Index Ackel, George, 93 Before Dawn, 59 Brothers, Frankie, 122, 124 Ackel, Thad, 87 Belmont Stakes, 62, 70, 85, 88, 91 Broussard, Ray, 57 Alabama Stakes, 38 Benoit, Evelyn, 23, 74, 75, 136, 163, 193 Brown, H. H. “Curley,” 41 Albarado, Robby, 68, 95 Benoit, Tab, 193 Brown, Martin, 23, 147 American Turf Association, 42 Benson, Gayle, 71, 163 Brown, Mrs. Joe W., 59 Amoss, Tom, 21, 101, 105, 128, 136, 147, 149, Benson, Tom, 163 Bryant, Tim, 68 151, 157, 159, 213, 216 Bentley, Tony, 142, 145 Buckra, 41 announcer’s booth, 142 betting, 145, 147 Buckwa, 41 Answer Lively, 65 birthday parties, 135 bull and bear fights, 36 antebellum days, 35 Black Chip Stable, 59 Burns, Tommy, 41 Arabi, Louisiana, 91 Black Gold, 47, 50, 63, 73 Businessmen’s Racing Association, 47 Arcaro, Eddie, 54 Blame, 69 Butler, Benjamin, 36 Armored Car Incorporated, 21 “Bobtail Nag,” 36 Bywater, 19 Ashado, 65 Bossier City, Louisiana, 66 Asmussen, Steve, 65, 68-71 boxing, 36 Calder Race Course, 68 Boyd, Bonnie Baird, 21, 135 Caldwell, J. F., 40 Bacon, Mary, 101 Bradley, E. R., 50 Caldwell & Lamothe, 40 Bailey, Vicky, 87 Brady, “Diamond Jim,” 42 Calhoun, Bret, 70, 105 Baird, Robert, 136 Breaux, Gustav, 38 California, 115 Banks, Nathaniel P., 36 Breeders’ Cup Classic, 59, 63, 69 Call Me George, 71 Barrera, Angel, 62 Brittlyn Stable, 23, 136, 163, 193 Calumet Farm, 57, 59, 94 baseball, 36 Broadview Joe, 146 Campbell, John, 40 Bayou Breeders’ Cup Handicap, 66 Brocato, Angelo, III, 74, 146 Camp Foster, 41 Beauregard Square, 196 broken bones, 148 Camptown Races, 36 221 Canterbury Park, 68 Curlin, 68 Association, 57 capital improvements budget, 196 Custer, George Armstrong, 38 Fair Grounds Corporation, 54 Carencro, Louisiana, 95 Fair Grounds Oaks, 57, 59, 62, 65-66, 68, 70 Carnival season, 23 D’Abadie Street, 127 Fair Grounds Racing Hall of Fame, 59, 69-70, carrots, 122 Daly, Bill, 41 153 Cattarinich, Joseph, 54 Damask, 50 Faucheux, Ron, Jr., 105 Champagne, Chris, 23, 128, 136, 146, 213 Dance Man, 93 Fertel, Ruth, 128, 132 Chicago, Illinois, 50 Davis, Quint, 151, 196 Festival Productions, 151, 196 children, 21 Day Off, 54 fire of 1919, 47 Chris Steak House, 128 debutante parties, 135 fire of 1993, 63, 149, 151, 153 Christmas, 23, 41, 57 Delahoussaye, Eddie, 88, 95 Fisher, Charles T., 57 Chrysler, Walter, 57 Della, Richie, 146 Flora Temple, 36 Churchill Downs, 66, 69, 80, 87, 114, 124, Dempsey, Jack, 50 fog, 159 196, 216 Derby Day, 19 Fortus, Bob, 85, 151, 185 City Park, 213 Derby Place, 128 French Market, 146 City Park racetrack, 42, 47 Devol, George, 36 Friesan Fire, 68 Civil War, 36 Dez Days, 193 Frogtown, 38 Claiborne Farm, 105 Diliberto, Buddy, 145 Funny Cide, 65 Clang, 54 DiMarco, Tony, 153 F. W. Gaudin Memorial, 69 Clark, John F., 54 Dorignac, Joe, 59, 75, 121 clubhouse, 36, 40, 50, 63, 66, 136 Duncan F. Kenner Stakes, 69 Gainesway Farm, 88 coffee stands, 136 Dupuy, C. L., 57 Galba, 62 Colonel Power, 59, 62 Durante, Jimmy, 19 Gallant Fox, 54 Concern, 63 Gallier, James, Jr., 38 concessions, 200 Easterbrook, Richard, 38 galloping, 113 Congo Square, 196, 200 Eclipse Award, 59, 62 gambling, 213 Conner, William, 40 Eddy and Associates, 54 Garrett, Pat, 41 Coombs (jockey), 41 Eddy, Robert S., Jr., 54 Garrison, Ed “Snapper,” 41 corned beef, 21 El Baba, 59 Gates, “Bet A Million” John, 