THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Vol.. XXVII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1899. NUMBER 7,928. the Wm. Horne Company, contractors, for grading, paving, etc., at Public School 20, Borough of Richmond ; requisition for which sum is hereby made upon the Comptroller. But no part of said appropriation authorized by this resolution to be paid until the Committee on Buildings shall have filed the contract to be entered into by it, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New York, with the contractors named, to whom the award is hereby made ; said contract to be in such form and with such security for the faithful performance of the same as shall be satisfactory to the Committee on Finance ; the rules of this Board in regard thereto, and as to the payments to be made on account thereof, to be complied with. A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Board of Education on April 26, 1899. A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, t May 3, 1899. Hon. BIRD S. COLER, Comptroller.' SIR-The Board of Education, by resolution adopted April 26, 1899, appropriated, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the sum of $4,877, from the pro- ceeds of Corporate Stock of the City of New York, to be issued by the Comptroller pursuant to Section 48 of the Greater New York Charter ; said sum to be applied in payment of a contract to be entered into by the Committee on Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education, BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT. with the William Home Company, contractors, for grading, paving, etc., at Public School 20, Borough of Richmond. Proposals were invited for the above work, on carefully prepared plans and specifications, by advertisement in the CITY RECORD, and two bids were received ranging from $4,877 to $5,093. BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT-CITY OF NEW YORK, The award was made to the lowest bidders, the William Home Company, at their bid of MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY HALL. $4,877. The work described in the specifications and shown on the plans consists in the improve- WEDNESDAY, May 17, 1899, ment of the grounds in and around the school site in the usual way, setting the necessary curb The Board met in pursuance of the following call : OFFICE OF THE MAYORALTY, and laying sidewalks, doing the excavation called for, paving the sidewalks and yards with con- EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT-CITY HALL, crete and artificial stone pavements, erecting iron fences and gates, putting in certain drains and NEW YORK, May xo, 1899. catch-basins in the yards, removing trees and rubbish, painting, etc. In pursuance of the authority contained in section 266, chapter 378 of the Laws of 1897, a meeting is hereby There is no reason why the appropriation should not be approved. called of the Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel. President of the Council and President of the Department Respectfully, of Taxes and Assessments, constituting a Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to be held at the office of the Mayor on Wednesday, May x7, 1859, at ti o'clock A. Pd., for the purpose of transacting such business as may be EUG. E. McLEAN, Engineer. brought before the Board. And offered the following : ROBT. A VAN WYCK, Mayor. Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby approves of the requisition of the Board of Education by resolution adopted April 26, 1899, for the appropriation of four INDORSED : thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven dollars ($4,877) from the proceeds of Corporate Stock Admission of a copy of the within as served upon us this xoth day of May, 1899. ROOT. A. VAN WYCK. of The City of New York, to be sold pursuant to the provisions of section 48 of the Greater New Mayor ; Vork Charter, and the ordinance of the Municipal Assembly approved by the Mayor March 7, BIRD S. COLOR, 1899, for the purpose of providing means for the payment of a contract to be entered into by the Comptroller ; Committee on Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New York, JOHN WHALEN, Corporation Counsel ; with the William Horne Company, contractors, for grading, paving, etc., at Public School 20, RANDOLPH GUGGENHEIMER, Borough of Richmond. President of the Council ; Which was adopted by the following vote : THOS. L. FRI TNER, Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Present-Robert A. Van Wyck, the Mayor ; Bird S. Cofer, the Comptroller ; John Whalen, the Corporation Counsel ; Randolph Guggenheimer, the President of the Council ; Thomas L. The Comptroller presented a requisition from the Board of Education for issue of $7,025 Cor- Feitner, the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments. porate Stock for pianos for use in various schools. The Mayor moved that it be referred to the Corporation Counsel. The minutes of the meeting held May 3, 1899, were read. Which was adopted by the following vote : Whereupon the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments moved that they be Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and approved. President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Which was adopted by the following vote : Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, I'resident of the Council and The Comptroller offered the following : President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments--5. To the Board of Education The Committee on Finance, to which was referred the report of the Committee on Buildings, The Comptroller presented a communication from the President of the Borough of Richmond recommending an award of contract for making alterations in, and erecting an addition to Public requesting an appropriation of $25,000 for the construction and maintenance of three public School 70, Borough of Brooklyn, respectfully report that, in response to the usual duly authorized baths in the Borough of Richmond. advertisement, the following bids were received : The Mayor moved that it be referred to the Comptroller. John Thatcher $47,°°0 (30 Which was adopted by the following vote : Kenny & Heningham.. 00 Affirmative-The Mayor, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, President of the Council and 47,768 Thomas B. Rutan 47;220 00 President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments-5. Mapes-Reeve Construction Company 44,800 00 K. A. Murphy. 46,875 00 The Comptroller presented the following : Peter Cleary 4710°0 00 CORONERS' OFFICE-CITY OF NEW YORK, BOROUGH OF QUEENS, JAMAICA, January 31, 1899. The Committee on Buildings recommends that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidders, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, New York City, N. Y.: in which recommendation the Committee on Finance concurs, and submits for adoption the follow- GENTLEMEN-At a meeting of the Board of Coroners', Borough of Queens, held on the above ing resolution : date, it was, on motion, decided that the Clerk notify the Board of Estimate and Apportionment Resolved, That, subject to the approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, the that the following amounts should he transferred from the Chemical Analysis Fund of the Coro- sum of forty-four thousand eight hundred dollars ($44,800) be and the same is hereby appro- ners' Budget, Borough of Queens, for the year 1898, and to be credited to the Contingent Fund of priated from the proceeds of Corporate Stock of The City of New York, to be issued by the each Coroner as follows : Comptroller pursuant to section 48 of the Greater New York Charter, application for the issue of Philip T. Cronin $26 61 which is hereby made ; said sum to be applied in payment of the contract to be entered into by Samuel S. Guy, Jr to to the Committee on Buildings, for and on behalf of the Board of Education of The City of New York, with the Mapes-Reeve Construction Company, contractors, for making alterations in and Leonard Ruoff, Jr Jo 12 erecting an addition to Public School 70, Borough of Brooklyn ; requisition for said sum being hereby made upon the Comptroller. It is very important that this transfer should be made so as to clear up the expenses of 1898. But no part of said appropriation authorized by this resolution to be paid until the Committee By order of the Board of Coroners, Borough of Queens, on Buildings shall have filed the contract to be entered into by it, for and on behalf of the Board PHILIP T. CRONIN, President. of Education of The City of New York, with the contractors named, to whom the award is Attest : hereby made ; said contract to be in such form and with such security for the faithful performance CHAS. J. SCHUELLER, Coroners Clerk. of the same as shall be satisfactory to the Committee on Finance, the rules of this Board in And offered the following : regard thereto, and as to the payments to be made on account thereof, to be complied with. Resolved, That the sum of forty-six dollars and eighty-three cents ($46.83) be and hereby is A true copy of report and resolution adopted by the Board or Education at meeting held transferred from the appropriation made for salaries and expenses of coroners in the Borough of May to, 1899. Queens, for the year 1898, entitled " Post-Mortem Examinations-Chemical Analysis," the same A. EMERSON PALMER, Secretary, Board of Education. being in excess of the amount required for the purposes thereof, to the appropriation made for said DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK, 0 Coroners for 1898, entitled " Contingent Expenses of Three Coroners, $250 each," for the pay- May 13, 1899.
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