HELP MEN (Con».) HELP—MEN HELP—MEN HELP—MIN HELP—WOMEN HELP—WOMIH HELP—WOMEN THE SUNDAY STAR NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS B-3 Firms engaged in interstate com- colored, pleas, CLERKS, white, under 36; permanent CLERK-TYPIST, bright young woman Washington, D. C. YOUNG MAN, working PAPER PRODUCTS SALESMAN—As merce , or in the production of conds., good pay; neighborhood gro- inside man, youth- positions; bldg., mod- to assist credit manager for exclu- DIETICIAN SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1952 all-round office goods commerce must now pay air-conditioned oppor- Therapeutic TV ANTENNA MAN cery store. A & L MARKET, 2007 ful. Call MR. ALBERT, LX. 7-3303. at leastlor IS cents an hour and ern cafeteria; 40-hour, 6-day week; sive specialty shop. Unusual dietician. ADA member, Ist st. n.w. CO. 8454. —27 STUDENT or Govt, worker, 9 a.m. annual starting salary. $2,400; lib- tunity. KAPLOWITZ, 13th st. be- to have chage of diet kitchen. Pleas- ladders, to p.m.: permit. EXCELLENT time and one-hal) tor overtime vacation Apply and working conditions, living quar- With car. tools. We have YOUNG MAN. white, over 16. high 5 n. C. driver's Wage eral and sick leave. tween E F n.w. ant HELP—WOMEN under the Federal and Hour cost. - an opening for a thoroughly ex- graduate, for position as of- McLEAN DRUGS. 4231 Wis. n.w. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, CLERK-TYPlST— Varied work; pleas- ters available at nominal Paid ! ¦¦¦ Highest city school Law. Job seekers less by personnel n.e., ant working vacation and sick group perienced crew. pay In fice boy-messenger with national OPPORTUNITY offerednotity office. 3rd and R sts. conditions. Air-condi- leave, hos- covered firms should the 9 a.m. to p.m. No phone calls. —29 tioned office Company benefits. s‘/a- pitalization and social security bene- ! Permanent. _ publication. Opportunity to learn 4 INSPECTOR BALEB-SALES PROMOTIONS Wage and Hour Division. V. S. -day & fits. Apply ALSO PART-TIME OPENING _ and advance. Call ST. 7641 between large nationally cigat wk. SHANNON LUCHS CO. Personnel Office. GAR- MEYER, —27 A known manu- Department o) Labor, telephone app’t. FIELD HOSPITAL, 10th MR. TP. 3901. 3 and 4 p.m. Monday. facturer is interested in discussing ambitious young For call Mrs. Farris. NA. 2345. and Florida SORTER employment For two Executive H2O. Extension lUt. ave. n.w. Dry cleaning: must know quality YOUNG MAN, under able to : an opportunity with men to represent our corpora- CLERKS work, 30. men between the ages of 27-35 to ] be fast and accurate. Apply TV SERVICEMEN type business letters and make him- tion in this area. (Cont.) CLERK TYPIST I 332 Commerce Rockville. Md. self generally useful In local office work with distributor salesmen in HELP WOMEN Excellent'opportunity for young lady, DINING ROOM MGR. lane. large manufacturer; Baltimore Washington area. BRANCH MANAGERS AND BENCHMEN of 5-day week the and This is a permanent salary under 35. In downtown gentile HOURS. 11:30 A.M. TO 8:30 P M. and usual company benefits. In Good starting salary and all busi- position with advancement BOOKKEEPER to work for large office. Must be able to type 50 Permanent position in modern restau- INTERVIEWER, for ward-admitting have reply, give particulars salary ness expenses paid. Bonus, ! hospital; interviewing, We positions paying full and increase assured oy continuous expan- General Motors dealer in Md. EXPERIENCED PREF. words per minute. Good starting rant. prefer neat, attractive woman office in desired. Our employes know of this arrangements and many other em- program. area who offers good sal- salary; paid yrs.; j teaching or social service experience days ! ploye sion Our initial suburban vacation and group i under 40 must have previous Reply handwriting; up to SIOO for five ad. Box 65-M. Star. —29 benefits This is a career office, established in 1878. has ary. advancement, hospitalization Insurance. Please apply 1120 Mun- restaurant experience; good salary, j helpful. in own white, wanted oper- opportunity for an? honest and am- grown to 576 branch offices plans and paid vacation, to experi- sey Building. st._ n.w. plus meals and dresses furnished. , 44-hour week, some Sunday work. per week. YOUNG MAN. to bitious man who har experience bookkeeper, preferably ARISTO CLEANERS 1328 I 162-R, enced Box Star _____ ate Elliott addressing machine and or ability. Write, over the U. S. and Canada. with APPLY HOT SHOPPES. INC. ; Annual leave and insurance benefits. to do some filing. Experience is not in selling sales GM experience. Apply in own hand- Room 200. 