Stockholms Auktionsverk Rare Books, Maps & Manuscripts 21 November 2017 Innehållsförteckning / List of Content Björn Löwendahl Collection / China Illustrata Nova, Supplement Bibliografi, uppslagsverk, periodica, serieverk, språk / Bibliography, Encyclopedias, Periodicals, Serial publications, Language 6001 – 6051 Inkunabler / Incunabula 6052 – 6054 1500-talstryck / 16th Century Books 6055 – 6056 Teologi, filosofi / Theology, Philosophy 6057 - 6087 Vitterhet / Literature 6088 – 6102 Konsthistoria, kulturhistoria / Art reference, Cultural History 6103 - 6108 Historia, memoarer, biografier / History, Memoires, Biography 6109 – 6143 Planscher, Planschverk / Illustrated Books, Prints 6144 – 6163 Kartor / Maps 6164 – 6165 Resor, topografi / Travels, Topography 6166 – 6218 Naturvetenskap, medicin / Natural Sciences, Medicine 6219 – 6230 Diverse / Miscellaneous 6231 – 6240 Manuskript / Manuscripts 6241 – 6245 Böcker, kartor, planscher / Books, Maps, & Prints Illuminerade manuskript / Illuminated Manuscripts 6246 – 6248 Inkunabler / Incunabulas 6249 – 6251 1500-talstryck / 16th Century Books 6252 – 6297 Teologi / Theology 6298 – 6303 Svensk vitterhet, barnbok / Swedish Literature 6304 – 6307 Utländsk vitterhet, ABC-bok / Foreign Literature, ABC-book 6308 – 6320 Bibliofilupplagor / Limited editions 6321 – 6341 Konsthistoria / Art Reference 6342 – 6346 Historia, heraldik, bibliografi / History, Heraldry, Bibliography 6347 – 6374 Juridik / Law 6375 – 6379 Resor, utländsk topografi / Travels, Foreign Topography 6380 – 6397 Svensk topografi / Swedish Topography 6398 – 6399 Planscher, Planschverk / Prints, Illustrated Books 6400 – 6412 Kartor / Maps 6413 – 6445 Naturvetenskap, medicin / Natural Sciences, Medicine 6446 – 6463 Carl von Linné / Linnaeus 6464 – 6467 Handskrifter, manuskript, fotografier / Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, Photographs Kungliga autografer / Royal Autographs 6468 – 6479 Svenska och utländska författare / Swedish and Foreign Authors 6480 – 6485 Övriga personer, övriga handskrifter / Other Persons, Other Manuscripts 6486 – 6490 Fotografier, aktiebrev / Photographs, Share Certificate 6490 - 6497 2 böcker, kartor & handskrifter 2017 nr 66 Böcker, Kartor Rare Books, Maps & Handskrifter & Manuscripts Visning 17 – 20 november Viewing 17 – 20 November Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm fredag 17 nov kl 10 – 18 Friday 17 Nov 10 am – 6 pm lördag – söndag 18 – 19 nov kl 10 – 16 Saturday – Sunday 18 – 19 Nov 10 am – 4 pm måndag 20 nov kl 10 – 18 Monday 20 Nov 10 am – 6 pm Auktion 21 november kl 13.00 Auction 21 November 1 pm Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm Nybrogatan 32, Stockholm Katalog på www.auktionsverket.se Catalogue at www.auktionsverket.com Katharina Fahlstedt Katharina Fahlstedt [email protected] [email protected] Tel 08-453 67 49 Tel +46 8 453 67 49 Hans Larsson Hans Larsson [email protected] [email protected] Tel 08-453 67 47 Tel +46 8 453 67 47 Delta i auktionen! Participate in the auction! Vill du få hjälp att lägga bud på auktionen är du If you want assistance to bid at the auction please välkommen att kontakta våra experter eller kund- contact our experts or customer service during the tjänst under visningen eller på telefon 08-453 67 50. viewing or by phone 08-453 67 50. Du kan även ansöka om att bli internetkund och You can also apply to become an internet customer delta i auktionen Live Online. and participate in the auction Live Online. China Illustrata Nova, Supplement Löwendahl: China illustrata nova, Supplement, 1675. bibliografi, uppslagsverk, This is the first catalogue of the mss. of the city of Geneva, prepared periodica, serieverk, språk by the city’s librarian, Jean Senebier (1742-1809), a Swiss naturalist. Several hundred manuscripts described at great length, often with quotations and information about provenance. 6001 In the section ”Manuscrit orientaux” (pp. 17-50), Chinese manus- (ABEL-RÉMUSAT). Catalogue des livres, imprimés et ma- cripts are listed on p. 50. nuscrits, composant la bibliothèque de feu M. J.-P. Abel-Rému- From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwen- sat, dont la vente se sera, le lundi, 27 mai 1833 et jours suivant, dahl (1941-2013). 6 heures de relevée. Paris (chez J.-S. Merlin)1833. 3.000 – 4.000 € 310 – 410 8:o (about 215x140 mm.). (4), (1)-196 pp. Sewn as issued, entirely uncut, contemporary grey wrap- pers, worn, damaged spine. Prices realised inscribed in 6004 ink. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TRAVELS. (6). BOUCHER DE LA RICHARDERIE, (GILLES). Bibliothèque universelle Löwendahl: China illustrata nova. Supplement, 1731. des voyages, ou notice complète et raisonnée de tous les voyages Lists 1682 lots from the French sinologist’s library. anciens et modernes dans les différentes partie du monde... I-VI. From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwen- Paris (chez Treuttel et Würtz, et à Strasbourg, même mai- dahl (1941-2013). son de commerce) 1808. 