the Letters Patent of Her Majesty Queen Transfers to Reserve Elizabeth the Second constituting the office of Governor-General of New Zealand, dated the 28th day of October 1983*, and under Wing Commander Clifford Frederick Leslie Jenks is transferred the authority of and subject to the provisions of the Commissions to the Reserve of Air Force Officers until 21 December 1986, with of Inquiry Act 1908, and with the advice and consent of the effect from 22 December 1984. Executive Council of New Zealand. Flight Lieutenant Brian David Grierson is transferred to the In witness whereof We have caused this Our Commission to be Reserve of Air Force Officers until 6 January 1989, with effect from issued and the Seal of New Zealand to be hereunto affixed at 7 January 1985. Wellington this 18th day of February 1985.
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