-- 1 .-... •••• CROSSROADS Frozen Margaritas at Sue Ellen's; Lon I Island Teas at the IVillage Station. odka Punch at the Mining Compan~j" udslides at lR's 214.559.0650 '"I I~'O'~ www.caven.com VOLUME 24, NUMBER 27 SEPTEMBER 4 • 10, 1998 14 MOVIES 54 Brings Nightclub of the Century to the Silver Screen by Keith Vyvial 23 INTERVIEW Thelma Houston to Celebrate Labor Day Weekend at Rich's by Sean Carter 27 FRESH BEATS Dance Craze and Fashion Models, Wild Orchid ReleasesOxygen! by Jimmy Smith 31 FILM Dallasite Writer/Director Kelli Herd Makes Hometown Debut 39 CURRENT EVENTS 47 BACKSTAGE Austin's Planet Theatre Brings Laughs with Headless Honeymoon 50 SNAPSHOTS Miss Gay Texas USofA 1999 52 ON OUR COVER Tracy DiMare photos by Exposure Prints/Tio 57 STARSCOPE Self Confidence Becomes Evident with Beautiful Venus and Chatty Mercury in Leo by C. Lichtenstein 67 TEXAS SPORTS 68 TEXAS NEWS 73 RANTING AND RAVING Come Out. Come Out, Wherever You Are .. , by Jeff Linthicum 75 TEXAS TEA 85 CLASSIFIEDS 93 GUIDE 1WT(ThisWeek in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co" at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas, Texas 75219 and 500 Lovett Suite 102 in Houston, Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWTis not to be construed as any indication of the sex- ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: 579 per year, $40 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany aU orders. Copyright © 1998 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. AU rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWTis specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLASOFFICE PUBLISHER HOUSTONOFFICE 3300 Reagan Street ALAN GELLMAN 500 Lovett, Suite 102 Dallas, Texas 75219 EDITOR Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520-8948 SEANCARTER Houston Fax (713)527-8948 (214)521-0622 'COMPTROLLER (713)527-9111 E-mail: [email protected] STEVEMILES E-mail: [email protected] ART DEPARTMENTRichard Bang, David Parnell. Jeff Linthicum CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSDon Baker. Robert Bois, Mark Deaton, Chris Gray, Phil Johnson, Gary Laird, Jeff Linthicum, C, Lichtenstein, Steven Lindsey, Jimmy Smith, Keith Vyvial STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJohn Bartiromo, Roy James, A. J, Marroquinez, Robert Miller, Shawn Northcutt, Jerry Stevens, Tlo. Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX (214)520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city, Austin- James Frank (512)916-9811 - Houston / Galveston - (713)527-9111 All other Texas cities- Steve Miles (214)521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Dallas-Chase Gutierrez. Houston-Brian Keever I TWT© 1998 Miles - Gellman Enterprises Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company Represented Nationally by Rivendell Marketing Co" Inc .• 212-242-6863 :19-9'0 labor Diy' Wookend atHooston's¥;tllafino (]ob -No covel' all night • S2IJ-Calllt-AIl Night • Exotic Milleilnd FClllilleDancers Friday -lon-slAIp dancingwilli ~day's hottest mlSic Sunday, Seotember 6 MISS GAY UNIVERSE -Super Sunday S~ow • Nocovet' 'tillOplII AT LARGE PAGEANT - $1.fi0 D'ozen & well dl'inks SEPT. 18&20, 1998 ~ Starring W.·II:lln~(Y·'PA 1(1:,( [I ." ,..--j •...7.. ,1 fl '1 ~iss GaY:1l.JI~~J~:,At~Large 1!997 LAURfn·,l"AY[OR Miss Gay USofA 1998 Kara Blon - Kelexis Davenport - Me-Jenny Kraiggg I p~Y • And Featuring Miss Gay USofA At-Large Titleholders STA(I~\~qLLIDAY - (HIUIA P'A~L M 0 N DAY OAO«:IJ O'WTOO:- HOIS' RUSSILL SEPTRIIIIEIl 7 ''\. l i .:F -~-. ·SO COVER.\LL ~IGIIT IJm ,Ifstime play. ~ and (ARIIKLlA IDAlKfiUA GAR(IA ~ to /\ .... • FREE BBQ.'Oll TilE FIRS1\ USA - I, J,.. 