T The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association April 7, 1993, Volume 30, Number 14 Committee on certification seeks CEO involvement The NCAA Committee on Ath- R. Gerald Turner, chancellor of zations, including the National letics Certification discussed ways the University of Mississippi. Association of Collegiate Directors to involve Division I chief execu- The committee estimated that a of Athletics, National Association tive officers in the NCAA’s new pool of at least 300 peer reviewers of Athletics Compliance Coordi- athletics certification process will be required to assess the self- nators, Faculty Athletics Represen- when it met for the first time March studies now required of every Divi- tatives Association and National 31. sion I athletics program. Each Association of Collegiate Women In particular, the committee con- peer-review team will consist of Athletic Administrators. sidered the possibility of having as three to five members. In its discussions, the committee many peer-review teams as possi- Within the next few weeks, the identified recently retired athletics ble chaired by chief executive of- committee will distribute a nomi- administrators as a promising ficers. nating form to the membership. source of peer reviewers. If the The process of obtaining quali- Besides appearing in The NCAA process goes as planned, the pool fied peer reviewers was one of the News, the form will be mailed of peer reviewers will be in place principal topics on the agenda of directly to member institutions, the committee, which is chaired by conferences and affiliated organi- See Certification, page 32 ) Finamid committee puts forth new cost-cutting suggestions Four new cost-containment rec- are likely to reduce costs in Divi- n Abolish nontraditional sea- ommendations have been deve- sion I-A programs,” said James E. sons in all sports. loped by the NCAA Special Delany, commissioner of the Big n Establish limits on the Committee to Review Financial Ten Conference and chair of the number of contests. Conditions in Intercollegiate Ath- committee. “And the committee Title touch letics. recognizes that all NCAA divisions n For Division I-AA football, The four concepts were put have financial challenges. There- reduce the number of grants in Final Four shots like thix were frequent for Eric Montross forth in a March 16 telephone fore, the committee felt obligated aid to 45, limit the number of and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, which conference of the committee. to develop a set of recommenda- contests to 10, begin the season a beat the University of Michigan, 77-71, and won the “The committee recognized that tions that would reduce costs in week later than is currently done Divtsion I Men’s Barketball Championship. Montross scored the majority of the legislative con- each division and subdivision of and limit the number of unres- 39 points in thz two tournament games. Seechampionship the NCXA.” cepts developed for possible con- story, page 6. sideration at the 1994 Convention The four recommendations are: See Financial, page 32 ) Student-Athlete Day extends its reach to high schools Do/ens of universities and col- vancr of NSAD April 6. been used to recognize the net- student-athletes was a nrw feature 1993; N<AA Executivr Director lrgcs around the country paniri- Other obsrrvances of the day work of parents, teachers, coaches of the observance this year. Thr Richard D. Schultz, and Richard pated in a program to recognize ranged from programs scheduled and school systems that makes iI participating universities and rol- Lapchick, direrror ofche National more than 13,000 high-school stu- in conjunction with the Final Four possible for those student-athletes Icgcs coordinated the presentation Consortium for- Acadrmirs and dent-athletes for academic arhieve- in New Orleans and Women’s Fi- to strike ;I balance between athler- of NSAD Certificates of Recog- Sports, which is affiliated with the ment and community service as nal Four in Atlanra to a wide as- its and academics. nition to honorees who had a- Nolthcastrrn center. part of this week’s ohservanrr of sortment of on-campus events- This yrar, the. NCAA joined rhieved a 3.000 grade-point aver- Among institutions presenting National Student-Athlete Day all designed to promote public Nonheastcrn linivcrsity’s Center agr (4.000 scale) or above and had ~hr crrtif-iratcs to high-schoolers (NSAD). awareness of the aims of NSAD. fc)r the Study of Spot1 in Soriety shown excrllcncc in community were ~hr Iltlivrrsity of California, The high-schoolrrs