3.000 – 4.000 € 310 – 410 8:o (about 199x122 mm.). Contemporary brown mottled calf, somewhat worn, slightly faded gilt spines, marbled edges. Minor foxing. 6 6002 volumes. ABEL-RÉMUSAT, (JEAN-PIERRE). Mélanges posthu- mes d’histoire et de littérature Orientales. Paris (Impimerie Löwendahl: China illustrata nova. Supplement, 1693. Royale) 1843. Vol. V, pp. 270-445, contains ”Descriptions de la Chine, de la Corée, de la Tartarie chinoise et des îles de la mer de la Chine, et voyages faits dans ses contrées” and vol. I, pp. 32-43 ”Voyages faits en Orien- 8:o (about 208x126 mm.). (4), (I)-IV, (1)-469, (3, last te dans le moyen âge”. blank) pp. From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwen- Contemporary blue quareter morocco, slightly worn, dahl (1941-2013). richly gilt spine in six compartments, redspeckled edges. 3.000 – 4.000 Table des matières with some marginal annotations. Old € 310 – 410 library stamps on title and halftitle. Löwendahl: China illustrata nova. Supplement, 1761. 6005 From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwen- dahl (1941-2013). THE GREAT FRENCH ENCYCLOPEDIA. (19). DIDEROT, DENIS, - D’ALEMBERT, J. Encyclopédie, ou 2.000 – 3.000 dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par € 205 – 310 une Société de gens de lettres. I-XVII + Planches II premiere partie. Paris - Neufchastel 1751-65 (not complete, not fully 6003 collated). Folio. With 205 engraved plates. Lacking 10 plate volumes, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUSCRIPTS IN THE CITY the Supplement I-V (incl. one vol. of plates), Table analytique OF GENEVA. Catalogue raisonné des Manuscrits conservés I-II. (Engraved frontispiece lacking). dans la Bibliothèque de la Ville & République de Geneve. Ge- Contemporary brown calf, somewhat worn, slightly faded neve (chez Barthelemy Chirol) 1779. sparsely gilt spines in seven compartments, spine to vol. IV damaged at foot, redspeckled edges. Some minor fox- 8:o (about 215x143 mm.). (4), 1-479, (2 blank) pp. ing and staining. Sewn as issued, entirely uncut, original boards, somewhat worn, spine damaged at foot, manuscript spine title. First endpaper with old annotation. 4 böcker, kartor & handskrifter Löwendahl: China illustrata nova. Supplement, 1632. 4:o (about 270x170 mm.). (4), (i)-xxxvi, (1)-320 pp. Speci- This encyclopedia contains numerous articles dealing with Chi- mens of alphabets and wood-engraved vignettes. nese subjects or containing references to China and the Chinese. Entirely uncut copy, bound in later brown leather, so- (Keywords include: ”Asiatiques. Philosophie des Asiatiques en mewhat worn, slightly faded spine, small damage at head. générale”; ”Asie”; ”Bibliothèque”; ”Boussole”; ”Chinchian”; ”[La] Chine”; ”Chingtu”; ”Ching-yang”; [Philosophie des] Chinois [vol. Some minor foxing. In a new linen case. III, pp. 341-348]; ”Chit-se”; ”cronologie sacrée”; ”Fe, Fo, Foë”; ”For- mose”; ”Fum-chim”; ”Hing-pu”; ”Hoatché”; ”Jebuses”; ”Ju-kiau”; Löwendahl: China illustrata nova. Supplement, 1691; Bigmore & ”Kan-ja”; ”Kim-te-tchim”; ”King”; ”Kitai”; ”Ko-laos”; ”Lao.kiun”; Wyman, I, p. 243. ”Lettrés”; ”Macao”; ”Mandarin [Littérat]”; ”Mangi”; ”Miao-fses”; With a printed dedication to Joseph Banks. The more than 200 alpha- ”Mine”; ”Nids d’oiseaux”; ”Noblesse littéraire ou spirituelle”; bets are arranged in alphabetical order on the left-hand pages of the ”O-Mi-to”; ”Papier de la Chine” [vol. XI, pp. 851-853]; ”Peking”: book, and their rendering are given opposite. ”Pié [ortopédie]”; ”Porcelaine”; ”Poudre”; ”Pouls”; ”Quan-ton [Canton]”; ”Rhubarbe”; ”Rites, [tribunal des]”; ”[Les] Seres”; ”Si- Chinese is described on pp. 42-45. fan”; ”Soie”; ”Somtou, ou Sontoc”; ”Ta.ki”; ”Taut-se”; ”Taydelis”; From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwen- ”Tibet, ou Thibet”; and ”Tien oy Tyen”). Many of these articles was dahl (1941-2013). written by Holbach. 4.000 – 5.000 In the present plate volume (vol. II, sec. I) there is ”Caracteres et alp- € 410 – 510 habets de langues mortes et vivantes” , 18 pages text and 25 engraved plates. ”Thibetan” on plate 22 with desciptive text on p.11, ”Tartare mantchou” on plate 23 with descriptive text on pp. 11-12, and ”Clés 6008 chinoise” on plate 25 with descriptive text on pp. 12-17, based on HOFFMAN, J(OHANN JOSEPH). Chinesche drukletters information by Michel-Ange-André Le Roux Deshautesrayes. vervaardigd in Nederland... / Chines Printing-Types founded The same also included as an extract, bound in 19th. century red in the Netherlands. A New Synopsis, with the addition of all the half-morocco, somewhat worn. recently aquired characters. Amsterdam
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