42 Costa Rising Stakes, 69 electric lights, 40 Gaudin, Felix, 135 Cottrill, William, 38 Endymion, Krewe of, 127, 132 Gentilly-Broad area, 127 Cream Cheese Louis, 146 equine influenza, 38 Geroux, Florent, 71 Creole Course, 36 equine millionaire, 63 Gill, James, 19 Crescent City Derby, 41, 50 Ethan Allen, 36 Glaudi, Hap, 109, 145 Crescent City Junior Championship, 47 GMB Racing Stable, 163 Crescent City Steak House, 128 Fair Grinds Coffeehouse, 132 Golden Chance Farm, 59 Crump, Diane, 101 Fair Grounds Breeders and Racing Golden Soul, 70 222 THE FAIR GROUNDS THROUGH THE LENS Graham, James, 71 I’m A Chatterbox, 70 Lamothe, Leon, 40 Grand Inaugural Post Stakes, 38 infield, 196, 200, 203 Lanerie, Corey, 71, 95 grandstand, 40, 42, 47, 63, 66, 136, 146 Infield Festival, 69 Lang, Chick, 50 Grannan, Riley, 42 International Star, 70 Lecomte, 35-36, 153 Grant, Ulysses S., 40 Letellier, John S., 54 Gray, Fletcher and Carolyn, 70 James, Frank, 42 Lettuce Farm, 62 Great Depression, 50 James, Jesse, 42 Lexington (racehorse), 35-36, 38, 153 Great Post State Stakes, 35 Jefferson Downs, 59, 62, 74, 146 Life on the Metairie, 36, 153 Greentree Stable, 54 Jefferson Park, 47, 50, 54 Lind, Angus, 19, 74-75, 88, 95, 101, 105, 132, Grindstone, 63 Jerome, Leonard, 38 135, 142, 145-46, 149, 185, 216 Gunst, Mose, 42 jockeys, 40-42, 68-69, 74, 83-84, 95, 101, 116, Linkage, 59 Guy, 50 119, 127-28, 136, 147-48 Little Sisters of the Poor, 88 John Henry, 59 Liuzza’s by the Track, 128 Hallowed Dreams, 62, 65 Jones, Aaron, 62 live music, 159 Halstrom, Eric, 68 Jones, Sam, 54 Locke Law, 47 handicappers, 127, 142, 146 Longden, Johnny, 54 Harrison, E., 38 Kandaly, 193 Louisiana Champions Day, 62-63 Headley, Hal Price, 57 Keeneland, 94 Louisiana Derby, 41, 50, 54, 57, 59, 62-63, 65- Heitai, 71 Kenner, Duncan, 40 66, 69-71, 73-75, 87, 91, 124, 147, 185, 193 Helis, William G., 54 Kentucky, 114 Louisiana Downs, 66, 85, 157 Help On The Way, 57 Kentucky Derby, 47, 50, 63, 65, 68, 70, 73, 87- Louisiana Fair Grounds Course, 36 Hero of Order, 69 88, 93, 115, 185, 216 Louisiana Handicap, 57, 74 Hi Henry, 41 Kerrigan, Mike, 127 Louisiana Jockey Club, 36, 38, 40 Hildreth, Samuel, 42 King Ranch, 57 Louisiana Lottery, 38 Hodges, Louis, Jr., 135, 142, 149, 153, 216 Krantz, Bryan, 21, 132, 151, 153 Louisiana State Racing Commission, 54, 203 Hollywood (racehorse), 38 Krantz, Marie, 153 Luling, Florence, 38 Honey Mark, 59 Krantz, Vickie, 151, 153 Lyne, Lucien, 42 Honor Medal, 62 Krantz family, 62 Hook, Mike, 62 Krone, Julie, 101 Madden, John, 41 Hoot, Rosa, 50 Maher, Danny, 41 horse owners, 118 Labrot, Sylvester W., Jr., 54 Malagra, 62 horse’s fitness, 112-13 LaCombe, Allen, 142, 145 Mandina’s, 151 horse’s language, 112 Lafayette, Louisiana, 95 Mardi Gras Indians, 208 Howard, Charles, 38 Lagniappe Stage, 205 Marigny, 19 Hurricane Betsy, 59 Lakeview Harbor, 128 Marriage, 57 Hurricane Katrina, 19, 66, 69, 84, 157 Lamarque, Natasha, 93 Master Derby, 59 Lamarque, Ronnie, 21, 62, 85, 87-88, 91, 145, 193 Mechanics’ and Agricultural Fair Grounds, 36 Index 223 Melancon, Francis “June,” Jr., 23, 74, 147 New Orleans Jockey Club, 42 Preservation Hall Jazz Band, 205 Metairie Cemetery, 35, 38 New Year’s Handicap, 50 press box, 159 Metairie Course, 35-36, 38, 153 New York, 115, 124 “Pride of New England,” 