УДК 327 RUSSIA, UKRAINE, BELARUS IN THE PROGRAM DOCUMENTS OF THE THREE GOVERNMENTS OF ANGELA MERKEL (2005–2017) V. V. FROLTSOVa aBelarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus The article traces the evolution of assessments of the role of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus as the most important partners of Germany in Eastern Europe in the system of the regional priorities of the German foreign policy basing on the content of the program documents of the three Angela Merkel’s governments: 2005, 2009 and 2013 Coalition Agreements and 2006 and 2016 “White Papers on German security policy and the future of the Bundeswehr”. As a result, the most significant changes in the vision of the German interests in Eastern Europe, which occurred during Angela Merkel’s chancellorship and can exert a decisive influence on the future German foreign policy, were revealed. Key words: Angela Merkel’s governments; German foreign policy; Coalition Agreements; White Papers on German security policy and the future of the Bundeswehr; Eastern Europe; Russia; Ukraine; Belarus; Enlargement of the European Union. Образец цитирования: For citation: Фрольцов ВВ. Россия, Украина, Беларусь в програм мных Froltsov VV. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus in the program docu­ документах трех правительств А. Меркель (2005–2017). ments of the three governments of Angela Merkel (2005– Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. 2017). Journal of the Belarusian State University. Interna- Международные отношения. 2018;1:3–9 (на англ.). tional Relations. 2018;1:3–9. Автор: Author: Владислав Валерьевич Фрольцов – доктор историче­ Vladislav V. Froltsov, doctor of science (history), docent; ских наук, доцент; профессор кафедры международ­ professor at the department of international re la ti ons, ных отношений факультета международных отноше­ faculty of international relations. ний. [email protected] 3 Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Международные отношения. 2018;1:3–9 Journal of the Belarusian State University. International Relations. 2018;1:3–9 РОССИЯ, УКРАИНА, БЕЛАРУСЬ В ПРОГРАММНЫХ ДОКУМЕНТАХ ТРЕХ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВ А. МЕРКЕЛЬ (2005–2017) В. В. ФРОЛЬЦОВ1) 1)Белорусский государственный университет, пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, г. Минск, Беларусь Прослежена эволюция оценок роли России, Украины и Беларуси как важнейших партнеров Германии в Восточной Европе в системе региональных приоритетов внешней политики ФРГ исходя из содержания программных докумен­ тов трех правительств А. Меркель: коалиционных соглашений (2005, 2009 и 2013 гг.), а также белых книг о политике безопасности и будущем бундесвера (2006 и 2016 гг.). В результате выявлены наиболее значимые изменения в виде­ нии германских интересов в Восточной Европе, которые произошли в период нахождения у власти канцлера А. Мер­ кель и способны оказать определяющее влияние на дальнейшую внешнюю политику ФРГ. Ключевые слова: правительства А. Меркель; внешняя политика Германии; коалиционные соглашения; белые книги о политике безопасности и будущем бундесвера; Восточная Европа; Россия; Украина; Беларусь; расширение Европейского союза. The changes in assessments of the role of Rus­ Gerhard Schroeder (1998–2005), a holistic vision of sia, Ukraine and Belarus in Germany’s foreign policy, the Post­Soviet area as a united political­geographical which occurred in 2005–2017 and are reflected in the region with Russia in its center. The Russian Fede ra­ contents of the most important program documents of tion as a geopolitical successor of the Soviet Union was the three governments of Chancellor Angela Merkel, seen as Germany’s strategic partner for ensuring secu­ allow us to trace the evolution of the vision of Eastern rity and stability in Eastern Europe. The German policy Europe in the system of priorities in the German for­ towards all other Post­Soviet countries, inclu ding Li­ eign policy. The analysis and systematization of these thua nia, Latvia and Estonia, corresponded to the Ger­ changes provide an opportunity to identify the stra­ man interests in Russia, the growing economy and the tegic objectives of the German foreign policy towards reviving domestic market of which were of obvious in­ this important region, as well as specific tasks in the terest for Germany’s companies in the early XXI centu­ building of bilateral relations with Russia, Ukraine and ry. Thus, Germany’s consent to approve the member­ Belarus. The results of such study would be of interest ship of the three Baltic countries in NATO was given to forecast the policy of the next German government only after President Vladimir Putin said in September regarding these three states, taking into account the 2001 that Russia admitted such expansion to the East fundamental geopolitical transformations in the re­ to be a mistake, but was not intended to hinder it. gion after the power shift in Ukraine and the annex­ However, the geopolitical changes in the region ation of Crimea by Russia in February – March 2014. forced the new German government to make some ad­ They strengthened the importance of Eastern Europe