LII-NO. 31 PnblUhed Week* Rotor* u tn« CUt* Nil) On— " THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER \, 1960 At P O.. Woodkrilra, N J. PRICB TEN CENTS Unaii, aodio 6 to Get Subpoenas v Go For Start of Inquiry «*• 1S(\ Industrial j\Iay Mrrjjr — An ordin- Into Town Practices the position ip Busiiir.ss Adminls-J 1 be introduced at. the K a s v dinii to Oonurrit- Listed Purchase | Jnlm Fvimkn. chair- Administration On Us. r Bt-itiiird M. Hart-' F° Radar Check Methods PV City, is admittedly Wa WOODBR1DUE — A |X)hce mdai .cam to check speednm (in HIP new post, lrfnuui Evanko WOOUBRIDOE At the re- I" WoodbritlRe Township, will br-niu --••ptt-mbrr 6. according Frfdi'ilck M. Adnins (Hirst of Ambrose Miuniy. pies-, to Police Commissioner David T. Mlllrr. is 'no firm cnramlt- of the Middlesex Waterj Meanwhile, the team is operatic each day in various Subject Company, Mayor Frederick M., MCtlons of the Township, handing on:, warning notices Artiims admitted the. .Adams has lifted the restrlc-, BnSet. , AII^AlberH t MartiMartinn anand Patrplmmi William Reid are^ W OODBRIDGE — Next tin- new Administra-i tion on watering Hardens and' .alhl,, lh(1 radai, eqUjpment) Wednesday at 7 P. M,, at O» •in in the neighbor-: washing cars during the **•>„„„„. tne direction of Lieut, Municipal ' Building lias been |i::nno to $u,ooo" be- '"-'nt hours, ., Joseph ' McUughlin. set as the time and place fof SJIHI. "we found nut Mr. Mundy wrote U. May* Radll!. cnecks wlll bp madr Extra Jobs the first public hearing* in Utt Ki't a qualified ninn j Adams: foUows: investigation of Township it* nan tlwt sum," "It appears to us that with! September 6. Railway Avenue, (airs, Lewis S. Jacobson, special Mr Evanko reveal- tiic approach of cooler weather woodbnetge: Carteret counsel, announced today. it is now safe H> drop the re- S3: OK lor Cops iiiinitioi' is studying; Port Reading: New Dover Road Subpoenas will be Issued to* il ,• fit consolidating! :.sti ICIions on the use of water colonia. .. ... WOODBRIDGE — Wood- morrow, Mr. Jacobson said, but A : ptiM.i with the Ad-j itual were lmpoted.diu4n«^41»-..8eptmt^'r.'HMv)r Bnm8irlek;bri<HTe Township ne refused to Teveat names tffl1- past uo months when excessive * position, thus THIS IS WllERK THE KITf IIT-IN WILL BE: Herbert (iranich, Mountainside a'devf loper in this area, who is volun- Avenue. Fords and HopelaWn nmy hold outside part-time tU the witnesses are served. jpeak demands were more likely i^i^/J UAIH OI-yfiMi liW^iJ^ :__!_. i_. ai. _i _ ~. _. _ I** i ._ One ol the; teering to ruordinatf re pUring the burned home of David Jackson and bis 11 children, is shown coin* over plain, with and Main Street, Fords.. jobs as IOIIK as It does not ln- "However," the attorney said, 1 to be encot'mtered. to be that dome members of the committee. Above left to right, are Joseph Fennelly, Mayor Frederick M. Adams, Mr. (iranieh. Septembei », Route 35. Wood-jterfere with their work in the 'the witnesses will be question- Should it w«ain l Ctmimhvrioner now' Mm. Walter Zlrpolo, chairman nf the JnrkNnn r'amUy Fund Committee; Mr, Jackson, and Miss Ruth Wolk, of Tfcf bridge: OWED . Street, IseUn; [department, it WM teamed to- ed a* to the manner of keep* • — because of heavy ivid Qutraan, who' Independent-Leader staff. Middlesex Avenue, Iselin and'day. ing records, check* on purchas- I peak loads due to weather con-, Colonia. oi::trd by the Demo- Police Chief 'John R. Bgan es and payments of items and '.ditions, we would respectfullyi September £ West Avenue | !.• fltcy went out of J ~. A T, J .saisaidd fonnformewr MMayoa Mr mHug h h B, commodities." i request your cooperation in re- •iiibt-r 111 a"l^rt?lad"lft andQuigley told the officers at a • imposing the. reslrictions now Railway Avenw, Avew? He further stated he has met vn:ik.(i it lusod •, to re- Memorial Day inspection he in effect to safeguard the resi- with the Township auditor and i position, but Pre-Fab House for Jacksons "some of the material is in- | dents in the area served by the • Continued on PaRe 2 it a critical I other jobs "if it did not pre- •Company." dicative that the probe will be not tifi late Democratic jvent them from being good Meanwhile the Public Util- productive." bent wus that Of Pur- /^MO1 policemen." ities Commission bus ordered "Not less than »ix nor more :.int licld by Michael Board •the Water Corapaav to under- "A number of our policemen than eight persons will be bin Mr KvRiiko de- Ordered, but Mora Help is Needed hold part-time Jobs because subpoenaed for each session," take five construction projects] r* , • immi'iil mi the pos- Mr. Jacobson continued. "How- total in the fund is $3.773.6(S Siinday School rooio-oi the Co-(designed to improve water set jthey find it difficult,, to meet tnir.'