1341 G St. N.W. —2B shop. For further giving age. experience, education, exper., age EXCELLENT Air-conditioned (-9020. necessary. Pleasant congenial work- For Confidential Interview writing. giving ants ref- POSITIONS details phone Mr. Gill. LI. ing paid marital status and phone number erences. Box 1-24-L. Star. DISHWASHER, colored: day work: INTERVIEWER conditions. 3754-hr. week to Box 283-J. Star. —26 APPLY IN PERSON CLERK-TYPISTS Hospital social service dept. 5-day vacation and sick leave, hospitaliza- 1 BOOKKEEPER—FuII charge, double All no Sundays; must be experienced In GEORGE’S Jones, sections of town restaurant work. Apply 4015 week. Hospitalization benefits. Box tion. Apply in person to Mrs. entry books for busy real estate S. Star. —27 2145 Chapel Rd. N.E. alert, Salary CLERK "Bth st.. Arlington. Va. TE, 0006.: i J164-R, Queens 1600 R. I. ave. n.w. Phone DI. 3412. office. Must be capable. PAYROLL SEAMSTRESS, —ax —2B CEILING UNLIMITED $65. but want person who merits CALL MR. OKIN DRAPERY for regular INVESTIGATION WORK With natH _ YOUNG MAN to act messenger for your sights HOUSEHOLD responsibility and salary increases. work in congenial surroundings: organ., woman. 21-40. free to travel, as If are higher LI. 4-8020 Convenient suburban location: inter- necessary. TV AND RADIO BENCHMAN, perma- construction company. Must know tion we an open Mon.. 8117. esting work; opportunity for ad- good salary. 792 9th st. n.w. sat. and exp. no exper. position; offers have Call DI. Chevy H nent first-class technicians city well. Prefer someone with oilers, op> BOOKKEEPER, large progressive FOR INTERVIEW week, DRIVER for school car in 95ii Warne Bldg. —27 only. H n.w.. tion we have an n- FINANCE for vancement. 40-hour excellent Chase area 7:30-9 school days, JEWELRY SALESGIRL In estab- CARROLL’S. 719 st. motorcycle and side car. An in- -Ing for the right man. This i V and appliance chain to pcrlorm employe benefits. a.m. old. ME. 2646, KE. 8-5130. —27 telligent young oermnnent also prehaps at noon. Give tele- lished jewelry store; salary and com- man with drivers' is a o-portun’iv duties Involving sales auditing; phone. P, Apply person considered. GE. CORPORATION O. Box 4026 D. C. —26 mission. pleasant surrounding; vaca- UPHOLSTERER— in or license would be with a sizable concern. Must many employe benefits; good start- APPLY IN PERSON DRUG CIGAR pay. Apply person. Saturday Sunday. 2270. good Replies MONDAY THROUGH AND CLERKS- F r -1 tion with in call TA. 8049. or have record. ing salary. Call Mr. Tamson. FRIDAY neighborhood colored drug store CASTELBERG'S, PETER K. FAERBER, 1412 Oak: YOUNG MAN. general office work; no > strictly confidential. Phone Mr. 3237 Rhode Island Ave. LACY'S INC. LI. 7-8262. 8 A.M. TO 4 P M. See Mr. Roth. 1004 st.. n.w. 26* experience necessary; excellent sal- Jones. Mt. Rainier. Md. Must have best local refs. RA. ary, Blvd., Arl., BOOKKEEPER, experienced, to as- 3.333 Monday. UPHOLSTERERS 12' We need several with opportunity for advance- 3159 Wilson Va. experienced: 5‘..-day men who are interested in working ment. Apply in person, ELI RUBEN i MUTUAL OF OMAHA sume full charge of books for sev- . CLERKS DRUG CLERK, KEYPUNCH OPERATOR every week of the year. Paid vaca- CO.. 718 7th st. n.w. —29 RE. 8600, Monday. 9-11. eral large office buildings and apart- MELPAR, INC. week: good pay. CARPENTER guaranteed. yrs. age. ment buildings. Permanent position DRUGS. loot K st n.w. NA. 8935. tion. pay 5125 wk. Must YOUNG MAN 17-25 of for pleasant A 5-day week; ; With IBM alphabetical and numeri- be fast men. Apply DRAPERS CO., stock room work; legible handwrit- in air-condition office with (Both SUBSIDIARY OF THE DRUG CLERK. no cal experience. Permanent work in ing. yrs. high school, exper. congenial staff. Five-day week with Typists and WEBTINOHOUSE AIR BRAKE CO. nights, Sundays or holidays. RE 1733 Wis. ave. n.w. —26 2 no YOU” 9 Salary. per j convenient location. Newest eaulp- required: 5-day, 40-hr. w’eek: free SALESMAN’S hours from to 5. S6O 2071. | working UPHOLSTERER. Ist class', excellent Can now double your present earnings week. Please state experience for Non-Typists) 452 SWANN AVE. ! ment and excellent condi- working conditions, steady work; transportation, paid vacation and keep your job you (AT HWY.) Five-day week. 8 to 4:30. start, PARADISE and still reg. if last 5 years, age and family. Box JEFFERSON DAVIS FITTER tions. $2.75 per hour. DISTRICT UPHOL- sick leave. $l7O to with in- 373-R. Star. ALEXANDRIA,VA. ; GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES IN- crease after 3 mos. Apply 8:30 a.m.. SILVER SPRING SURANCE CO.. 14th and L sts. n.w. STERERS. TA. 2988 or RA. Employment Office. CAPITAL A determined m»n can write his own BOOKKEEPER, experienced, payroll.iHIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES —27 experience apply entrance. —27 check, year-round, CAN l With store for suits and 1 j Please at L st.
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