justments to its previous holistic vision. The EU and for the foreign policy of Germany as an informal leader NATO expansion in 2004 made the border with Be­ of the European Union. larus, Russia and Ukraine an external frontier of the It is necessary to mention the program documents, “Greater Europe” as a geopolitical unity and shaped on which this research is based. These are the three the present­day understanding of Eastern Europe as Coalition Agreements 2005, 2009 and 2013, which con­ a region beyond the new EU eastern borders. It requi­ tained the main principles and objectives of Germany’s red that Angela Merkel’s government formulate new foreign policy, as well as two editions of the “White Pa­ principles for the future relations with the eas tern pers on the German security policy and the future of neighbors, which were to ensure stability in the re­ the Bundeswehr” 2006 and 2016, which specified its gion, to expand economic and trade cooperation with tasks in various spheres of national security and mil­ all Eastern European countries, which was beneficial itary development. The content of these government for German producers of high­tech goods and services, documents also correlated closely with the provisions and to take into account their increasingly diverging for the foreign policy of the Party Manifesto of the interests. In this regard, an obvious challenge for the Christian­Democratic Union 2007, which is still a ba­ German foreign policy was President Victor Yushchen­ sic document that defines the ideological and political ko’s rise to power in Ukraine. He declared his readiness goals of the ruling Christian democrats as the most in­ to strengthen the course towards Europe, including fluential party of the present­day Germany. the future membership in the EU and NATO. The Ger­ The first German government, led by their leader man­Belarusian relations did not require such revision Angela Merkel, which began to work in late Novem­ and developed steadily, especially in the economic ber 2005, inherited from her predecessors, and name­ sphere, but were complicated by critical assessment of ly the governments of Helmut Kohl (1991–1998) and some aspects of the political development of Belarus 4 История международных отношений и внешняя политика History of International Relations and Foreign Policy by the German government. Generally, it was in 2005 and Central Asia, based on common values. A special when the German government presented a program attention in the document was paid to relations with document that contained the most detailed and ex­ Ukraine and Belarus. The goal of the Germany’s policy panded vision of the future German policy towards all towards the former was a further full support for the these three countries. process of political and economic reforms. The govern­ The first Coalition Agreement “Together for Germa- ment of Angela Merkel supported implementation of ny – with Courage and Humanity” (“Gemeinsam für the EU decision on 21 February 2005 on deepening and Deutschland – mit Mut und Menschlichkeit”) was strengthening relations with Ukraine, which should signed on 11 November 2005 and became a basis for find its own place in Europe. Any prospects of its EU the formation of the first government of Angela Mer­ membership were not mentioned. Together with the kel, which consisted of the Christian Democratic Union European partners, Germany expressed its adherence (CDU) / the Christian Social Union (CSU) and the Social to strengthening democracy, rule of law and human Democratic Party (SPD) representatives. The tasks of rights in the Republic of Belarus [1, p. 134]. the German policy towards Russia, Ukraine and Bela­ The next program document, which was promulgat­ rus were mentioned in the paragraph “Stability, Secu­ ed by the government of Angela Merkel on 25 October rity and Cooperation in Europe and the World”, which 2006, was White Paper 2006 on German security policy was devoted to foreign policy issues. The partners and the future of the Bundeswehr (“Weißbuch 2006 zur within the ruling coalition stressed a need to maintain Sicherheitspolitik Deutschlands und zur Zukunft der a strategic partnership with Russia in the framework Bundeswehr”). It replaced the 1994 White Paper, pre­ of bilateral relations and in the process of its coop­ sented by the government of Helmut Kohl, against the eration with the European Union, and promised also backdrop of the large­scale geopolitical consequen­ to strengthen a support for the process of Russia’s ces after the collapse of the USSR and disappearance modernization in the political, economic and public of the Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe. In spheres. The authors of the document noted a special 2006, it became obvious that Vladimir Putin’s govern­ interest of Germany for a success of the complex pro­ ment was able to stabilize the political situation, en­ cess of building a stable democracy in Russia, develop­ sure economic growth and make Russia an important ment of bilateral trade and long­term cooperation in partner for Germany in the sphere of international the energy area.
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