were ho The day was established in 198X and the National Consonium for selvice. San Diego, whit h prcsrntcd 1,500 nored during various events srhrd to highlight the achievements of Athletics and Sports as cosponsors The certificates were signrd hy certificates; DePaul linivrrsity, uled across the nation in c‘on- student-athletrs in the classroom of NSAD. LLS. Sen. Bill Bradley of NewJersey, junction with the sixth ohser- and the community. It also has Recognition of fhe high-school an honorary cochair of NSAD See Day, page 32 ) n In the News n On deck Legislative Review m Younger brother Bob urges former North April 7-8 Presidents Commission, New Orleons Committee meets 3 Corolino State University men’s bosketboll coach April 7-8 Two-Yeor College Relotions Committee, Jim Volvano to keep up the fight against cancer: Dotes ond sites 10 Kansos City, Missouri Page 4. Baseball statistics 11 April 12-15 Men’s and Women’s Basketball Rules n A 4O-year-old freshmon with big dreams Committee, Konsas City, Missouri St. Bonaventure quickly becomes a leader of the Seattle Pacific infractions case 12-13 University women’s cross country ond track teams: April 15-16 Bosketboll Officiating Committee, Eligibility appeals 14-25 Page 5. Chicago NCAA Record 26-27 w Freshman Paul Koriyo of Division I men’s ice April 15-18 Men’s and Women’s Rifle Committee, -I . -- -- hockey chompion University of Moine wins the Konsos City, Missouri I he Morket Kariya 1993 Hobey Boker Memoriol Aword OS the nation’s best collegiate player: Page 8. April 16-18 Committee on Infractions, Boltimore Page 2 The NCAA News April 7, 1993 TheNCAANews m-lGG$$~III --w L A weekly summary of major activities within the Association year. A ‘lcscriptiott of’ the I,II~ ltc’w tmc’cotn- mt~t~tl;itions alqtt*;its 011 lxi,qt’ I ol‘this issitt schedule of key dates 01 ‘I‘IIc NC:M News. Institutional standards group (:r,1iiiniltt~c~ (~Ii;iir~~;ltnt-S I;. I)clatiy, Rig plans April 12 conference call ‘I‘~11 cotil;~t~~t~( C, s;iict rt’x liotis slic~ultl 1)~ for April and May 1993 s1il)‘ltiltccl as sooti 2s possil)lc. T‘tic~ totlirnit~ tee’s IIC’XI tncctittg is April WSO. ‘l’l~os~ iti- ‘l‘llc ittstitttlic)ttal statltl;tlcls sul~co~~~~ttit~ Ic.rcstccl it1 s1ll~lnittiti~ ‘1 rq)ollsc~ to tltc ICC‘- I(‘(. ol’tltt, NCAA (;c~tttl~,t-Ecltlity ‘l‘xsk FOIKC~ ottitttc~ticl;ttic~t~s tti;iy tititil it lo I)c~l;i~iy’s nilI cot~cl~‘c I ;I tctc~I)hol~c ~0111c~rc~1tc~cAprtl :ittc~titiort ;it tlic ti;itiot1;il ollitc~ or I’:Ix it to IL’ lo tliscitss S<‘\<‘till items, aIltotl# tllc~lll its ‘)I ‘~/:::l’tLol)‘C4.. w xl;1trr1iciit OII lt;i~licilxitictl1 oltl~c~1t1tiiitic.s. As Ii)1 tlrt otllcr 17 I-r~otlllll~tt[l~Itiolls, 111~. ‘I‘lrr~ IuII task li)tcc IICW will IIICT’I Alnil 26 N(AA t’~‘SCiltCtl SLlIl 1x1s coriiptctttl its ;itlaly- ?7 iii Ihll;is. At tli.tt titttc, it is t.xlxx?ccl to ;ic I sis 01 111~ liictitlx~rsl~ip’s rcspotiscs ;itlcl h,is ott tltc t~c.c~ottitit~tt~l;ttiolls srduttittc‘d I)y tltc s”l)111itlccl thy it~li~nttatic~tl lo Iltc cotnmitlt-c.. ittstitttttotlill ;III~I NCAA Stallchcls SUIXOIII~ For more detail, sic’c t);qe 1 ol’this issue tnittcc3. ;it1tl the I~chWy 17, 1~ecc111l,r1 23 ad NC,- For more detail, SW th Marc II 3 I ,JXIII- APRIL cost-containment recommendations developed vcmhcr 30 issrtcs of’l’ht~ N(AA Ntws. ;1tyL)7 .III~I J;IIIII;II~ “0 IS\IICY of”I‘l~~ N(:AA RECRUITING by the NCAA Special Committee to Review Next meeting. April WJO III (:llic;tgo. Nlws. Division I football Financial Conditions in Intercollegiate Athletics. Next meeting: Al” it L’fi-27 ilt Ihllx. I-30 ._._. _._._. ..__.. Quiet period 15 - Conference grant report forms for 1992 Division II football due at the national office I-30 ..__....__.. ._....,......_. Quiet period, 30 -Conference grant application forms for except during any high-school allhr game 1993 due at the national office. that occurs in the state in which the member institution is located (evaluation period). RECg:NG Special committee approves Men’s Division I basketball revenue-distribution schedule Response deadline passes Men’s Division I basketball l-6 (noon).... Dead period l-3 1 _...... ._.._... .._..__.. __.._ Quiet period. for Division I members 6 (noon)-7 (8 a.m.) ._ Quiet period. Women’s Division I basketball’ 7 (8 a.m.)-1 2 (8 a.m.] .._ Contact period. l-31 _._,..,......_ .._.._... ._.._ Quiet period. I‘ht~ Slxcial Aclvisory Cbttttntttc~~ to KC- 12 (8 a.m )-I6 (8 a.m.) .._ Dead period. Men’s, women’s Division II basketball’ view Kccc~tiitiirtttl;ttions Kr~:ircliiig Ihstrilj- 16 (8 a.m.)-23 __._.
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