APRIL 27, 2006 719 329.5236 Reach over 70,000 readers! [email protected] 31 E. Platte, Top Floor Rates vary, call for details. Prepayment is required. 3 line minimum. Please check your ad the first week of publication and call by Monday through Friday, 8:30-5 noon the following Tuesday with chanegs or corrections. This paper is not liable for errors after the first publication of an ad. Colorado Publishing Company is not liable for the content of advertisements. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Deadline: Noon Tuesday! Act of 1968. We do not endorse any product or service and we reserve the right to refuse any advertising we deem inappropriate. 3 Lines FREE for active-duty, retired military, and their dependents as well as civil service employees. 3 Ways to place your ad! Online at www.csmng.com Call (719) 329-5236 or fax this form to (719) 329-5237 Name____________________________________ Address _________________________________________ Category:__________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Zip ____________________________________________ Grade ____________________ Unit ____________ Signature ________________________________________ My signature certifies that this advertisement is for the purpose of selling my personal property as a convenience to me or my dependents. It is not part of a business enterprise, nor does it benefit anyone involved in a business enterprise. Any real estate advertised is made available without regard to race, color, religious origin or sex of any individual. Free ads in accordance with military regulations must be non-commercial and for personal property offered by local base or unit personnel without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or religious origin. FREE ADS are limit- ed to one ad per household at 3 lines max. The editor and publisher reserve the right to edit ads, and/or not publish ads. NO DUTY PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE PRINTED. DEADLINE: Noon Tuesday Walk 4 Breast Cancer Fundraiser 4/28 Fri (8-4) Large Sale Need HS/Col student babysitter GENERAL SELF EMPLOYMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Got Books? Donate all subjects for 5056 Stillwater Dr (N end twn) on Peterson AFB for 2 toddlers BUSINESS OPP Book fair fundraiser 719-574-2238 Party Lite & Preschool/K Items occasional evenings 591-7277 Share our pride. SPECIAL NOTICES Want Blues? We Got ‘Em And More! 6607 Columbine Unit D, Apr 29 DRIVERS Join our mission. $1000 PER WEEK Belvedere Blues Fest Sept. 8-10 Pine Valley, 7am, Comics, Get paid $4/for every envelope you Men’s Leadership Seminar, 3rd Thurs- www.belvererestaurant.com clothes, toys, Vid games, etc DRIVERS- CDL - A, As a Fortune 200 financial services stuff. Call 278-6930 day of the month starting 20th April, Local Delivery! Medical/Dental! Paid: company, we are on a mission — to 12-1pm at Peterson Chapel. Host: LOST + FOUND Apr 29, 8am-noon Multi-house! Life / Vacation. Good MVR, 2 yrs exp. facilitate the financial security of our Executive - level pay without CH. Robert Ward, Facilitator: Patrick furn/elect/lawn/appliances/toys 1-800-414-7809 members, the men and women of the Executive - level stress working PT Rhodes, Col., USAF (Ret). Lunch 4887 Jedediah Smith Rd. If rain, U.S. military and their families world- from home. Call 1-888-889-1501 Provided. RSVP: 556-4846, Lv Msg. Lost on April 22nd, 10am game, Team Sunday Pizza Hut now hiring P/T - F/T. Flex wide. We have the following opportu- A vs. B on field #1 at Ft. Carson, Ellis hrs, average $12-$15 hr. Call at local nity in Colorado Springs, CO: Soccer Field- one Gold earring, looks April 29, 8:00am till noon store - Monument 481-4800, Powers MILITARY DISCOUNT ON like a woven basket. Has sentimental Upper Doug Base Housing 596-6200, South Academy 392-0550, CRUISES! value, please call 761-3144 Clusters 4170’s and 4180’s Star Ranch 527-1111. Pizza Hut Military Affairs Rep These special rates are available In this entry-level role, you will assist for Active, Reserves, Retired, Lost: Black cat in Douglas Multi family sale! Too much to Trans Colorado Concrete, a div. of Pete Veterans & National Guards. mention, Sat 4/29 & Sun 4/30, Lien & Sons, is seeking motivated indi- in the development and execution of HEY MOMS! Valley USAFA, has happy face the annual Military Affairs Operational Mention this ad call today. collar, please call 472-8745. (9-4) 404 Esther Dr, Security viduals to join our team of ready-mix Legitimate Home Business 719-302-3953 or drivers. No experience necessary, will Plan. Your goal will be to build rela- Expanding Locally 1-866-910-7327 MULTI-FAMILY Sale. Fri-Sat, 8a-3p. train. Must have a CDL. TCC offers a tionships, public awareness, member Operates in 10 countries Travelersbest.com CHURCH DIRECTORY 3245 Cortina Dr. (in Vista Grande area). benefits package w/medical, dental, relations and member outreach pro- Call Cindy @ 719-359-4540 Cash only! Harbor lights, collectibles, 401k & paid vacations. Applicants grams. toys, kids clothes, bar mirrors, antique hired will receive a $200.00 bonus after Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum, Open Bible Baptist Church mantle clock, new VCR recorder, dual 30 days of employment. Please apply in Qualified candidates will possess: Free Admission for Military ID 824 S. Union Blvd sound system, furniture & misc items. person at: 3370 Drennan Ind. Loop N., (card-holder only) ( 1 blk north of Fountain & Union) C/S, 80910 EOE-M/F • High school diploma or equivalent Weekdays 1000-1600, Saturdays, experience. 