36 Metairie Jockey Club, 35-36, 40 nighttime racing, 159 Prima, Louis, 19 Metairie Trotting and Pacing Club, 36 North Wind, 42 Proud Spell, 68, 70 Meters, the, 205 Nott, G. W., 40 Meyerhoff, Robert E., 63 Rachel Alexandra, 68-70 Mike’s Red, 59 oats, 122 racing charts, 41 Miller, Austin, 68 O’Conner, Winnie, 41 racing season, 185, 200 Mineshaft, 65 off-track betting, 213 Ramsey, Ken and Sarah, 70 Minor, William J., 35 Olympia Brass Band, 205 Real Quiet, 65 Moise, Theodore, 36 opening day, 23 rebuilding, 153 Monarchist, 38 ostrich races, 159 Reconstruction, 36, 40 Mooney, John, 50 Overbrook Farm, 63 Red Camelia, 57 Moore, T. G., 38 Red Rose, 47 mornings, 159 paddock, 153, 163 Revolutionary, 70 Morris, Francis, 38 Palace Malice, 70 Rhode, George, III, 200 Morris, John A., 38 Palmetto Club, 50 Risen Star, 21, 62, 85, 87-88, 91, 94, 145, 193 Morris Park, New York, 38 Palms Garden, 47, 142 Robideaux, Larry, 124 Moss, Maggi, 69-70, 119 Pants On Fire, 69 Robideaux, Larry, Jr., 70 Mo Tom, 71 Pan Zareta, 47, 73 Romanov, Alexis, 38 Mountain General, 65 pari-mutuel wagering, 40 Romany, 50 Muniz, Edmond, 127, 132 Parisella, John, 124 Romero, Randy, 59, 95 Murphy, Joseph A., 47 Peace Rules, 65, 69 Romero, Shane, 63, 95 Mylute, 70 Pelicans baseball team, 127 Rounders, 57 Pelleteri, Anthony, 54 Roussel group, 62 Nagurski, Bronko, 85 Pellicle, 57 Roussel, Louis, Jr., 59, 62, 75, 196 Napravnik, Rosie, 69-70, 101, 105 peppermints, 122 Roussel, Louis, III, 62, 85, 87-88, 105 New Louisville Jockey Club, 47 Phillips, Mrs. J., 50 routine, 113-14 New Orleans Handicap, 57, 59, 62-63, 65-66, photo-finish camera, 54 Rushaway, 54 71, 74-75, 115 Pierson, Victor, 36 Ruth’s Chris Steak House, 128 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, 66, 151, Pittsburgh Phil (George Smith), 42 185, 193, 196, 200, 203, 205, 208, 213, 216 Place and Show Joe, 146 St. Louis, Missouri, 47 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival signs, post parade, 40 Salmen, Sandra, 19, 128, 159, 185 205 prayer, 147 Salome Purse, 50 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation, Preakness Stakes, 59, 62, 65, 68, 85, 88 Sande, Earl, 47 200 Prelude Stakes, 85 Sanders, Jared Y., Sr., 42 224 THE FAIR GROUNDS THROUGH THE LENS Sanford, M. H., 38 steeplechase course, 40, 42 Van Berg, Marion, 59 Saratoga, 35, 38 Stevens, T. H., 41 Vanderbilt, Alfred, 57 scandals, 63 stoopers, 146 Vicar’s In Trouble, 70 Schank, J. C., 50 Sullivan, J. L., 57 Victoria Lass Handicap, 65 schedule in a typical year, 114 superstition, 147 video poker, 213 Schmidt, George, 147, 157 video screens, 70 Schwartz, Herbert J., 54 Taral, Fred, 41 Ville Platte, Louisiana, 95 Scott’s Scoundrel, 63 Templo, 38 Virgets, Ronnie, 145-46, 193 Secretariat, 62, 85, 88, 94 Tenacious, 57, 74 Sharp, Joe, 105 Thanksgiving, 19, 21, 23, 41, 63, 65, 68-69, War Emblem, 65 Shoemaker, Bill, 57 114, 125 War Mobilization Department, 57 Silverbulletday, 65, 70 Thomas, Irma, 205 water jumps, 42 Simmons, Robert, 40 Thoroughbred Racing Association, 57 Week of Fame Sprint Championship, 62 skyline of downtown New Orleans, 153, 159 Tiffany Lass, 62 Wein, George, 200 slingshot, 203 “toilet” bet, 147 Whirlaway, 57, 68 Sloan, Tod, 41 Torres, Mario, 87, 148 Whitney, Mrs.
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