-fi'rniiR those WOODBRIDOE - Two large SJ5.U0 r! -1 #j Ofl I Ilff I ulll their obligations on a poliCe- ever, sometimes only one or t«O S. Buddy Harris, Ladies' Aux-!which leaves little with which tojlonla Baptist Ch.ur.oa ancfWuig vice in the Township and sur-i r Business Admin-donation* received this week anan's salary especially if they person* roan be heard, depend- iliary of Iselin VFW. Ifinish the Interior of the house, meals With .a'^ifc^jbor,, Mr. rounding areas, In a seven-ni - O ing on the amount of %tt made ft possible fur the ..J™ 'und nrnvirt* eltmtbint. hestinj JrscVson eriProk^'Vftft virtWfc. $Jv State cuinmji large (he (*Jef (ti'i bu.ut-t only hi Jli.00 land provide plumbing, heating Sbckson ., £8<-h_nes»ion ,wiU Family Fund Commit- tie lost his' ( mony. at b ¥. si., or s* jjdej the •s approximately a jthat the projects can be "mote Asked If he had found ago,: Tuesday, will not be introduced U> that tUne a* possible. It will but .•flttc6khii.1i orhirh will be the ba«ts in the area Donations may4)6 sent to The|reasonably realized by the com- officers have reported off sick, »?1IH not surprise me that the heir- Independent i Leader. Qreen|pflny" as in the case In New York,' In announced wl l Peptember 20. th«re|jnd his u motr*rless children, ware. order to work at their other ^ " continue well into some materials and labor, also Street. Woodbridge. Checks; The commission agreed last volume oi secretarial work still -.. en. .,,,mPy 1,, the December." $3.1)0 several individuals also have should be drawn in the name of Thursday to give the Middlesex unfinished. Mayor Frederick J°bs' CWef ^&a Wlled nP Two detectives from the Treat Shop Delicaciei;. volunteered to contribute labor. the Jackson Family Fund. Water Company an extension M. Adams said today. |had not r°llIld tlwt t0 >» the \ Township Police Department, extent that the shell could be: $2.09 The shell will be delivered in The Jackson Family Fund of time oh the construction of He was not certain whether Arnold Houser and Rohfirt ordered were, $500 from Mr.! three weeks and will be put, up Committee, oi which Mrs. Zir- a transmission main between the ordinance will be intro- Police Commissioner David T. Schifibci Family. Thompson, have been assigned iuud Mrs. Walter Zirpolo, andj by Weyerhauser, Inc., in a day. polo is chairman, hopes the var- the Park Avenue well field in duced at the following meet- Miller cpuld not be reached for $1.00 to Mr. Jacobson. $100 from Wllltam Nemeth. all ious organizations, which did South Plainfield and the Lehigh Ing, September 20, or at an ad- comment as he is bn? vacation, Cole's Corner Grocery and! The Jackson home was de- "The Township Engineer and •r Rolent ..Catania. isUoyedbya flash fire early this not meet .during the. summer; Valley Railroad. However, thejouraed.. meeting, so ..Uie .public toil Mayor Frederick M. Adams Grocery. the Township Auditor have al- -• will send in donations after PUC turned down a company hearing could be held apart said he agreed with former Other donations received ] The pre-fabricated shell wllHsummer. Since then the fam- so been made available to me," their first meeting1 this month.; request to rescind an order "to from the regular Township Mayor Quigley. week were as follows: !co«t approximately $3,000. Thellly has been sleeping in the the counsel revealed. "Paul I opic Wo any and all things necessary meeting. I don't care whether they to adequately provide sufficient Burns, Newark, a certified court , At the public meeting called tiold outside jobs as long as it •eportet has also been assigned KilKiK One hun- water at sufficient, pressures to by the Planning Board, Nor 1 dbes not interfdfe* "with their to take the court reports and 'ui in n teachers In Paper's TaxL 'Candidates' %/tf DeathReveals meet the demands of Its cus- man Tanzman, chairman, an- one ipork as policemen — as long as operate the recording machine.". .I;I •rliool system are tomers." nbunced that the Board, by •'! i» an all-day i work for the time the It Is understood, that wit- The PUC had ordered previ- 5 to 4 vote, had approved zon-jTownship pays them. Of course, innnijnn today. ously that the construction of ing of,.the Route 1 and nesses will have the right to f id Thomas G. Stand Target Aim of Women's Lea#ueS$5,000 Cache if they report 'off sick' as some ask for.private hearings.
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