1000-1400, Sundays, 1300-1600. Pre-Moving Sale! Costa Rica ox- 475-2001 cart/bar $235 obo. Rosewood privacy • Recent assignment in a senior of- www.pwam.org 9:45 am Bible Study ficer or senior noncommissioned email: [email protected] screen $350 obo. Desk & many more items, North West area 592-0803 officer military leadership position 11:00 am within past 3 years. Worship Service Sat 8-3pm, Furniture, Toys, • Strong knowledge of active duty, SHOE DRIVE Rugs, Clothes, Much More... National Guard, and Reserve Pro- 16259 Windy Creek Drive, Monument grams. For Third World countries on behalf of • Willingness to work weekends and One World Running holidays and travel a minimum of 120 DONATIONS ACCEPTED days per year. APRIL 17-28 EDUCATION • Ability to meet all USAA safety ANY NEW OR OLD ATHLETIC Sunday School 9:00 am driving requirements. SHOES ACCEPTED! Worship Service 10:45 am SCHOOLS GENERAL • Driving record verifiable through Location: PAFB - Fitness Center, BX, (Dr. Hugh R. Davis, Pastor) MVR. Clinic, Youth Center. 1705 Cheyenne Meadows Rd. CMAFS Location: Area outside of 635-9022 www.cmpca.net Tai Chi Preferred experience includes: turnstiles. Boxes also located on USAFA and Kung Fu • Strong familiarity and understand- Classes. Call Now! (719) 574-1880 Schriever AFB. GARAGE SALES ing of the military to include the Air For more info contact your base POCs: Force Academy community and cadet Peterson: Capt. Mafwa Kuvibidila, environment. 554-1041 2-Family yard sale, May 6th, 7262 A, TLC Educational Services • Experience leading and facilitating Peterson: Capt Shakir Khan, 554-1719 Guadal Canal Circle, Ft. Carson. Baby program teams. CMAFS: Capt. Tony Lujan, 268-4496 clothes, appliances, furniture, etc. CNA/MED Classes • Experience working with and brief- ing senior military leaders. Classifieds Fast Track & Night Classes • Strong understanding of military CALL 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. protocol and organizational structures. EDUCATION • Working knowledge of personal LEGAL SERVICES for Registration computers and software such as Mi- 1401 Potter Dr. Suite 101 LOOKING FOR Guitar Instructor crosoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint and (719) 596-1840 to teach young child at home aboard the Internet. USAFA. Call 719-963-2082 Please identify ending military rank 1XPEHU21(LQWKH5),',&PDUNHW and job title at the end of military sep- aration. 5(*,21$/6$/(60$1$*(5 We offer a highly competitive salary and impressive benefits. To apply (00LFURHOHFWURQLF86DGLYLVLRQRIWKH6ZDWFK*URXSRI6ZLW]HUODQG online, please visit usaa.com, choose LVDVHPLFRQGXFWRUPDQXIDFWXUHUVSHFLDOL]LQJLQWKHGHVLJQDQG “Employment” and reference job code SURGXFWLRQRIXOWUDORZSRZHUORZYROWDJHLQWHJUDWHGFLUFXLWVIRU PC-COS-27735. Counsel Press is the nation’s leading ap- FRQVXPHUDXWRPRWLYHDQGLQGXVWULDOPDUNHWV pellate services provider. Each year we 7KLVSRVLWLRQZLOOLQFOXGH USAA is an assist in filing over 8000 appeals in the Equal Opportunity Employer U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Courts of ,QFUHDVLQJVDOHVWRH[LVWLQJFXVWRPHUEDVH Appeal, and State Appellate courts from ,GHQWLI\LQJQHZHPHUJLQJPDUNHWVDQGFXVWRPHUV coast to coast. Call on us for expert ad- 'ULYLQJDSSURSULDWHVWUDWHJLHVWRH[WHQGWKH(0PDUNHWVKDUH vice and assistance from our staff coun- sel and appellate paralegals. We offer ,QDGGLWLRQWKHVDOHVPDQDJHUZLOOPDLQWDLQFORVHUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWK samples, rules and personal assistance FXVWRPHUVDQGSURYLGHWKHQHFHVVDU\VXSSRUWIRUQHZGHVLJQV to allow you to focus on your argument FRRUGLQDWHDQGLQWHUIDFHZLWKWKH(086$6,&GHVLJQWHDPDQG while we take care of the procedure. EXVLQHVVDQGWHFKQLFDOVWDIILQ6ZLW]HUODQG Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you on your next appeal. 7KHLGHDOFDQGLGDWHVKRXOGKDYHDQHQJLQHHULQJGHJUHHZLWKD0DVWHUVLQ www.counselpress.com EXVLQHVV7KHFDQGLGDWHVKRXOGKDYHVWURQJWHFKQLFDOVDOHVH[SHULHQFH 800-4 APPEAL / 800-427-7325 ZLWKDPLQLPXPRI\HDUVLQWKH¿HOGRIVHPLFRQGXFWRUVZLWKH[FHOOHQW Need some Power behind LQWHUSHUVRQDOFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQVNLOOV your advertising message? Call: (719) 329-5236 BUSINESS/FINANCIAL 7KHSRVLWLRQLVORFDWHGLQ&RORUDGR6SULQJV&2DQGZLOO Colorado
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