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All Day Rent Three and Get One Free! Club 54 Shane decided to check it out for teve Rubell had a dream to make the a change. His friends tell him that they S best party in the world and make it last hear that the place is full of weirdos and forever. The new film 54, about the infa- (sacrilege!) "fags!" However, for the mous New York nightclub Studio 54, is a chance to see Olivia Newton John, they fable of true excess - sex, drugs, parties, agree to go with Shane. That night, like greed, money - you name every night, Steve is it. Amidst the turmoil of standing outside telling the hostage crisis, the the doorman who can recession and the fuel get in that evening. shortage of the late Because of his excep- 1970's, all eyes focused tionally good looks, on the nightclub to get a Shane catches Steve's peek at how the "beauti- eye and is allowed in - ful people" lived and alone. As Shane enters, especially how they we get our first true view played. of the world inside - Before opening Studio people having sex in the 54 in 1977, Steve Rubell seats, cocaine being began modestly as a sold at the bar, the Brooklynite who ran sev- sounds of the live disco eral steakhouses. The performance and the film opens in 1979, with packed dance floor. the club at the peak of its In no time, Shane is popularity. Hundreds par- hired as one of the shirt- tied inside while thou- less busboys. His new sands lined the street, "family" at the club either trying to get in or includes Greg and trying to see which "\II Anita, a young married celebrities would be there b couple with whom that particular night. The feel of the era is Shane lives. Greg (Brecking Myer) is set from the start through the use of news another busboy (and one of the only staff clips and home movies. members who is not gay) who "wants to Also through the home movies, we are get ahead," except he just doesn't know introduced to the film's protagonist and how. Anita is an aspiring singer who works narrator, Shane O'Shea, played by Ryan at the coat check stand. Anita, fantastically Phillips in his first starring role. Shane is portrayed by Selma Hayek, dreams of 19-years-old and lives with has widowed being the next Donna Summer. father and younger sisters in New Jersey. We are soon introduced to Steve's sys- Sheltered and naive, Shane dreams of tem of skimming nightly from the cash reg- escaping into the big city. One of the first isters, which ultimately results in his down- glimpses we get of Shane is that of him fall. In one scene, we see a drunken and gazing longingly at the New York City stoned Steve Rubell vomiting and rolling in skyline through a chain link fence. a bed covered in money. Steve is so arro- After seeing a newspaper article about gant and seemingly "untouchable" that he PAGE 14 TWT SEPTEMBER 4 - SEPTEMBER 10 1998 taunts the IRS in television interviews. from prison. He has been forced to sell Anita gets the chance at her dream and Studio 54, but stays on as a consultant. Shane gets to become a bartender (the job The actual club closed its doors forever in at Studio 54) through Billie Austin, a music 1985, and Steve Rubell died at the age of producer played by Sela Ward. Shane 56 in 1989. As Shane explained, "Steve soon becomes a hit as a bartender. He Rubell had a dream, but with all dreams, gets photo spreads in magazines and min- you must wake up. The party was over." gles in the basement with the likes of Andy The acting, for the most part, ranges Warhol and Truman Capote. from great to adequate. However, the par- While back at home in New Jersey dur- tying, pill-popping Grandma Dottie is cer- ing Christmas, Shane meets Julie Black, a tainly not to be missed. Mike Myers as soap opera actress played by Neve Steve Rubell puts on a fantastic perfor- Campbell. Campbell is a good actress, and mance which genuinely amazed me. she plays her character well enough. But Written and directed by Mark Chris- the role is purely a throw-away. We don't topher, the film works best when viewers really get really know enough about her to are witnessing the spectacle within Studio care about Julie or the short-lived relation- 54. The terrific disco soundtrack made me ship between her and Shane. ready to go out and dance. During the The movie climaxes with a huge New closing credits, pictures of actual celebri- Year's Eve party. Anita's big break as the ties who mingled at Studio 54 flash across scheduled performer comes to an abrupt the screen.
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